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File metadata and controls

102 lines (76 loc) · 2.16 KB


Inventory management for IC Drip.

Canister mx7fv-viaaa-aaaah-aarsa-cai

This token interface is similar to ICPunks and EXT, but with batch queries and notifications. It's slightly different from the original IC Drip interface.



type Property =
 record {
   name: text;
   value: variant {
            Bool: bool;
            Int: int64;
            Text: text;
type Item =
 record {
   id: nat64;
   name: text;
   owner: principal;
   properties: vec Property;


Unbundle Drip

Call drip.transfer_with_notify("mx7fv-viaaa-aaaah-aarsa-cai", token_id).

This will burn the callers' Drip by transferring ownership to aaaaa-aa. For each constituent, mint a new Item containing properties:

Property { name = "slot"; value = "..." }
Property { name = "name"; value = "..." }
Property { name = "prefix"; value = "..." }
Property { name = "name_prefix"; value = "..." }
Property { name = "name_suffix"; value = "..." }
Property { name = "special"; value = "..." }


transfer_to: (principal, nat64, opt bool) -> (bool);

Transfers Item by id, optionally notifying the receiver.

Create new Bundle

type BundleRequest =
 record {
   ids: vec nat32;
   name: text;
type Result_2 =
 variant {
   err: text;
   ok: nat32;

bundle: (BundleRequest) -> (Result_2);

Create new item that contains the specified children. Child owner is set to Bag canister, and child cannot be transferred or added to another bundle.

Destroy new Bundle

type Result =
 variant {
   err: text;
   ok: vec nat32;

unbundle: (nat32) -> (Result);

Destroy parent item and set children's owner back to owner.


name: () -> (text) query;
symbol: () -> (text) query;
total_supply: () -> (nat) query;
drips_burned_count: () -> (nat) query;

owner_of: (vec nat64) -> (vec principal) query;
data_of: (vec nat64) -> (vec Item) query;

user_tokens: (opt principal) -> (vec nat64) query;