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File metadata and controls

174 lines (142 loc) · 7.68 KB


Implementation of retrofit by using kotlin for understading

  1. In order to understand retrofit, first you have to check the API response thoroughly, there are several way response may come. For example,
    • { } which means object
    • [ ] which means list
    • [ { }, { } , { }, { } , { }, { } ] which means list of objects
    • [ { “data” : [ { }, { }, { } ] } ] which means list of objects inside “data” object
    • {
      "page": 2,
      "data": [
      "id": 4,
      "first_name": "Eve",
      "last_name": "Holt",
      "id": 5,
      "first_name": "Charles",
      "last_name": "Morris",
      } ] } which means object contains list of objects
  2. Identify the structure. Json strings will either have a Map (key-value pairs) or a List of Maps. Begins with curly braces? It’s a map. Begins with a Square bracket? That’s a List of maps.
  3. Generally it will be either @GET or @Post HTTP request method
    • @GET : you can see both key & value in the URL
    • @Post : you cant see key or value, it will be send as body
  4. In the @GET or @Post HTTP request method there can be different kind of parameters pass inside the method
    • @Body – Sends Java objects as request body.
    • @PATH –{cairo}
    • @Url – use dynamic URLs.
    • @Query – We can simply add a method parameter with @Query() and a query parameter name, describing the type. To URL encode a query use the form: @Query(value = "auth_token",encoded = true) String auth_token –
    • @Field – send data as form-urlencoded. This requires a @FormUrlEncoded annotation attached with the method. The @Field parameter works only with a POST
  5. @GET(Constant.CAPITAL) fun getCountry(@Path("capital") capitalOfCountry: String): Call> Which means when getKountry is called then it gonna return <> the json objects gonna serialized in the POJO/model class.
  6. Retrofit automatically serialises the JSON response using a POJO(Plain Old Java Object) which must be defined in advanced for the JSON Structure. To serialise JSON we need a converter to convert it into Gson first.
  7. Gson :
    • Json is a FORMAT.
    • We need convert our data when it comes through Api so Object ---> Json OR Json ---> object(POJO) so thats why we need Gson.

    ----------------HOW MVVM WORKS---------------

    Model simple POJO class / data holder class. View It just contains the UI which means its just act as dumb so Business logic should be part of viewmodel

    VIEWMODEL Main functionality of viewmodel IS

    • it provides the data to UI. * load the data fm network or db SO viewmodel act as communication layer between Network/DB and UI data is preserved on confg changes why? activity / frag fetching data fm viewmodel so if activity is recreated it taking/ fetching data from same viewmodel. LIVEDATA : We used to update THE UI through interface to reduce boiler plate code SO why do we use livedata with viewmodel? Viewmodel survives during configuration changes & livedata helps to update UI(without interface) as it can be observed.

    In other words ,

    ViewModel : holding and preparing data for the UI / ViewModel stores UI-related data that isn't destroyed on app rotations. SO activity / frag connects this viewmodel and gets all necessary data fm there and reporting user interaciton to viewmodel and then viewmodel forward this user interaciton to underline layout of the app either to load new data or to make change to dataset. SO viewmodel works as a gateway for the UI controller (activity/frag) and rest of the app.

    Activity / Fragment | ViewModel | Repository | Room(sqlite) / Retrofit(web service)

    LiveData is basically a data holder and it is used to observe the changes of a particular view and then update the corresponding change. What is the difference between livedata and mutablelivedata? -> LiveData is immutable while MutableLiveData is mutable.

    Dependency Injection It is a design pattern. we should not create instance of other CLASS(B) inside a CLASS(A) bec it is making CLASS(A) dependant on CLASS(B). it makes our code tightly coupled. For example we have class driver and class vehicle. class driver is dependent on class vehicle.


    When do you need background thread? 1- Network Request like retrofit becuse you cant block main thread. 2- Room db/ internal request to db

    When you do a network operation, you cant handle network call in the main thread. you need background thread to handle the operation. So getting the result from background thread and then take the result and display it in main thread.

    Another option for background threading in android is coroutines . Co - cooperation, routines mean function so that means function cooperating with each other. It is a new way of writing asynchronous code which is light weight and much more efficient background thread.

    Threading in android couritines is like jobs, couritines 1, couritines 2, couritines 3 all of them can be under One thread. official website of Kotlin says

    One can think of a coroutine as a light-weight thread. Like threads, coroutines can run in parallel, wait for each other and communicate. The biggest difference is that coroutines are very cheap, almost free: we can create thousands of them, and pay very little in terms of performance. True threads, on the other hand, are expensive to start and keep around. A thousand threads can be a serious challenge for a modern machine.

    Coroutines & Thread both do multitasking, so what is the difference? Thread are managed by OS but Coroutines are managed by user.

    coroutines scope is a way to organize coroutines into groupings. Coroutines are like jobs. so coroutinescope / coroutine context is grouping branch of jobs together. or another word coroutinescope are like group jobs / coroutines together into similar category and take action many of them at once.

    Thread -> is the place where job gets done |>>> JOB # Coroutines 1 -> job need to be done |>>> JOB # Coroutines 2 |___>>> JOB # Coroutines 3

    Suspend function are center of everything at couritines. It can be started / paused / resumed at later time. so this type of function is the center of everything in coroutines and it can execute long running operation and can complete without blocking. coroutines suspend marks that this fun will be performed asynchrously / can execute long running operation and wait for it without blocking. Suspend function only allowed to be called from coroutinesor another suspend function.

    Dispatcher helps Coroutine to decide in which thread the work has to be done. IO-> network / disk Default -> cpu intensive work Main -> UI thread

    Difference synchronously vs asynchronously When you execute something synchronously, you wait for it to finish before moving on to another task. When you execute something asynchronously, you can move on to another task before it finishes.

    Lamda is function with no name

    Annotation An annotation is just a way to mark a class, field, another annotation, method etc. Why? It just tells that the marked component has a special attribute. But how do you handle it?