The DataOnQ Core Library's technical specification is described here. All additional libraries are built on-top of the DataOnQ Core Library.
DataOnQ is built using a Middleware Architecture (Chain of Responsibility) which is very similar to the ASP.NET Core Middleware that many .NET Core developers are using today. At the most basic level, DataOnQ provides a middleware for application developers to program exactly how their Data Access works with a Binary Tree.
At the most basic level, the DataOnQ Middleware defines a flow-chart of rules and paths that data access can flow through. This handles code-paths such as no internet, or a bad HTTP response. The Middleware defines the rules on how the application should respond, isolating the concerns of each step of the Middleware to simple objects.
When DataOnQ v1 is released there will be pre-loaded Middlewares and Plugins that you can use right out of the box. However, if the user has custom rules they want to implement, they can write their own set of rules via the DataOnQ Middleware. Without the Middleware, DataOnQ would turn into a mess and create no benefit to the developers and their product.
Most applications have a basic HTTP request model for retrieving their data. This would require the application to make HTTP requests and typically receive JSON data in return that the application can then process.
Here is an example of what the HTTP Middleware would look like
(Can Access Internet or Server)
/ \
false / \ true
/ \
(Read Local Database) (Invoke HTTP Request)
/ \
false / \ true
/ \
(Read Local Database) (Update Local Database)
If the device does not have any internet DataOnQ will read your data directly from the local database and return immediately.
If the device has internet but is unable to receive a 200 OK response from the backend service, it will read from the Local Database. DataOnQ understands that it is trying to receive data but when it fails, the fallback logic programmed into the Middleware tells it to read from the local database.
This fallback logic, keeps the contract to return proper data and the consuming View Model doesn't know the difference.
If the device has internet and is able to receive a proper 200 OK response from the backend server the final middleware is invoked. In this workflow it will return the data, but at the same time it will update the local database. If the next request there is no internet, the local database is up-to date and there is no problems with the invocation.
In FileOnQ's Problem Space, DataOnQ was designed to work with a WCF XML SOAP library. There is a custom Middleware built specifically for this and it follows the exact same rules as the HTTP Middleware.
The only difference is instead of a simple HTTP request it creates a WCF HTTP Request.
Each step in the execution of the Middleware can be customized and applied to any individual API or an entire class. If you have special pre-conditions that your app is okay allowing, you can write a custom step into the middleware to check that.
For example, if your app allows stale data that is 10 day old, you can add a custom check as the first step on the middleware and have it return local data.
Every library will need to implement some type of Service to start accessing data. DataOnQ provides a ServiceWrapper
which helps build a Proxy to invoke the Middleware. All code samples will use our ToDo App Example that is documented in the Vision.
The ToDo App uses a IToDoService
which defines an API for retrieving all the items to render onto the page.
public interface IToDoService
Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>> GetItems();
In a traditional Service Implementation that does not use DataOnQ, you may have database queries, network validation and HTTP requests. By leveraging the DataOnQ ServiceWrapper
the implementation defines an API proxy to invoke.
The ServiceWrapper
only provides the necessary hooks for defining the API to invoke and starts the middleware.
public abstract ServiceWrapper<TContract>
protected virtual T Proxy<T>(Expression<Func<TContract, object>> action);
public class ToDoService : ServiceWrapper<IToDoService>, IToDoService
public Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>> GetItems()
return Proxy<Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>>>(x => x.GetItems());
To properly invoke the Middleware your service implementation places the correct Lambda Expression as the parameter to the Proxy. This will be invoked by DataOnQ during the Middleware execution
Proxy<Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>>>(x => x.GetItems());
The MiddlewareAttribute
defines the type of Middleware process to invoke. The Middleware can be configured at the class level or method level, which allows the project to handle different scenarios for different APIs.
In the example above the OfflineAvailableMiddlewareAttribute
is an implementation of the standard middleware defined in the Binary Tree above. A project can customize their own Middlewares, and documentation on how that works is below in the Middleware Implementation Section.
Now that the Service Implementation is defined, you will need to implement a series of IServiceHandler
's. The IServiceHandler
defines the contract that will be executed at each step of the Middleware.
Consider the Binary Tree defined earlier, each IServiceHandler
is the implementation of one step of the workflow.
Contracts for IServiceHandler
and related objects:
public interface IServiceHandler
IHandlerResponse Handle<TService>(IMessageProxy<TService> proxy);
public abstract class ServiceHandler : IServiceHandler
IHandlerResponse Handle(IMessageProxy payload);
virtual IHandlerResponse Handle<TService>(IMessageProxy<TService> proxy);
public interface IHandlerResponse
bool IsSuccess { get; }
TResult GetResult<TResult>();
public interface IMessageProxy
IHandlerResponse PreviousResponse { get; set; }
public interface IMessageProxy<TService> : IMessageProxy
IHandlerResponse Execute(TService service);
Most implementation of Service Handlers do not need to use the ServiceHandler
or the IServiceHandler
these APIs are referenced here to better explain the NetworkServiceHandler
in the next section. Most Service Handlers will just implement your IToDoService
Using our pre-built Middleware described earlier, the ToDoService
will need a custom implementation for
- Access Internet
- Read Local Database
- Invoke HTTP Request
- Write Local Database
DataOnQ provides a standard ServiceHandler
which implements the IServiceHandler
. This class should be subclassed for each step in your workflow, that will need to resolve an implementation of your TContract
, in our case IToDoService
- Query Local Database
- Write Local Database
- HTTP Request
The Handle()
API is invoked by the Middleware and utilizes the IHandlerResponse
to decide which direction it should traverse the Binary Tree.
The root node checks if the device has access to the internet. This can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it.
public class NetworkServiceHandler : IServiceHandler
public IHandlerResponse Handle<TService>(IMessageProxy<TService> proxy)
// Using Xamarin Essentials check if the device has internet access,
// then return the value in the response.
bool hasInternet = Connectivity.NetworkAccess == NetworkAccess.Internet);
return new HandlerResponse(null, hasInternet);
Every IServiceHandler
returns a HandlerResponse
this response defines if the Handler is successful or not which is then processed in the Middleware. The NetworkServiceHandler
needs to communicate back to the middleware if it can make an API request or needs to query the local database.
return new HandlerResponse(null, hasInternet);
At this point there is no need to return any data, which is why the first parameter is null.
The NetworkServiceHandler
is a special case service handler that doesn't do anything with the API excpet determine if we have internet or not. There is no need to implement any business model specific code as you will in other handler implementations
To properly read the local database, our middleware will need to create special rules that resolve the correct implementation of IToDoService
that only reads the local database.
Create a QueryLocalDatabaseServiceHandler
by sub-classing the ServiceHandler
public class QueryLocalDatabaseServiceHandler : ServiceHandler
There is no need to do anything in this class, unless you want to override any of the default behaviors.
Now that the ServiceHandler
is defined and implemented for reading the local database, the Contract can be implemented for reading local data. This implementation will only be reading from a SQLite database, focusing on the isolation of this part of the Middleware.
public class QueryToDoHandler : IToDoService
private SQLiteConnection _database;
public QueryToDoHandler(SQLiteConnection database)
_database = database;
public async Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>> GetItems()
return _database
Each Contract implementation needs to be registered with DataOnQ to work correctly.
Add the following code to your App Start Sequence, typically in the App.xaml.cs
When it is time to retrieve data from a remote API, the Middleware will need to implement necessary Handler and Contract.
Create a HttpServiceHandler
by sub-classing the ServiceHandler
public class HttpServiceHandler : ServiceHandler
There is no need to do anything in this class, unless you want to override any of the default behaviors.
Now that the ServiceHandler
is defined and implemented for making HTTP Requests to a remote server, the Contract can be implemented. This implementation will only be sending HTTP Requests to a remote server, focusing on the isolation of this part of the Middleware.
public class HttpToDoHandler : IToDoService
public async Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>> GetItems()
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
Uri uri = new Uri("Rout/To/Server");
var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return new ToDoItem[0];
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ToDoItem>>(content);
This contract implementation focuses only on making the HTTP request and returning the data. There is no need to worry about anything else and let the Middleware process the data.
Each Contract implementation needs to be registered with DataOnQ to work correctly.
Add the following code to your App Start Sequence, typically in the App.xaml.cs
Our standard Middleware workflow defines a step to write the newly retrieved data from the HttpServiceHandler
to the local databse. This will help make sure future reads are accurate and the app does not have internet connectivity. The goal of this handler is to take the data from the Previous Handler and save it to the local database.
Create a WriteLocalDatabaseServiceHandler
by sub-classing the ServiceHandler
public class WriteLocalDatabaseServiceHandler : ServiceHandler
There is no need to do anything in this class, unless you want to override any of the default behaviors.
Now that the ServiceHandler
is defined and implemented for making writing to a local database, the Contract can be implemented. This implementation needs to complete the following steps:
- Retrieve previouse handler result via
- Process data and save to local database
- Return processed data
The IAttachProxy
is an optional interface that can be added to any Contract implementation. It provides a special method where the Contract implementation can retrieve the IMessageProxy
which contains useful information about the last response and other properties on the Middleware
public interface IAttachProxy
void Attach(IMessageProxy proxy);
public class WriteToDoHandler : IToDoService, IAttachProxy
// Property to store the previous repsonse saved earlier in
// the middleware workflow
protected IHandlerResponse PreviousResponse { get; private set; }
private SQLiteConnection _database;
public WriteToDoHandler(SQLiteConnection database)
_database = database;
public void Attach(IMessageProxy proxy)
PreviousResponse = proxy.PreviousResponse;
public async Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>> GetItems()
if (PreviousResponse == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to write to local database, there is no PreviousResult");
var items = PreviousResponse.GetResult<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>>();
return items;
Each Contract implementation needs to be registered with DataOnQ to work correctly.
Add the following code to your App Start Sequence, typically in the App.xaml.cs
All of the building blocks are in place to create the Middleware, you can now create your system of rules or Binary Tree.
There is a special BinaryTree<T>
object defined in DataOnQ.
public class BinaryTree<T>
public T Value { get; set; }
public BinaryTree<T> Left { get; set; }
public BinaryTree<T> Right { get; set; }
To construct your system, create a new implementation of IServiceHandler
in our case we are going to call it OfflineAvailableMiddleware
public class OfflineAvailableMiddleware : IServiceHandler
protected BinaryTree<IServiceHandler> HandlerTree { get; set; }
public OfflineAvailableMiddleware()
var queryLocal = new BinaryTree<IServiceHandler>
Value = ResolveHandler<QueryLocalDatabaseServiceHandler>()
HandlerTree = new BinaryTree<IServiceHandler>
Value = ResolveHandler<NetworkServiceHandler>(),
Left = new BinaryTree<IServiceHandler>()
Value = ResolveHandler<HttpServiceHandler>(),
Left = new BinaryTree<IServiceHandler>
Value = ResolveHandler<WriteLocalDatabaseServiceHandler>()
Right = queryLocal
Right = queryLocal
The constructed Middleware is a code definition of our Binary Tree represented below:
(Can Access Internet or Server)
/ \
false / \ true
/ \
(Read Local Database) (Invoke HTTP Request)
/ \
false / \ true
/ \
(Read Local Database) (Update Local Database)
Note, that the entire OfflineAvailableMiddleware
uses the ServiceHandler
implementations instead of the IToDoService
Contract implementations. This is by design, which allows this Middleware to be used on any service we want. We will just need to implement the exact same Handlers and register them like before.
To use this Middleware, you will just decorate a method or class
Currently DataOnQ doesn't have any out of the box Middlewares that a developer can use. The goal is to define several common use-cases for the MVP delivery of the project. Some examples of standard Middlewares will be
- HttpMiddleware
- WCFMiddleware
The customized solution above describes an implementation of a custom HttpMiddleware
. This will be a Middleware that ships with DataOnQ to simplify an implementation. Instead of building each