An ansible project to setup your local MacOS/Linux machine for development by quickly downloading and installing required softwares, clone your repositories in desired file hierarchy, create configuration files based on the Environment etc.
- Install ansible using the following commands:
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ansible
into themacos-dev-essentials-provisioning
directory and run:ansible-playbook initiate-setup.yml
sudo pass would be asked
Please feel to add more capabilities to this Project.
docker image ls
docker rmi <image_id>
use -f after rmi to force delete
docker ps
docker ps -a
docker rm <container_id>
use -f after rm to delete a running container
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
docker-compose up --build
docekr-compose up
use service or group of services as parameter if needed e.g: docker-compose up web
docker-compose down
use service or group of services as parameter if needed e.g: docker-compose down web
docker container logs -f <container_id>
docker-compose logs -f
docker-compose up -d