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The termination and truncation values being returned from the environment don't seem to line up with what I'd expect from the documentation. The environment appears to ignore the value passed to lap_complete_percent, as the episode truncation flag is always True unless the agent touches every tile before crossing the 0th tile. It appears that this behavior is occurs because the environment resets a few update cycles before the agent re-crosses the 0th tile if the agent hasn't visited all the tiles in the track.
Code example
import gymnasium as gym
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_vec_env
from gymnasium.wrappers import GrayscaleObservation
import numpy as np
vec_env = make_vec_env(
best_model_string = "ppo_car_gray_2500000"
model = PPO.load(best_model_string, env=vec_env)
vec_env = model.get_env()
# * Running the Agent *
obs = vec_env.reset()
total_reward = 0
race_complete = False
for_in range(1000):
action, _states = model.predict(obs)
obs, rewards, dones, info = vec_env.step(action)
terminated = bool(dones[0])
truncated = info[0]["TimeLimit.truncated"]
total_reward += np.sum(rewards)
if terminated or truncated:
if truncated:
print(f"Race Truncated : {rewards} | Total: {total_reward}")
elif terminated:
print(f"Finished the Race! : {rewards} | Total: {total_reward}")
race_complete = True
if race_complete:
print("Race Complete! Closing Environment")
System info
Installation Method: Installed in a conda environment using pip
Gymnasium Version: 1.0.0
Python Version: 3.11.10
I'm training an agent I created using the Stable Baselines 3 implementation of PPO (more details below). It is currently able to complete most of the track, but the termination and truncation values being returned don't seem to line up with what I'd expect from the documentation. The environment appears to ignore the value passed to lap_complete_percent, as the episode truncation flag is always True unless the agent touches every tile before crossing the 0th tile. It appears that this behavior is occurs because the environment resets a few update cycles before the agent re-crosses the 0th tile if the agent hasn't visited all the tiles in the track.
According to my current understanding of the code, will only check the percentage of lap completion when the vehicle crosses the starting tile, but after some testing I determined that the environment will reset when the car is approximately 2 few tiles before that point AND the car has covered enough tiles to satisfy lap_complete_percentUNLESS the car has covered all tiles during the first lap, in which case it will work as intended.
I have been able to consistently replicate this behavior by applying my agent and the interactive version of the environment. (The interactive version behaves a little differently. The environment will not reset until all tiles have been covered because it doesn't enforce a time limit. If I start the race as normally, then go off-road to skip at least one tile, then complete the rest of the lap on the track as normal, the race will not be considered complete when I re-cross the 0th tile. It allows me to continue around the track and will only terminate after I cross the tiles I skipped previously. From what I can tell, when I'm driving under manual control the task never terminates "successfully" as self.env.new_lap is never set to True.)
I have included a few print statements in my "fixed" version of the code to assist with troubleshooting this issue. I only needed to modify one specific section of code, which can quickly be found by searching for the unique string ~~~.
Agent Details
This is my first time using Gymnasium and Stable Baselines 3 so I've tried to keep things as simple as possible. I am applying the GrayscaleObservation wrapper to my environment to reduce the amount of time it takes the model to converge, but that's the only major modification I've made.
For my training environment I set lap_complete_percent = 0.9.
I used these two commands to load and train my agent:
model = PPO("CnnPolicy", vec_env, verbose=0, device="cuda")
model.learn(total_timesteps=2_500_000, progress_bar=True)
I had to convert this file from a .zip to a .tar.gz so it was small enough to attach to this issue
"Fixed" Code (In Collapsed Section)
I implemented a "quick fix" to verify that the problem is in most likely and not the code I've written. It slightly alters the behavior of the environment as the car no longer has to re-cross the 0th tile for the race to be considered complete. Instead it considers the race complete if the car is almost done with a lap (i.e. the index of the current tile is within 1% of the total number of tiles in the track).
Expand to View Code
__credits__ = ["Andrea PIERRÉ"]
import math
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium import spaces
from gymnasium.envs.box2d.car_dynamics import Car
from gymnasium.error import DependencyNotInstalled, InvalidAction
from gymnasium.utils import EzPickle
import Box2D
from Box2D.b2 import contactListener, fixtureDef, polygonShape
except ImportError as e:
raise DependencyNotInstalled(
'Box2D is not installed, you can install it by run `pip install swig` followed by `pip install "gymnasium[box2d]"`'
) from e
# As pygame is necessary for using the environment (reset and step) even without a render mode
# therefore, pygame is a necessary import for the environment.
import pygame
from pygame import gfxdraw
except ImportError as e:
raise DependencyNotInstalled(
'pygame is not installed, run `pip install "gymnasium[box2d]"`'
) from e
STATE_W = 96 # less than Atari 160x192
STATE_H = 96
VIDEO_W = 600
VIDEO_H = 400
WINDOW_W = 1000
WINDOW_H = 800
SCALE = 6.0 # Track scale
TRACK_RAD = 900 / SCALE # Track is heavily morphed circle with this radius
PLAYFIELD = 2000 / SCALE # Game over boundary
FPS = 50 # Frames per second
ZOOM = 2.7 # Camera zoom
ZOOM_FOLLOW = True # Set to False for fixed view (don't use zoom)
class FrictionDetector(contactListener):
def __init__(self, env, lap_complete_percent):
self.env = env
self.lap_complete_percent = lap_complete_percent
def BeginContact(self, contact):
self._contact(contact, True)
def EndContact(self, contact):
self._contact(contact, False)
def _contact(self, contact, begin):
tile = None
obj = None
u1 = contact.fixtureA.body.userData
u2 = contact.fixtureB.body.userData
if u1 and "road_friction" in u1.__dict__:
tile = u1
obj = u2
if u2 and "road_friction" in u2.__dict__:
tile = u2
obj = u1
if not tile:
# inherit tile color from env
tile.color[:] = self.env.road_color
if not obj or "tiles" not in obj.__dict__:
if begin:
if not tile.road_visited:
tile.road_visited = True
self.env.reward += 1000.0 / len(self.env.track)
self.env.tile_visited_count += 1
f"{self.lap_complete_percent=:<3} | {self.env.tile_visited_count / len(self.env.track)=:5f} | {tile.idx=:<3} | {self.env.tile_visited_count=:<3} | {len(self.env.track)=} | {tile.idx / len(self.env.track)=:5f}"
if tile.idx == 0:
print("~~~tile.idx Reset~~~")
# Lap is considered completed if enough % of the track was covered
if (
tile.idx == 0 # Original Code
# ((tile.idx / len(self.env.track)) > 0.99) # Quick Fix: Check if the car is close to the end of the track
and self.env.tile_visited_count / len(self.env.track)
> self.lap_complete_percent
self.env.new_lap = True
class CarRacing(gym.Env, EzPickle):
## Description
The easiest control task to learn from pixels - a top-down
racing environment. The generated track is random every episode.
Some indicators are shown at the bottom of the window along with the
state RGB buffer. From left to right: true speed, four ABS sensors,
steering wheel position, and gyroscope.
To play yourself (it's rather fast for humans), type:
python gymnasium/envs/box2d/
Remember: it's a powerful rear-wheel drive car - don't press the accelerator
and turn at the same time.
## Action Space
If continuous there are 3 actions :
- 0: steering, -1 is full left, +1 is full right
- 1: gas
- 2: breaking
If discrete there are 5 actions:
- 0: do nothing
- 1: steer left
- 2: steer right
- 3: gas
- 4: brake
## Observation Space
A top-down 96x96 RGB image of the car and race track.
## Rewards
The reward is -0.1 every frame and +1000/N for every track tile visited, where N is the total number of tiles
visited in the track. For example, if you have finished in 732 frames, your reward is 1000 - 0.1*732 = 926.8 points.
## Starting State
The car starts at rest in the center of the road.
## Episode Termination
The episode finishes when all the tiles are visited. The car can also go outside the playfield -
that is, far off the track, in which case it will receive -100 reward and die.
## Arguments
>>> import gymnasium as gym
>>> env = gym.make("CarRacing-v3", render_mode="rgb_array", lap_complete_percent=0.95, domain_randomize=False, continuous=False)
>>> env
* `lap_complete_percent=0.95` dictates the percentage of tiles that must be visited by
the agent before a lap is considered complete.
* `domain_randomize=False` enables the domain randomized variant of the environment.
In this scenario, the background and track colours are different on every reset.
* `continuous=True` converts the environment to use discrete action space.
The discrete action space has 5 actions: [do nothing, left, right, gas, brake].
## Reset Arguments
Passing the option `options["randomize"] = True` will change the current colour of the environment on demand.
Correspondingly, passing the option `options["randomize"] = False` will not change the current colour of the environment.
`domain_randomize` must be `True` on init for this argument to work.
>>> import gymnasium as gym
>>> env = gym.make("CarRacing-v3", domain_randomize=True)
# normal reset, this changes the colour scheme by default
>>> obs, _ = env.reset()
# reset with colour scheme change
>>> randomize_obs, _ = env.reset(options={"randomize": True})
# reset with no colour scheme change
>>> non_random_obs, _ = env.reset(options={"randomize": False})
## Version History
- v2: Change truncation to termination when finishing the lap (1.0.0)
- v1: Change track completion logic and add domain randomization (0.24.0)
- v0: Original version
## References
- Chris Campbell (2014),
## Credits
Created by Oleg Klimov
metadata = {
"render_modes": [
"render_fps": FPS,
def __init__(
render_mode: Optional[str] = None,
verbose: bool = False,
lap_complete_percent: float = 0.95,
domain_randomize: bool = False,
continuous: bool = True,
self.continuous = continuous
self.domain_randomize = domain_randomize
self.lap_complete_percent = lap_complete_percent
self.contactListener_keepref = FrictionDetector(self, self.lap_complete_percent) = Box2D.b2World((0, 0), contactListener=self.contactListener_keepref)
self.screen: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None = None
self.clock = None
self.isopen = True
self.invisible_state_window = None
self.invisible_video_window = None
self.road = None Optional[Car] = None
self.reward = 0.0
self.prev_reward = 0.0
self.verbose = verbose
self.new_lap = False
self.fd_tile = fixtureDef(
shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1)])
# This will throw a warning in tests/envs/test_envs in utils/ as the space is not symmetric
# or normalised however this is not possible here so ignore
if self.continuous:
self.action_space = spaces.Box(
np.array([-1, 0, 0]).astype(np.float32),
np.array([+1, +1, +1]).astype(np.float32),
) # steer, gas, brake
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(5)
# do nothing, left, right, gas, brake
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(
low=0, high=255, shape=(STATE_H, STATE_W, 3), dtype=np.uint8
self.render_mode = render_mode
def _destroy(self):
if not self.road:
for t in self.road:
self.road = []
assert is not None
def _init_colors(self):
if self.domain_randomize:
# domain randomize the bg and grass colour
self.road_color = self.np_random.uniform(0, 210, size=3)
self.bg_color = self.np_random.uniform(0, 210, size=3)
self.grass_color = np.copy(self.bg_color)
idx = self.np_random.integers(3)
self.grass_color[idx] += 20
# default colours
self.road_color = np.array([102, 102, 102])
self.bg_color = np.array([102, 204, 102])
self.grass_color = np.array([102, 230, 102])
def _reinit_colors(self, randomize):
assert (
), "domain_randomize must be True to use this function."
if randomize:
# domain randomize the bg and grass colour
self.road_color = self.np_random.uniform(0, 210, size=3)
self.bg_color = self.np_random.uniform(0, 210, size=3)
self.grass_color = np.copy(self.bg_color)
idx = self.np_random.integers(3)
self.grass_color[idx] += 20
def _create_track(self):
# Create checkpoints
checkpoints = []
for c in range(CHECKPOINTS):
noise = self.np_random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi * 1 / CHECKPOINTS)
alpha = 2 * math.pi * c / CHECKPOINTS + noise
rad = self.np_random.uniform(TRACK_RAD / 3, TRACK_RAD)
if c == 0:
alpha = 0
rad = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD
if c == CHECKPOINTS - 1:
alpha = 2 * math.pi * c / CHECKPOINTS
self.start_alpha = 2 * math.pi * (-0.5) / CHECKPOINTS
rad = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD
checkpoints.append((alpha, rad * math.cos(alpha), rad * math.sin(alpha)))
self.road = []
# Go from one checkpoint to another to create track
x, y, beta = 1.5 * TRACK_RAD, 0, 0
dest_i = 0
laps = 0
track = []
no_freeze = 2500
visited_other_side = False
while True:
alpha = math.atan2(y, x)
if visited_other_side and alpha > 0:
laps += 1
visited_other_side = False
if alpha < 0:
visited_other_side = True
alpha += 2 * math.pi
while True: # Find destination from checkpoints
failed = True
while True:
dest_alpha, dest_x, dest_y = checkpoints[dest_i % len(checkpoints)]
if alpha <= dest_alpha:
failed = False
dest_i += 1
if dest_i % len(checkpoints) == 0:
if not failed:
alpha -= 2 * math.pi
r1x = math.cos(beta)
r1y = math.sin(beta)
p1x = -r1y
p1y = r1x
dest_dx = dest_x - x # vector towards destination
dest_dy = dest_y - y
# destination vector projected on rad:
proj = r1x * dest_dx + r1y * dest_dy
while beta - alpha > 1.5 * math.pi:
beta -= 2 * math.pi
while beta - alpha < -1.5 * math.pi:
beta += 2 * math.pi
prev_beta = beta
proj *= SCALE
if proj > 0.3:
beta -= min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001 * proj))
if proj < -0.3:
beta += min(TRACK_TURN_RATE, abs(0.001 * proj))
track.append((alpha, prev_beta * 0.5 + beta * 0.5, x, y))
if laps > 4:
no_freeze -= 1
if no_freeze == 0:
# Find closed loop range i1..i2, first loop should be ignored, second is OK
i1, i2 = -1, -1
i = len(track)
while True:
i -= 1
if i == 0:
return False # Failed
pass_through_start = (
track[i][0] > self.start_alpha and track[i - 1][0] <= self.start_alpha
if pass_through_start and i2 == -1:
i2 = i
elif pass_through_start and i1 == -1:
i1 = i
if self.verbose:
print("Track generation: %i..%i -> %i-tiles track" % (i1, i2, i2 - i1))
assert i1 != -1
assert i2 != -1
track = track[i1 : i2 - 1]
first_beta = track[0][1]
first_perp_x = math.cos(first_beta)
first_perp_y = math.sin(first_beta)
# Length of perpendicular jump to put together head and tail
well_glued_together = np.sqrt(
np.square(first_perp_x * (track[0][2] - track[-1][2]))
+ np.square(first_perp_y * (track[0][3] - track[-1][3]))
if well_glued_together > TRACK_DETAIL_STEP:
return False
# Red-white border on hard turns
border = [False] * len(track)
for i in range(len(track)):
good = True
oneside = 0
for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT):
beta1 = track[i - neg - 0][1]
beta2 = track[i - neg - 1][1]
good &= abs(beta1 - beta2) > TRACK_TURN_RATE * 0.2
oneside += np.sign(beta1 - beta2)
good &= abs(oneside) == BORDER_MIN_COUNT
border[i] = good
for i in range(len(track)):
for neg in range(BORDER_MIN_COUNT):
border[i - neg] |= border[i]
# Create tiles
for i in range(len(track)):
alpha1, beta1, x1, y1 = track[i]
alpha2, beta2, x2, y2 = track[i - 1]
road1_l = (
x1 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1),
y1 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1),
road1_r = (
x1 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1),
y1 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1),
road2_l = (
x2 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2),
y2 - TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2),
road2_r = (
x2 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2),
y2 + TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2),
vertices = [road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l]
self.fd_tile.shape.vertices = vertices
t =
t.userData = t
c = 0.01 * (i % 3) * 255
t.color = self.road_color + c
t.road_visited = False
t.road_friction = 1.0
t.idx = i
t.fixtures[0].sensor = True
self.road_poly.append(([road1_l, road1_r, road2_r, road2_l], t.color))
if border[i]:
side = np.sign(beta2 - beta1)
b1_l = (
x1 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta1),
y1 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta1),
b1_r = (
x1 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.cos(beta1),
y1 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.sin(beta1),
b2_l = (
x2 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.cos(beta2),
y2 + side * TRACK_WIDTH * math.sin(beta2),
b2_r = (
x2 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.cos(beta2),
y2 + side * (TRACK_WIDTH + BORDER) * math.sin(beta2),
[b1_l, b1_r, b2_r, b2_l],
(255, 255, 255) if i % 2 == 0 else (255, 0, 0),
self.track = track
return True
def reset(
seed: Optional[int] = None,
options: Optional[dict] = None,
self._destroy() = FrictionDetector(
self, self.lap_complete_percent
) =
self.reward = 0.0
self.prev_reward = 0.0
self.tile_visited_count = 0
self.t = 0.0
self.new_lap = False
self.road_poly = []
if self.domain_randomize:
randomize = True
if isinstance(options, dict):
if "randomize" in options:
randomize = options["randomize"]
while True:
success = self._create_track()
if success:
if self.verbose:
"retry to generate track (normal if there are not many"
"instances of this message)"
) = Car(, *self.track[0][1:4])
if self.render_mode == "human":
return self.step(None)[0], {}
def step(self, action: Union[np.ndarray, int]):
assert is not None
if action is not None:
action = action.astype(np.float64)
if self.continuous:[0])[1])[2])
if not self.action_space.contains(action):
raise InvalidAction(
f"you passed the invalid action `{action}`. "
f"The supported action_space is `{self.action_space}`"
) * (action == 1) + 0.6 * (action == 2)) * (action == 3)) * (action == 4)) / FPS) / FPS, 6 * 30, 2 * 30)
self.t += 1.0 / FPS
self.state = self._render("state_pixels")
step_reward = 0
terminated = False
truncated = False
info = {}
if action is not None: # First step without action, called from reset()
self.reward -= 0.1
# We actually don't want to count fuel spent, we want car to be faster.
# self.reward -= 10 * / ENGINE_POWER = 0.0
step_reward = self.reward - self.prev_reward
self.prev_reward = self.reward
if self.tile_visited_count == len(self.track) or self.new_lap:
# Termination due to finishing lap
terminated = True
info["lap_finished"] = True
x, y =
if abs(x) > PLAYFIELD or abs(y) > PLAYFIELD:
terminated = True
info["lap_finished"] = False
step_reward = -100
if self.render_mode == "human":
return self.state, step_reward, terminated, truncated, info
def render(self):
if self.render_mode is None:
assert self.spec is not None
"You are calling render method without specifying any render mode. "
"You can specify the render_mode at initialization, "
f'e.g. gym.make("{}", render_mode="rgb_array")'
return self._render(self.render_mode)
def _render(self, mode: str):
assert mode in self.metadata["render_modes"]
if self.screen is None and mode == "human":
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_W, WINDOW_H))
if self.clock is None:
self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
if "t" not in self.__dict__:
return # reset() not called yet = pygame.Surface((WINDOW_W, WINDOW_H))
assert is not None
# computing transformations
angle =
# Animating first second zoom.
zoom = 0.1 * SCALE * max(1 - self.t, 0) + ZOOM * SCALE * min(self.t, 1)
scroll_x = -([0]) * zoom
scroll_y = -([1]) * zoom
trans = pygame.math.Vector2((scroll_x, scroll_y)).rotate_rad(angle)
trans = (WINDOW_W / 2 + trans[0], WINDOW_H / 4 + trans[1])
self._render_road(zoom, trans, angle),
mode not in ["state_pixels_list", "state_pixels"],
) = pygame.transform.flip(, False, True)
# showing stats
self._render_indicators(WINDOW_W, WINDOW_H)
font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 42)
text = font.render("%04i" % self.reward, True, (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0))
text_rect = text.get_rect() = (60, WINDOW_H - WINDOW_H * 2.5 / 40.0), text_rect)
if mode == "human":
assert self.screen is not None
self.screen.blit(, (0, 0))
elif mode == "rgb_array":
return self._create_image_array(, (VIDEO_W, VIDEO_H))
elif mode == "state_pixels":
return self._create_image_array(, (STATE_W, STATE_H))
return self.isopen
def _render_road(self, zoom, translation, angle):
bounds = PLAYFIELD
field = [
(bounds, bounds),
(bounds, -bounds),
(-bounds, -bounds),
(-bounds, bounds),
# draw background
self._draw_colored_polygon(, field, self.bg_color, zoom, translation, angle, clip=False
# draw grass patches
grass = []
for x in range(-20, 20, 2):
for y in range(-20, 20, 2):
(GRASS_DIM * x + 0, GRASS_DIM * y + 0),
for poly in grass:
self._draw_colored_polygon(, poly, self.grass_color, zoom, translation, angle
# draw road
for poly, color in self.road_poly:
# converting to pixel coordinates
poly = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in poly]
color = [int(c) for c in color]
self._draw_colored_polygon(, poly, color, zoom, translation, angle)
def _render_indicators(self, W, H):
s = W / 40.0
h = H / 40.0
color = (0, 0, 0)
polygon = [(W, H), (W, H - 5 * h), (0, H - 5 * h), (0, H)]
pygame.draw.polygon(, color=color, points=polygon)
def vertical_ind(place, val):
return [
(place * s, H - (h + h * val)),
((place + 1) * s, H - (h + h * val)),
((place + 1) * s, H - h),
((place + 0) * s, H - h),
def horiz_ind(place, val):
return [
((place + 0) * s, H - 4 * h),
((place + val) * s, H - 4 * h),
((place + val) * s, H - 2 * h),
((place + 0) * s, H - 2 * h),
assert is not None
true_speed = np.sqrt(
+ np.square([1])
# simple wrapper to render if the indicator value is above a threshold
def render_if_min(value, points, color):
if abs(value) > 1e-4:
pygame.draw.polygon(, points=points, color=color)
render_if_min(true_speed, vertical_ind(5, 0.02 * true_speed), (255, 255, 255))
# ABS sensors
vertical_ind(7, 0.01 *[0].omega),
(0, 0, 255),
vertical_ind(8, 0.01 *[1].omega),
(0, 0, 255),
vertical_ind(9, 0.01 *[2].omega),
(51, 0, 255),
vertical_ind(10, 0.01 *[3].omega),
(51, 0, 255),
horiz_ind(20, -10.0 *[0].joint.angle),
(0, 255, 0),
horiz_ind(30, -0.8 *,
(255, 0, 0),
def _draw_colored_polygon(
self, surface, poly, color, zoom, translation, angle, clip=True
poly = [pygame.math.Vector2(c).rotate_rad(angle) for c in poly]
poly = [
(c[0] * zoom + translation[0], c[1] * zoom + translation[1]) for c in poly
# This checks if the polygon is out of bounds of the screen, and we skip drawing if so.
# Instead of calculating exactly if the polygon and screen overlap,
# we simply check if the polygon is in a larger bounding box whose dimension
# is greater than the screen by MAX_SHAPE_DIM, which is the maximum
# diagonal length of an environment object
if not clip or any(
and (-MAX_SHAPE_DIM <= coord[1] <= WINDOW_H + MAX_SHAPE_DIM)
for coord in poly
gfxdraw.aapolygon(, poly, color)
gfxdraw.filled_polygon(, poly, color)
def _create_image_array(self, screen, size):
scaled_screen = pygame.transform.smoothscale(screen, size)
return np.transpose(
np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(scaled_screen)), axes=(1, 0, 2)
def close(self):
if self.screen is not None:
self.isopen = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
def register_input():
global quit, restart
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
a[0] = -1.0
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
a[0] = +1.0
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
a[1] = +1.0
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
a[2] = +0.8 # set 1.0 for wheels to block to zero rotation
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
restart = True
if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
quit = True
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
a[0] = 0
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
a[0] = 0
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
a[1] = 0
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
a[2] = 0
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
quit = True
env = CarRacing(render_mode="human")
quit = False
while not quit:
total_reward = 0.0
steps = 0
restart = False
while True:
s, r, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(a)
total_reward += r
if steps % 200 == 0 or terminated or truncated:
print("\naction " + str([f"{x:+0.2f}" for x in a]))
print(f"step {steps} total_reward {total_reward:+0.2f}")
steps += 1
if terminated or truncated or restart or quit:
I have checked that there is no similar issue in the repo
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Describe the bug
The termination and truncation values being returned from the environment don't seem to line up with what I'd expect from the documentation. The environment appears to ignore the value passed to
, as the episode truncation flag is alwaysTrue
unless the agent touches every tile before crossing the 0th tile. It appears that this behavior is occurs because the environment resets a few update cycles before the agent re-crosses the 0th tile if the agent hasn't visited all the tiles in the track.Code example
System info
Installation Method: Installed in a conda environment using pip
Gymnasium Version: 1.0.0
Python Version: 3.11.10
Additional context
Similar Issues and PRs:
Detailed Description
I'm training an agent I created using the Stable Baselines 3 implementation of PPO (more details below). It is currently able to complete most of the track, but the termination and truncation values being returned don't seem to line up with what I'd expect from the documentation. The environment appears to ignore the value passed to
, as the episode truncation flag is alwaysTrue
unless the agent touches every tile before crossing the 0th tile. It appears that this behavior is occurs because the environment resets a few update cycles before the agent re-crosses the 0th tile if the agent hasn't visited all the tiles in the track.According to my current understanding of the code,
will only check the percentage of lap completion when the vehicle crosses the starting tile, but after some testing I determined that the environment will reset when the car is approximately 2 few tiles before that point AND the car has covered enough tiles to satisfylap_complete_percent
UNLESS the car has covered all tiles during the first lap, in which case it will work as intended.I have been able to consistently replicate this behavior by applying my agent and the interactive version of the environment. (The interactive version behaves a little differently. The environment will not reset until all tiles have been covered because it doesn't enforce a time limit. If I start the race as normally, then go off-road to skip at least one tile, then complete the rest of the lap on the track as normal, the race will not be considered complete when I re-cross the 0th tile. It allows me to continue around the track and will only terminate after I cross the tiles I skipped previously. From what I can tell, when I'm driving under manual control the task never terminates "successfully" as
is never set toTrue
.)I have included a few print statements in my "fixed" version of the code to assist with troubleshooting this issue. I only needed to modify one specific section of code, which can quickly be found by searching for the unique string
.Agent Details
This is my first time using Gymnasium and Stable Baselines 3 so I've tried to keep things as simple as possible. I am applying the
wrapper to my environment to reduce the amount of time it takes the model to converge, but that's the only major modification I've made.For my training environment I set
lap_complete_percent = 0.9
.I used these two commands to load and train my agent:
Saved Model: ppo_car_gray_2500000.tar.gz
"Fixed" Code (In Collapsed Section)
I implemented a "quick fix" to verify that the problem is in most likely
and not the code I've written. It slightly alters the behavior of the environment as the car no longer has to re-cross the 0th tile for the race to be considered complete. Instead it considers the race complete if the car is almost done with a lap (i.e. the index of the current tile is within 1% of the total number of tiles in the track).Expand to View Code
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: