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Password Assigned to Existing AWS IAM User


ID: 0xFF-0237-Password_Assigned_to_Existing_IAM_User-AWS


FP Rate: Low


Tactic Technique Subtechnique Technique Name
TA0001 - Initial Access T1078 004 Valid Accounts - Cloud Accounts
TA0003 - Persistence T1098 001 Account Manipulation - Additional Cloud Credentials

Utilized Data Sources

Log Provider Event ID Event Name ATT&CK Data Source ATT&CK Data Component
AWS CreateLoginProfile User Account User Account Modification

Technical description of the attack

This use case monitors for modifications in the AWS console access of an IAM user. Threat actors that gain access to an IAM user can enable the access to the AWS Management Console by abusing the 'CreateLoginProfile' API call without resetting the user's password thus remaining stealthy and gaining the ability to manipulate and control critical AWS resources.

Permission required to execute the technique


Detection description

The AWS Management Console is a web-based interface for users to interact with and manage their AWS resources. It offers a centralized platform for configuring and monitoring various AWS services, making it convenient for accessing and controlling the cloud infrastructure. When attackers enable the AWS Management Console for a user who initially lacked access, they can achieve unhindered control over AWS resources, allowing them to manipulate configurations, launch instances, modify security settings, and manage storage resources without detection. This unauthorized resource control can lead to disruptions in services, compromise data integrity, exfiltration of sensitive data and privilege escalation enabling more sophisticated and damaging actions, further compromising the organization's security posture.



False Positives

There might be a business reason for assigning a console password to an existing user.

Suggested Response Actions

  • Confirm if the user responsible for the account that triggered this alert is aware of the change. Verify whether legitimate business or operational reasons exist for enabling console access.
  • In case of a suspected breach or insider threat, investigate the latest activities of the associated account that occurred around the time of the alert.
  • If the console access is deemed suspicious, ensure to disable the access to prior levels.

Detection Blind Spots

None known.



Language: Kusto

Platform: Sentinel


let timeframe = 2*1h;
let RuleId = "0237";
let DedupFields = dynamic(["TimeGenerated"]);
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where EventSource =~ "" and EventTypeName =~ "AwsApiCall" and EventName =~ "CreateLoginProfile"
| extend PasswordResetRequired = tostring(parse_json(RequestParameters).passwordResetRequired)
| where PasswordResetRequired =~ "false"
| extend TargetUserName = tostring(parse_json(RequestParameters).userName)
| project-reorder TimeGenerated, TargetUserName, UserIdentityUserName, UserIdentityType, UserIdentityArn, AWSRegion, SourceIpAddress, UserAgent
// Begin environment-specific filter.
// End environment-specific filter.
// Begin de-duplication logic.
| extend DedupFieldValues=pack_all()
| mv-apply e=DedupFields to typeof(string) on (
    extend DedupValue=DedupFieldValues[tostring(e)]
    | order by e // Sorting is required to ensure make_list is deterministic.
    | summarize DedupValues=make_list(DedupValue)
| extend DedupEntity=strcat_array(DedupValues, "|")
| project-away DedupFieldValues, DedupValues
| join kind=leftanti (
    | where AlertName has RuleId and ProviderName has "ASI"
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeframe)
    | extend DedupEntity = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties)["Custom Details"])).DedupEntity[0])
    | project DedupEntity
) on DedupEntity
// End de-duplication logic.

Version History

Version Date Impact Notes
1.3 2023-11-11 major Enriched descriptions and query.
1.2 2022-08-31 minor Entity mapping added.
1.1 2022-02-22 minor Use ingestion_time for event selection and include de-duplication logic.
1.0 2022-02-01 major Initial version.