The Math.NET project is a community effort. We accept contributions and pull requests, but other support like submitting issues or helping the community are just as valuable. Why don't you join us as well?
Thanks for all the contributions!
- Christoph Rüegg: @cdrnet
- Jurgen Van Gael: @jvangael
Essentially the output of git shortlog -sn
in original order.
Feel free to add a link to your personal site/blog and/or twitter handle.
- Christoph Rüegg (cdrnet)
- Marcus Cuda
- Jurgen Van Gael
- Alexander Karatarakis (Danimoth)
- Gustavo Guerra
- Thomas Ibel (tibel)
- Hani Medhat
- manyue
- Alexander Täschner (taschna)
- Andriy Bratiychuk (Abratiychuk)
- Artyom Baranovskiy
- Phil Cleveland (Phil)
- Scott Stephens
- Patrick van der Velde
- Robin Neatherway
- Anders Gustafsson (cureos)
- Andrew Kazyrevich
- Iain McDonald (lifebeyondfife)
- Candy Chiu
- Gauthier Segay
- Gregor959
- IUser
- Iain Sproat
- Kosei ABE (kos59125)
- Martin Posch
- Till Hoffmann
- Tomas Petricek
- VicPara
- bstrausser
- nyuriks
- Paul Varkey
- seahearman
Code submitted by other means that does not appear in the git history.
This section is incomplete - let us know if we forgot something.
- Christian Woltering
Math.NET Numerics started by merging the dnAnalytics and Math.NET Iridium projects and their code base.
- Marcus Cuda
- Jurgen Van Gael
- Patrick van der Velde
- Christoph Rüegg
- Joannès Vermorel
- Matthew Kitchin
- Rana Ian
- Andrew Kurochka
- Thaddaeus Parker
As inspiration, reference or more - depending on the licensing terms
- ALGLIB: Sergey Bochkanov
- Boost: John Maddock
- Cephes Math Library: Stephen L. Moshier
For other ways of support, documentation, website, feedback, software licenses, etc.
- F# Foundation & Community
- Marcus Cuda
- Don Syme
- Lokad SAS
- Microsoft Corp