In order to make it easy to keep things under control on the forum, we provide many tools to allow moderators and administrators to manage content.
If a post does not provide enough information for it to receive an answer, moderators can close the post, which hides it from the main browse page and notifies the original creator that the post was closed. The creator of the post can then reopen the post by editing it, allowing for them to have a second chance at getting an answer.
If a post is abusive or otherwise inappropriate for the forum, moderators can delete it, which hides it from the main browse page, and notifies the original creator that the post was deleted. Unlike closing a post, a deleted post cannot be restored by the original creator. Although the behaviour of closed and deleted posts is similar, they are intended to be used in very different situations, which is why we consider them to be distinct features.
If any user believes a post is inappropriate, they can report it, which will notify all moderators about the post.
As mentioned in the section describing permissions, users can be blocked from interacting with the forum by disabling their PostCreate and PostComment permissions.
During times when students should not be communicating with each other, exam mode can be enabled, which prevents users from creating public posts.