orion2ducksboard is Python script to parse NGSI Context Brokers (such as Orion) subscriptions and feed a Ducksboard widget.
You can get Orion at: https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion
Ducksboard is a web based dashboard creation tool, you can get an account at:
orion2ducksboard must be deployed on a server with a public URL.
orion2ducksboard is based on webapp2, please see https://webapp-improved.appspot.com for full details, so you will need to install the following dependences on your server:
$ pip install WebOb
$ pip install Paste
$ pip install webapp2
Once webapp2 is installed, you must edit the orion2ducksboard configuration file (orion2ducksboard.yaml):
- orion2ducksboard_host: your server IP address interface attached to the public IP.
- orion2ducksboard_port: your server port. Please remember that must be reacheable from Context Broker.
- orion2ducksboard_apikey: your private Ducksboard API key.
Finally orion2ducksboard is ready to be started:
$ python orion2ducksboard
Access to Ducksboard, create a new Dashboard and a new widget on it.
Access to the widget preferences and in the "Data & API" section and note down the Widget ID
Start a Context Broker subscription
POST [http://int.dca.tid.es/NGSI10/subscribeContext][]
Accept: application/json
Fiware-Service: **your_service**
Content-Type: application/json
entities": [
"type": "device",
"isPattern": "false",
"id": "**your_entity**"
"attributes": [
"reference": "[http://***your_server***/your_entity/***your_connections***][]",
"duration": "P1M",
"notifyConditions": [
"type": "ONCHANGE",
"condValues": [
"throttling": "PT1S"
Please note that orion2ducksboard will know the attributes to parse and the widgets to push data based on the notification URL, no other provision will be required: The notification URL has got a specific structure in wich you have to declare your entity and the links separated by "/". This links start with an attribute, followed by "&" and a widgetId. Then you have to declare the type of the widget with "-" and the widgetType. Finally if the widget needs parameters you have to declare it with "$" and the value. You can link an attribute to one widget or more cloning the structure, and a widget may need various parameters.
Table with types of widgets and its values
Widget Type Parameters (in order)
timeline title(optional)[urlimage(optional)]
image caption(optional)
gauges min(mandatory),max(mandatory)
completion min(mandatory),max(mandatory)
map color(optional)[size(optional)[info(optional)]]
Update your CB entity attribute:
POST [***your_Context_Broker][]
Accept: application/json
Fiware-Service: **your_service**
Content-Type: application/json
"contextElements": [
"type": "**your_type**",
"isPattern": "false",
"id": "**your_entity**",
"attributes": [
"name": "**your_attribute**",
"type": "**your_id**",
"value": "**your_value**"
}] }
"updateAction": "APPEND" }
If everything went well, you should see the attribute updates on the widget at:
- Only supports one entity.