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This is an open source project. We appreciate any help from the community to improve the mod.

Bugs or ideas for new items

Did you found a bug or do you have an idea how to improve the mod? We are happy to hear from you.

Contributions via pull request, and bug reports are welcome! Please submit your pull request to the develop branch and use the GitHub issue tracker to report issues.


Is the mod not available in your language or are some translations missing? Well you can change that by adding or modifying a translation:

We use Transifex as localization platform. Create an account and ask to join the ELN Team on Transifex to translate the mod into your language. No coding skills are required at all.

Some translation strings might contain placeholders for runtime arguments in order to include numbers or other runtime objects into the sentence. These are identified by %N$ whereas N is the number of the argument in the argument list (at runtime). A translation string should include these placeholders too at the appropriate position in the text.


The default branch for the Electrical Age source repository on github is "master", while there is another important branch called "develop". Each of them serves his own purpose.

master branch

The "master" branch is a stable branch, and gets updated only on releases. Whenever people checkout the "master" branch, they get the source code of the latest release of the Electrical Age mod.

develop branch

The "develop" branch, is where commits during development are integrated into. It is where the Electrical Age team pushes or merges their actual changes together and where contributions from the community (Pull requests) are integrated into the development version of the mod. Anyone who wish to try the cutting edge version of Electrical Age can download the develop branch and build the mod himself.

Pull requests are always merged into the "develop" branch. If you are willing to contribute, make sure sending us pull requests against the develop branch but not the master branch. Unlike a lot of projects "develop" is the main branch on GitHub, so this is the default if you don't go out of your way to change it.

GIT Flow

They are named master and develop because most of the core developers adapt the git flow convention when working on Electrical Age. When working on a feature that is likely taking quite some time to finish, a local feature branch is created, and not necessarily pushed to the github. This way, when there are pending pull requests, they do not have to wait too long, since they can be merged into develop branch first.

An introduction of git-flow can be found here or here.

You do not necessarily have to adopt git-flow for yourself in order to contribute to the mod, as long as your changes use the branch "develop" as a base and the pull request is against the "develop" branch, we will be able to integrate your changes easily.

In short for EA:

  • Features get developed on feature branches, either in your local repository or pushed to github. Feature branches can be rebased.
  • Once ready, feature branches are PR'd to develop.
  • When the EA team wants to make a release, develop is branched into a release branch. Any necessary stabilization works happen there; develop is never frozen, and efforts to PR in feature branches should not stop just because a release is happening.
  • When a release is made, the release branch is pushed to master and master is tagged at that point.
  • If hotfixes need to be made, then they can be made on the release branch. Anything that also applies to the development branch is first committed there, then cherry-picked to the release branch. The release branch is then pushed to master (again), and tagged (again), going from e.g. 0.52.0 to 0.52.1.
  • develop, master and the release branches are all protected; no rebasing happens there.
  • If you want to test multiple features together, you should still develop them separately. You can create a separate combined branch in your own repository that you regularly merge the feature branches into. Do not attempt to PR the combo branch.
  • If you want to develop one feature on top of another, then make sure you PR the 'base' feature before the derived one. If you send us a too-large PR we will ask you to chop it up.