Get ready to ski! a
and d
move left and right.
Avoid the 🌲 trees! 🌲 How long can you last ?
Best played in a white background terminal.
Uses emojis, may not look right or run well with all fonts/terminal apps. Mac users: it is unplayably slow in Terminal or iTerm 3.4 - use iTerm 3.5 beta or newer, or eg VS Code's terminal, instead.
This is a classic - one of the simplest ways to build a fast action game that could always be expected to run reasonably well, since one thing every machine can do well is scroll text upwards... right ?
Relying on print (putStrLn) means the player is always at the bottom of the screen, with no forward visibility. But this could be quite realistic. :)
For a more elaborate version, with replayable levels, persistent high scores and sound effects, try caverunner.