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A set of challenges to learn offensive security of smart contracts in Ethereum.
This repository is Solutions of the Foundry-based Damn Vulnerable DeFi V3 project. The challenges feature flash loans, price oracles, governance, NFTs, lending pools, smart contract wallets, timelocks, and more!
This repository uses Foundry for running tests and interacting with smart contracts. Follow the instructions below to get started:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/EbiPenMan/foundry-damn-vulnerable-defi-v3-solutions cd foundry-damn-vulnerable-defi-v3-solutions
Install dependencies:
bun install # install Solhint, Prettier, and other Node.js deps
To run the specefic tests, use the following command:
forge test --match-test testUnstoppable
To run the all tests, use the following command:
forge test
- 1: Unstoppable
- 2: Naive receiver
- 3: Truster
- 4: Side Entrance
- 5: The Rewarder
- 6: Selfie
- 7: Compromised
- 8: Puppet V1
- 9: Puppet V2
- 10: Free Rider
- 11: Backdoor
- 12: Climber
- 13: Wallet Mining
- 14: Puppet V3
- 15: ABI Smuggling
All Solidity code, practices, and patterns in this repository are DAMN VULNERABLE and for educational purposes only.
Please note that the conversion of tests from Hardhat to Foundry and the update of dependencies may contain errors.