- removed old stuff, moved other old stuff to attic
- fiexed tests, pep8
- revised all mapfiles, including 'DATE' and 'STATUS' if productive, rename mapfiles for testing repos
- new mapping templates for datacite, dublincore, iso and 'groups'
- new option for https upload
- set linkcheck as option in combine
- new and modified mapfiles for repositories: Euro-Cordex, Envidat, TUW, Helmholtz, Edmond-API, B2SHARE from FZJ, FMI, LAGO, Sextant, ESRF, Universite der Lorraine, IVOA with eudatcore
- updated communities: NordicArchaeoligy, da|ra, GFZ
- Update classify (#234,#232)
- NordicArchaeology keyword mapping (#233)
- added disciplines to European XFEL (#231)
- added SDR (#228)
- harvest CERIC from productive instance (#226)
- new and updated Communities, integrated via different channels
- new reader DDI2.5 and CESSDA as use-case
- Blue-Cloud integration via API including instruments
- new reader Eudatcore with testing for several Communities
- new harvester ARCGIS for Askeladden
- updated cronjobs
- updated b2f features (for e.g. b2f list)
- updates on 'Discipline'
- mapping 'Disciplines' for INRAE (using jupyter notebooks)
- cleaned-up version after integration of "next generation" code
- support for community groups
- added community mapfiles for gfz, dara, eudat
- slks ingestion on productive B2FIND
- different mapfiles for one Community = CLARIN, new folder structure (#124)
- additional tests and Community specific mapping issues (DataverseNO, DEIMS, Pangaea) (#125)
- fixed geo datacite (bbox, polygon, point) (#126)
- Fixed upload (#120).
- geofon (#119).
- Commtesting (#118).
- Slks (#114, #115, #116, #122).
- Seanoe (#113).
- Parse DublinCore bbox (#112).
- New folder 'demo' for EnvriPlus demonstrator (#110).
- Removed legacy code (#106, #107, #109).
- Fidgeo (#105)
- fix classify.map_discipline
- from EUDAT-B2FIND/herbadrop (#101)
- Toar (#100)
- Ivoa (#99)
- Dataverseno (#98)
- Darus (#97)
- linkcheck (#95)
- use common discipline function (#94)
- Changes in for EnviDat (#91)
- changes for relatedIdentifer for IVOA (#92)
- fixed envidat iso test
- fixed datacite contact
- Create schema__transition
- changes for toar, ess, radar and b2find export
- Readthedocs (#27)
- Update .travis.yml
- Update annastest (#26)
- Annastest (#25)
- New entry darus ingestion_list. New cronjob darus.
- added mapper tests (#24)
- Add setup py (#22) (#23)
- Jsonsraus (#21)
- bugfix geopoint-cloud (#20)
- Darus comm (#19)
- moving seanoe to oaitestdata (#18)
- Pointerforhl (#17)
- Testdata (#16)
- Bugfix mapping (#15)
- Update docs (#14)
- added old, but working slks-ff-mapfile (#13)
- added slks-dc mapfile and updated harvest_list. Added "Archaeology" to B2FIND disciplines.json. (#12)
- updated README.md (#10)
- Converted B2FIND code from Python 2.7 to Python 3.6 (#9)
- updated harvest_list with ESS, DaRUS and Uni Maribor
- new mapfile for Uni Maribor
Integration work for (#7)
- ENVRIplus demonstrator
- including mapfiles for ENVRI Communities (such as AnaEE, SeaDataNet, Euro-Argo etc.)
- oaitestdata
- for IVOA (including ivoa_ ivo_vor and ivoa_datacite schema)
- for DansEASY
- CLARIN (testing different endpoints)
- B2SHARE harvesting with different enpoints using different mapfiles (e.g. for CLARIN)
- Community integration:
- clarin
- envidat
- materialscloud
- ivoa
- ucl
- Community testingestion
- anaee
- darus
- esrf
- ess
- hbp
- slks
- toar
- count.py as a mini test
- hw_harvest_list as old references to harvesting endpoints from Heiner
- EISCAT json mapfile (#8)
Initial release for B2FIND software stack, including development during several funded projects.