diff --git a/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm b/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
index fc9aee89bc..40b7f13c25 100755
--- a/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
+++ b/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
@@ -1557,6 +1557,7 @@ sub process_namelist_inline_logic {
setup_logic_irrigate($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl);
setup_logic_start_type($opts, $nl_flags, $nl);
setup_logic_decomp_performance($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl);
+ setup_logic_snicar_methods($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl);
setup_logic_snow($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl);
setup_logic_glacier($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $envxml_ref);
setup_logic_dynamic_plant_nitrogen_alloc($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl, $physv);
@@ -1982,10 +1983,57 @@ sub setup_logic_decomp_performance {
+sub setup_logic_snicar_methods {
+ my ($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl) = @_;
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_snw_shape' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_solarspec' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_dust_optics' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_numrad_snw' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_snobc_intmix' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_snodst_intmix' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'snicar_use_aerosol' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'use_snicar_frc' );
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'do_sno_oc' );
+ # Error checking in loop
+ my %supportedSettings = ( 'snicar_solarspec' => "'mid_latitude_winter'", 'snicar_dust_optics' => "'sahara'", 'snicar_numrad_snw' => '5', 'snicar_snobc_intmix' => '.false.', 'snicar_snodst_intmix' => '.false.', 'snicar_use_aerosol' => '.true.', 'do_sno_oc' => '.false.' );
+ keys %supportedSettings;
+ while ( my ($key, $val) = each %supportedSettings ) {
+ my $var = $nl->get_value($key);
+ if ( $var ne $val ) {
+ $log->warning("$key=$val is the supported option; $var is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!");
+ }
+ }
+ # Error checking not in loop
+ my $key1 = 'snicar_snw_shape';
+ my $var1 = $nl->get_value($key1);
+ my $val1a = "'sphere'"; # supported value for this option
+ my $val1b = "'hexagonal_plate'"; # supported value for this option
+ if (($var1 ne $val1a) && ($var1 ne $val1b)) {
+ $log->warning("$key1=$val1a and $val1b are supported; $var1 is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!");
+ }
+ # snicar_snobc_intmix and snicar_snodst_intmix cannot both be true
+ my $key1 = 'snicar_snobc_intmix';
+ my $key2 = 'snicar_snodst_intmix';
+ my $var1 = $nl->get_value($key1);
+ my $var2 = $nl->get_value($key2);
+ my $val1 = $supportedSettings{$key1}; # supported value for this option
+ if (($var1 eq $var2) && ($var1 ne $val1)) {
+ $log->warning("$key1 = $var1 and $key2 = $var2 do not work together!");
+ }
sub setup_logic_snow {
my ($opts, $nl_flags, $definition, $defaults, $nl) = @_;
- add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'fsnowoptics' );
+ my $numrad_snw = $nl->get_value('snicar_numrad_snw');
+ add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'fsnowoptics',
+ 'snicar_numrad_snw' => $numrad_snw);
add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl, 'fsnowaging' );
diff --git a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_ctsm.xml b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_ctsm.xml
index 72e9ef7c45..0edffa3f1a 100644
--- a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_ctsm.xml
+++ b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_ctsm.xml
@@ -1535,8 +1535,24 @@ use_crop=".true.">lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ctsm5.1.dev052/landuse.timeseries_mpasa1
diff --git a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml
index 6cb5017364..895940103d 100644
--- a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml
+++ b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition_ctsm.xml
@@ -150,6 +150,54 @@ specify spatially variable soil thickness. If not present, use bottom
of soil column (nlevsoi).
+number of wavelength bands used in SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(snicar_numrad_snw=5 is the only supported option; others are EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+type of downward solar radiation spectrum for SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(snicar_solarspec='mid_latitude_winter' is the only supported option; others are EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+dust optics type for SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(snicar_dust_optics='sahara' is the only supported option; others are EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+snow grain shape used in SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(snicar_dust_optics='hexagonal_plate' is supported in ctsm5.1 and 'sphere' in older model versions; others are EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+Toggle to turn on/off aerosol deposition flux in snow in SNICAR
+(snicar_use_aerosol='.false.' is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+option to activate BC-snow internal mixing in SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(snicar_snobc_intmix='.true.' is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+option to activate dust-snow internal mixing in SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(snicar_snodst_intmix='.true.' is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
+option to activate organic carbon (OC) in SNICAR snow albedo calculation
+(do_sno_oc='.true.' is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
Index of rooting profile for water
@@ -1065,13 +1113,13 @@ Maximum nitrification rate constant (1/s)
Toggle to turn on the VIC hydrologic parameterizations
-(vichydro=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED!)
+(vichydro=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED!)
-Toggle to turn on calculation of SNow and Ice Aerosol Radiation model (SNICAR) radiative forcing
-(snicar_frc=".true." is EXPERIMENTAL NOT SUPPORTED!)
+ group="clm_inparm" value=".false.">
+Toggle to turn on calculation of SNow and Ice Aerosol Radiation model (SNICAR) albedo forcing diagnostics for each aerosol species
Toggle to turn on use of LAI streams in place of the LAI on the surface dataset when using Satellite Phenology mode.
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
If true, no denitrification or nitrification in frozen soil layers.
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
If TRUE, weight btran (vegetation soil moisture availability) by unfrozen layers only, assuming that vegetation
will allocate roots preferentially to the active layer.
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
If TRUE, weight btran (vegetation soil moisture availability) by the active layer, as defined by the greatest thaw depth over the current and prior years.
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
@@ -2353,7 +2400,7 @@ How much Carbon to initialize vegetation pools (leafc/frootc and storage) to whe
Flexible CN ratio used for Phenology
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
Vcmax calculation for Photosynthesis
- vcmax_opt = 4 As for vcmax_opt=0, but using leafN, and exponential if tree (EXPERIMENTAL NOT TESTED!)
+ vcmax_opt = 4 As for vcmax_opt=0, but using leafN, and exponential if tree (EXPERIMENTAL, UNSUPPORTED, and UNTESTED!)
vcmax_opt = 3 Based on leafN and VCAD (used with Luna for crop and C4 vegetation)
vcmax_opt = 0 Based on canopy top and foilage Nitrogen limitation factor from params file (clm4.5)
@@ -2373,13 +2420,13 @@ Vcmax calculation for Photosynthesis
Evergreen phenology option for CNPhenology
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
Carbon respiration option to burn off carbon when CN ratio is too high (do NOT use when FUN is on)
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
@@ -2437,7 +2484,7 @@ then don't fix aere (see ch4Mod.F90).
If TRUE, turn on methane biogeochemistry model for lake columns, using a simplified version of the CH4 submodel.
If TRUE, use the fine root carbon predicted by CN when calculating the aerenchyma area, rather than the parametrization
based on annual NPP, aboveground NPP fraction, and LAI.
-(EXPERIMENTAL and NOT tested)
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog b/doc/ChangeLog
index a01469e0c2..537febda2c 100644
--- a/doc/ChangeLog
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,4 +1,189 @@
+Tag name: ctsm5.1.dev145
+Originator(s): @cenlinhe (Cenlin He,UCAR/RAL), slevis (Samuel Levis,UCAR/TSS,303-665-1310)
+Date: Thu Oct 19 14:34:25 MDT 2023
+One-line Summary: SNICAR snow albedo scheme updates
+Purpose and description of changes
+ Notes copied here from the PR #1861:
+ A few substantial changes in the SNICAR module for the following updated snow
+ albedo calculation features:
+ - Updated ice optical properties from Flanner et al. (2021), with multiple types
+ for ice refractive indices.
+ - Updated aerosol optical properties from Flanner et al. (2021) with multiple
+ dust types & new BC and OC optics.
+ - Updated downward solar spectra from Flanner et al. (2021) for multiple
+ condition types.
+ - More accurate radiative transfer solver (adding-doubling) from Dang et al. (2019).
+ - Nonspherical snow grain scheme from He et al. (2017).
+ - BC-snow internal mixing scheme from He et al. (2017).
+ - Dust-snow internal mixing scheme from He et al. (2019).
+ - Hyperspectral (480-band, 10-nm spectral res) capability with all the above features.
+ - New namelist controls for aerosol in snow and additional snow albedo
+ diagnostic output variables.
+ Specific notes
+ - Code contributors: Cenlin He (NCAR/RAL) with advice from
+ Dave Lawrence (NCAR/CGD) and Mark Flanner (UMich).
+ - The manuscript to report this update is
+ Cenlin He, Mark Flanner, David M Lawrence, Yu Gu: New features and
+ enhancements in Community Land Model (CLM5) snow albedo modeling: description,
+ sensitivity, and evaluation. Authorea. June 08, 2023.
+ DOI:10.22541/essoar.168626390.01530324/v1
+ - These updates will change the snow and surface albedo results along with
+ other surface fluxes changes.
+ - There are a few new namelist options related to SNICAR scheme added to the
+ namelist control.
+Significant changes to scientifically-supported configurations
+Does this tag change answers significantly for any of the following physics configurations?
+(Details of any changes will be given in the "Answer changes" section below.)
+ [Put an [X] in the box for any configuration with significant answer changes.]
+[X] clm5_1
+[X] clm5_0
+[X] ctsm5_0-nwp
+[X] clm4_5
+Bugs fixed or introduced
+CTSM issues fixed (all three unrelated to this PR):
+Fixes #2173
+Fixes #2107
+Fixes #2129
+Notes of particular relevance for users
+Changes to CTSM's user interface (e.g., new/renamed XML or namelist variables):
+ New namelist variables:
+ snicar_numrad_snw = 5 or 480 wavelength bands, default 5
+ snicar_solarspec, default "mid_latitude_winter" among six available options
+ snicar_dust_optics, default "sahara" among three avail. options
+ snicar_snw_shape, default "hexagonal_plate" among fourn avail. options
+ snicar_use_aerosol, default .true.
+ snicar_snobc_intmix and snicar_snodst_intmix, default .false. means do not
+ activate bc-snow and dust-snow internal mixing
+ do_sno_oc, default .false., already appeared in previous code but in caps
+ use_snicar_frc, default .false., existed before
+ fsnowoptics now points to an updated 5-band file and gives the option for a
+ 480-band file
+Substantial timing or memory changes:
+[e.g., check PFS test in the test suite and look at timings, if you
+expect possible significant timing changes]
+Notes of particular relevance for developers:
+Changes to tests or testing:
+Testing summary:
+ [PASS means all tests PASS; OK means tests PASS other than expected fails.]
+ regular tests (aux_clm: https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/wiki/System-Testing-Guide#pre-merge-system-testing):
+ cheyenne ---- OK
+ izumi ------- OK
+Answer changes
+Changes answers relative to baseline:
+ Summarize any changes to answers, i.e.,
+ - what code configurations: All
+ - what platforms/compilers: All
+ - nature of change: larger than roundoff; new climate?
+ Namelist defaults are such that phys="clm5.0" and phys="clm4.5" give different
+ answers only due to the changed fsnowoptics file.
+ Namelist defaults are such that phys="clm5.1" changes answers as a result of
+ new parameterizations.
+ If this tag changes climate, I will document such information on
+ https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/wiki/Answer-changing-tags
+Other details
+Pull Requests that document the changes (include PR ids):
+ https://github.com/ESCOMP/ctsm/pull/1861
+Tag name: ctsm5.1.dev144
+Originator(s): samrabin (Sam Rabin, UCAR/TSS, samrabin@ucar.edu)
+Date: Thu Oct 19 13:30:02 MDT 2023
+One-line Summary: Remove a deprecated shr_mpi_bcast call
+Purpose and description of changes
+Removes a use of the deprecated shr_mpi_mod, replacing with ESMF_VMBroadcast. In addition, since the last tag, some minor documentation changes have been made.
+Significant changes to scientifically-supported configurations
+Does this tag change answers significantly for any of the following physics configurations?
+(Details of any changes will be given in the "Answer changes" section below.)
+ [Put an [X] in the box for any configuration with significant answer changes.]
+[ ] clm5_1
+[ ] clm5_0
+[ ] ctsm5_0-nwp
+[ ] clm4_5
+Testing summary:
+ [PASS means all tests PASS; OK means tests PASS other than expected fails.]
+ regular tests (aux_clm: https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/wiki/System-Testing-Guide#pre-merge-system-testing):
+ cheyenne ---- OK
+ izumi ------- OK
+If the tag used for baseline comparisons was NOT the previous tag, note that here: Compared ctsm5.1.dev142 to a version of this branch (1f39800e1) with ctsm5.1.dev142 merged in.
+Answer changes
+Changes answers relative to baseline: No
+Other details
+[Remove any lines that don't apply. Remove entire section if nothing applies.]
+List any externals directories updated (cime, rtm, mosart, cism, fates, etc.):
+Pull Requests that document the changes (include PR ids):
+* #1991 (https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/pull/1991)
Tag name: ctsm5.1.dev143
Originator(s): rgknox (Ryan Knox,LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY,510-495-)
Date: Fri Oct 13 08:53:38 MDT 2023
diff --git a/doc/ChangeSum b/doc/ChangeSum
index b6a5cdd29c..d53fd26b54 100644
--- a/doc/ChangeSum
+++ b/doc/ChangeSum
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
Tag Who Date Summary
+ ctsm5.1.dev145 slevis 10/19/2023 SNICAR snow albedo scheme updates
+ ctsm5.1.dev144 samrabin 10/19/2023 Remove a deprecated shr_mpi_bcast call
ctsm5.1.dev143 rgknox 10/13/2023 Zeroing of wood product fluxes on fates columns
ctsm5.1.dev142 samrabin 09/19/2023 Merge 5 bit-for-bit pull requests
ctsm5.1.dev141 slevis 09/13/2023 Change small snocan to zero
diff --git a/doc/design/dynamic_urban.rst b/doc/design/dynamic_urban.rst
index 0ca5d488f4..fa7a499725 100644
--- a/doc/design/dynamic_urban.rst
+++ b/doc/design/dynamic_urban.rst
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
Overview of this design document
-This documents some of the high-level design decisions made during implementation of
+This documents some of the high-level design decisions made during implementation of
dynamic urban landunits.
The use of dzsoi_decomp for urban landunits to calculate totcolch4 in ch4Mod.F90
-During the first test simulation for dynamic urban, we encountered a methane conservation
-error the first time PCT_URBAN changed. The dynamic adjustments for conc_ch4_sat_col and
+During the first test simulation for dynamic urban, we encountered a methane conservation
+error the first time PCT_URBAN changed. The dynamic adjustments for conc_ch4_sat_col and
conc_ch4_unsat_col (the column_state_updater in subroutine DynamicColumnAdjustments within
ch4Mod.F90) were distributing non-zero values for roof and walls for layers 1,nlevsoi.
-When the total column ch4 is summed over the soil layers (or in this case, urban layers), the
-summation is done over nlevsoi, not nlevurb, using dz. dz is 1.e36 for roof/wall layers
+When the total column ch4 is summed over the soil layers (or in this case, urban layers), the
+summation is done over nlevsoi, not nlevurb, using dz. dz is 1.e36 for roof/wall layers
that are greater than nlevurb, thus creating an imbalance.
Rather than trying to keep the BGC variables physically meaningful in urban landunits,
diff --git a/doc/design/water_tracers.rst b/doc/design/water_tracers.rst
index b52d653393..c17b14a43d 100644
--- a/doc/design/water_tracers.rst
+++ b/doc/design/water_tracers.rst
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Broadly speaking, we considered three ways to store information for each tracer:
``h2osoi_liq_col_tracer(c,j,m)`` for tracers).
3. Multiple instances of ``waterstate_type`` (etc.), with no extra dimension required for
- individual variables.
+ individual variables.
We decided to go with option (3) for a number of reasons:
diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py
index bee524164a..dcd0b2eae6 100644
--- a/doc/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc/source/conf.py
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
- 'sphinx.ext.imgmath',
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
@@ -94,8 +93,6 @@
# If true, `todo` and `todoList` produce output, else they produce nothing.
todo_include_todos = True
-imgmath_image_format = 'svg'
# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
diff --git a/doc/source/lilac/obtaining-building-and-running/obtaining-and-building-ctsm.rst b/doc/source/lilac/obtaining-building-and-running/obtaining-and-building-ctsm.rst
index 99cb908d28..c0e510c017 100644
--- a/doc/source/lilac/obtaining-building-and-running/obtaining-and-building-ctsm.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lilac/obtaining-building-and-running/obtaining-and-building-ctsm.rst
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ Makefile-formatted file gives variables that should be set in the atmosphere mod
build. :ref:`See below for information on how to use this
Rebuilding after changing CTSM source code
diff --git a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/index.rst b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/index.rst
index b5c3d2bc08..317732fb58 100644
--- a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/index.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
.. _specific-atm-models:
- Instructions on using CTSM with specific atmosphere models
+ Instructions on using CTSM with specific atmosphere models
.. toctree::
diff --git a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-nesting.rst b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-nesting.rst
index b21593029b..f4c4570f2f 100644
--- a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-nesting.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-nesting.rst
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ nested domain.
A nested domain is usually used to have a finer-resolution domain within the
coarser model domain. A nested simulation enables running at a higher
-resolution over a smaller domain
+resolution over a smaller domain
.. note::
A nest should cover a portion of the parent domain and is fully contained by
the parent domain, so that it is driven along its lateral boundaries by the
- parent domain.
+ parent domain.
.. todo::
- Negin wants to add a flowchart showing the workflow of a nested case.
+ Negin wants to add a flowchart showing the workflow of a nested case.
There are currently two types of nesting available within WRF:
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ There are currently two types of nesting available within WRF:
- Also, the averaged values from the inner domain are being sent back to the outer domain at the corresponding grid points.
.. important::
- Currently, the WRF-CTSM coupling infrastructure only support one-way nesting.
- This example clarifies the workflow for running a nested WRF-CTSM case using one-way nesting with ``ndown.exe``.
+ Currently, the WRF-CTSM coupling infrastructure only support one-way nesting.
+ This example clarifies the workflow for running a nested WRF-CTSM case using one-way nesting with ``ndown.exe``.
-The procedure for running a nested simulation for WRF with CTSM is
+The procedure for running a nested simulation for WRF with CTSM is
similar to the workflow for running WRF real cases, except that it requires
additional steps to (1) clone the CTSM repository, (2) build
CTSM and LILAC, and (3) define namelist options reuired for CTSM.
@@ -46,14 +46,12 @@ A full description of all steps for a WRF-CTSM run are included here.
.. important::
This section assumes the user has completed all the steps required for
- WRF-CTSM simulation single domain.
+ WRF-CTSM simulation single domain.
Therefore, we are not repeating the steps necessary for building WRF and
In this example we use a nested domain over the CONUS as shows below:
.. _Figure ctsm-ndown:
.. figure:: ndown_ctsm_diagram.svg
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ Nested Simulations : Pre-processing (ungrib.exe)
As mentioned previously, the purpose of the ungrib script is to unpack GRIB
meteorological data and pack it into an intermediate file format.
-This step is exactly identical to a non-nested simulation.
+This step is exactly identical to a non-nested simulation.
Run ungrib to get gribbed data into usable format to be ingested by WRF.
@@ -128,12 +126,11 @@ Check ungrib log for the following message showing successful completion of ungr
At this point, you should see ungrib output (intermediate files) in your WPS directory.
Nested Simulations : Pre-processing (metgrid.exe)
Ensure that the `start_date` and `end_date` for domain two is set correctly for
your simulation.
-Next, run ``metgrid.exe``::
+Next, run ``metgrid.exe``::
./metgrid.exe >& log.metgrid
@@ -144,14 +141,12 @@ metgrid step::
! Successful completion of metgrid. !
Running metgrid for two domains will create files like
Nested Simulations : real.exe
@@ -160,31 +155,30 @@ both domains.
In summary, complete the following steps:
-Move or link WPS output files (``met_em.d01*`` and ``met_em.d02`` files) to your WRF test directory.
+Move or link WPS output files (``met_em.d01*`` and ``met_em.d02`` files) to your WRF test directory.
Edit namelist.input for your WRF domain and desirable configurations.
This should be the same domain as WPS namelist. Make sure you set ``max_dom =
-2,`` in the namelist.
+2,`` in the namelist.
To run WRF-CTSM, in your namelist change land-surface option to 6 for both
- sf_surface_physics = 6, 6,
+ sf_surface_physics = 6, 6,
Run real.exe (if compiled parallel submit a batch job) to generate
-initail and boundary condition files for both domain.
+initail and boundary condition files for both domain.
Make sure the following three files have been created in your directory::
-The boundary condition file is only created for the outer domain.
+The boundary condition file is only created for the outer domain.
-Check the last line of the real log file for the following message::
+Check the last line of the real log file for the following message:
-Rename wrfinput_d02
+Rename wrfinput_d02
Next, rename the ``wrfinput_d02`` file to ``wrfndi_d02``::
@@ -199,24 +193,24 @@ Add the following into your namelist.input file under ``&time_control``::
io_form_auxinput2 = 2
-Run ndown.exe to create ``wrfinput_d02`` and ``wrfbdy_d02``.
+Run ndown.exe to create ``wrfinput_d02`` and ``wrfbdy_d02``.
-Run WRF for coarser domain
+Run WRF for coarser domain
In this step, run WRF for the outer domain.
-Make sure that ``max_dom = 1`` to run only for the coarser domain.
+Make sure that ``max_dom = 1`` to run only for the coarser domain.
This step is exactly identical as the previous example and only creates the
-``wrfout*`` files for the coarser domain.
+``wrfout*`` files for the coarser domain.
Please make sure to copy ``lnd_in`` , ``lilac_in``, and ``lnd_modelio`` for the
-coarser domain in this directory.
+coarser domain in this directory.
Create CTSM runtime files for the fine domain
This step is in addition creating CTSM runtime files for coarser domain which
was explained here. For succesfully completing the previous step you should
-have already created these files for the coarser domain.
+have already created these files for the coarser domain.
.. seealso::
@@ -225,7 +219,6 @@ have already created these files for the coarser domain.
files for the finer domain you should follow the steps in section
Again, the goal here is to create files that determine CTSM runtime options which
are defined within these three files:
@@ -235,20 +228,18 @@ are defined within these three files:
- ``lilac_in``: This namelist controls the operation of LILAC
-Run WRF for the finer domain
+Run WRF for the finer domain
First, save (rename or move) the data from the coarser domain simulation
(``wrfout_d01_*`` files).
Next, rename ``wrfinput_d02`` and ``wrfbdy_d02`` to ``wrfinput_d01`` and ``wrfbdy_d01``, respectively.
Edit namelist.input, moving all of the fine-grid domain data from column 2 to column 1
so that this run will be for the fine-grid domain only. Make sure you set
`max_dom=1` and set your `time_step` based on the finer domain.
-.. note::
- It may be beneficial to save namelist.input to something else prior to this step in case you need to repeat this
+.. note::
+ It may be beneficial to save namelist.input to something else prior to this step in case you need to repeat this
process in the future. Save the newly-edited namelist as namelist.input .
Now run wrf.exe by submitting a job similar to a not-nested case.
@@ -256,7 +247,5 @@ Now run wrf.exe by submitting a job similar to a not-nested case.
.. important::
The output for the finer domain is wrfout_d01_* not wrfout_d02_* and although
- in the name it is saying d01 it is technically d02 domain.
+ in the name it is saying d01 it is technically d02 domain.
diff --git a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-tools.rst b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-tools.rst
index 8b3c423a58..0366bc1582 100644
--- a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-tools.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf-tools.rst
@@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
This section includes instructions on tools and utilities developed for
WRF-CTSM simulations.
Generate CTSM surface dataset for a WRF domain
@@ -18,7 +16,6 @@ Before this step, make sure you have successfully created geo_em* files for
your specific WRF domain using WPS. Instructions on how to run ``geogrid.exe``
is described in here.
1. Create SCRIP grid file from WRF ``geo_em*`` files, using the following ncl
@@ -39,7 +36,6 @@ is described in here.
ncl mkunitymap.ncl
.. warning::
This will throw some git errors if not run in a repository.
@@ -52,7 +48,6 @@ is described in here.
../../../configure --macros-format Makefile --mpilib mpi-serial
5. Generate CTSM domain files using ``get_domain`` tool::
./gen_domain -m /glade/work/$USER/ctsm/nldas_grid/scrip/wrf2clm_mapping_noneg.nc -o wrf2clm_ocn_noneg -l wrf2clm_lnd_noneg
@@ -61,20 +56,15 @@ is described in here.
./mksurfdata.pl -res usrspec -usr_gname "nldas" -usr_gdate "190124" -usr_mapdir "/glade/work/$USER/ctsm/nldas_grid/map" -y 2000 -exedir "/glade/u/home/$USER/src/ctsm/ctsm_surfdata/tools/mksurfdata_map" -no-crop
Merge WRF initial conditions into an existing CTSM initial condition file
The following procedure is if you'd wish to merget WRF inital conditions from
``wrfinput`` file into CTSM initial condition file ::
ncl transfer_wrfinput_to_ctsm_with_snow.ncl 'finidat="the_existing_finidat_file.nc"' 'wrfinput="your_wrfinput_file"' 'merged="the_merged_finidat_file.nc"'
.. todo::
Sam, can you please make the above ncl script available.
diff --git a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf.rst b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf.rst
index 36b1e076a9..5d104778ec 100644
--- a/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf.rst
+++ b/doc/source/lilac/specific-atm-models/wrf.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ A full description of all steps for a WRF-CTSM run are included here.
Specific new steps that would not be completed in a standard WRF real case
are described in sections :numref:`clone-WRF-CTSM-repositories`,
-:numref:`build-CTSM-and-dependencies` ,
+:numref:`build-CTSM-and-dependencies` ,
and :numref:`wrf-set-ctsm-runtime-options`.
.. important::
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ and :numref:`wrf-set-ctsm-runtime-options`.
If CIME is not ported to your machine, please see `instructions on porting CIME
- In this example we assume NCAR’s ``Cheyenne`` HPC system in particular.
+ In this example we assume NCAR's ``Cheyenne`` HPC system in particular.
.. _clone-WRF-CTSM-repositories:
@@ -41,20 +40,18 @@ Clone the WRF repository and checkout ``develop`` branch::
git checkout develop
Clone the CTSM repository::
git clone https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM.git
.. _build-CTSM-and-dependencies:
Build CTSM and its dependencies
-In your CTSM directory, build CTSM and its dependencies based on the
+In your CTSM directory, build CTSM and its dependencies based on the
instructions from section :numref:`obtaining-and-building-ctsm`::
./lilac/build_ctsm /PATH/TO/CTSM/BUILD --machine MACHINE --compiler COMPILER
@@ -63,7 +60,6 @@ For example on ``Cheyenne`` and for ``Intel`` compiler::
./lilac/build_ctsm ctsm_build_dir --compiler intel --machine cheyenne
.. warning::
The directory you provided for the build script (``/PATH/TO/CTSM/BUILD``) must *not* exist.
@@ -74,20 +70,19 @@ For example on ``Cheyenne`` and for ``Intel`` compiler::
Run ``./lilac/build_ctsm -h`` to see all options available.
For example if you would like to run with threading support you can use ``--build-with-openmp``.
Building WRF with CTSM
First, load the same modules and set the same environments as used for CTSM build by
sourcing ``ctsm_build_environment.sh`` for Bash::
- source ctsm_build_dir/ctsm_build_environment.sh
+ source ctsm_build_dir/ctsm_build_environment.sh
or sourcing ``ctsm_build_environment.csh`` for Cshell:
.. code-block:: Tcsh
- source ctsm_build_dir/ctsm_build_environment.csh
+ source ctsm_build_dir/ctsm_build_environment.csh
Set makefile variables from CTSM needed for the WRF build by setting the following environment.
For example for Bash::
@@ -108,29 +103,27 @@ Some of these are not required, but might help if you face any compilation error
For more information check
`WRF Users' Guide `_.
Explicitly define the model core to build by (Bash)::
export WRF_EM_CORE=1
-or (Cshell):
+or (Cshell):
-.. code-block:: Tcsh
+.. code-block:: Tcsh
setenv WRF_EM_CORE 1
Explicilty turn off data assimilation by (Bash)::
export WRF_DA_CORE=0
-or (Cshell):
+or (Cshell):
-.. code-block:: Tcsh
+.. code-block:: Tcsh
setenv WRF_DA_CORE 0
-Now in your WRF directory configure and build WRF for your machine
+Now in your WRF directory configure and build WRF for your machine
and intended compiler::
./clean -a
@@ -138,7 +131,7 @@ and intended compiler::
At the prompt choose one of the options, based on the compiler used
for building CTSM. Then you should choose if you'd like to build serially or
-in parallel. For example, you can choose to build with ``intel`` compiler with
+in parallel. For example, you can choose to build with ``intel`` compiler with
distributed memory parallelization (``dmpar``).
.. tip::
@@ -149,12 +142,10 @@ distributed memory parallelization (``dmpar``).
The next prompt requests an option for nesting. Currently nesting is not
available for WRF-CTSM so select option ``1 (basic)``.
Now compile em_real and save the log::
./compile em_real >& compile.log
Check the bottom of your log file for a successful compilation message.
.. note::
@@ -178,7 +169,6 @@ skip to section :numref:`wrf-set-ctsm-runtime-options`.
Building WPS requires that WRF be already built successfully.
Get WPS from this website::
@@ -202,7 +192,6 @@ Then, compile WPS::
If wps builds succesfully you should see ``geogrid.exe``, ``ungrib.exe``, and ``metgrid.exe``.
Alternatively, you can check the log for successful build messages.
Run WPS Programs
@@ -253,37 +242,32 @@ metgrid step::
! Successful completion of metgrid. !
Run real.exe
Run ``real.exe`` to generate initial and boundary conditions.
-Follow WRF instructions for creating initial and boundary conditions.
+Follow WRF instructions for creating initial and boundary conditions.
In summary, complete the following steps:
-Move or link WPS output files (``met_em.d01*`` files) to your WRF test directory.
+Move or link WPS output files (``met_em.d01*`` files) to your WRF test directory.
Edit namelist.input for your WRF domain and desirable configurations.
This should be the same domain as WPS namelist.
To run WRF-CTSM, in your namelist change land-surface option to 6::
sf_surface_physics = 6
Run real.exe (if compiled parallel submit a batch job) to generate
``wrfinput`` and ``wrfbdy`` files.
Check the last line of the real log file for the following message::
.. _wrf-set-ctsm-runtime-options:
Set CTSM runtime options
@@ -301,7 +285,6 @@ are defined within these three files:
- ``lilac_in``: This namelist controls the operation of LILAC
The basic process for creating the necessary input files are summarized as
@@ -342,8 +325,7 @@ Run the script ``make_runtime_inputs`` to create ``lnd_in`` and
Modify ``lilac_in`` as needed. For this example, you can use the following options::
atm_mesh_filename = '/glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/wrf2ctsm_land_conus_ESMFMesh_c20201110.nc'
- lnd_mesh_filename = '/glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/wrf2ctsm_land_conus_ESMFMesh_c20201110.nc'
+ lnd_mesh_filename = '/glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/wrf2ctsm_land_conus_ESMFMesh_c20201110.nc'
Run ``download_input_data`` script to download any of CTSM's standard input
files that are needed based on settings in ``lnd_in`` and ``lilac_in``::
@@ -361,17 +343,17 @@ Run wrf.exe
If real.exe completed successfully, we should have ``wrfinput`` and ``wrfbdy`` files
-in our directory.
+in our directory.
If you plan to use this example's preexisting files, copy
the following files to your WRF run directory::
- cp /glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/namelist.input .
+ cp /glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/namelist.input .
cp /glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/wrfinput_d01 .
cp /glade/scratch/negins/wrf_ctsm_files/wrfbdy_d01 .
Now run WRF-CTSM. On Cheyenne this means submitting a batch job to PBS (Pro workload management system).
-Please check NCAR CISL's `instructions on running a batch job on Cheyenne.
+Please check NCAR CISL's `instructions on running a batch job on Cheyenne.
A simple PBS script to run WRF-CTSM on ``Cheyenne`` looks like this:
@@ -396,9 +378,8 @@ A simple PBS script to run WRF-CTSM on ``Cheyenne`` looks like this:
(See :numref:`runtime-environment-variables` for a description of the need to set ``MPI_TYPE_DEPTH`` on ``Cheyenne``.)
To submit a batch job to the ``Cheyenne`` queues, use ``qsub`` command followed
-by the PBS script name.
+by the PBS script name.
For example, if you named this script ``run_wrf_ctsm.csh``, submit the job like this::
qsub run_wrf_ctsm.csh
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/BVOCs/CLM50_Tech_Note_BVOCs.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/BVOCs/CLM50_Tech_Note_BVOCs.rst
index e7e8637649..5d34fdce64 100644
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/BVOCs/CLM50_Tech_Note_BVOCs.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/BVOCs/CLM50_Tech_Note_BVOCs.rst
@@ -3,61 +3,24 @@
Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs)
-This chapter briefly describes the biogenic volatile organic compound
-(BVOC) emissions model implemented in CLM. The CLM3 version (Levis et
-al. 2003; Oleson et al. 2004) was based on Guenther et al. (1995). Heald
-et al. (2008) updated this scheme in CLM4 based on Guenther et al.
-(2006). The current version was implemented in CLM4.5 and is based on MEGAN2.1 discussed in
-detail in Guenther et al. (2012). This update of MEGAN incorporates four
-main features: 1) expansion to 147 chemical compounds, 2) the treatment of the
-light-dependent fraction (LDF) for each compound, 3) inclusion of the
-inhibition of isoprene emission by atmospheric CO\ :sub:`2` and
-4) emission factors mapped to the specific PFTs of the CLM.
-MEGAN2.1 now describes the emissions of speciated monoterpenes,
-sesquiterpenes, oxygenated VOCs as well as isoprene. A flexible scheme
-has been implemented in the CLM to specify a subset of emissions. This
-allows for additional flexibility in grouping chemical compounds to form
-the lumped species frequently used in atmospheric chemistry. The mapping
-or grouping is therefore defined through a namelist parameter in
-drv\_flds\_in, e.g. megan\_specifier = ’ISOP = isoprene’, ’BIGALK =
-pentane + hexane + heptane + tricyclene’.
-Terrestrial BVOC emissions from plants to the atmosphere are expressed
-as a flux, :math:`F_{i}` (:math:`\mu` \ g C m\ :sup:`-2` ground area h\ :sup:`-1`), for emission of chemical compound
+This chapter briefly describes the biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions model implemented in CLM. The CLM3 version (Levis et al. 2003; Oleson et al. 2004) was based on Guenther et al. (1995). Heald et al. (2008) updated this scheme in CLM4 based on Guenther et al (2006). The current version was implemented in CLM4.5 and is based on MEGAN2.1 discussed in detail in Guenther et al. (2012). This update of MEGAN incorporates four main features: 1) expansion to 147 chemical compounds, 2) the treatment of the light-dependent fraction (LDF) for each compound, 3) inclusion of the inhibition of isoprene emission by atmospheric CO\ :sub:`2` and 4) emission factors mapped to the specific PFTs of the CLM.
+MEGAN2.1 now describes the emissions of speciated monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, oxygenated VOCs as well as isoprene. A flexible scheme has been implemented in the CLM to specify a subset of emissions. This allows for additional flexibility in grouping chemical compounds to form the lumped species frequently used in atmospheric chemistry. The mapping or grouping is therefore defined through a namelist parameter in drv\_flds\_in, e.g. megan\_specifier = 'ISOP = isoprene', 'BIGALK pentane + hexane + heptane + tricyclene'.
+Terrestrial BVOC emissions from plants to the atmosphere are expressed as a flux, :math:`F_{i}` (:math:`\mu` \ g C m\ :sup:`-2` ground area h\ :sup:`-1`), for emission of chemical compound :math:`i`
.. math::
- :label: ZEqnNum964222
+ :label: ZEqnNum964222
F_{i} =\gamma _{i} \rho \sum _{j}\varepsilon _{i,j} \left(wt\right)_{j}
-where :math:`\gamma _{i}` is the emission activity factor accounting
-for responses to meteorological and phenological conditions,
-:math:`\rho` is the canopy loss and production factor also known as
-escape efficiency (set to 1), and :math:`\varepsilon _{i,\, j}`
-(:math:`\mu` \ g C m\ :sup:`-2` ground area h\ :sup:`-1`) is
-the emission factor at standard conditions of light, temperature, and
-leaf area for plant functional type *j* with fractional coverage
-:math:`\left(wt\right)_{j}` (Guenther et al. 2012). The emission
-activity factor :math:`\gamma _{i}` depends on plant functional type,
-temperature, LAI, leaf age, and soil moisture (Guenther et al. 2012).
-For isoprene only, the effect of CO\ :sub:`2` inhibition is now
-included as described by Heald et al. (2009). Previously, only isoprene
-was treated as a light-dependent emission. In MEGAN2.1, each chemical
-compound is assigned a LDF (ranging from 1.0 for isoprene to 0.2 for
-some monoterpenes, VOCs and acetone). The activity factor for the light
-response of emissions is therefore estimated as:
+where :math:`\gamma _{i}` is the emission activity factor accounting for responses to meteorological and phenological conditions, :math:`\rho` is the canopy loss and production factor also known as escape efficiency (set to 1), and :math:`\varepsilon _{i,\, j}` (:math:`\mu` \ g C m\ :sup:`-2` ground area h\ :sup:`-1`) is the emission factor at standard conditions of light, temperature, and leaf area for plant functional type *j* with fractional coverage :math:`\left(wt\right)_{j}` (Guenther et al. 2012). The emission activity factor :math:`\gamma _{i}` depends on plant functional type, temperature, LAI, leaf age, and soil moisture (Guenther et al. 2012) For isoprene only, the effect of CO\ :sub:`2` inhibition is now included as described by Heald et al. (2009). Previously, only isoprene was treated as a light-dependent emission. In MEGAN2.1, each chemical compound is assigned a LDF (ranging from 1.0 for isoprene to 0.2 for some monoterpenes, VOCs and acetone). The activity factor for the light response of emissions is therefore estimated as:
.. math::
- :label: 28.2)
+ :label: 28.2)
\gamma _{P,\, i} =\left(1-LDF_{i} \right)+\gamma _{P\_ LDF} LDF_{i}
-where the LDF activity factor (:math:`\gamma _{P\_ LDF}` ) is specified
-as a function of PAR as in previous versions of MEGAN.
+where the LDF activity factor (:math:`\gamma _{P\_ LDF}` ) is specified as a function of PAR as in previous versions of MEGAN.
-The values for each emission factor :math:`\epsilon _{i,\, j}` are
-now available for each of the plant functional types in the CLM and
-each chemical compound. This information is distributed through an
-external file, allowing for more frequent and easier updates.
+The values for each emission factor :math:`\epsilon _{i,\, j}` are now available for each of the plant functional types in the CLM and each chemical compound. This information is distributed through an external file, allowing for more frequent and easier updates.
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Allocation/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Allocation.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Allocation/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Allocation.rst
index e85a59439f..7cf6ec6fc8 100644
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Allocation/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Allocation.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Allocation/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Allocation.rst
@@ -6,36 +6,14 @@ Carbon and Nitrogen Allocation
-The carbon and nitrogen allocation routines in CLM determine the fate of
-newly assimilated carbon, coming from the calculation of photosynthesis,
-and available mineral nitrogen, coming from plant uptake of mineral
-nitrogen in the soil or being drawn out of plant reserves. A significant change to CLM5 relative to prior versions is that allocation of carbon and nitrogen proceed independently rather than in a sequential manner.
+The carbon and nitrogen allocation routines in CLM determine the fate of newly assimilated carbon, coming from the calculation of photosynthesis, and available mineral nitrogen, coming from plant uptake of mineral nitrogen in the soil or being drawn out of plant reserves. A significant change to CLM5 relative to prior versions is that allocation of carbon and nitrogen proceed independently rather than in a sequential manner.
Carbon Allocation for Maintenance Respiration Costs
-Allocation of available carbon on each time step is prioritized, with
-first priority given to the demand for carbon to support maintenance
-respiration of live tissues (section 13.7). Second priority is to
-replenish the internal plant carbon pool that supports maintenance
-respiration during times when maintenance respiration exceeds
-photosynthesis (e.g. at night, during winter for perennial vegetation,
-or during periods of drought stress) (Sprugel et al., 1995). Third
-priority is to support growth of new tissues, including allocation to
-storage pools from which new growth will be displayed in subsequent time
-The total maintenance respiration demand (:math:`CF_{mr}`, gC
-m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is calculated as a function of
-tissue mass and nitrogen concentration, and temperature (section 13.7).
-The carbon supply to support this demand is composed of fluxes allocated
-from carbon assimilated in the current timestep
-(:math:`CF_{GPP,mr}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`)
-and from a storage pool that is drawn down when total demand exceeds
-photosynthesis ( :math:`CF_{xs,mr}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`
-s\ :sup:`-1`):
+Allocation of available carbon on each time step is prioritized, with first priority given to the demand for carbon to support maintenance respiration of live tissues (section 13.7). Second priority is to replenish the internal plant carbon pool that supports maintenance respiration during times when maintenance respiration exceeds photosynthesis (e.g. at night, during winter for perennial vegetation, or during periods of drought stress) (Sprugel et al., 1995). Third priority is to support growth of new tissues, including allocation to storage pools from which new growth will be displayed in subsequent time steps.
+The total maintenance respiration demand (:math:`CF_{mr}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is calculated as a function of tissue mass and nitrogen concentration, and temperature (section 13.7) The carbon supply to support this demand is composed of fluxes allocated from carbon assimilated in the current timestep (:math:`CF_{GPP,mr}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1` and from a storage pool that is drawn down when total demand exceeds photosynthesis ( :math:`CF_{xs,mr}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`):
.. math::
:label: 19.1
@@ -52,24 +30,7 @@ s\ :sup:`-1`):
CF_{xs,mr} =\_ \left\{\begin{array}{l} {0\qquad \qquad \qquad {\rm for\; }CF_{mr} \le CF_{GPP} } \\ {CF_{mr} -CF_{GPP} \qquad {\rm for\; }CF_{mr} >CF_{GPP} } \end{array}\right.
-The storage pool that supplies carbon for maintenance respiration in
-excess of current :math:`CF_{GPP}` ( :math:`CS_{xs}`, gC
-m\ :sup:`-2`) is permitted to run a deficit (negative state), and
-the magnitude of this deficit determines an allocation demand which
-gradually replenishes :math:`CS_{xs}`. The logic for allowing a
-negative state for this pool is to eliminate the need to know in advance
-what the total maintenance respiration demand will be for a particular
-combination of climate and plant type. Using the deficit approach, the
-allocation to alleviate the deficit increases as the deficit increases,
-until the supply of carbon into the pool balances the demand for carbon
-leaving the pool in a quasi-steady state, with variability driven by the
-seasonal cycle, climate variation, disturbance, and internal dynamics of
-the plant-litter-soil system. In cases where the combination of climate
-and plant type are not suitable to sustained growth, the deficit in this
-pool increases until the available carbon is being allocated mostly to
-alleviate the deficit, and new growth approaches zero. The allocation
-flux to :math:`CS_{xs}` (:math:`CF_{GPP,xs}`, gC
-m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is given as
+The storage pool that supplies carbon for maintenance respiration in excess of current :math:`CF_{GPP}` ( :math:`CS_{xs}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`) is permitted to run a deficit (negative state), and the magnitude of this deficit determines an allocation demand which gradually replenishes :math:`CS_{xs}`. The logic for allowing a negative state for this pool is to eliminate the need to know in advance what the total maintenance respiration demand will be for a particular combination of climate and plant type. Using the deficit approach, the allocation to alleviate the deficit increases as the deficit increases, until the supply of carbon into the pool balances the demand for carbon leaving the pool in a quasi-steady state, with variability driven by the seasonal cycle, climate variation, disturbance, and internal dynamics of the plant-litter-soil system. In cases where the combination of climate and plant type are not suitable to sustained growth, the deficit in this pool increases until the available carbon is being allocated mostly to alleviate the deficit, and new growth approaches zero. The allocation flux to :math:`CS_{xs}` (:math:`CF_{GPP,xs}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is given as
.. math::
:label: 19.4
@@ -81,56 +42,37 @@ m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is given as
CF_{GPP,xs} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{GPP,xs,pot} \qquad \qquad \qquad {\rm for\; }CF_{GPP,xs,pot} \le CF_{GPP} -CF_{GPP,mr} } \\ {\max (CF_{GPP} -CF_{GPP,mr} ,0)\qquad {\rm for\; }CF_{GPP,xs,pot} >CF_{GPP} -CF_{GPP,mr} } \end{array}\right.
-where :math:`\tau_{xs}` is the time constant (currently
-set to 30 days) controlling the rate of replenishment of :math:`CS_{xs}`.
+where :math:`\tau_{xs}` is the time constant (currently set to 30 days) controlling the rate of replenishment of :math:`CS_{xs}`.
-Note that these two top-priority carbon allocation fluxes
-(:math:`CF_{GPP,mr}` and :math:`CF_{GPP,xs}`) are not
-stoichiometrically associated with any nitrogen fluxes.
+Note that these two top-priority carbon allocation fluxes (:math:`CF_{GPP,mr}` and :math:`CF_{GPP,xs}`) are not stoichiometrically associated with any nitrogen fluxes.
Carbon and Nitrogen Stoichiometry of New Growth
-After accounting for the carbon cost of maintenance respiration, the
-remaining carbon flux from photosynthesis which can be allocated to new
-growth (:math:`CF_{avail}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is
+After accounting for the carbon cost of maintenance respiration, the remaining carbon flux from photosynthesis which can be allocated to new growth (:math:`CF_{avail}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is
.. math::
:label: 19.6
CF_{avail\_ alloc} =CF_{GPP} -CF_{GPP,mr} -CF_{GPP,xs} .
-Potential allocation to new growth is calculated for all of the plant
-carbon and nitrogen state variables based on specified C:N ratios for
-each tissue type and allometric parameters that relate allocation
-between various tissue types. The allometric parameters are defined as
+Potential allocation to new growth is calculated for all of the plant carbon and nitrogen state variables based on specified C:N ratios for each tissue type and allometric parameters that relate allocation between various tissue types. The allometric parameters are defined as follows:
.. math::
:label: 19.7
\begin{array}{l} {a_{1} ={\rm \; ratio\; of\; new\; fine\; root\; :\; new\; leaf\; carbon\; allocation}} \\ {a_{2} ={\rm \; ratio\; of\; new\; coarse\; root\; :\; new\; stem\; carbon\; allocation}} \\ {a_{3} ={\rm \; ratio\; of\; new\; stem\; :\; new\; leaf\; carbon\; allocation}} \\ {a_{4} ={\rm \; ratio\; new\; live\; wood\; :\; new\; total\; wood\; allocation}} \\ {g_{1} ={\rm ratio\; of\; growth\; respiration\; carbon\; :\; new\; growth\; carbon.\; }} \end{array}
-Parameters :math:`a_{1}`, :math:`a_{2}`, and :math:`a_{4}` are defined as constants for a given PFT (Table
-13.1), while :math:`g_{l }` = 0.3 (unitless) is prescribed as a
-constant for all PFTs, based on construction costs for a range of woody
-and non-woody tissues (Larcher, 1995).
+Parameters :math:`a_{1}`, :math:`a_{2}`, and :math:`a_{4}` are defined as constants for a given PFT (Table 13.1), while :math:`g_{l }` = 0.3 (unitless) is prescribed as a constant for all PFTs, based on construction costs for a range of woody and non-woody tissues (Larcher, 1995).
-The model includes a dynamic allocation scheme for woody vegetation
-(parameter :math:`a_{3}` = -1, :numref:`Table Allocation and CN ratio parameters`), in which case the
-ratio for carbon allocation between new stem and new leaf increases with
-increasing net primary production (NPP), as
+The model includes a dynamic allocation scheme for woody vegetation (parameter :math:`a_{3}` = -1, :numref:`Table Allocation and CN ratio parameters`), in which case the ratio for carbon allocation between new stem and new leaf increases with increasing net primary production (NPP), as
.. math::
:label: 19.8
a_{3} =\frac{2.7}{1+e^{-0.004NPP_{ann} -300} } -0.4
-where :math:`NPP_{ann}` is the annual sum of NPP from the previous
-year. This mechanism has the effect of increasing woody allocation in
-favorable growth environments (Allen et al., 2005; Vanninen and Makela,
-2005) and during the phase of stand growth prior to canopy closure
-(Axelsson and Axelsson, 1986).
+where :math:`NPP_{ann}` is the annual sum of NPP from the previous year. This mechanism has the effect of increasing woody allocation in favorable growth environments (Allen et al., 2005; Vanninen and Makela, 2005) and during the phase of stand growth prior to canopy closure (Axelsson and Axelsson, 1986).
.. _Table Allocation and CN ratio parameters:
@@ -194,24 +136,17 @@ favorable growth environments (Allen et al., 2005; Vanninen and Makela,
| Switchgrass I | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 25 | 42 | 50 | 500 |
-Carbon to nitrogen ratios are defined for different tissue types as
+Carbon to nitrogen ratios are defined for different tissue types as follows:
.. math::
:label: 19.9
\begin{array}{l} {CN_{leaf} =\_ {\rm \; C:N\; for\; leaf}} \\ {CN_{fr} =\_ {\rm \; C:N\; for\; fine\; root}} \\ {CN_{lw} =\_ {\rm \; C:N\; for\; live\; wood\; (in\; stem\; and\; coarse\; root)}} \\ {CN_{dw} =\_ {\rm \; C:N\; for\; dead\; wood\; (in\; stem\; and\; coarse\; root)}} \end{array}
-where all C:N parameters are defined as constants for a given PFT
-(:numref:`Table Allocation and CN ratio parameters`).
+where all C:N parameters are defined as constants for a given PFT (:numref:`Table Allocation and CN ratio parameters`).
-Given values for the parameters in and , total carbon and nitrogen
-allocation to new growth ( :math:`CF_{alloc}`, gC
-m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`, and :math:`NF_{alloc}`, gN
-m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`, respectively) can be expressed as
-functions of new leaf carbon allocation (:math:`CF_{GPP,leaf}`, gC
-m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`):
+Given values for the parameters in and, total carbon and nitrogen allocation to new growth ( :math:`CF_{alloc}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`, and :math:`NF_{alloc}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`, respectively) can be expressed as functions of new leaf carbon allocation (:math:`CF_{GPP,leaf}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`):
.. math::
:label: 19.10
@@ -230,11 +165,7 @@ where
N_{allom} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {\frac{1}{CN_{leaf} } +\frac{a_{1} }{CN_{fr} } +\frac{a_{3} a_{4} \left(1+a_{2} \right)}{CN_{lw} } +} \\ {\qquad \frac{a_{3} \left(1-a_{4} \right)\left(1+a_{2} \right)}{CN_{dw} } \qquad {\rm for\; woody\; PFT}} \\ {\frac{1}{CN_{leaf} } +\frac{a_{1} }{CN_{fr} } \qquad \qquad \qquad {\rm for\; non-woody\; PFT.}} \end{array}\right.
-Since the C:N stoichiometry for new growth allocation is defined, from
-Eq. , as :math:`C_{allom}`/ :math:`N_{allom}`, the total carbon available for new growth allocation
-(:math:`CF_{avail\_alloc}`) can be used to calculate the total
-plant nitrogen demand for new growth ( :math:`NF_{plant\_demand}`,
-gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) as:
+Since the C:N stoichiometry for new growth allocation is defined, from Eq., as :math:`C_{allom}`/ :math:`N_{allom}`, the total carbon available for new growth allocation (:math:`CF_{avail\_alloc}`) can be used to calculate the total plant nitrogen demand for new growth ( :math:`NF_{plant\_demand}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) as:
.. math::
:label: 19.13
@@ -244,16 +175,7 @@ gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) as:
Carbon Allocation to New Growth
-There are two carbon pools associated with each plant tissue – one which
-represents the currently displayed tissue, and another which represents
-carbon stored for display in a subsequent growth period. The nitrogen
-pools follow this same organization. The model keeps track of stored
-carbon according to which tissue type it will eventually be displayed
-as, and the separation between display in the current timestep and
-storage for later display depends on the parameter :math:`f_{cur}`
-(values 0 to 1). Given :math:`CF_{alloc,leaf}` and :math:`f_{cur}`, the allocation fluxes of carbon to display and
-storage pools (where storage is indicated with *\_stor*) for the various
-tissue types are given as:
+There are two carbon pools associated with each plant tissue – one which represents the currently displayed tissue, and another which represents carbon stored for display in a subsequent growth period. The nitrogen pools follow this same organization. The model keeps track of stored carbon according to which tissue type it will eventually be displayed as, and the separation between display in the current timestep and storage for later display depends on the parameter :math:`f_{cur}` (values 0 to 1). Given :math:`CF_{alloc,leaf}` and :math:`f_{cur}`, the allocation fluxes of carbon to display and storage pools (where storage is indicated with *\_stor*) for the various tissue types are given as:
.. math::
:label: 19.14
@@ -315,12 +237,10 @@ tissue types are given as:
CF_{alloc,deadcroot\_ stor} \_ =CF_{alloc,leaf\_ tot} a_{2} a_{3} \left(1-a_{4} \right)\left(1-f_{cur} \right).
Nitrogen allocation
-The total flux of nitrogen to be allocated is given by the FUN model (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`). This gives a total N to be allocated within a given timestep, :math:`N_{supply}`. The total N allocated for a given tissue :math:`i` is the minimum between the supply and the demand:
+The total flux of nitrogen to be allocated is given by the FUN model (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`). This gives a total N to be allocated within a given timestep, :math:`N_{supply}`. The total N allocated for a given tissue :math:`i` is the minimum between the supply and the demand:
.. math::
:label: 19.26
@@ -389,14 +309,14 @@ The demand for each tissue, calculated for the tissue to remain on stoichiometry
NF_{demand,deadcroot\_ stor} \_ =\frac{CF_{alloc,leaf} a_{2} a_{3} \left(1-a_{4} \right)}{CN_{dw} } \left(1-f_{cur} \right).
-After each pool's demand is calculated, the total plant N demand is then the sum of each individual pool :math: `i` corresponding to each tissue:
+After each pool's demand is calculated, the total plant N demand is then the sum of each individual pool :math:`i` corresponding to each tissue:
.. math::
:label: 19.39
NF_{demand,tot} = \sum _{i=tissues} NF_{demand,i}
-and the total supply for each tissue :math: `i` is the product of the fractional demand and the total available N, calculated as the term :math: `N_{uptake}` equal to the sum of the eight N uptake streams described in the FUN model (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`).
+and the total supply for each tissue :math:`i` is the product of the fractional demand and the total available N, calculated as the term :math:`N_{uptake}` equal to the sum of the eight N uptake streams described in the FUN model (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`).
.. math::
:label: 19.40
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Pools/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Pools.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Pools/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Pools.rst
index 77bd7af415..ebff41577a 100644
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Pools/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Pools.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/CN_Pools/CLM50_Tech_Note_CN_Pools.rst
@@ -6,32 +6,9 @@ CN Pools
-CLM includes a prognostic treatment of the terrestrial carbon and
-nitrogen cycles including natural vegetation, crops, and soil biogeochemistry. The model is
-fully prognostic with respect to all carbon and nitrogen state variables
-in the vegetation, litter, and soil organic matter. The seasonal timing
-of new vegetation growth and litterfall is also prognostic, responding
-to soil and air temperature, soil water availability, daylength, and
-crop management practices in
-varying degrees depending on a specified phenology type or management for each PFT
-:numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`). The
-prognostic LAI, SAI,
-tissue stoichiometry, and vegetation heights are
-utilized by the biophysical model that couples carbon, water, and
-energy cycles.
+CLM includes a prognostic treatment of the terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycles including natural vegetation, crops, and soil biogeochemistry. The model is fully prognostic with respect to all carbon and nitrogen state variables in the vegetation, litter, and soil organic matter. The seasonal timing of new vegetation growth and litterfall is also prognostic, responding to soil and air temperature, soil water availability, daylength, and crop management practices in varying degrees depending on a specified phenology type or management for each PFT (Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`). The prognostic LAI, SAI, tissue stoichiometry, and vegetation heights are utilized by the biophysical model that couples carbon, water, and energy cycles.
-Separate state variables for C and N are tracked for leaf, live stem,
-dead stem, live coarse root, dead coarse root, fine root, and grain pools
-(:numref:`Figure Vegetation fluxes and pools`). Each of these pools has two corresponding
-storage pools representing, respectively, short-term and long-term
-storage of non-structural carbohydrates and labile nitrogen. There are
-two additional carbon pools, one for the storage of growth respiration
-reserves, and another used to meet excess demand for maintenance
-respiration during periods with low photosynthesis. One additional
-nitrogen pool tracks retranslocated nitrogen, mobilized from leaf tissue
-prior to abscission and litterfall. Altogether there are 23 state
-variables for vegetation carbon, and 22 for vegetation nitrogen.
+Separate state variables for C and N are tracked for leaf, live stem, dead stem, live coarse root, dead coarse root, fine root, and grain pools (:numref:`Figure Vegetation fluxes and pools`). Each of these pools has two corresponding storage pools representing, respectively, short-term and long-term storage of non-structural carbohydrates and labile nitrogen. There are two additional carbon pools, one for the storage of growth respiration reserves, and another used to meet excess demand for maintenance respiration during periods with low photosynthesis. One additional nitrogen pool tracks retranslocated nitrogen, mobilized from leaf tissue prior to abscission and litterfall. Altogether there are 23 state variables for vegetation carbon, and 22 for vegetation nitrogen.
.. _Figure Vegetation fluxes and pools:
@@ -41,33 +18,16 @@ variables for vegetation carbon, and 22 for vegetation nitrogen.
Vegetation fluxes and pools for carbon cycle in CLM5.
-In addition to the vegetation pools, CLM includes a series of
-decomposing carbon and nitrogen pools as vegetation successively
-breaks down to CWD, and/or litter, and subsequently to soil organic
-matter. Discussion of the decomposition model, alternate
-specifications of decomposition rates, and methods to rapidly
-equilibrate the decomposition model, is in Chapter
+In addition to the vegetation pools, CLM includes a series of decomposing carbon and nitrogen pools as vegetation successively breaks down to CWD, and/or litter, and subsequently to soil organic matter. Discussion of the decomposition model, alternate specifications of decomposition rates, and methods to rapidly equilibrate the decomposition model, is in Chapter :numref:`rst_Decomposition`.
Tissue Stoichiometry
-As of CLM5, vegetation tissues have a flexible stoichiometry, as
-described in :ref:`Ghimire et al. (2016) `. Each
-tissue has a target C\:N ratio, with the target leaf C\:N varying by plant functional type
-(see :numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) target CN parameters`), and nitrogen is allocated at each
-timestep in order to allow the plant to best match the target
-stoichiometry. Nitrogen downregulation of productivity acts by
-increasing the C\:N ratio of leaves when insufficient nitrogen is
-available to meet stoichiometric demands of leaf growth, thereby
-reducing the N available for photosynthesis and reducing the :math:`V_{\text{c,max25}}` and
-:math:`J_{\text{max25}}` terms, as described in Chapter
-:numref:`rst_Photosynthetic Capacity`. Details of the flexible tissue
-stoichiometry are described in Chapter :numref:`rst_CN Allocation`.
+As of CLM5, vegetation tissues have a flexible stoichiometry, as described in :ref:`Ghimire et al. (2016) `. Each tissue has a target C\:N ratio, with the target leaf C\:N varying by plant functional type (see :numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) target CN parameters`), and nitrogen is allocated at each timestep in order to allow the plant to best match the target stoichiometry. Nitrogen downregulation of productivity acts by increasing the C\:N ratio of leaves when insufficient nitrogen is available to meet stoichiometric demands of leaf growth, thereby reducing the N available for photosynthesis and reducing the :math:`V_{\text{c,max25}}` and :math:`J_{\text{max25}}` terms, as described in Chapter :numref:`rst_Photosynthetic Capacity`. Details of the flexible tissue stoichiometry are described in Chapter :numref:`rst_CN Allocation`.
.. _Table Plant functional type (PFT) target CN parameters:
-.. table:: Plant functional type (PFT) target C:N parameters.
+.. table:: Plant functional type (PFT) target C:N parameters.
| PFT | target leaf C:N |
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/Crop_Irrigation/CLM50_Tech_Note_Crop_Irrigation.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/Crop_Irrigation/CLM50_Tech_Note_Crop_Irrigation.rst
index a03142e92e..ecffe65660 100755
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/Crop_Irrigation/CLM50_Tech_Note_Crop_Irrigation.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/Crop_Irrigation/CLM50_Tech_Note_Crop_Irrigation.rst
@@ -8,12 +8,9 @@ Crops and Irrigation
Summary of CLM5.0 updates relative to the CLM4.5
-We describe here the complete crop and irrigation parameterizations that
-appear in CLM5.0. Corresponding information for CLM4.5 appeared in the
-CLM4.5 Technical Note (:ref:`Oleson et al. 2013 `).
+We describe here the complete crop and irrigation parameterizations that appear in CLM5.0. Corresponding information for CLM4.5 appeared in the CLM4.5 Technical Note (:ref:`Oleson et al. 2013 `).
-CLM5.0 includes the following new updates to the CROP option, where CROP
-refers to the interactive crop management model and is included as an option with the BGC configuration:
+CLM5.0 includes the following new updates to the CROP option, where CROP refers to the interactive crop management model and is included as an option with the BGC configuration:
- New crop functional types
@@ -35,19 +32,14 @@ refers to the interactive crop management model and is included as an option wit
- C for annual crop seeding comes from the grain C pool
-- Initial seed C for planting is increased from 1 to 3 g C/m^2
-These updates appear in detail in the sections below. Many also appear in
-:ref:`Levis et al. (2016) `.
+- Initial seed C for planting is increased from 1 to 3 g C/m^2
+These updates appear in detail in the sections below. Many also appear in :ref:`Levis et al. (2016) `.
Available new features since the CLM5 release
- Addition of bioenergy crops
.. _The crop model:
The crop model: cash and bioenergy crops
@@ -56,101 +48,22 @@ The crop model: cash and bioenergy crops
-Groups developing Earth System Models generally account for the human
-footprint on the landscape in simulations of historical and future
-climates. Traditionally we have represented this footprint with natural
-vegetation types and particularly grasses because they resemble many
-common crops. Most modeling efforts have not incorporated more explicit
-representations of land management such as crop type, planting,
-harvesting, tillage, fertilization, and irrigation, because global scale
-datasets of these factors have lagged behind vegetation mapping. As this
-begins to change, we increasingly find models that will simulate the
-biogeophysical and biogeochemical effects not only of natural but also
-human-managed land cover.
-AgroIBIS is a state-of-the-art land surface model with options to
-simulate dynamic vegetation (:ref:`Kucharik et al. 2000 `) and interactive
-crop management (:ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `). The interactive crop
-management parameterizations from AgroIBIS (March 2003 version) were
-coupled as a proof-of-concept to the Community Land Model version 3
-[CLM3.0, :ref:`Oleson et al. (2004) ` ] (not published), then coupled to the
-CLM3.5 (:ref:`Levis et al. 2009 `) and later released to the community with
-CLM4CN (:ref:`Levis et al. 2012 `), and CLM4.5BGC. Additional updates after the
-release of CLM4.5 were available by request (:ref:`Levis et al. 2016 `),
-and those are now incorporated into CLM5.
-With interactive crop management and, therefore, a more accurate
-representation of agricultural landscapes, we hope to improve the CLM’s
-simulated biogeophysics and biogeochemistry. These advances may improve
-fully coupled simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM),
-while helping human societies answer questions about changing food,
-energy, and water resources in response to climate, environmental, land
-use, and land management change (e.g., :ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `; :ref:`Lobell et al. 2006 `).
-As implemented here, the crop model uses the same physiology as the
-natural vegetation, though uses different crop-specific parameter values,
-phenology, and allocation, as well as fertilizer and irrigation management.
+Groups developing Earth System Models generally account for the human footprint on the landscape in simulations of historical and future climates. Traditionally we have represented this footprint with natural vegetation types and particularly grasses because they resemble many common crops. Most modeling efforts have not incorporated more explicit representations of land management such as crop type, planting, harvesting, tillage, fertilization, and irrigation, because global scale datasets of these factors have lagged behind vegetation mapping. As this begins to change, we increasingly find models that will simulate the biogeophysical and biogeochemical effects not only of natural but also human-managed land cover.
+AgroIBIS is a state-of-the-art land surface model with options to simulate dynamic vegetation (:ref:`Kucharik et al. 2000 `) and interactive crop management (:ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `). The interactive crop management parameterizations from AgroIBIS (March 2003 version) were coupled as a proof-of-concept to the Community Land Model version 3 [CLM3.0, :ref:`Oleson et al. (2004) ` ] (not published), then coupled to the CLM3.5 (:ref:`Levis et al. 2009 `) and later released to the community with CLM4CN (:ref:`Levis et al. 2012 `), and CLM4.5BGC. Additional updates after the release of CLM4.5 were available by request (:ref:`Levis et al. 2016 `), and those are now incorporated into CLM5.
+With interactive crop management and, therefore, a more accurate representation of agricultural landscapes, we hope to improve the CLM's simulated biogeophysics and biogeochemistry. These advances may improve fully coupled simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM), while helping human societies answer questions about changing food, energy, and water resources in response to climate, environmental, land use, and land management change (e.g., :ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `; :ref:`Lobell et al. 2006 `). As implemented here, the crop model uses the same physiology as the natural vegetation, though uses different crop-specific parameter values, phenology, and allocation, as well as fertilizer and irrigation management.
.. _Crop plant functional types:
Crop plant functional types
-To allow crops to coexist with natural vegetation in a grid cell, the
-vegetated land unit is separated into a naturally vegetated land unit and
-a managed crop land unit. Unlike the plant functional types (pfts) in the
-naturally vegetated land unit, the managed crop pfts in the managed crop
-land unit do not share soil columns and thus permit for differences in the
-land management between crops. Each crop type has a rainfed and an irrigated
-pft that are on independent soil columns. Crop grid cell coverage is assigned from
-satellite data (similar to all natural pfts), and the managed crop type
-proportions within the crop area is based on the dataset created by
-:ref:`Portmann et al. (2010)` for present day. New in CLM5, crop area is
-extrapolated through time using the dataset provided by Land Use Model
-Intercomparison Project (LUMIP), which is part of CMIP6 Land use timeseries
-(:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2016 `). For more details about how
-crop distributions are determined, see Chapter :numref:`rst_Transient Landcover Change`.
-CLM5 includes ten actively managed crop types
-(temperate soybean, tropical soybean, temperate corn, tropical
-corn, spring wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane, miscanthus, and switchgrass) that are chosen
-based on the availability of corresponding algorithms in AgroIBIS and as
-developed by :ref:`Badger and Dirmeyer (2015)` and
-described by :ref:`Levis et al. (2016)`, or from available observations
-as described by :ref:`Cheng et al. (2019)`.
-The representations of sugarcane, rice, cotton, tropical corn, and tropical soy are new in CLM5.
-Miscanthus and switchgrass are added after the CLM5 release.
-Sugarcane and tropical corn are both C4 plants and are therefore represented
-using the temperate corn functional form. Tropical soybean uses the temperate
-soybean functional form, while rice and cotton use the wheat functional form.
-In tropical regions, parameter values were developed for the Amazon Basin, and planting
-date window is shifted by six months relative to the Northern Hemisphere.
-Plantation areas of bioenergy crops are projected to expand throughout the 21st century as a major energy source to
-replace fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. Miscanthus and switchgrass are perennial bioenergy crops and
-have quite different physiological traits and land management practices than annual crops,
-such as longer growing seasons, higher productivity, and lower demands for nutrients and water.
-About 70% of biofuel aboveground biomass (leaf & livestem) is removed at harvest. Parameter values were developed by using
-observation data collected at the University of Illinois Energy Farm
-located in Central Midwestern United States (:ref:`Cheng et al., 2019`).
-In addition, CLM’s default list of plant functional types (pfts) includes an
-irrigated and unirrigated unmanaged C3 crop (:numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`) treated as a second C3 grass.
-The unmanaged C3 crop is only used when the crop model is not active and
-has grid cell coverage assigned from satellite data, and
-the unmanaged C3 irrigated crop type is currently not used
-since irrigation requires the crop model to be active.
-The default list of pfts also includes twenty-one inactive crop pfts
-that do not yet have associated parameters required for active management.
-Each of the inactive crop types is simulated using the parameters of the
-spatially closest associated crop type that is most similar to the functional type (e.g., C3 or C4),
-which is required to maintain similar phenological parameters based on temperature thresholds.
-Information detailing which parameters are used for each crop type is
-included in :numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`. It should be noted that pft-level history output merges
-all crop types into the actively managed crop type, so analysis
-of crop-specific output will require use of the land surface dataset to
-remap the yields of each actively and inactively managed crop type. Otherwise, the
-actively managed crop type will include yields for that crop type and all inactively
-managed crop types that are using the same parameter set.
+To allow crops to coexist with natural vegetation in a grid cell, the vegetated land unit is separated into a naturally vegetated land unit and a managed crop land unit. Unlike the plant functional types (pfts) in the naturally vegetated land unit, the managed crop pfts in the managed crop land unit do not share soil columns and thus permit for differences in the land management between crops. Each crop type has a rainfed and an irrigated pft that are on independent soil columns. Crop grid cell coverage is assigned from satellite data (similar to all natural pfts), and the managed crop type proportions within the crop area is based on the dataset created by :ref:`Portmann et al. (2010)` for present day. New in CLM5, crop area is extrapolated through time using the dataset provided by Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP), which is part of CMIP6 Land use timeseries (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2016 `). For more details about how crop distributions are determined, see Chapter :numref:`rst_Transient Landcover Change`.
+CLM5 includes ten actively managed crop types (temperate soybean, tropical soybean, temperate corn, tropical corn, spring wheat, cotton, rice, sugarcane, miscanthus, and switchgrass) that are chosen based on the availability of corresponding algorithms in AgroIBIS and as developed by :ref:`Badger and Dirmeyer (2015)` and described by :ref:`Levis et al. (2016)`, or from available observations as described by :ref:`Cheng et al. (2019)`. The representations of sugarcane, rice, cotton, tropical corn, and tropical soy are new in CLM5. Miscanthus and switchgrass are added after the CLM5 release. Sugarcane and tropical corn are both C4 plants and are therefore represented using the temperate corn functional form. Tropical soybean uses the temperate soybean functional form, while rice and cotton use the wheat functional form. In tropical regions, parameter values were developed for the Amazon Basin, and planting date window is shifted by six months relative to the Northern Hemisphere. Plantation areas of bioenergy crops are projected to expand throughout the 21st century as a major energy source to replace fossil fuels and mitigate climate change. Miscanthus and switchgrass are perennial bioenergy crops and have quite different physiological traits and land management practices than annual crops, such as longer growing seasons, higher productivity, and lower demands for nutrients and water. About 70% of biofuel aboveground biomass (leaf & livestem) is removed at harvest. Parameter values were developed by using observation data collected at the University of Illinois Energy Farm located in Central Midwestern United States (:ref:`Cheng et al., 2019`).
+In addition, CLM's default list of plant functional types (pfts) includes an irrigated and unirrigated unmanaged C3 crop (:numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`) treated as a second C3 grass. The unmanaged C3 crop is only used when the crop model is not active and has grid cell coverage assigned from satellite data, and the unmanaged C3 irrigated crop type is currently not used since irrigation requires the crop model to be active. The default list of pfts also includes twenty-one inactive crop pfts that do not yet have associated parameters required for active management. Each of the inactive crop types is simulated using the parameters of the spatially closest associated crop type that is most similar to the functional type (e.g., C3 or C4), which is required to maintain similar phenological parameters based on temperature thresholds. Information detailing which parameters are used for each crop type is included in :numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`. It should be noted that pft-level history output merges all crop types into the actively managed crop type, so analysis of crop-specific output will require use of the land surface dataset to remap the yields of each actively and inactively managed crop type. Otherwise, the actively managed crop type will include yields for that crop type and all inactively managed crop types that are using the same parameter set.
.. _Table Crop plant functional types:
@@ -159,291 +72,184 @@ managed crop types that are using the same parameter set.
=== =========================== ================ ===========================
IVT Plant function types (PFTs) Management Class Crop Parameters Used
=== =========================== ================ ===========================
- 15 c3 unmanaged rainfed crop none not applicable
- 16 c3 unmanaged irrigated crop none not applicable
- 17 rainfed temperate corn active rainfed temperate corn
- 18 irrigated temperate corn active irrigated temperate corn
- 19 rainfed spring wheat active rainfed spring wheat
- 20 irrigated spring wheat active irrigated spring wheat
- 21 rainfed winter wheat inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 22 irrigated winter wheat inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 23 rainfed temperate soybean active rainfed temperate soybean
+ 15 c3 unmanaged rainfed crop none not applicable
+ 16 c3 unmanaged irrigated crop none not applicable
+ 17 rainfed temperate corn active rainfed temperate corn
+ 18 irrigated temperate corn active irrigated temperate corn
+ 19 rainfed spring wheat active rainfed spring wheat
+ 20 irrigated spring wheat active irrigated spring wheat
+ 21 rainfed winter wheat inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 22 irrigated winter wheat inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 23 rainfed temperate soybean active rainfed temperate soybean
24 irrigated temperate soybean active irrigated temperate soybean
- 25 rainfed barley inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 26 irrigated barley inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 27 rainfed winter barley inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 28 irrigated winter barley inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 29 rainfed rye inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 30 irrigated rye inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 31 rainfed winter rye inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 32 irrigated winter rye inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 33 rainfed cassava inactive rainfed rice
- 34 irrigated cassava inactive irrigated rice
- 35 rainfed citrus inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 36 irrigated citrus inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 37 rainfed cocoa inactive rainfed rice
- 38 irrigated cocoa inactive irrigated rice
- 39 rainfed coffee inactive rainfed rice
- 40 irrigated coffee inactive irrigated rice
- 41 rainfed cotton active rainfed cotton
- 42 irrigated cotton active irrigated cotton
- 43 rainfed datepalm inactive rainfed cotton
- 44 irrigated datepalm inactive irrigated cotton
- 45 rainfed foddergrass inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 46 irrigated foddergrass inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 47 rainfed grapes inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 48 irrigated grapes inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 49 rainfed groundnuts inactive rainfed rice
- 50 irrigated groundnuts inactive irrigated rice
- 51 rainfed millet inactive rainfed tropical corn
- 52 irrigated millet inactive irrigated tropical corn
- 53 rainfed oilpalm inactive rainfed rice
- 54 irrigated oilpalm inactive irrigated rice
- 55 rainfed potatoes inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 56 irrigated potatoes inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 57 rainfed pulses inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 58 irrigated pulses inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 59 rainfed rapeseed inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 60 irrigated rapeseed inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 61 rainfed rice active rainfed rice
- 62 irrigated rice active irrigated rice
- 63 rainfed sorghum inactive rainfed tropical corn
- 64 irrigated sorghum inactive irrigated tropical corn
- 65 rainfed sugarbeet inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 66 irrigated sugarbeet inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 67 rainfed sugarcane active rainfed sugarcane
- 68 irrigated sugarcane active irrigated sugarcane
- 69 rainfed sunflower inactive rainfed spring wheat
- 70 irrigated sunflower inactive irrigated spring wheat
- 71 rainfed miscanthus active rainfed miscanthus
- 72 irrigated miscanthus active irrigated miscanthus
- 73 rainfed switchgrass active rainfed switchgrass
- 74 irrigated switchgrass active irrigated switchgrass
- 75 rainfed tropical corn active rainfed tropical corn
- 76 irrigated tropical corn active irrigated tropical corn
- 77 rainfed tropical soybean active rainfed tropical soybean
- 78 irrigated tropical soybean active irrigated tropical soybean
+ 25 rainfed barley inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 26 irrigated barley inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 27 rainfed winter barley inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 28 irrigated winter barley inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 29 rainfed rye inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 30 irrigated rye inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 31 rainfed winter rye inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 32 irrigated winter rye inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 33 rainfed cassava inactive rainfed rice
+ 34 irrigated cassava inactive irrigated rice
+ 35 rainfed citrus inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 36 irrigated citrus inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 37 rainfed cocoa inactive rainfed rice
+ 38 irrigated cocoa inactive irrigated rice
+ 39 rainfed coffee inactive rainfed rice
+ 40 irrigated coffee inactive irrigated rice
+ 41 rainfed cotton active rainfed cotton
+ 42 irrigated cotton active irrigated cotton
+ 43 rainfed datepalm inactive rainfed cotton
+ 44 irrigated datepalm inactive irrigated cotton
+ 45 rainfed foddergrass inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 46 irrigated foddergrass inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 47 rainfed grapes inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 48 irrigated grapes inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 49 rainfed groundnuts inactive rainfed rice
+ 50 irrigated groundnuts inactive irrigated rice
+ 51 rainfed millet inactive rainfed tropical corn
+ 52 irrigated millet inactive irrigated tropical corn
+ 53 rainfed oilpalm inactive rainfed rice
+ 54 irrigated oilpalm inactive irrigated rice
+ 55 rainfed potatoes inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 56 irrigated potatoes inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 57 rainfed pulses inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 58 irrigated pulses inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 59 rainfed rapeseed inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 60 irrigated rapeseed inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 61 rainfed rice active rainfed rice
+ 62 irrigated rice active irrigated rice
+ 63 rainfed sorghum inactive rainfed tropical corn
+ 64 irrigated sorghum inactive irrigated tropical corn
+ 65 rainfed sugarbeet inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 66 irrigated sugarbeet inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 67 rainfed sugarcane active rainfed sugarcane
+ 68 irrigated sugarcane active irrigated sugarcane
+ 69 rainfed sunflower inactive rainfed spring wheat
+ 70 irrigated sunflower inactive irrigated spring wheat
+ 71 rainfed miscanthus active rainfed miscanthus
+ 72 irrigated miscanthus active irrigated miscanthus
+ 73 rainfed switchgrass active rainfed switchgrass
+ 74 irrigated switchgrass active irrigated switchgrass
+ 75 rainfed tropical corn active rainfed tropical corn
+ 76 irrigated tropical corn active irrigated tropical corn
+ 77 rainfed tropical soybean active rainfed tropical soybean
+ 78 irrigated tropical soybean active irrigated tropical soybean
=== =========================== ================ ===========================
.. _Phenology:
-CLM5-BGC includes evergreen, seasonally deciduous (responding to changes
-in day length), and stress deciduous (responding to changes in
-temperature and/or soil moisture) phenology algorithms (Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`).
-CLM5-BGC-crop uses the AgroIBIS crop phenology algorithm,
-consisting of three distinct phases.
+CLM5-BGC includes evergreen, seasonally deciduous (responding to changes in day length), and stress deciduous (responding to changes in temperature and/or soil moisture) phenology algorithms (Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`). CLM5-BGC-crop uses the AgroIBIS crop phenology algorithm, consisting of three distinct phases.
-Phase 1 starts at planting and ends with leaf emergence, phase 2
-continues from leaf emergence to the beginning of grain fill, and phase
-3 starts from the beginning of grain fill and ends with physiological
-maturity and harvest.
+Phase 1 starts at planting and ends with leaf emergence, phase 2 continues from leaf emergence to the beginning of grain fill, and phase 3 starts from the beginning of grain fill and ends with physiological maturity and harvest.
.. _Planting:
-All crops must meet the following requirements between the minimum planting date and the maximum
-planting date (for the northern hemisphere) in :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`:
+All crops must meet the following requirements between the minimum planting date and the maximum planting date (for the northern hemisphere) in :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`:
.. math::
:label: 25.1
- \begin{array}{c}
- {T_{10d} >T_{p} } \\
- {T_{10d}^{\min } >T_{p}^{\min } } \\
- {GDD_{8} \ge GDD_{\min } }
+ \begin{array}{c}
+ {T_{10d} >T_{p} } \\
+ {T_{10d}^{\min } >T_{p}^{\min } } \\
+ {GDD_{8} \ge GDD_{\min } }
-where :math:`{T}_{10d}` is the 10-day running mean of :math:`{T}_{2m}`, (the simulated 2-m air
-temperature during each model time step) and :math:`T_{10d}^{\min}` is
-the 10-day running mean of :math:`T_{2m}^{\min }` (the daily minimum of
-:math:`{T}_{2m}`). :math:`{T}_{p}` and :math:`T_{p}^{\min }` are crop-specific coldest planting temperatures
-(:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`), :math:`{GDD}_{8}` is the 20-year running mean growing
-degree-days (units are degree-days or :sup:`o` days) tracked
-from April through September (NH) above 8\ :sup:`o` C with
-maximum daily increments of 30\ :sup:`o` days (see equation :eq:`25.3`), and
-:math:`{GDD}_{min }`\ is the minimum growing degree day requirement
-(:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`). :math:`{GDD}_{8}` does not change as quickly as :math:`{T}_{10d}` and :math:`T_{10d}^{\min }`, so
-it determines whether it is warm enough for the crop to be planted in a grid cell, while the
-2-m air temperature variables determine the day when the crop may be planted if the :math:`{GDD}_{8}` threshold is met.
-If the requirements in equation :eq:`25.1` are not met by the maximum planting date,
-crops are still planted on the maximum planting date as long as :math:`{GDD}_{8} > 0`. In
-the southern hemisphere (SH) the NH requirements apply 6 months later.
-At planting, each crop seed pool is assigned 3 gC m\ :sup:`-2` from its
-grain product pool. The seed carbon is transferred to the leaves upon leaf emergence. An
-equivalent amount of seed leaf N is assigned given the pft’s C to N
-ratio for leaves (:math:`{CN}_{leaf}` in :numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`; this differs from AgroIBIS,
-which uses a seed leaf area index instead of seed C). The model updates the average growing degree-days necessary
-for the crop to reach vegetative and physiological maturity,
-:math:`{GDD}_{mat}`, according to the following AgroIBIS rules:
+where :math:`{T}_{10d}` is the 10-day running mean of :math:`{T}_{2m}`, (the simulated 2-m air temperature during each model time step) and :math:`T_{10d}^{\min}` is the 10-day running mean of :math:`T_{2m}^{\min }` (the daily minimum of :math:`{T}_{2m}`). :math:`{T}_{p}` and :math:`T_{p}^{\min }` are crop-specific coldest planting temperatures (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`), :math:`{GDD}_{8}` is the 20-year running mean growing degree-days (units are °C day) tracked from April through September (NH) above 8°C with maximum daily increments of 30 degree-days (see equation :eq:`25.3`), and :math:`{GDD}_{min }`\ is the minimum growing degree day requirement (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`). :math:`{GDD}_{8}` does not change as quickly as :math:`{T}_{10d}` and :math:`T_{10d}^{\min }`, so it determines whether it is warm enough for the crop to be planted in a grid cell, while the 2-m air temperature variables determine the day when the crop may be planted if the :math:`{GDD}_{8}` threshold is met. If the requirements in equation :eq:`25.1` are not met by the maximum planting date, crops are still planted on the maximum planting date as long as :math:`{GDD}_{8} > 0`. In the southern hemisphere (SH) the NH requirements apply 6 months later.
+At planting, each crop seed pool is assigned 3 gC m\ :sup:`-2` from its grain product pool. The seed carbon is transferred to the leaves upon leaf emergence. An equivalent amount of seed leaf N is assigned given the pft's C to N ratio for leaves (:math:`{CN}_{leaf}` in :numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`; this differs from AgroIBIS, which uses a seed leaf area index instead of seed C). The model updates the average growing degree-days necessary for the crop to reach vegetative and physiological maturity, :math:`{GDD}_{mat}`, according to the following AgroIBIS rules:
.. math::
:label: 25.2
- \begin{array}{lll}
- GDD_{{\rm mat}}^{{\rm corn,sugarcane}} =0.85 GDD_{{\rm 8}} & {\rm \; \; \; and\; \; \; }& 950 `, :ref:`Crawford et al. 1982 `, :ref:`Simpson et al. 1983
-`, :ref:`Ta and Weiland 1992 `, :ref:`Barbottin et al. 2005 `,
-:ref:`Gallais et al. 2006 `, :ref:`Gallais et al. 2007 `). Nitrogen allocation
-for crops follows that of natural vegetation, is supplied in CLM by the
-soil mineral nitrogen pool, and depends on C:N ratios for leaves, stems,
-roots, and organs. Nitrogen demand during organ development is fulfilled
-through retranslocation from leaves, stems, and roots. Nitrogen
-retranslocation is initiated at the beginning of the grain fill stage
-for all crops except soybean, for which retranslocation is after LAI decline.
-Nitrogen stored in the leaf and stem is moved into a storage
-retranslocation pool for all crops, and for wheat and rice, nitrogen in roots is also
-released into the retranslocation storage pool. The quantity of nitrogen
-mobilized depends on the C:N ratio of the plant tissue, and is
-calculated as
+Nitrogen retranslocation in crops occurs when nitrogen that was used for tissue growth of leaves, stems, and fine roots during the early growth season is remobilized and used for grain development (:ref:`Pollmer et al. 1979 `, :ref:`Crawford et al. 1982 `, :ref:`Simpson et al. 1983 `, :ref:`Ta and Weiland 1992 `, :ref:`Barbottin et al. 2005 `, :ref:`Gallais et al. 2006 `, :ref:`Gallais et al. 2007 `). Nitrogen allocation for crops follows that of natural vegetation, is supplied in CLM by the soil mineral nitrogen pool, and depends on C:N ratios for leaves, stems, roots, and organs. Nitrogen demand during organ development is fulfilled through retranslocation from leaves, stems, and roots. Nitrogen retranslocation is initiated at the beginning of the grain fill stage for all crops except soybean, for which retranslocation is after LAI decline. Nitrogen stored in the leaf and stem is moved into a storage retranslocation pool for all crops, and for wheat and rice, nitrogen in roots is also released into the retranslocation storage pool. The quantity of nitrogen mobilized depends on the C:N ratio of the plant tissue, and is calculated as
.. math::
:label: 25.6
@@ -532,53 +310,31 @@ calculated as
frootn\_ to\_ retransn=N_{froot} -\frac{C_{froot} }{CN_{froot}^{f} }
-where :math:`{C}_{leaf}`, :math:`{C}_{stem}`, and :math:`{C}_{froot}` is the carbon in the plant leaf, stem, and fine
-root, respectively, :math:`{N}_{leaf}`, :math:`{N}_{stem}`, and :math:`{N}_{froot}`
-is the nitrogen in the plant leaf, stem, and fine root, respectively, and :math:`CN^f_{leaf}`,
-:math:`CN^f_{stem}`, and :math:`CN^f_{froot}` is the post-grain fill C:N
-ratio of the leaf, stem, and fine root respectively (:numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). Since
-C:N measurements are often taken from mature crops, pre-grain development C:N
-ratios for leaves, stems, and roots in the model are optimized to allow maximum
-nitrogen accumulation for later use during organ development, and post-grain
-fill C:N ratios are assigned the same as crop residue. After
-nitrogen is moved into the retranslocated pool,
-the nitrogen in this pool is used to meet plant
-nitrogen demand by assigning the available nitrogen from the
-retranslocated pool equal to the plant nitrogen demand for each organ (:math:`{CN_{[organ]}^{f} }` in :numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). Once the
-retranslocation pool is depleted, soil mineral nitrogen pool is used to
-fulfill plant nitrogen demands.
+where :math:`{C}_{leaf}`, :math:`{C}_{stem}`, and :math:`{C}_{froot}` is the carbon in the plant leaf, stem, and fine root, respectively, :math:`{N}_{leaf}`, :math:`{N}_{stem}`, and :math:`{N}_{froot}` is the nitrogen in the plant leaf, stem, and fine root, respectively, and :math:`CN^f_{leaf}`, :math:`CN^f_{stem}`, and :math:`CN^f_{froot}` is the post-grain fill C:N ratio of the leaf, stem, and fine root respectively (:numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). Since C:N measurements are often taken from mature crops, pre-grain development C:N ratios for leaves, stems, and roots in the model are optimized to allow maximum nitrogen accumulation for later use during organ development, and post-grain fill C:N ratios are assigned the same as crop residue. After nitrogen is moved into the retranslocated pool, the nitrogen in this pool is used to meet plant nitrogen demand by assigning the available nitrogen from the retranslocated pool equal to the plant nitrogen demand for each organ (:math:`{CN_{[organ]}^{f} }` in :numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`). Once the retranslocation pool is depleted, soil mineral nitrogen pool is used to fulfill plant nitrogen demands.
.. _Harvest to food and seed:
-Variables track the flow of grain C and N to food and of all other plant pools, including live stem C and N, to litter, and to biofuel feedstock.
-A fraction (determined by the :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac`, defined in
-:numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) parameters for harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for bioenergy production`) of leaf/livestem C and N from bioenergy crops is removed at harvest for biofuels
-(Equations :eq:`25.9`, :eq:`25.10`, :eq:`25.12`, and :eq:`25.13`),
-with the remaining portions going to the litter pools (Equations :eq:`20.14)`, :eq:`25.11`, and :eq:`25.14`).
-Putting live stem C and N into the litter and biofuel pools is in contrast to the approach for unmanaged PFTs which
-puts live stem C and N into dead stem pools first.
-Biofuel crop leaf C and N pools are routed to the litter and biofuel pools, in contrast to that of unmanaged PFTs and non-biofuel crops, which put leaf C and N into litter pools only.
-Root C and N pools are routed to the litter pools in the same manner as natural vegetation.
+Variables track the flow of grain C and N to food and of all other plant pools, including live stem C and N, to litter, and to biofuel feedstock. A fraction (determined by the :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac`, defined in :numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) parameters for harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for bioenergy production`) of leaf/livestem C and N from bioenergy crops is removed at harvest for biofuels (Equations :eq:`25.9`, :eq:`25.10`, :eq:`25.12`, and :eq:`25.13`), with the remaining portions going to the litter pools (Equations :eq:`20.14)`, :eq:`25.11`, and :eq:`25.14`). Putting live stem C and N into the litter and biofuel pools is in contrast to the approach for unmanaged PFTs which puts live stem C and N into dead stem pools first. Biofuel crop leaf C and N pools are routed to the litter and biofuel pools, in contrast to that of unmanaged PFTs and non-biofuel crops, which put leaf C and N into litter pools only. Root C and N pools are routed to the litter pools in the same manner as natural vegetation.
.. math::
:label: 25.9
- CF_{leaf,biofuel} = \left({CS_{leaf} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{leaf} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{leaf,biofuel} = \left({CS_{leaf} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{leaf} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
\right) * biofuel\_harvfrac
.. math::
:label: 25.10
- CF_{livestem,biofuel} = \left({CS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{leaf} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
- \right) * biofuel\_harvfrac
+ CF_{livestem,biofuel} = \left({CS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{leaf} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
+ \right) * biofuel\_harvfrac
.. math::
:label: 25.11
- CF_{livestem,litter} = \left({CS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{livestem} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{livestem,litter} = \left({CS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{livestem} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
\right) * \left( 1-biofuel\_harvfrac \right) +CF_{alloc,livestem}
with corresponding nitrogen fluxes:
@@ -586,23 +342,22 @@ with corresponding nitrogen fluxes:
.. math::
:label: 25.12
- NF_{leaf,biofuel} = \left({NS_{leaf} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{leaf} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ NF_{leaf,biofuel} = \left({NS_{leaf} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{leaf} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
\right) * biofuel\_harvfrac
.. math::
:label: 25.13
- NF_{livestem,biofuel} = \left({NS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{livestem} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ NF_{livestem,biofuel} = \left({NS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{livestem} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
\right) * biofuel\_harvfrac
.. math::
:label: 25.14
- NF_{livestem,litter} = \left({NS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{livestem} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ NF_{livestem,litter} = \left({NS_{livestem} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {NS_{livestem} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
\right) * \left( 1-biofuel\_harvfrac \right)
-where CF is the carbon flux, CS is stored carbon, NF is the nitrogen flux,
-NS is stored nitrogen, and :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac` is the harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for biofuel feedstocks.
+where CF is the carbon flux, CS is stored carbon, NF is the nitrogen flux, NS is stored nitrogen, and :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac` is the harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for biofuel feedstocks.
.. _Table Plant functional type (PFT) parameters for harvested fraction of leaf/livestem for bioenergy production:
@@ -660,54 +415,40 @@ NS is stored nitrogen, and :math:`biofuel\_harvfrac` is the harvested fraction o
| Switchgrass | 0.70 |
-Whereas food C and N was formerly transferred to the litter pool, CLM5 routes food C and N
-to a grain product pool where the C and N decay to the atmosphere over one year,
-similar in structure to the wood product pools.
-The biofuel C and N is also routed to the grain product pool and decays to the atmosphere over one year.
-Additionally, CLM5 accounts for the C and N required for crop seeding by removing the seed C and N from the grain
-product pool during harvest. The crop seed pool is then used to seed crops in the subsequent year.
-Calcuating the crop yields (Equation :eq:`25.15`) requires that you sum the GRAINC_TO_FOOD variable
-for each year, and must account for the proportion of C in the dry crop weight.
-Here, we assume that grain C is 45% of the total dry weight. Additionally, harvest is not typically 100% efficient, so
-analysis needs to assume that harvest efficiency is less. We assume a harvest
-efficiency of 85%.
+Whereas food C and N was formerly transferred to the litter pool, CLM5 routes food C and N to a grain product pool where the C and N decay to the atmosphere over one year, similar in structure to the wood product pools. The biofuel C and N is also routed to the grain product pool and decays to the atmosphere over one year. Additionally, CLM5 accounts for the C and N required for crop seeding by removing the seed C and N from the grain product pool during harvest. The crop seed pool is then used to seed crops in the subsequent year. Calcuating the crop yields (Equation :eq:`25.15`) requires that you sum the GRAINC_TO_FOOD variable for each year, and must account for the proportion of C in the dry crop weight. Here, we assume that grain C is 45% of the total dry weight. Additionally, harvest is not typically 100% efficient, so analysis needs to assume that harvest efficiency is less. We assume a harvest efficiency of 85%.
.. math::
:label: 25.15
Grain\ yield(g.m^{-2})=\frac{\sum(GRAINC\_ TO\_ FOOD)*0.85}{0.45}
.. _Table Crop allocation parameters:
.. table:: Crop allocation parameters for the active crop plant functional types (pfts) in CLM5BGCCROP. Numbers in the first row correspond to the list of pfts in :numref:`Table Crop plant functional types`.
=========================================== ============== ============ ================== ====== ====== ========= ============= ================ ================ ================
- \ temperate corn spring wheat temperate soybean cotton rice sugarcane tropical corn tropical soybean miscanthus switchgrass
+ \ temperate corn spring wheat temperate soybean cotton rice sugarcane tropical corn tropical soybean miscanthus switchgrass
=========================================== ============== ============ ================== ====== ====== ========= ============= ================ ================ ================
- IVT 17, 18 19, 20 23, 24 41, 42 61, 62 67, 68 75, 76 77, 78 71, 72 73, 74
- :math:`a_{leaf}^{i}` 0.6 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.6 0.6 0.85 0.9 0.7
- :math:`{L}_{max}` (m :sup:`2` m :sup:`-2`) 5 7 6 6 7 5 5 6 10 6.5
- :math:`a_{froot}^{i}` 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.11 0.14
- :math:`a_{froot}^{f}` 0.05 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.09 0.09
- :math:`a_{leaf}^{f}` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- :math:`a_{livestem}^{f}` 0 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.05 0 0 0.3 0 0
- :math:`d_{L}` 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
- :math:`d_{alloc}^{stem}` 2 1 5 5 1 2 2 5 2 2
- :math:`d_{alloc}^{leaf}` 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 2 5 5
- :math:`{CN}_{leaf}` 25 20 20 20 20 25 25 20 25 25
- :math:`{CN}_{stem}` 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
- :math:`{CN}_{froot}` 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
- :math:`CN^f_{leaf}` 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
- :math:`CN^f_{stem}` 120 100 130 130 100 120 120 130 120 120
- :math:`CN^f_{froot}` 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0
- :math:`{CN}_{grain}` 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
+ IVT 17, 18 19, 20 23, 24 41, 42 61, 62 67, 68 75, 76 77, 78 71, 72 73, 74
+ :math:`a_{leaf}^{i}` 0.6 0.9 0.85 0.85 0.75 0.6 0.6 0.85 0.9 0.7
+ :math:`{L}_{max}` (m :sup:`2` m :sup:`-2`) 5 7 6 6 7 5 5 6 10 6.5
+ :math:`a_{froot}^{i}` 0.1 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.11 0.14
+ :math:`a_{froot}^{f}` 0.05 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.09 0.09
+ :math:`a_{leaf}^{f}` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ :math:`a_{livestem}^{f}` 0 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.05 0 0 0.3 0 0
+ :math:`d_{L}` 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
+ :math:`d_{alloc}^{stem}` 2 1 5 5 1 2 2 5 2 2
+ :math:`d_{alloc}^{leaf}` 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 2 5 5
+ :math:`{CN}_{leaf}` 25 20 20 20 20 25 25 20 25 25
+ :math:`{CN}_{stem}` 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
+ :math:`{CN}_{froot}` 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
+ :math:`CN^f_{leaf}` 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
+ :math:`CN^f_{stem}` 120 100 130 130 100 120 120 130 120 120
+ :math:`CN^f_{froot}` 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0
+ :math:`{CN}_{grain}` 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
=========================================== ============== ============ ================== ====== ====== ========= ============= ================ ================ ================
-Notes: Crop growth phases and corresponding variables are described throughout
-the text. :math:`{CN}_{leaf}`, :math:`{CN}_{stem}`, and :math:`{CN}_{froot}` are
-the target C:N ratios used during the leaf emergence phase (phase 2).
+Notes: Crop growth phases and corresponding variables are described throughout the text. :math:`{CN}_{leaf}`, :math:`{CN}_{stem}`, and :math:`{CN}_{froot}` are the target C:N ratios used during the leaf emergence phase (phase 2).
.. _Other Features:
@@ -718,211 +459,116 @@ Other Features
Physical Crop Characteristics
-Leaf area index (*L*) is calculated as a function of specific leaf area
-(SLA, :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`) and leaf C.
-Stem area index (*S*) is equal to 0.1\ *L* for temperate and tropical corn, sugarcane, switchgrass, and miscanthus and 0.2\ *L* for
-other crops, as in AgroIBIS. All live
-C and N pools go to 0 after crop harvest, but the *S* is kept at 0.25 to
-simulate a post-harvest “stubble” on the ground.
-Crop heights at the top and bottom of the canopy, :math:`{z}_{top}`
-and :math:`{z}_{bot}` (m), come from the AgroIBIS formulation:
+Leaf area index (*L*) is calculated as a function of specific leaf area (SLA, :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`) and leaf C. Stem area index (*S*) is equal to 0.1\ *L* for temperate and tropical corn, sugarcane, switchgrass, and miscanthus and 0.2\ *L* for other crops, as in AgroIBIS. All live C and N pools go to 0 after crop harvest, but the *S* is kept at 0.25 to simulate a post-harvest "stubble" on the ground.
+Crop heights at the top and bottom of the canopy, :math:`{z}_{top}` and :math:`{z}_{bot}` (m), come from the AgroIBIS formulation:
.. math::
:label: 25.16
- \begin{array}{l}
- {z_{top} =z_{top}^{\max } \left(\frac{L}{L_{\max } -1} \right)^{2} \ge 0.05{\rm \; where\; }\frac{L}{L_{\max } -1} \le 1} \\
- {z_{bot} =0.02{\rm m}}
+ \begin{array}{l}
+ {z_{top} =z_{top}^{\max } \left(\frac{L}{L_{\max } -1} \right)^{2} \ge 0.05{\rm \; where\; }\frac{L}{L_{\max } -1} \le 1} \\
+ {z_{bot} =0.02{\rm m}}
-where :math:`z_{top}^{\max }` is the maximum top-of-canopy height of the crop (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`)
-and :math:`L_{\max }` is the maximum leaf area index (:numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`).
+where :math:`z_{top}^{\max }` is the maximum top-of-canopy height of the crop (:numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`) and :math:`L_{\max }` is the maximum leaf area index (:numref:`Table Crop allocation parameters`).
.. _Interactive fertilization:
Interactive Fertilization
-CLM simulates fertilization by adding nitrogen directly to the soil mineral nitrogen pool to meet
-crop nitrogen demands using both industrial fertilizer and manure application. CLM’s separate crop land unit ensures that
-natural vegetation will not access the fertilizer applied to crops.
-Fertilizer in CLM5BGCCROP is prescribed by crop functional types and varies spatially
-for each year based on the LUMIP land use and land cover change
-time series (LUH2 for historical and SSPs for future) (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2016 `).
-One of two fields is used to prescribe industrial fertilizer based on the type of simulation.
-For non-transient simulations, annual fertilizer application in g N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr
-is specified on the land surface data set by the field CONST_FERTNITRO_CFT.
-In transient simulations, annual fertilizer application is specified on the land use time series
-file by the field FERTNITRO_CFT, which is also in g N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr.
-The values for both of these fields come from the LUMIP time series for each year.
-In addition to the industrial fertilizer, background manure fertilizer is specified
-on the parameter file by the field 'manunitro'. For perennial bioenergy crops,
-little fertilizer (56kg/ha/yr) is applied to switchgrass, no fertilizer is applied to Miscanthus.
-Note these rates are only based on local land management practices at the University of Illinois Energy Farm
-located in Central Midwestern United States :ref:`(Cheng et al., 2019)` rather than the LUMIP timeseries. For the current CLM5BGCCROP,
-manure N is applied at a rate of 0.002 kg N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr. Because previous versions
-of CLM (e.g., CLM4) had rapid denitrification rates, fertilizer is applied slowly
-to minimize N loss (primarily through denitrification) and maximize plant uptake.
-The current implementation of CLM5 inherits this legacy, although denitrification rates
-are slower in the current version of the model (:ref:`Koven et al. 2013 `). As such,
-fertilizer application begins during the leaf emergence phase of crop
-development (phase 2) and continues for 20 days, which helps reduce large losses
-of nitrogen from leaching and denitrification during the early stage of
-crop development. The 20-day period is chosen as an optimization to
-limit fertilizer application to the emergence stage. A fertilizer
-counter in seconds, *f*, is set as soon as the leaf emergence phase for crops
+CLM simulates fertilization by adding nitrogen directly to the soil mineral nitrogen pool to meet crop nitrogen demands using both industrial fertilizer and manure application. CLM's separate crop land unit ensures that natural vegetation will not access the fertilizer applied to crops. Fertilizer in CLM5BGCCROP is prescribed by crop functional types and varies spatially for each year based on the LUMIP land use and land cover change time series (LUH2 for historical and SSPs for future) (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2016 `). One of two fields is used to prescribe industrial fertilizer based on the type of simulation. For non-transient simulations, annual fertilizer application in g N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr is specified on the land surface data set by the field CONST_FERTNITRO_CFT. In transient simulations, annual fertilizer application is specified on the land use time series file by the field FERTNITRO_CFT, which is also in g N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr. The values for both of these fields come from the LUMIP time series for each year. In addition to the industrial fertilizer, background manure fertilizer is specified on the parameter file by the field 'manunitro'. For perennial bioenergy crops, little fertilizer (56kg/ha/yr) is applied to switchgrass, no fertilizer is applied to Miscanthus. Note these rates are only based on local land management practices at the University of Illinois Energy Farm located in Central Midwestern United States :ref:`(Cheng et al., 2019)` rather than the LUMIP timeseries. For the current CLM5BGCCROP, manure N is applied at a rate of 0.002 kg N/m\ :sup:`2`/yr. Because previous versions of CLM (e.g., CLM4) had rapid denitrification rates, fertilizer is applied slowly to minimize N loss (primarily through denitrification) and maximize plant uptake. The current implementation of CLM5 inherits this legacy, although denitrification rates are slower in the current version of the model (:ref:`Koven et al. 2013 `). As such, fertilizer application begins during the leaf emergence phase of crop development (phase 2) and continues for 20 days, which helps reduce large losses of nitrogen from leaching and denitrification during the early stage of crop development. The 20-day period is chosen as an optimization to limit fertilizer application to the emergence stage. A fertilizer counter in seconds, *f*, is set as soon as the leaf emergence phase for crops initiates:
.. math::
:label: 25.17
- f = n \times 86400
-where *n* is set to 20 fertilizer application days and 86400 is the number of seconds per day. When the crop enters
-phase 2 (leaf emergence) of its growth
-cycle, fertilizer application begins by initializing fertilizer amount
-to the total fertilizer at each column within the grid cell divided by the initialized *f*.
-Fertilizer is applied and *f* is decremented each time step until a zero balance on
-the counter is reached.
+ f = n \times 86400
+where *n* is set to 20 fertilizer application days and 86400 is the number of seconds per day. When the crop enters phase 2 (leaf emergence) of its growth cycle, fertilizer application begins by initializing fertilizer amount to the total fertilizer at each column within the grid cell divided by the initialized *f*. Fertilizer is applied and *f* is decremented each time step until a zero balance on the counter is reached.
.. _Biological nitrogen fixation for soybeans:
Biological nitrogen fixation for soybeans
-Biological N fixation for soybeans is calculated by the fixation and uptake of
-nitrogen module (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`) and is the same as N fixation in natural vegetation. Unlike natural
-vegetation, where a fraction of each pft are N fixers, all soybeans
-are treated as N fixers.
+Biological N fixation for soybeans is calculated by the fixation and uptake of nitrogen module (Chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`) and is the same as N fixation in natural vegetation. Unlike natural vegetation, where a fraction of each pft are N fixers, all soybeans are treated as N fixers.
.. _Latitude vary base tempereature for growing degree days:
Latitudinal variation in base growth tempereature
-For most crops, :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` (growing degree days since planting)
-is the same in all locations. However,
-the for both rainfed and irrigated spring wheat and sugarcane, the calculation of
-:math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` allows for latitudinal variation:
+For most crops, :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` (growing degree days since planting) is the same in all locations. However, the for both rainfed and irrigated spring wheat and sugarcane, the calculation of :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` allows for latitudinal variation:
.. math::
:label: 25.18
latitudinal\ variation\ in\ base\ T = \left\{
- \begin{array}{lr}
+ \begin{array}{lr}
baset +12 - 0.4 \times latitude &\qquad 0 \le latitude \le 30 \\
- baset +12 + 0.4 \times latitude &\qquad -30 \le latitude \le 0
+ baset +12 + 0.4 \times latitude &\qquad -30 \le latitude \le 0
\end{array} \right\}
-where :math:`baset` is the *base temperature for GDD* (7\ :sup:`th` row) in :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`.
-Such latitudinal variation in base growth temperature could increase the base temperature, slow down :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }`
-accumulation, and extend the growing season for regions within 30ºS to 30ºN for spring wheat
-and sugarcane.
+where :math:`baset` is the *base temperature for GDD* (7\ :sup:`th` row) in :numref:`Table Crop phenology parameters`. Such latitudinal variation in base growth temperature could increase the base temperature, slow down :math:`GDD_{T_{{\rm 2m}} }` accumulation, and extend the growing season for regions within 30°S to 30°N for spring wheat and sugarcane.
.. _Separate reproductive pool:
Separate reproductive pool
-One notable difference between natural vegetation and crops is the
-presence of reproductive carbon and nitrogen pools. Accounting
-for the reproductive pools helps determine whether crops are performing
-reasonably through yield calculations.
-The reproductive pool is maintained similarly to the leaf, stem,
-and fine root pools, but allocation of carbon and nitrogen does not
-begin until the grain fill stage of crop development. Equation :eq:`25.5` describes the
-carbon and nitrogen allocation coefficients to the reproductive pool.
-In CLM5BGCCROP, as allocation declines in stem, leaf, and root pools (see section :numref:`Grain fill to harvest`)
-during the grain fill stage of growth, increasing amounts of carbon and
-nitrogen are available for grain development.
+One notable difference between natural vegetation and crops is the presence of reproductive carbon and nitrogen pools. Accounting for the reproductive pools helps determine whether crops are performing reasonably through yield calculations. The reproductive pool is maintained similarly to the leaf, stem, and fine root pools, but allocation of carbon and nitrogen does not begin until the grain fill stage of crop development. Equation :eq:`25.5` describes the carbon and nitrogen allocation coefficients to the reproductive pool. In CLM5BGCCROP, as allocation declines in stem, leaf, and root pools (see section :numref:`Grain fill to harvest`) during the grain fill stage of growth, increasing amounts of carbon and nitrogen are available for grain development.
.. _The irrigation model:
The irrigation model
-The CLM includes the option to irrigate cropland areas that are equipped
-for irrigation. The application of irrigation responds dynamically to
-the soil moisture conditions simulated by the CLM. This irrigation
-algorithm is based loosely on the implementation of
-:ref:`Ozdogan et al. (2010) `.
+The CLM includes the option to irrigate cropland areas that are equipped for irrigation. The application of irrigation responds dynamically to the soil moisture conditions simulated by the CLM. This irrigation algorithm is based loosely on the implementation of :ref:`Ozdogan et al. (2010) `.
-When irrigation is enabled, the crop areas of each grid cell are divided
-into irrigated and rainfed fractions according to a dataset of areas
-equipped for irrigation (:ref:`Portmann et al. 2010 `).
-Irrigated and rainfed crops are placed on separate soil columns, so that
-irrigation is only applied to the soil beneath irrigated crops.
+When irrigation is enabled, the crop areas of each grid cell are divided into irrigated and rainfed fractions according to a dataset of areas equipped for irrigation (:ref:`Portmann et al. 2010 `). Irrigated and rainfed crops are placed on separate soil columns, so that irrigation is only applied to the soil beneath irrigated crops.
-In irrigated croplands, a check is made once per day to determine
-whether irrigation is required on that day. This check is made in the
-first time step after 6 AM local time. Irrigation is required if crop
-leaf area :math:`>` 0, and the available soil water is below a specified
+In irrigated croplands, a check is made once per day to determine whether irrigation is required on that day. This check is made in the first time step after 6 AM local time. Irrigation is required if crop leaf area :math:`>` 0, and the available soil water is below a specified threshold.
-The soil moisture deficit :math:`D_{irrig}` is
+The soil moisture deficit :math:`D_{irrig}` is
.. math::
:label: 25.61
D_{irrig} = \left\{
- \begin{array}{lr}
+ \begin{array}{lr}
w_{thresh} - w_{avail} &\qquad w_{thresh} > w_{avail} \\
- 0 &\qquad w_{thresh} \le w_{avail}
+ 0 &\qquad w_{thresh} \le w_{avail}
\end{array} \right\}
-where :math:`w_{thresh}` is the irrigation moisture threshold (mm) and
-:math:`w_{avail}` is the available moisture (mm). The moisture threshold
+where :math:`w_{thresh}` is the irrigation moisture threshold (mm) and :math:`w_{avail}` is the available moisture (mm). The moisture threshold is
.. math::
:label: 25.62
w_{thresh} = f_{thresh} \left(w_{target} - w_{wilt}\right) + w_{wilt}
-where :math:`w_{target}` is the irrigation target soil moisture (mm)
+where :math:`w_{target}` is the irrigation target soil moisture (mm)
.. math::
:label: 25.63
w_{target} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{irr}} \theta_{target} \Delta z_{j} \ ,
-:math:`w_{wilt}` is the wilting point soil moisture (mm)
+:math:`w_{wilt}` is the wilting point soil moisture (mm)
.. math::
:label: 25.64
w_{wilt} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{irr}} \theta_{wilt} \Delta z_{j} \ ,
-and :math:`f_{thresh}` is a tuning parameter. The available moisture in
-the soil is
+and :math:`f_{thresh}` is a tuning parameter. The available moisture in
+the soil is
.. math::
:label: 25.65
w_{avail} = \sum_{j=1}^{N_{irr}} \theta_{j} \Delta z_{j} \ ,
-:math:`N_{irr}` is the index of the soil layer corresponding to a specified
-depth :math:`z_{irrig}` (:numref:`Table Irrigation parameters`) and
-:math:`\Delta z_{j}` is the thickness of the soil layer in layer :math:`j` (section
-:numref:`Vertical Discretization`). :math:`\theta_{j}` is the
-volumetric soil moisture in layer :math:`j` (section :numref:`Soil Water`).
-:math:`\theta_{target}` and
-:math:`\theta_{wilt}` are the target and wilting point volumetric
-soil moisture values, respectively, and are determined by inverting
-:eq:`7.94` using soil matric
-potential parameters :math:`\Psi_{target}` and :math:`\Psi_{wilt}`
-(:numref:`Table Irrigation parameters`). After the soil moisture deficit
-:math:`D_{irrig}` is calculated, irrigation in an amount equal to
-:math:`\frac{D_{irrig}}{T_{irrig}}` (mm/s) is applied uniformly over
-the irrigation period :math:`T_{irrig}` (s). Irrigation water is applied
-directly to the ground surface, bypassing canopy interception (i.e.,
-added to :math:`{q}_{grnd,liq}`: section :numref:`Canopy Water`).
-To conserve mass, irrigation is removed from river water storage (Chapter :numref:`rst_River Transport Model (RTM)`).
-When river water storage is inadequate to meet irrigation demand,
-there are two options: 1) the additional water can be removed from the
-ocean model, or 2) the irrigation demand can be reduced such that
-river water storage is maintained above a specified threshold.
+:math:`N_{irr}` is the index of the soil layer corresponding to a specified depth :math:`z_{irrig}` (:numref:`Table Irrigation parameters`) and :math:`\Delta z_{j}` is the thickness of the soil layer in layer :math:`j` (section :numref:`Vertical Discretization`). :math:`\theta_{j}` is the volumetric soil moisture in layer :math:`j` (section :numref:`Soil Water`). :math:`\theta_{target}` and :math:`\theta_{wilt}` are the target and wilting point volumetric soil moisture values, respectively, and are determined by inverting :eq:`7.94` using soil matric potential parameters :math:`\Psi_{target}` and :math:`\Psi_{wilt}` (:numref:`Table Irrigation parameters`). After the soil moisture deficit :math:`D_{irrig}` is calculated, irrigation in an amount equal to :math:`\frac{D_{irrig}}{T_{irrig}}` (mm/s) is applied uniformly over the irrigation period :math:`T_{irrig}` (s). Irrigation water is applied directly to the ground surface, bypassing canopy interception (i.e., added to :math:`{q}_{grnd,liq}`: section :numref:`Canopy Water`).
+To conserve mass, irrigation is removed from river water storage (Chapter :numref:`rst_River Transport Model (RTM)`). When river water storage is inadequate to meet irrigation demand, there are two options: 1) the additional water can be removed from the ocean model, or 2) the irrigation demand can be reduced such that river water storage is maintained above a specified threshold.
.. _Table Irrigation parameters:
@@ -941,8 +587,4 @@ river water storage is maintained above a specified threshold.
.. add a reference to surface data in chapter2
- To accomplish this we downloaded
- data of percent irrigated and percent rainfed corn, soybean, and
- temperate cereals (wheat, barley, and rye) (:ref:`Portmann et al. 2010 `),
- available online from
- *ftp://ftp.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/uni-frankfurt/physische\_geographie/hydrologie/public/data/MIRCA2000/harvested\_area\_grids.*
+ To accomplish this we downloaded data of percent irrigated and percent rainfed corn, soybean, and temperate cereals (wheat, barley, and rye) (:ref:`Portmann et al. 2010 `), available online from *ftp://ftp.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/uni-frankfurt/physische\_geographie/hydrologie/public/data/MIRCA2000/harvested\_area\_grids.*
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/DGVM/CLM50_Tech_Note_DGVM.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/DGVM/CLM50_Tech_Note_DGVM.rst
index c62591b70c..4874ca9943 100644
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/DGVM/CLM50_Tech_Note_DGVM.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/DGVM/CLM50_Tech_Note_DGVM.rst
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ What has changed
- Introduction of FATES: The Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) is the actively developed DGVM for the CLM5.
@@ -22,19 +21,7 @@ Fisher, R. A., Muszala, S., Verteinstein, M., Lawrence, P., Xu, C., McDowell, N.
The Ecosystem Demography ('ED'), concept within FATES is derived from the work of :ref:`Moorcroft et al. (2001)` and is a cohort model of vegetation competition and co-existence, allowing a representation of the biosphere which accounts for the division of the land surface into successional stages, and for competition for light between height structured cohorts of representative trees of various plant functional types.
-The implementation of the Ecosystem Demography concept within FATES links the surface flux and canopy physiology concepts in CLM
-with numerous additional developments necessary to accommodate the new model. These include a version of the SPITFIRE
-(Spread and InTensity of Fire) model of :ref:`Thonicke et al. (2010)`, and an adoption of the concept of
-`Perfect Plasticity Approximation` approach of
-:ref:`Purves et al. 2008`, :ref:`Lichstein et al. 2011` and :ref:`Weng et al. 2014`, in accounting
-for the spatial arrangement of crowns. Novel algorithms accounting for
-the fragmentation of coarse woody debris into chemical litter streams,
-for the physiological optimization of canopy thickness, for the
-accumulation of seeds in the seed bank, for multi-layer multi-PFT
-radiation transfer, for drought-deciduous and cold-deciduous phenology,
-for carbon storage allocation, and for tree mortality under carbon
-stress, are also included.
+The implementation of the Ecosystem Demography concept within FATES links the surface flux and canopy physiology concepts in CLM with numerous additional developments necessary to accommodate the new model. These include a version of the SPITFIRE (Spread and InTensity of Fire) model of :ref:`Thonicke et al. (2010)`, and an adoption of the concept of `Perfect Plasticity Approximation` approach of :ref:`Purves et al. 2008`, :ref:`Lichstein et al. 2011` and :ref:`Weng et al. 2014`, in accounting for the spatial arrangement of crowns. Novel algorithms accounting for the fragmentation of coarse woody debris into chemical litter streams, for the physiological optimization of canopy thickness, for the accumulation of seeds in the seed bank, for multi-layer multi-PFT radiation transfer, for drought-deciduous and cold-deciduous phenology, for carbon storage allocation, and for tree mortality under carbon stress, are also included.
Further reading
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/Decomposition/CLM50_Tech_Note_Decomposition.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/Decomposition/CLM50_Tech_Note_Decomposition.rst
index 0d2ad98687..7bfd1bebdb 100644
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/Decomposition/CLM50_Tech_Note_Decomposition.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/Decomposition/CLM50_Tech_Note_Decomposition.rst
@@ -3,20 +3,7 @@
-Decomposition of fresh litter material into progressively more
-recalcitrant forms of soil organic matter is represented in CLM is
-defined as a cascade of :math:`{k}_{tras}` transformations between
-:math:`{m}_{pool}` decomposing coarse woody debris (CWD), litter,
-and soil organic matter (SOM) pools, each defined at
-:math:`{n}_{lev}` vertical levels. CLM allows the user to define, at
-compile time, between 2 contrasting hypotheses of decomposition as
-embodied by two separate decomposition submodels: the CLM-CN pool
-structure used in CLM4.0, or a second pool structure, characterized by
-slower decomposition rates, based on the fCentury model (Parton et al.
-1988). In addition, the user can choose, at compile time, whether to
-allow :math:`{n}_{lev}` to equal 1, as in CLM4.0, or to equal the
-number of soil levels used for the soil hydrological and thermal
-calculations (see Section :numref:`Soil Layers` for soil layering).
+Decomposition of fresh litter material into progressively more recalcitrant forms of soil organic matter is represented in CLM is defined as a cascade of :math:`{k}_{tras}` transformations between :math:`{m}_{pool}` decomposing coarse woody debris (CWD), litter, and soil organic matter (SOM) pools, each defined at :math:`{n}_{lev}` vertical levels. CLM allows the user to define, at compile time, between 2 contrasting hypotheses of decomposition as embodied by two separate decomposition submodels: the CLM-CN pool structure used in CLM4.0, or a second pool structure, characterized by slower decomposition rates, based on the fCentury model (Parton et al 1988). In addition, the user can choose, at compile time, whether to allow :math:`{n}_{lev}` to equal 1, as in CLM4.0, or to equal the number of soil levels used for the soil hydrological and thermal calculations (see Section :numref:`Soil Layers` for soil layering).
.. _Figure Schematic of decomposition model in CLM:
@@ -24,80 +11,40 @@ calculations (see Section :numref:`Soil Layers` for soil layering).
Schematic of decomposition model in CLM.
-Model is structured to allow different representations of the soil C and
-N decomposition cascade, as well as a vertically-explicit treatment of
-soil biogeochemistry.
+Model is structured to allow different representations of the soil C and N decomposition cascade, as well as a vertically-explicit treatment of soil biogeochemistry.
-For the single-level model structure, the fundamental equation for
-carbon balance of the decomposing pools is:
+For the single-level model structure, the fundamental equation for carbon balance of the decomposing pools is:
.. math::
- :label: 21.1)
+ :label: 21.1)
\frac{\partial C_{i} }{\partial t} =R_{i} +\sum _{j\ne i}\left(i-r_{j} \right)T_{ji} k_{j} C_{j} -k_{i} C_{i}
-where :math:`{C}_{i}` is the carbon content of pool *i*,
-:math:`{R}_{i}` are the carbon inputs from plant tissues directly to
-pool *i* (only non-zero for CWD and litter pools), :math:`{k}_{i}`
-is the decay constant of pool *i*; :math:`{T}_{ji}` is the fraction
-of carbon directed from pool *j* to pool *i* with fraction
-:math:`{r}_{j}` lost as a respiration flux along the way.
+where :math:`{C}_{i}` is the carbon content of pool *i*, :math:`{R}_{i}` are the carbon inputs from plant tissues directly to pool *i* (only non-zero for CWD and litter pools), :math:`{k}_{i}` is the decay constant of pool *i*; :math:`{T}_{ji}` is the fraction of carbon directed from pool *j* to pool *i* with fraction :math:`{r}_{j}` lost as a respiration flux along the way.
-Adding the vertical dimension to the decomposing pools changes the
-balance equation to the following:
+Adding the vertical dimension to the decomposing pools changes the balance equation to the following:
.. math::
- :label: 21.2)
+ :label: 21.2)
\begin{array}{l} {\frac{\partial C_{i} (z)}{\partial t} =R_{i} (z)+\sum _{i\ne j}\left(1-r_{j} \right)T_{ji} k_{j} (z)C_{j} (z) -k_{i} (z)C_{i} (z)} \\ {+\frac{\partial }{\partial z} \left(D(z)\frac{\partial C_{i} }{\partial z} \right)+\frac{\partial }{\partial z} \left(A(z)C_{i} \right)} \end{array}
-where :math:`{C}_{i}`\ (z) is now defined at each model level, and
-in volumetric (gC m\ :sup:`-3`) rather than areal (gC m\ :sup:`-2`) units, along with :math:`{R}_{i}`\ (z) and
-:math:`{k}_{j}`\ (z). In addition, vertical transport is handled by
-the last two terms, for diffusive and advective transport. In the base
-model, advective transport is set to zero, leaving only a diffusive flux
-with diffusivity *D(z)* defined for all decomposing carbon and nitrogen
-pools. Further discussion of the vertical distribution of carbon inputs
-:math:`{R}_{i}`\ (z), vertical turnover times
-:math:`{k}_{j}`\ (z), and vertical transport *D(z)* is below.
-Discussion of the vertical model and analysis of both decomposition
-structures is in :ref:`Koven et al. (2013) `.
+where :math:`{C}_{i}`\ (z) is now defined at each model level, and in volumetric (gC m\ :sup:`-3`) rather than areal (gC m\ :sup:`-2`) units, along with :math:`{R}_{i}`\ (z) and :math:`{k}_{j}`\ (z). In addition, vertical transport is handled by the last two terms, for diffusive and advective transport. In the base model, advective transport is set to zero, leaving only a diffusive flux with diffusivity *D(z)* defined for all decomposing carbon and nitrogen pools. Further discussion of the vertical distribution of carbon inputs :math:`{R}_{i}`\ (z), vertical turnover times :math:`{k}_{j}`\ (z), and vertical transport *D(z)* is below Discussion of the vertical model and analysis of both decomposition structures is in :ref:`Koven et al. (2013) `.
.. _Figure Pool structure:
.. figure:: soil_C_pools_CN_century.png
- Pool structure, transitions, respired fractions (numbers at
+ Pool structure, transitions, respired fractions (numbers at
end of arrows), and turnover times (numbers in boxes) for the 2
alternate soil decomposition models included in CLM.
CLM-CN Pool Structure, Rate Constants and Parameters
-The CLM-CN structure in CLM45 uses three state variables for fresh
-litter and four state variables for soil organic matter (SOM). The
-masses of carbon and nitrogen in the live microbial community are not
-modeled explicitly, but the activity of these organisms is represented
-by decomposition fluxes transferring mass between the litter and SOM
-pools, and heterotrophic respiration losses associated with these
-transformations. The litter and SOM pools in CLM-CN are arranged as a
-converging cascade (Figure 15.2), derived directly from the
-implementation in Biome-BGC v4.1.2 (Thornton et al. 2002; Thornton and
-Rosenbloom, 2005).
-Model parameters are estimated based on a synthesis of microcosm
-decomposition studies using radio-labeled substrates (Degens and
-Sparling, 1996; Ladd et al. 1992; Martin et al. 1980; Mary et al. 1993;
-Saggar et al. 1994; Sørensen, 1981; van Veen et al. 1984). Multiple
-exponential models are fitted to data from the microcosm studies to
-estimate exponential decay rates and respiration fractions (Thornton,
-1998). The microcosm experiments used for parameterization were all
-conducted at constant temperature and under moist conditions with
-relatively high mineral nitrogen concentrations, and so the resulting
-rate constants are assumed not limited by the availability of water or
-mineral nitrogen. :numref:`Table Decomposition rate constants` lists the base decomposition rates for each
-litter and SOM pool, as well as a base rate for physical fragmentation
-for the coarse woody debris pool (CWD).
+The CLM-CN structure in CLM45 uses three state variables for fresh litter and four state variables for soil organic matter (SOM). The masses of carbon and nitrogen in the live microbial community are not modeled explicitly, but the activity of these organisms is represented by decomposition fluxes transferring mass between the litter and SOM pools, and heterotrophic respiration losses associated with these transformations. The litter and SOM pools in CLM-CN are arranged as a converging cascade (Figure 15.2), derived directly from the implementation in Biome-BGC v4.1.2 (Thornton et al. 2002; Thornton and Rosenbloom, 2005).
+Model parameters are estimated based on a synthesis of microcosm decomposition studies using radio-labeled substrates (Degens and Sparling, 1996; Ladd et al. 1992; Martin et al. 1980; Mary et al. 1993 Saggar et al. 1994; Sørensen, 1981; van Veen et al. 1984). Multiple exponential models are fitted to data from the microcosm studies to estimate exponential decay rates and respiration fractions (Thornton, 1998). The microcosm experiments used for parameterization were all conducted at constant temperature and under moist conditions with relatively high mineral nitrogen concentrations, and so the resulting rate constants are assumed not limited by the availability of water or mineral nitrogen. :numref:`Table Decomposition rate constants` lists the base decomposition rates for each litter and SOM pool, as well as a base rate for physical fragmentation for the coarse woody debris pool (CWD).
.. _Table Decomposition rate constants:
@@ -125,37 +72,21 @@ for the coarse woody debris pool (CWD).
| :math:`{k}_{CWD}` | 0.001 | 0.00004 | - | 1 |
-The first column of :numref:`Table Decomposition rate constants` gives the rates as used for the Biome-BGC
-model, which uses a discrete-time model with a daily timestep. The
-second column of :numref:`Table Decomposition rate constants` shows the rates transformed for a one-hour
-discrete timestep typical of CLM-CN. The transformation is based on the
-conversion of the initial discrete-time value (:math:`{k}_{disc1}`)
-first to a continuous time value (:math:`{k}_{cont}`), then to the
-new discrete-time value with a different timestep
-(:math:`{k}_{disc2}`) , following Olson (1963):
+The first column of :numref:`Table Decomposition rate constants` gives the rates as used for the Biome-BGC model, which uses a discrete-time model with a daily timestep. The second column of :numref:`Table Decomposition rate constants` shows the rates transformed for a one-hour discrete timestep typical of CLM-CN. The transformation is based on the conversion of the initial discrete-time value (:math:`{k}_{disc1}` first to a continuous time value (:math:`{k}_{cont}`), then to the new discrete-time value with a different timestep (:math:`{k}_{disc2}`), following Olson (1963):
.. math::
- :label: ZEqnNum608251
+ :label: ZEqnNum608251
k_{cont} =-\log \left(1-k_{disc1} \right)
.. math::
- :label: ZEqnNum772630
+ :label: ZEqnNum772630
k_{disc2} =1-\exp \left(-k_{cont} \frac{\Delta t_{2} }{\Delta t_{1} } \right)
-where :math:`\Delta`\ :math:`{t}_{1}` (s) and
-:math:`\Delta`\ t\ :sub:`2` (s) are the time steps of the
-initial and new discrete-time models, respectively.
+where :math:`\Delta`\ :math:`{t}_{1}` (s) and :math:`\Delta`\ t\ :sub:`2` (s) are the time steps of the initial and new discrete-time models, respectively.
-Respiration fractions are parameterized for decomposition fluxes out of
-each litter and SOM pool. The respiration fraction (*rf*, unitless) is
-the fraction of the decomposition carbon flux leaving one of the litter
-or SOM pools that is released as CO\ :sub:`2` due to heterotrophic
-respiration. Respiration fractions and exponential decay rates are
-estimated simultaneously from the results of microcosm decomposition
-experiments (Thornton, 1998). The same values are used in CLM-CN and
-Biome-BGC (:numref:`Table Respiration fractions for litter and SOM pools`).
+Respiration fractions are parameterized for decomposition fluxes out of each litter and SOM pool. The respiration fraction (*rf*, unitless) is the fraction of the decomposition carbon flux leaving one of the litter or SOM pools that is released as CO\ :sub:`2` due to heterotrophic respiration. Respiration fractions and exponential decay rates are estimated simultaneously from the results of microcosm decomposition experiments (Thornton, 1998). The same values are used in CLM-CN and Biome-BGC (:numref:`Table Respiration fractions for litter and SOM pools`).
.. _Table Respiration fractions for litter and SOM pools:
@@ -175,23 +106,16 @@ Biome-BGC (:numref:`Table Respiration fractions for litter and SOM pools`).
| :math:`{rf}_{SOM2}` | 0.46 |
| :math:`{rf}_{SOM3}` | 0.55 |
- +---------------------------+-----------------------+
+ +---------------------------+-----------------------+
| :math:`{rf}_{SOM4}` | :math:`{1.0}^{a}` |
-:sup:`a`:math:`{}^{a}` The respiration fraction for pool SOM4 is 1.0 by
-definition: since there is no pool downstream of SOM4, the entire carbon
-flux leaving this pool is assumed to be respired as CO\ :sub:`2`.
+:sup:`a`:math:`{}^{a}` The respiration fraction for pool SOM4 is 1.0 by definition: since there is no pool downstream of SOM4, the entire carbon flux leaving this pool is assumed to be respired as CO\ :sub:`2`.
Century-based Pool Structure, Rate Constants and Parameters
-The Century-based decomposition cascade is, like CLM-CN, a first-order
-decay model; the two structures differ in the number of pools, the
-connections between those pools, the turnover times of the pools, and
-the respired fraction during each transition (Figure 15.2). The turnover
-times are different for the Century-based pool structure, following
-those described in Parton et al. (1988) (:numref:`Table Turnover times`).
+The Century-based decomposition cascade is, like CLM-CN, a first-order decay model; the two structures differ in the number of pools, the connections between those pools, the turnover times of the pools, and the respired fraction during each transition (Figure 15.2). The turnover times are different for the Century-based pool structure, following those described in Parton et al. (1988) (:numref:`Table Turnover times`).
.. _Table Turnover times:
@@ -240,591 +164,392 @@ Likewise, values for the respiration fraction of Century-based structure are in
Environmental modifiers on decomposition rate
-These base rates are modified on each timestep by functions of the
-current soil environment. For the single-level model, there are two rate
-modifiers, temperature (:math:`{r}_{tsoil}`, unitless) and moisture
-(:math:`{r}_{water}`, unitless), both of which are calculated using
-the average environmental conditions of the top five model levels (top
-29 cm of soil column). For the vertically-resolved model, two additional
-environmental modifiers are calculated beyond the temperature and
-moisture limitations: an oxygen scalar (:math:`{r}_{oxygen}`,
-unitless), and a depth scalar (:math:`{r}_{depth}`, unitless).
+These base rates are modified on each timestep by functions of the current soil environment. For the single-level model, there are two rate modifiers, temperature (:math:`{r}_{tsoil}`, unitless) and moisture (:math:`{r}_{water}`, unitless), both of which are calculated using the average environmental conditions of the top five model levels (top 29 cm of soil column). For the vertically-resolved model, two additional environmental modifiers are calculated beyond the temperature and moisture limitations: an oxygen scalar (:math:`{r}_{oxygen}`, unitless), and a depth scalar (:math:`{r}_{depth}`, unitless).
-The Temperature scalar :math:`{r}_{tsoil}` is calculated in CLM
-using a :math:`{Q}_{10}` approach, with :math:`{Q}_{10} = 1.5`.
+The Temperature scalar :math:`{r}_{tsoil}` is calculated in CLM using a :math:`{Q}_{10}` approach, with :math:`{Q}_{10} = 1.5`.
.. math::
- :label: 21.5)
+ :label: 21.5)
r_{tsoil} =Q_{10} ^{\left(\frac{T_{soil,\, j} -T_{ref} }{10} \right)}
-where *j* is the soil layer index, :math:`{T}_{soil,j}` (K) is the
-temperature of soil level *j*. The reference temperature :math:`{T}_{ref}` = 25C.
+where *j* is the soil layer index, :math:`{T}_{soil,j}` (K) is the temperature of soil level *j*. The reference temperature :math:`{T}_{ref}` = 25C.
-The rate scalar for soil water potential (:math:`{r}_{water}`,
-unitless) is calculated using a relationship from Andrén and Paustian
-(1987) and supported by additional data in Orchard and Cook (1983):
+The rate scalar for soil water potential (:math:`{r}_{water}`, unitless) is calculated using a relationship from Andrén and Paustian (1987) and supported by additional data in Orchard and Cook (1983):
.. math::
- :label: 21.6)
+ :label: 21.6)
- r_{water} =\sum _{j=1}^{5}\left\{\begin{array}{l} {0\qquad {\rm for\; }\Psi _{j} <\Psi _{\min } } \\ {\frac{\log \left({\Psi _{\min } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\Psi _{\min } \Psi _{j} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Psi _{j} } \right)}{\log \left({\Psi _{\min } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\Psi _{\min } \Psi _{\max } }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Psi _{\max } } \right)} w_{soil,\, j} \qquad {\rm for\; }\Psi _{\min } \le \Psi _{j} \le \Psi _{\max } } \\ {1\qquad {\rm for\; }\Psi _{j} >\Psi _{\max } \qquad \qquad } \end{array}\right\}
+ r_{water} =\sum _{j=1}^{5}\left\{\begin{array}{l} {0\qquad {\rm for\; }\Psi _{j} <\Psi _{\min } } \\ {\frac{\log \left({\Psi _{\min } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\Psi _{\min } \Psi _{j} }} \right.} \Psi _{j} } \right)}{\log \left({\Psi _{\min } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\Psi _{\min } \Psi _{\max } }} \right.} \Psi _{\max } } \right)} w_{soil,\, j} \qquad {\rm for\; }\Psi _{\min } \le \Psi _{j} \le \Psi _{\max } } \\ {1\qquad {\rm for\; }\Psi _{j} >\Psi _{\max } \qquad \qquad } \end{array}\right\}
-where :math:`{\Psi}_{j}` is the soil water potential in
-layer *j*, :math:`{\Psi}_{min}` is a lower limit for soil
-water potential control on decomposition rate (in CLM5, this was
-changed from a default value of -10 MPa used in CLM4.5 and earlier to a
-default value of -2.5 MPa). :math:`{\Psi}_{max,j}` (MPa) is the soil
-moisture at which decomposition proceeds at a moisture-unlimited
-rate. The default value of :math:`{\Psi}_{max,j}` for CLM5 is updated
-from a saturated value used in CLM4.5 and earlier, to a value
-nominally at field capacity, with a value of -0.002 MPa
-For frozen soils, the bulk of the rapid dropoff in decomposition with
-decreasing temperature is due to the moisture limitation, since matric
-potential is limited by temperature in the supercooled water formulation
-of Niu and Yang (2006),
+where :math:`{\Psi}_{j}` is the soil water potential in layer *j*, :math:`{\Psi}_{min}` is a lower limit for soil water potential control on decomposition rate (in CLM5, this was changed from a default value of -10 MPa used in CLM4.5 and earlier to a default value of -2.5 MPa). :math:`{\Psi}_{max,j}` (MPa) is the soil moisture at which decomposition proceeds at a moisture-unlimited rate. The default value of :math:`{\Psi}_{max,j}` for CLM5 is updated from a saturated value used in CLM4.5 and earlier, to a value nominally at field capacity, with a value of -0.002 MPa For frozen soils, the bulk of the rapid dropoff in decomposition with decreasing temperature is due to the moisture limitation, since matric potential is limited by temperature in the supercooled water formulation of Niu and Yang (2006),
.. math::
- :label: 21.8)
+ :label: 21.8)
\psi \left(T\right)=-\frac{L_{f} \left(T-T_{f} \right)}{10^{3} T}
-An additional frozen decomposition limitation can be specified using a
-‘frozen Q\ :sub:`10`' following :ref:`Koven et al. (2011) `, however the
-default value of this is the same as the unfrozen Q\ :sub:`10`
-value, and therefore the basic hypothesis is that frozen respiration is
-limited by liquid water availability, and can be modeled following the
-same approach as thawed but dry soils.
-An additional rate scalar, :math:`{r}_{oxygen}` is enabled when the
-CH\ :sub:`4` submodel is used (set equal to 1 for the single layer
-model or when the CH\ :sub:`4` submodel is disabled). This limits
-decomposition when there is insufficient molecular oxygen to satisfy
-stoichiometric demand (1 mol O\ :sub:`2` consumed per mol
-CO\ :sub:`2` produced) from heterotrophic decomposers, and supply
-from diffusion through soil layers (unsaturated and saturated) or
-aerenchyma (Chapter 19). A minimum value of :math:`{r}_{oxygen}` is
-set at 0.2, with the assumption that oxygen within organic tissues can
-supply the necessary stoichiometric demand at this rate. This value lies
-between estimates of 0.025–0.1 (Frolking et al. 2001), and 0.35 (Wania
-et al. 2009); the large range of these estimates poses a large
-unresolved uncertainty.
-Lastly, a possible explicit depth dependence, :math:`{r}_{depth}`,
-(set equal to 1 for the single layer model) can be applied to soil C
-decomposition rates to account for processes other than temperature,
-moisture, and anoxia that can limit decomposition. This depth dependence
-of decomposition was shown by Jenkinson and Coleman (2008) to be an
-important term in fitting total C and 14C profiles, and implies that
-unresolved processes, such as priming effects, microscale anoxia, soil
-mineral surface and/or aggregate stabilization may be important in
-controlling the fate of carbon at depth :ref:`Koven et al. (2013) `. CLM
-includes these unresolved depth controls via an exponential decrease in
-the soil turnover time with depth:
-.. math::
- :label: 21.9)
+An additional frozen decomposition limitation can be specified using a ‘frozen Q\ :sub:`10`' following :ref:`Koven et al. (2011) `, however the default value of this is the same as the unfrozen Q\ :sub:`10` value, and therefore the basic hypothesis is that frozen respiration is limited by liquid water availability, and can be modeled following the same approach as thawed but dry soils.
+An additional rate scalar, :math:`{r}_{oxygen}` is enabled when the CH\ :sub:`4` submodel is used (set equal to 1 for the single layer model or when the CH\ :sub:`4` submodel is disabled). This limits decomposition when there is insufficient molecular oxygen to satisfy stoichiometric demand (1 mol O\ :sub:`2` consumed per mol CO\ :sub:`2` produced) from heterotrophic decomposers, and supply from diffusion through soil layers (unsaturated and saturated) or aerenchyma (Chapter 19). A minimum value of :math:`{r}_{oxygen}` is set at 0.2, with the assumption that oxygen within organic tissues can supply the necessary stoichiometric demand at this rate. This value lies between estimates of 0.025–0.1 (Frolking et al. 2001), and 0.35 (Wania et al. 2009); the large range of these estimates poses a large unresolved uncertainty.
+Lastly, a possible explicit depth dependence, :math:`{r}_{depth}`, (set equal to 1 for the single layer model) can be applied to soil C decomposition rates to account for processes other than temperature, moisture, and anoxia that can limit decomposition. This depth dependence of decomposition was shown by Jenkinson and Coleman (2008) to be an important term in fitting total C and 14C profiles, and implies that unresolved processes, such as priming effects, microscale anoxia, soil mineral surface and/or aggregate stabilization may be important in controlling the fate of carbon at depth :ref:`Koven et al. (2013) `. CLM includes these unresolved depth controls via an exponential decrease in the soil turnover time with depth:
+.. math::
+ :label: 21.9)
r_{depth} =\exp \left(-\frac{z}{z_{\tau } } \right)
-where :math:`{z}_{\tau}` is the e-folding depth for decomposition. For
-CLM4.5, the default value of this was 0.5m. For CLM5, this has been
-changed to a default value of 10m, which effectively means that
-intrinsic decomposition rates may proceed as quickly at depth as at the surface.
+where :math:`{z}_{\tau}` is the e-folding depth for decomposition. For CLM4.5, the default value of this was 0.5m. For CLM5, this has been changed to a default value of 10m, which effectively means that intrinsic decomposition rates may proceed as quickly at depth as at the surface.
The combined decomposition rate scalar (:math:`{r}_{total}`,unitless) is:
.. math::
- :label: 21.10)
+ :label: 21.10)
r_{total} =r_{tsoil} r_{water} r_{oxygen} r_{depth} .
N-limitation of Decomposition Fluxes
-Decomposition rates can also be limited by the availability of mineral
-nitrogen, but calculation of this limitation depends on first estimating
-the potential rates of decomposition, assuming an unlimited mineral
-nitrogen supply. The general case is described here first, referring to
-a generic decomposition flux from an “upstream” pool (*u*) to a
-“downstream” pool (*d*), with an intervening loss due to respiration.
-The potential carbon flux out of the upstream pool
-(:math:`{CF}_{pot,u}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is:
+Decomposition rates can also be limited by the availability of mineral nitrogen, but calculation of this limitation depends on first estimating the potential rates of decomposition, assuming an unlimited mineral nitrogen supply. The general case is described here first, referring to a generic decomposition flux from an "upstream" pool (*u*) to a "downstream" pool (*d*), with an intervening loss due to respiration The potential carbon flux out of the upstream pool (:math:`{CF}_{pot,u}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is:
.. math::
- :label: 21.11)
+ :label: 21.11)
CF_{pot,\, u} =CS_{u} k_{u}
-where :math:`{CS}_{u}` (gC m\ :sup:`-2`) is the initial mass
-in the upstream pool and :math:`{k}_{u}` is the decay rate constant
-(s:sup:`-1`) for the upstream pool, adjusted for temperature and
-moisture conditions. Depending on the C:N ratios of the upstream and
-downstream pools and the amount of carbon lost in the transformation due
-to respiration (the respiration fraction), the execution of this
-potential carbon flux can generate either a source or a sink of new
-mineral nitrogen
-(:math:`{NF}_{pot\_min,u}`\ :math:`{}_{\rightarrow}`\ :math:`{}_{d}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`). The governing equation
-(Thornton and Rosenbloom, 2005) is:
+where :math:`{CS}_{u}` (gC m\ :sup:`-2`) is the initial mass in the upstream pool and :math:`{k}_{u}` is the decay rate constant (s\ :sup:`-1`) for the upstream pool, adjusted for temperature and moisture conditions. Depending on the C:N ratios of the upstream and downstream pools and the amount of carbon lost in the transformation due to respiration (the respiration fraction), the execution of this potential carbon flux can generate either a source or a sink of new mineral nitrogen (:math:`{NF}_{pot\_min,u}`\ :math:`{}_{\rightarrow}`\ :math:`{}_{d}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`). The governing equation (Thornton and Rosenbloom, 2005) is:
.. math::
- :label: 21.12)
+ :label: 21.12)
NF_{pot\_ min,\, u\to d} =\frac{CF_{pot,\, u} \left(1-rf_{u} -\frac{CN_{d} }{CN_{u} } \right)}{CN_{d} }
-where :math:`{rf}_{u}` is the respiration fraction for fluxes
-leaving the upstream pool, :math:`{CN}_{u}` and :math:`{CN}_{d}`
-are the C:N ratios for upstream and downstream pools, respectively.
-Negative values of
-:math:`{NF}_{pot\_min,u}`\ :math:`{}_{\rightarrow}`\ :math:`{}_{d}`
-indicate that the decomposition flux results in a source of new mineral
-nitrogen, while positive values indicate that the potential
-decomposition flux results in a sink (demand) for mineral nitrogen.
+where :math:`{rf}_{u}` is the respiration fraction for fluxes leaving the upstream pool, :math:`{CN}_{u}` and :math:`{CN}_{d}` are the C:N ratios for upstream and downstream pools, respectively Negative values of :math:`{NF}_{pot\_min,u}`\ :math:`{}_{\rightarrow}`\ :math:`{}_{d}` indicate that the decomposition flux results in a source of new mineral nitrogen, while positive values indicate that the potential decomposition flux results in a sink (demand) for mineral nitrogen.
-Following from the general case, potential carbon fluxes leaving
-individual pools in the decomposition cascade, for the example of the
-CLM-CN pool structure, are given as:
+Following from the general case, potential carbon fluxes leaving individual pools in the decomposition cascade, for the example of the CLM-CN pool structure, are given as:
.. math::
- :label: 21.13)
+ :label: 21.13)
- CF_{pot,\, Lit1} ={CS_{Lit1} k_{Lit1} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{Lit1} k_{Lit1} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, Lit1} ={CS_{Lit1} k_{Lit1} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{Lit1} k_{Lit1} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
.. math::
- :label: 21.14)
+ :label: 21.14)
- CF_{pot,\, Lit2} ={CS_{Lit2} k_{Lit2} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{Lit2} k_{Lit2} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, Lit2} ={CS_{Lit2} k_{Lit2} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{Lit2} k_{Lit2} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
.. math::
- :label: 21.15)
+ :label: 21.15)
- CF_{pot,\, Lit3} ={CS_{Lit3} k_{Lit3} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{Lit3} k_{Lit3} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, Lit3} ={CS_{Lit3} k_{Lit3} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{Lit3} k_{Lit3} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
.. math::
- :label: 21.16)
+ :label: 21.16)
- CF_{pot,\, SOM1} ={CS_{SOM1} k_{SOM1} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM1} k_{SOM1} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, SOM1} ={CS_{SOM1} k_{SOM1} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM1} k_{SOM1} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
.. math::
- :label: 21.17)
+ :label: 21.17)
- CF_{pot,\, SOM2} ={CS_{SOM2} k_{SOM2} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM2} k_{SOM2} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, SOM2} ={CS_{SOM2} k_{SOM2} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM2} k_{SOM2} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
.. math::
- :label: 21.18)
+ :label: 21.18)
- CF_{pot,\, SOM3} ={CS_{SOM3} k_{SOM3} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM3} k_{SOM3} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, SOM3} ={CS_{SOM3} k_{SOM3} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM3} k_{SOM3} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
.. math::
- :label: 21.19)
+ :label: 21.19)
- CF_{pot,\, SOM4} ={CS_{SOM4} k_{SOM4} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM4} k_{SOM4} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \Delta t}
+ CF_{pot,\, SOM4} ={CS_{SOM4} k_{SOM4} r_{total} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CS_{SOM4} k_{SOM4} r_{total} \Delta t}} \right.} \Delta t}
-where the factor (1/:math:`\Delta`\ *t*) is included because the rate
-constant is calculated for the entire timestep (Eqs. and ), but the
-convention is to express all fluxes on a per-second basis. Potential
-mineral nitrogen fluxes associated with these decomposition steps are,
-again for the example of the CLM-CN pool structure (the CENTURY
-structure will be similar but without the different terminal step):
+where the factor (1/:math:`\Delta`\ *t*) is included because the rate constant is calculated for the entire timestep (Eqs. and ), but the convention is to express all fluxes on a per-second basis. Potential mineral nitrogen fluxes associated with these decomposition steps are, again for the example of the CLM-CN pool structure (the CENTURY structure will be similar but without the different terminal step):
.. math::
- :label: ZEqnNum934998
+ :label: ZEqnNum934998
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} ={CF_{pot,\, Lit1} \left(1-rf_{Lit1} -\frac{CN_{SOM1} }{CN_{Lit1} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, Lit1} \left(1-rf_{Lit1} -\frac{CN_{SOM1} }{CN_{Lit1} } \right) CN_{SOM1} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM1} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} ={CF_{pot,\, Lit1} \left(1-rf_{Lit1} -\frac{CN_{SOM1} }{CN_{Lit1} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, Lit1} \left(1-rf_{Lit1} -\frac{CN_{SOM1} }{CN_{Lit1} } \right) CN_{SOM1} }} \right.} CN_{SOM1} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.21)
+ :label: 21.21)
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} ={CF_{pot,\, Lit2} \left(1-rf_{Lit2} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{Lit2} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, Lit2} \left(1-rf_{Lit2} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{Lit2} } \right) CN_{SOM2} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM2} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} ={CF_{pot,\, Lit2} \left(1-rf_{Lit2} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{Lit2} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, Lit2} \left(1-rf_{Lit2} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{Lit2} } \right) CN_{SOM2} }} \right.} CN_{SOM2} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.22)
+ :label: 21.22)
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} ={CF_{pot,\, Lit3} \left(1-rf_{Lit3} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{Lit3} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, Lit3} \left(1-rf_{Lit3} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{Lit3} } \right) CN_{SOM3} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM3} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} ={CF_{pot,\, Lit3} \left(1-rf_{Lit3} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{Lit3} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, Lit3} \left(1-rf_{Lit3} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{Lit3} } \right) CN_{SOM3} }} \right.} CN_{SOM3} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.23)
+ :label: 21.23)
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} ={CF_{pot,\, SOM1} \left(1-rf_{SOM1} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{SOM1} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM1} \left(1-rf_{SOM1} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{SOM1} } \right) CN_{SOM2} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM2} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} ={CF_{pot,\, SOM1} \left(1-rf_{SOM1} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{SOM1} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM1} \left(1-rf_{SOM1} -\frac{CN_{SOM2} }{CN_{SOM1} } \right) CN_{SOM2} }} \right.} CN_{SOM2} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.24)
+ :label: 21.24)
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} ={CF_{pot,\, SOM2} \left(1-rf_{SOM2} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{SOM2} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM2} \left(1-rf_{SOM2} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{SOM2} } \right) CN_{SOM3} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM3} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} ={CF_{pot,\, SOM2} \left(1-rf_{SOM2} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{SOM2} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM2} \left(1-rf_{SOM2} -\frac{CN_{SOM3} }{CN_{SOM2} } \right) CN_{SOM3} }} \right.} CN_{SOM3} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.25)
+ :label: 21.25)
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} ={CF_{pot,\, SOM3} \left(1-rf_{SOM3} -\frac{CN_{SOM4} }{CN_{SOM3} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM3} \left(1-rf_{SOM3} -\frac{CN_{SOM4} }{CN_{SOM3} } \right) CN_{SOM4} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM4} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} ={CF_{pot,\, SOM3} \left(1-rf_{SOM3} -\frac{CN_{SOM4} }{CN_{SOM3} } \right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM3} \left(1-rf_{SOM3} -\frac{CN_{SOM4} }{CN_{SOM3} } \right) CN_{SOM4} }} \right.} CN_{SOM4} }
.. math::
- :label: ZEqnNum473594
+ :label: ZEqnNum473594
- NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM4} =-{CF_{pot,\, SOM4} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM4} CN_{SOM4} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM4} }
+ NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM4} =-{CF_{pot,\, SOM4} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{pot,\, SOM4} CN_{SOM4} }} \right.} CN_{SOM4} }
-where the special form of Eq. arises because there is no SOM pool
-downstream of SOM4 in the converging cascade: all carbon fluxes leaving
-that pool are assumed to be in the form of respired CO\ :sub:`2`,
-and all nitrogen fluxes leaving that pool are assumed to be sources of
-new mineral nitrogen.
+where the special form of Eq. arises because there is no SOM pool downstream of SOM4 in the converging cascade: all carbon fluxes leaving that pool are assumed to be in the form of respired CO\ :sub:`2`, and all nitrogen fluxes leaving that pool are assumed to be sources of new mineral nitrogen.
-Steps in the decomposition cascade that result in release of new mineral
-nitrogen (mineralization fluxes) are allowed to proceed at their
-potential rates, without modification for nitrogen availability. Steps
-that result in an uptake of mineral nitrogen (immobilization fluxes) are
-subject to rate limitation, depending on the availability of mineral
-nitrogen, the total immobilization demand, and the total demand for soil
-mineral nitrogen to support new plant growth. The potential mineral
-nitrogen fluxes from Eqs. - are evaluated, summing all the positive
-fluxes to generate the total potential nitrogen immobilization flux
-(:math:`{NF}_{immob\_demand}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`), and summing absolute values of all the negative
-fluxes to generate the total nitrogen mineralization flux
-(:math:`{NF}_{gross\_nmin}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`). Since :math:`{NF}_{griss\_nmin}` is a source of
-new mineral nitrogen to the soil mineral nitrogen pool it is not limited
-by the availability of soil mineral nitrogen, and is therefore an actual
-as opposed to a potential flux.
+Steps in the decomposition cascade that result in release of new mineral nitrogen (mineralization fluxes) are allowed to proceed at their potential rates, without modification for nitrogen availability. Steps that result in an uptake of mineral nitrogen (immobilization fluxes) are subject to rate limitation, depending on the availability of mineral nitrogen, the total immobilization demand, and the total demand for soil mineral nitrogen to support new plant growth. The potential mineral nitrogen fluxes from Eqs. - are evaluated, summing all the positive fluxes to generate the total potential nitrogen immobilization flux (:math:`{NF}_{immob\_demand}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`), and summing absolute values of all the negative fluxes to generate the total nitrogen mineralization flux (:math:`{NF}_{gross\_nmin}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`). Since :math:`{NF}_{griss\_nmin}` is a source of new mineral nitrogen to the soil mineral nitrogen pool it is not limited by the availability of soil mineral nitrogen, and is therefore an actual as opposed to a potential flux.
N Competition between plant uptake and soil immobilization fluxes
-Once :math:`{NF}_{immob\_demand }` and :math:`{NF}_{nit\_demand }` for each layer *j* are known, the competition between plant and microbial nitrogen demand can be resolved. Mineral nitrogen in
-the soil pool (:math:`{NS}_{sminn}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2`) at the
-beginning of the timestep is considered the available supply.
+Once :math:`{NF}_{immob\_demand }` and :math:`{NF}_{nit\_demand }` for each layer *j* are known, the competition between plant and microbial nitrogen demand can be resolved. Mineral nitrogen in the soil pool (:math:`{NS}_{sminn}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2`) at the beginning of the timestep is considered the available supply.
-Here, the :math:`{NF}_{plant\_demand}` is the theoretical maximum demand for nitrogen by plants to meet the entire carbon uptake given an N cost of zero (and therefore represents the upper bound on N requirements). N uptake costs that are
-:math:`>` 0 imply that the plant will take up less N that it demands, ultimately. However, given the heuristic nature of the N competition algorithm, this discrepancy is not explicitly resolved here.
+Here, the :math:`{NF}_{plant\_demand}` is the theoretical maximum demand for nitrogen by plants to meet the entire carbon uptake given an N cost of zero (and therefore represents the upper bound on N requirements). N uptake costs that are :math:`>` 0 imply that the plant will take up less N that it demands, ultimately. However, given the heuristic nature of the N competition algorithm, this discrepancy is not explicitly resolved here.
The hypothetical plant nitrogen demand from the soil mineral pool is distributed between layers in proportion to the profile of available mineral N:
.. math::
:label: 21.291
- NF_{plant\_ demand,j} = NF_{plant\_ demand} NS_{sminn\_ j} / \sum _{j=1}^{nj}NS_{sminn,j}
-Plants first compete for ammonia (NH4). For each soil layer (*j*), we calculate the total NH4 demand as:
+ NF_{plant\_ demand,j} = NF_{plant\_ demand} NS_{sminn\_ j} / \sum _{j=1}^{nj}NS_{sminn,j}
+Plants first compete for ammonia (NH4). For each soil layer (*j*), we calculate the total NH4 demand as:
.. math::
:label: 21.292
- NF_{total\_ demand_nh4,j} = NF_{immob\_ demand,j} + NF_{immob\_ demand,j} + NF_{nit\_ demand,j}
+ NF_{total\_ demand_nh4,j} = NF_{immob\_ demand,j} + NF_{immob\_ demand,j} + NF_{nit\_ demand,j}
-If :math:`{NF}_{total\_demand,j}`\ :math:`\Delta`\ *t* :math:`<`
-:math:`{NS}_{sminn,j}`, then the available pool is large enough to
-meet both the maximum plant and microbial demand, then immobilization proceeds at the maximum rate.
+where If :math:`{NF}_{total\_demand,j}`\ :math:`\Delta`\ *t* :math:`<` :math:`{NS}_{sminn,j}`, then the available pool is large enough to meet both the maximum plant and microbial demand, then immobilization proceeds at the maximum rate.
.. math::
- :label: 21.29)
+ :label: 21.29)
f_{immob\_demand,j} = 1.0
-where :math:`{f}_{immob\_demand,j}` is the fraction of potential immobilization demand that can be met given current supply of mineral nitrogen in this layer. We also set the actual nitrification flux to be the same as the potential flux (:math:`NF_{nit}` = :math:`NF_{nit\_ demand}`).
+where :math:`{f}_{immob\_demand,j}` is the fraction of potential immobilization demand that can be met given current supply of mineral nitrogen in this layer. We also set the actual nitrification flux to be the same as the potential flux (:math:`NF_{nit}` = :math:`NF_{nit\_ demand}`).
-If :math:`{NF}_{total\_demand,j}`\ :math:`\Delta`\ *t*
-:math:`\mathrm{\ge}` :math:`{NS}_{sminn,j}`, then there is not enough
-mineral nitrogen to meet the combined demands for plant growth and
-heterotrophic immobilization, immobilization is reduced proportional to the discrepancy, by :math:`f_{immob\_ demand,j}`, where
+If :math:`{NF}_{total\_demand,j}`\ :math:`\Delta`\ *t :math:`\mathrm{\ge}` :math:`{NS}_{sminn,j}`, then there is not enough mineral nitrogen to meet the combined demands for plant growth and heterotrophic immobilization, immobilization is reduced proportional to the discrepancy, by :math:`f_{immob\_ demand,j}`, where
.. math::
- :label: 21.30)
+ :label: 21.30)
f_{immob\_ demand,j} = \frac{NS_{sminn,j} }{\Delta t\, NF_{total\_ demand,j} }
-The N available to the FUN model for plant uptake (:math:`{NF}_ {plant\_ avail\_ sminn}` (gN m\ :sup:`-2`), which determines both the cost of N uptake, and the absolute limit on the N which is available for acquisition, is calculated as the total mineralized pool minus the actual immobilized flux:
+The N available to the FUN model for plant uptake (:math:`{NF}_ {plant\_ avail\_ sminn}` (gN m\ :sup:`-2`), which determines both the cost of N uptake, and the absolute limit on the N which is available for acquisition, is calculated as the total mineralized pool minus the actual immobilized flux:
.. math::
- :label: 21.311)
+ :label: 21.311)
NF_{plant\_ avail\_ sminn,j} = NS_{sminn,j} - f_{immob\_demand} NF_{immob\_ demand,j}
-This treatment of competition for nitrogen as a limiting resource is
-referred to a demand-based competition, where the fraction of the
-available resource that eventually flows to a particular process depends
-on the demand from that process in comparison to the total demand from
-all processes. Processes expressing a greater demand acquire a larger
-vfraction of the available resource.
+This treatment of competition for nitrogen as a limiting resource is referred to a demand-based competition, where the fraction of the available resource that eventually flows to a particular process depends on the demand from that process in comparison to the total demand from all processes. Processes expressing a greater demand acquire a larger vfraction of the available resource.
Final Decomposition Fluxes
-With :math:`{f}_{immob\_demand}` known, final decomposition fluxes
-can be calculated. Actual carbon fluxes leaving the individual litter
-and SOM pools, again for the example of the CLM-CN pool structure (the
-CENTURY structure will be similar but, again without the different
-terminal step), are calculated as:
+With :math:`{f}_{immob\_demand}` known, final decomposition fluxes can be calculated. Actual carbon fluxes leaving the individual litter and SOM pools, again for the example of the CLM-CN pool structure (the CENTURY structure will be similar but, again without the different terminal step), are calculated as:
.. math::
- :label: 21.32)
+ :label: 21.32)
CF_{Lit1} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{pot,\, Lit1} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} >0} \\ {CF_{pot,\, Lit1} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.33)
+ :label: 21.33)
CF_{Lit2} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{pot,\, Lit2} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} >0} \\ {CF_{pot,\, Lit2} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.34)
+ :label: 21.34)
CF_{Lit3} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{pot,\, Lit3} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} >0} \\ {CF_{pot,\, Lit3} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.35)
+ :label: 21.35)
CF_{SOM1} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{pot,\, SOM1} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} >0} \\ {CF_{pot,\, SOM1} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.36)
+ :label: 21.36)
CF_{SOM2} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{pot,\, SOM2} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} >0} \\ {CF_{pot,\, SOM2} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.37)
+ :label: 21.37)
CF_{SOM3} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {CF_{pot,\, SOM3} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} >0} \\ {CF_{pot,\, SOM3} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.38)
+ :label: 21.38)
CF_{SOM4} =CF_{pot,\, SOM4}
-Heterotrophic respiration fluxes (losses of carbon as
-CO\ :sub:`2` to the atmosphere) are:
+Heterotrophic respiration fluxes (losses of carbon as CO\ :sub:`2` to the atmosphere) are:
.. math::
- :label: 21.39)
+ :label: 21.39)
CF_{Lit1,\, HR} =CF_{Lit1} rf_{Lit1}
.. math::
- :label: 21.40)
+ :label: 21.40)
CF_{Lit2,\, HR} =CF_{Lit2} rf_{Lit2}
.. math::
- :label: 21.41)
+ :label: 21.41)
CF_{Lit3,\, HR} =CF_{Lit3} rf_{Lit3}
.. math::
- :label: 21.42)
+ :label: 21.42)
CF_{SOM1,\, HR} =CF_{SOM1} rf_{SOM1}
.. math::
- :label: 21.43)
+ :label: 21.43)
CF_{SOM2,\, HR} =CF_{SOM2} rf_{SOM2}
.. math::
- :label: 21.44)
+ :label: 21.44)
CF_{SOM3,\, HR} =CF_{SOM3} rf_{SOM3}
.. math::
- :label: 21.45)
+ :label: 21.45)
CF_{SOM4,\, HR} =CF_{SOM4} rf_{SOM4}
-Transfers of carbon from upstream to downstream pools in the
-decomposition cascade are given as:
+Transfers of carbon from upstream to downstream pools in the decomposition cascade are given as:
.. math::
- :label: 21.46)
+ :label: 21.46)
CF_{Lit1,\, SOM1} =CF_{Lit1} \left(1-rf_{Lit1} \right)
.. math::
- :label: 21.47)
+ :label: 21.47)
CF_{Lit2,\, SOM2} =CF_{Lit2} \left(1-rf_{Lit2} \right)
.. math::
- :label: 21.48)
+ :label: 21.48)
CF_{Lit3,\, SOM3} =CF_{Lit3} \left(1-rf_{Lit3} \right)
.. math::
- :label: 21.49)
+ :label: 21.49)
CF_{SOM1,\, SOM2} =CF_{SOM1} \left(1-rf_{SOM1} \right)
.. math::
- :label: 21.50)
+ :label: 21.50)
CF_{SOM2,\, SOM3} =CF_{SOM2} \left(1-rf_{SOM2} \right)
.. math::
- :label: 21.51)
+ :label: 21.51)
CF_{SOM3,\, SOM4} =CF_{SOM3} \left(1-rf_{SOM3} \right)
-In accounting for the fluxes of nitrogen between pools in the
-decomposition cascade and associated fluxes to or from the soil mineral
-nitrogen pool, the model first calculates a flux of nitrogen from an
-upstream pool to a downstream pool, then calculates a flux either from
-the soil mineral nitrogen pool to the downstream pool (immobilization)
-or from the downstream pool to the soil mineral nitrogen pool
-(mineralization). Transfers of nitrogen from upstream to downstream
-pools in the decomposition cascade are given as:
+In accounting for the fluxes of nitrogen between pools in the decomposition cascade and associated fluxes to or from the soil mineral nitrogen pool, the model first calculates a flux of nitrogen from an upstream pool to a downstream pool, then calculates a flux either from the soil mineral nitrogen pool to the downstream pool (immobilization or from the downstream pool to the soil mineral nitrogen pool (mineralization). Transfers of nitrogen from upstream to downstream pools in the decomposition cascade are given as:
.. math::
- :label: 21.52)
+ :label: 21.52)
- NF_{Lit1,\, SOM1} ={CF_{Lit1} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{Lit1} CN_{Lit1} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{Lit1} }
+ NF_{Lit1,\, SOM1} ={CF_{Lit1} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{Lit1} CN_{Lit1} }} \right.} CN_{Lit1} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.53)
+ :label: 21.53)
- NF_{Lit2,\, SOM2} ={CF_{Lit2} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{Lit2} CN_{Lit2} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{Lit2} }
+ NF_{Lit2,\, SOM2} ={CF_{Lit2} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{Lit2} CN_{Lit2} }} \right.} CN_{Lit2} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.54)
+ :label: 21.54)
- NF_{Lit3,\, SOM3} ={CF_{Lit3} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{Lit3} CN_{Lit3} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{Lit3} }
+ NF_{Lit3,\, SOM3} ={CF_{Lit3} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{Lit3} CN_{Lit3} }} \right.} CN_{Lit3} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.55)
+ :label: 21.55)
- NF_{SOM1,\, SOM2} ={CF_{SOM1} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{SOM1} CN_{SOM1} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM1} }
+ NF_{SOM1,\, SOM2} ={CF_{SOM1} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{SOM1} CN_{SOM1} }} \right.} CN_{SOM1} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.56)
+ :label: 21.56)
- NF_{SOM2,\, SOM3} ={CF_{SOM2} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{SOM2} CN_{SOM2} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM2} }
+ NF_{SOM2,\, SOM3} ={CF_{SOM2} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{SOM2} CN_{SOM2} }} \right.} CN_{SOM2} }
.. math::
- :label: 21.57)
+ :label: 21.57)
- NF_{SOM3,\, SOM4} ={CF_{SOM3} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{SOM3} CN_{SOM3} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} CN_{SOM3} }
+ NF_{SOM3,\, SOM4} ={CF_{SOM3} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {CF_{SOM3} CN_{SOM3} }} \right.} CN_{SOM3} }
-Corresponding fluxes to or from the soil mineral nitrogen pool depend on
-whether the decomposition step is an immobilization flux or a
-mineralization flux:
+Corresponding fluxes to or from the soil mineral nitrogen pool depend on whether the decomposition step is an immobilization flux or a mineralization flux:
.. math::
- :label: 21.58)
+ :label: 21.58)
NF_{sminn,\, Lit1\to SOM1} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} >0} \\ {NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit1\to SOM1} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.59)
+ :label: 21.59)
NF_{sminn,\, Lit2\to SOM2} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} >0} \\ {NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit2\to SOM2} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.60)
+ :label: 21.60)
NF_{sminn,\, Lit3\to SOM3} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} >0} \\ {NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, Lit3\to SOM3} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.61)
+ :label: 21.61)
NF_{sminn,SOM1\to SOM2} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} >0} \\ {NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM1\to SOM2} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.62)
+ :label: 21.62)
NF_{sminn,SOM2\to SOM3} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} >0} \\ {NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM2\to SOM3} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.63)
+ :label: 21.63)
NF_{sminn,SOM3\to SOM4} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} f_{immob\_ demand} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} >0} \\ {NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} \qquad {\rm for\; }NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM3\to SOM4} \le 0} \end{array}\right\}
.. math::
- :label: 21.64)
+ :label: 21.64)
NF_{sminn,\, SOM4} =NF_{pot\_ min,\, SOM4}
Vertical Distribution and Transport of Decomposing C and N pools
-Additional terms are needed to calculate the vertically-resolved soil C
-and N budget: the initial vertical distribution of C and N from PFTs
-delivered to the litter and CWD pools, and the vertical transport of C
-and N pools.
-For initial vertical inputs, CLM uses separate profiles for aboveground
-(leaf, stem) and belowground (root) inputs. Aboveground inputs are given
-a single exponential with default e-folding depth = 0.1m. Belowground
-inputs are distributed according to rooting profiles with default values
-based on the Jackson et al. (1996) exponential parameterization.
-Vertical mixing is accomplished by an advection-diffusion equation. The
-goal of this is to consider slow, soild- and adsorbed-phase transport
-due to bioturbation, cryoturbation, and erosion. Faster aqueous-phase
-transport is not included in CLM, but has been developed as part of the
-CLM-BeTR suite of parameterizations (Tang and Riley 2013). The default
-value of the advection term is 0 cm/yr, such that transport is purely
-diffusive. Diffusive transport differs in rate between permafrost soils
-(where cryoturbation is the dominant transport term) and non-permafrost
-soils (where bioturbation dominates). For permafrost soils, a
-parameterization based on that of :ref:`Koven et al. (2009) ` is used: the
-diffusivity parameter is constant through the active layer, and
-decreases linearly from the base of the active layer to zero at a set
-depth (default 3m); the default permafrost diffusivity is 5
-cm\ :sup:`2`/yr. For non-permafrost soils, the default diffusivity
-is 1 cm\ :sup:`2`/yr.
+Additional terms are needed to calculate the vertically-resolved soil C and N budget: the initial vertical distribution of C and N from PFTs delivered to the litter and CWD pools, and the vertical transport of C and N pools.
+For initial vertical inputs, CLM uses separate profiles for aboveground (leaf, stem) and belowground (root) inputs. Aboveground inputs are given a single exponential with default e-folding depth = 0.1m. Belowground inputs are distributed according to rooting profiles with default values based on the Jackson et al. (1996) exponential parameterization.
+Vertical mixing is accomplished by an advection-diffusion equation. The goal of this is to consider slow, soild- and adsorbed-phase transport due to bioturbation, cryoturbation, and erosion. Faster aqueous-phase transport is not included in CLM, but has been developed as part of the CLM-BeTR suite of parameterizations (Tang and Riley 2013). The default value of the advection term is 0 cm/yr, such that transport is purely diffusive. Diffusive transport differs in rate between permafrost soils (where cryoturbation is the dominant transport term) and non-permafrost soils (where bioturbation dominates). For permafrost soils, a parameterization based on that of :ref:`Koven et al. (2009) ` is used: the diffusivity parameter is constant through the active layer, and decreases linearly from the base of the active layer to zero at a set depth (default 3m); the default permafrost diffusivity is 5 cm\ :sup:`2`/yr. For non-permafrost soils, the default diffusivity is 1 cm\ :sup:`2`/yr.
Model Equilibration and its Acceleration
-For transient experiments, it is usually assumed that the carbon cycle
-is starting from a point of relatively close equilibrium, i.e. that
-productivity is balanced by ecosystem carbon losses through
-respiratory and disturbance pathways. In order to satisfy this
-assumption, the model is generally run until the productivity and loss
-terms find a stable long-term equilibrium; at this point the model is
-considered 'spun up'.
-Because of the coupling between the slowest SOM pools and productivity
-through N downregulation of photosynthesis, equilibration of the model
-for initialization purposes will take an extremely long time in the
-standard mode. This is particularly true for the CENTURY-based
-decomposition cascade, which includes a passive pool. In order to
-rapidly equilibrate the model, a modified version of the “accelerated
-decomposition” :ref:`(Thornton and Rosenbloon, 2005) ` is used. The fundamental
-idea of this approach is to allow fluxes between the various pools (both
-turnover-defined and vertically-defined fluxes) adjust rapidly, while
-keeping the pool sizes themselves small so that they can fill quickly.
-To do this, the base decomposition rate :math:`{k}_{i}` for each
-pool *i* is accelerated by a term :math:`{a}_{i}` such that the slow
-pools are collapsed onto an approximately annual timescale :ref:`Koven et al. (2013) `. Accelerating the pools beyond this timescale distorts the
-seasonal and/or diurnal cycles of decomposition and N mineralization,
-thus leading to a substantially different ecosystem productivity than
-the full model. For the vertical model, the vertical transport terms are
-also accelerated by the same term :math:`{a}_{i}`, as is the
-radioactive decay when :math:`{}^{14}`\ C is enabled, following the same
-principle of keeping fluxes between pools (or fluxes lost to decay)
-close to the full model while keeping the pools sizes small. When
-leaving the accelerated decomposition mode, the concentration of C and N
-in pools that had been accelerated are multiplied by the same term
-:math:`{a}_{i}`, to bring the model into approximate equilibrium.
-Note that in CLM, the model can also transition into accelerated
-decomposition mode from the standard mode (by dividing the pools by
-:math:`{a}_{i}`), and that the transitions into and out of
-accelerated decomposition mode are handled automatically by CLM upon
-loading from restart files (which preserve information about the mode of
-the model when restart files were written).
-The base acceleration terms for the two decomposition cascades are shown in
-Tables 15.1 and 15.3. In addition to the base terms, CLM5 also
-includes a geographic term to the acceleration in order to apply
-larger values to high-latitude systems, where decomposition rates are
-particularly slow and thus equilibration can take significantly longer
-than in temperate or tropical climates. This geographic term takes
-the form of a logistic equation, where :math:`{a}_{i}` is equal to the
-product of the base acceleration term and :math:`{a}_{l}` below:
-.. math::
- :label: 21.65)
+For transient experiments, it is usually assumed that the carbon cycle is starting from a point of relatively close equilibrium, i.e. that productivity is balanced by ecosystem carbon losses through respiratory and disturbance pathways. In order to satisfy this assumption, the model is generally run until the productivity and loss terms find a stable long-term equilibrium; at this point the model is considered 'spun up'.
- a_l = 1 + 50 / \left ( 1 + exp \left (-0.1 * (abs(latitude) -
- 60 ) \right ) \right )
+Because of the coupling between the slowest SOM pools and productivity through N downregulation of photosynthesis, equilibration of the model for initialization purposes will take an extremely long time in the standard mode. This is particularly true for the CENTURY-based decomposition cascade, which includes a passive pool. In order to rapidly equilibrate the model, a modified version of the "accelerated decomposition" :ref:`(Thornton and Rosenbloon, 2005) ` is used. The fundamental idea of this approach is to allow fluxes between the various pools (both turnover-defined and vertically-defined fluxes) adjust rapidly, while keeping the pool sizes themselves small so that they can fill quickly To do this, the base decomposition rate :math:`{k}_{i}` for each pool *i* is accelerated by a term :math:`{a}_{i}` such that the slow pools are collapsed onto an approximately annual timescale :ref:`Koven et al. (2013) `. Accelerating the pools beyond this timescale distorts the seasonal and/or diurnal cycles of decomposition and N mineralization, thus leading to a substantially different ecosystem productivity than the full model. For the vertical model, the vertical transport terms are also accelerated by the same term :math:`{a}_{i}`, as is the radioactive decay when :math:`{}^{14}`\ C is enabled, following the same principle of keeping fluxes between pools (or fluxes lost to decay close to the full model while keeping the pools sizes small. When leaving the accelerated decomposition mode, the concentration of C and N in pools that had been accelerated are multiplied by the same term :math:`{a}_{i}`, to bring the model into approximate equilibrium Note that in CLM, the model can also transition into accelerated decomposition mode from the standard mode (by dividing the pools by :math:`{a}_{i}`), and that the transitions into and out of accelerated decomposition mode are handled automatically by CLM upon loading from restart files (which preserve information about the mode of the model when restart files were written).
+The base acceleration terms for the two decomposition cascades are shown in Tables 15.1 and 15.3. In addition to the base terms, CLM5 also includes a geographic term to the acceleration in order to apply larger values to high-latitude systems, where decomposition rates are particularly slow and thus equilibration can take significantly longer than in temperate or tropical climates. This geographic term takes the form of a logistic equation, where :math:`{a}_{i}` is equal to the product of the base acceleration term and :math:`{a}_{l}` below:
+.. math::
+ :label: 21.65)
+ a_l = 1 + 50 / \left ( 1 + exp \left (-0.1 * (abs(latitude) -
+ 60 ) \right ) \right )
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--- a/doc/source/tech_note/Dust/CLM50_Tech_Note_Dust.rst
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@@ -3,190 +3,121 @@
Dust Model
-Atmospheric dust is mobilized from the land by wind in the CLM. The most
-important factors determining soil erodibility and dust emission include
-the wind friction speed, the vegetation cover, and the soil moisture.
-The CLM dust mobilization scheme (:ref:`Mahowald et al. 2006`)
-accounts for these factors based on the DEAD (Dust Entrainment and Deposition)
-model of :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`. Please refer to the
-:ref:`Zender et al. (2003)` article for additional
-information regarding the equations presented in this section.
-The total vertical mass flux of dust, :math:`F_{j}`
-(kg m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`), from the ground into transport bin
-:math:`j` is given by
+Atmospheric dust is mobilized from the land by wind in the CLM. The most important factors determining soil erodibility and dust emission include the wind friction speed, the vegetation cover, and the soil moisture The CLM dust mobilization scheme (:ref:`Mahowald et al. 2006` accounts for these factors based on the DEAD (Dust Entrainment and Deposition model of :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`. Please refer to the :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)` article for additional information regarding the equations presented in this section.
+The total vertical mass flux of dust, :math:`F_{j}` (kg m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`), from the ground into transport bin :math:`j` is given by
.. math::
:label: 29.1
F_{j} =TSf_{m} \alpha Q_{s} \sum _{i=1}^{I}M_{i,j}
-where :math:`T` is a global factor that compensates for the DEAD model’s
-sensitivity to horizontal and temporal resolution and equals 5 x
-10\ :sup:`-4` in the CLM instead of 7 x 10\ :sup:`-4` in
-:ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`. :math:`S` is the source
-erodibility factor set to 1 in the CLM and serves as a place holder
-at this time.
+where :math:`T` is a global factor that compensates for the DEAD model's sensitivity to horizontal and temporal resolution and equals 5 x 10\ :sup:`-4` in the CLM instead of 7 x 10\ :sup:`-4` in :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`. :math:`S` is the source erodibility factor set to 1 in the CLM and serves as a place holder at this time.
-The grid cell fraction of exposed bare soil suitable for dust
-mobilization :math:`f_{m}` is given by
+The grid cell fraction of exposed bare soil suitable for dust mobilization :math:`f_{m}` is given by
.. math::
- :label: 29.2
+ :label: 29.2
f_{m} =\left(1-f_{lake} \right)\left(1-f_{sno} \right)\left(1-f_{v} \right)\frac{w_{liq,1} }{w_{liq,1} +w_{ice,1} }
-where :math:`f_{lake}` and :math:`f_{sno}`
-are the CLM grid cell fractions of lake (section
-:numref:`Surface Data`) and snow cover (section
-:numref:`Snow Covered Area Fraction`), all ranging from zero to one. Not mentioned
-by :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`, :math:`w_{liq,\, 1}` and
-:math:`{}_{w_{ice,\, 1} }` are the CLM top soil layer liquid water and
-ice contents (mm) entered as a ratio expressing the decreasing ability
-of dust to mobilize from increasingly frozen soil. The grid cell
-fraction of vegetation cover,\ :math:`{}_{f_{v} }`, is defined as
+where :math:`f_{lake}` and :math:`f_{sno}` are the CLM grid cell fractions of lake (section :numref:`Surface Data`) and snow cover (section :numref:`Snow Covered Area Fraction`), all ranging from zero to one. Not mentioned by :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`, :math:`w_{liq,\, 1}` and :math:`{}_{w_{ice,\, 1} }` are the CLM top soil layer liquid water and ice contents (mm) entered as a ratio expressing the decreasing ability of dust to mobilize from increasingly frozen soil. The grid cell fraction of vegetation cover,\ :math:`{}_{f_{v} }`, is defined as
.. math::
:label: 29.3
0\le f_{v} =\frac{L+S}{\left(L+S\right)_{t} } \le 1{\rm \; \; \; \; where\; }\left(L+S\right)_{t} =0.3{\rm \; m}^{2} {\rm m}^{-2}
-where equation applies only for dust mobilization and is not related to
-the plant functional type fractions prescribed from the CLM input data
-or simulated by the CLM dynamic vegetation model (Chapter 22). :math:`L`
-and :math:`S` are the CLM leaf and stem area index values
-(m :sup:`2` m\ :sup:`-2`) averaged at the land unit level so
-as to include all the pfts and the bare ground present in a vegetated
-land unit. :math:`L` and :math:`S` may be prescribed from the CLM
-input data (section :numref:`Phenology and vegetation burial by snow`)
-or simulated by the CLM biogeochemistry model (Chapter
-:numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`).
+where equation applies only for dust mobilization and is not related to the plant functional type fractions prescribed from the CLM input data or simulated by the CLM dynamic vegetation model (Chapter 22). :math:`L` and :math:`S` are the CLM leaf and stem area index values (m :sup:`2` m\ :sup:`-2`) averaged at the land unit level so as to include all the pfts and the bare ground present in a vegetated land unit. :math:`L` and :math:`S` may be prescribed from the CLM input data (section :numref:`Phenology and vegetation burial by snow`) or simulated by the CLM biogeochemistry model (Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`).
-The sandblasting mass efficiency :math:`\alpha` (m :sup:`-1`) is
-calculated as
+The sandblasting mass efficiency :math:`\alpha` (m :sup:`-1`) is calculated as
.. math::
- :label: 29.4
+ :label: 29.4
\alpha =100e^{\left(13.4M_{clay} -6.0\right)\ln 10} {\rm \; \; }\left\{\begin{array}{l} {M_{clay} =\% clay\times 0.01{\rm \; \; \; 0}\le \% clay\le 20} \\ {M_{clay} =20\times 0.01{\rm \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; 20<\% }clay\le 100} \end{array}\right.
-where :math:`M_{clay}` is the mass fraction of clay
-particles in the soil and %clay is determined from the surface dataset
-(section :numref:`Surface Data`). :math:`M_{clay} =0` corresponds to sand and
-:math:`M_{clay} =0.2` to sandy loam.
+where :math:`M_{clay}` is the mass fraction of clay particles in the soil and %clay is determined from the surface dataset (section :numref:`Surface Data`). :math:`M_{clay} =0` corresponds to sand and :math:`M_{clay} =0.2` to sandy loam.
-:math:`Q_{s}` is the total horizontally saltating mass flux (kg
-m\ :sup:`-1` s\ :sup:`-1`) of “large” particles (:numref:`Table Dust Mass fraction`),
-also referred to as the vertically integrated streamwise mass flux
+:math:`Q_{s}` is the total horizontally saltating mass flux (kg m\ :sup:`-1` s\ :sup:`-1`) of "large" particles (:numref:`Table Dust Mass fraction`), also referred to as the vertically integrated streamwise mass flux
.. math::
:label: 29.5
Q_{s} = \left\{
- \begin{array}{lr}
- \frac{c_{s} \rho _{atm} u_{*s}^{3} }{g} \left(1-\frac{u_{*t} }{u_{*s} } \right)\left(1+\frac{u_{*t} }{u_{*s} } \right)^{2} {\rm \; } & \qquad {\rm for\; }u_{*t} w_{t} } \end{array}\right.
.. math::
- :label: 29.8
+ :label: 29.8
w_{t} =a\left(0.17M_{clay} +0.14M_{clay}^{2} \right){\rm \; \; \; \; \; \; 0}\le M_{clay} =\% clay\times 0.01\le 1
.. math::
- :label: 29.9
+ :label: 29.9
w=\frac{\theta _{1} \rho _{liq} }{\rho _{d,1} }
-where :math:`a=M_{clay}^{-1}` for tuning purposes,
-:math:`\theta _{1}` is the volumetric soil moisture in the top soil
-layer (m :math:`{}^{3 }`\ m\ :sup:`-3`) (section :numref:`Soil Water`),
-:math:`\rho _{liq}` is the density of liquid water (kg
-m\ :sup:`-3`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`), and :math:`\rho _{d,\, 1}`
-is the bulk density of soil in the top soil layer (kg m\ :sup:`-3`)
-defined as in section :numref:`Soil and Snow Thermal Properties`
-rather than as in :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`.
-:math:`Re_{*t}^{f}` from equation is the threshold friction Reynolds
+where :math:`a=M_{clay}^{-1}` for tuning purposes, :math:`\theta _{1}` is the volumetric soil moisture in the top soil layer (m :math:`{}^{3 }`\ m\ :sup:`-3`) (section :numref:`Soil Water`), :math:`\rho _{liq}` is the density of liquid water (kg m\ :sup:`-3`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`), and :math:`\rho _{d,\, 1}` is the bulk density of soil in the top soil layer (kg m\ :sup:`-3`) defined as in section :numref:`Soil and Snow Thermal Properties` rather than as in :ref:`Zender et al. (2003)`. :math:`Re_{*t}^{f}` from equation is the threshold friction Reynolds factor
.. math::
- :label: 29.10
+ :label: 29.10
Re_{*t}^{f} =\left\{\begin{array}{l} {\frac{0.1291^{2} }{-1+1.928Re_{*t} } {\rm \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; for\; 0.03}\le Re_{*t} \le 10} \\ {0.12^{2} \left(1-0.0858e^{-0.0617(Re_{*t} -10)} \right)^{2} {\rm \; for\; }Re_{*t} >10} \end{array}\right.
-and :math:`Re_{*t}` is the threshold friction Reynolds number
-approximation for optimally sized particles
+and :math:`Re_{*t}` is the threshold friction Reynolds number approximation for optimally sized particles
.. math::
- :label: 29.11
+ :label: 29.11
Re_{*t} =0.38+1331\left(100D_{osp} \right)^{1.56}
-In :eq:`29.5` , :math:`u_{*s}` is defined as the wind friction speed
-(m s\ :sup:`-1`) accounting for the Owen effect (:ref:`Owen 1964`)
+In :eq:`29.5`, :math:`u_{*s}` is defined as the wind friction speed (m s\ :sup:`-1`) accounting for the Owen effect (:ref:`Owen 1964`)
.. math::
- :label: 29.12
+ :label: 29.12
- u_{\*s} = \left\{
- \begin{array}{lr}
- u_{\*} & \quad {\rm \; for \;} U_{10} ` but here for 10 m above the ground, and
-:math:`U_{10,\, t}` is the threshold wind speed at 10 m (m
-s\ :sup:`-1`)
+where :math:`u_{*}` is the CLM wind friction speed (m s\ :sup:`-1`), also known as friction velocity (section :numref:`Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory`), :math:`U_{10}` \ is the 10-m wind speed (m s\ :sup:`-1`) calculated as the wind speed at the top of the canopy in section 4.3 of :ref:`Bonan (1996)` but here for 10 m above the ground, and :math:`U_{10,\, t}` is the threshold wind speed at 10 m (m s\ :sup:`-1`)
.. math::
:label: 29.13
U_{10,t} =u_{*t} \frac{U_{10} }{u_{*} }
-In equation we sum :math:`M_{i,\, j}` over :math:`I=3` source modes
-:math:`i` where :math:`M_{i,\, j}` is the mass fraction of each source
-mode :math:`i` carried in each of *:math:`J=4`* transport bins :math:`j`
+In equation we sum :math:`M_{i,\, j}` over :math:`I=3` source modes :math:`i` where :math:`M_{i,\, j}` is the mass fraction of each source mode :math:`i` carried in each of *:math:`J=4`* transport bins :math:`j`
.. math::
:label: 29.14
M_{i,j} =\frac{m_{i} }{2} \left[{\rm erf}\left(\frac{\ln {\textstyle\frac{D_{j,\max } }{\tilde{D}_{v,i} }} }{\sqrt{2} \ln \sigma _{g,i} } \right)-{\rm erf}\left(\frac{\ln {\textstyle\frac{D_{j,\min } }{\tilde{D}_{v,i} }} }{\sqrt{2} \ln \sigma _{g,i} } \right)\right]
-where :math:`m_{i}` , :math:`\tilde{D}_{v,\, i}` , and
-:math:`\sigma _{g,\, i}` are the mass fraction, mass median diameter,
-and geometric standard deviation assigned to each particle source mode
-:math:`i` (:numref:`Table Dust Mass fraction`), while :math:`D_{j,\, \min }` and
-:math:`D_{j,\, \max }` are the minimum and maximum diameters (m) in
-each transport bin :math:`j` (:numref:`Table Dust Minimum and maximum particle diameters`).
+where :math:`m_{i}`, :math:`\tilde{D}_{v,\, i}`, and :math:`\sigma _{g,\, i}` are the mass fraction, mass median diameter, and geometric standard deviation assigned to each particle source mode :math:`i` (:numref:`Table Dust Mass fraction`), while :math:`D_{j,\, \min }` and :math:`D_{j,\, \max }` are the minimum and maximum diameters (m) in each transport bin :math:`j` (:numref:`Table Dust Minimum and maximum particle diameters`).
.. _Table Dust Mass fraction:
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@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Surface Characterization, Vertical Discretization, and Model Input Requirements
.. _Surface Characterization:
-Surface Characterization
+Surface Characterization
.. _Surface Heterogeneity and Data Structure:
@@ -13,118 +13,35 @@ Surface Characterization
Surface Heterogeneity and Data Structure
-Spatial land surface heterogeneity in CLM is represented as a nested
-subgrid hierarchy in which grid cells are composed of multiple land
-units, snow/soil columns, and PFTs (:numref:`Figure CLM subgrid hierarchy`).
-Each grid cell can have
-a different number of land units, each land unit can have a different
-number of columns, and each column can have multiple PFTs. The first
-subgrid level, the land unit, is intended to capture the broadest
-spatial patterns of subgrid heterogeneity. The current land units are
-glacier, lake, urban, vegetated, and crop (when the crop model option is
-turned on). The land unit level can be used to further delineate these
-patterns. For example, the urban land unit is divided into density
-classes representing the tall building district, high density, and
-medium density urban areas.
-The second subgrid level, the column, is intended to capture potential
-variability in the soil and snow state variables within a single land
-unit. For example, the vegetated land unit could contain several columns
-with independently evolving vertical profiles of soil water and
-temperature. Similarly, the managed vegetation land unit can be divided
-into two columns, irrigated and non-irrigated. The default snow/soil
-column is represented by 25 layers for ground (with up to 20 of these
-layers classified as soil layers and the remaining layers classified as
-bedrock layers) and up to 10 layers for snow, depending on snow
-depth. The central characteristic of the column subgrid level is that
-this is where the state variables for water and energy in the soil and
-snow are defined, as well as the fluxes of these components within the
-soil and snow. Regardless of the number and type of PFTs occupying space
-on the column, the column physics operates with a single set of upper
-boundary fluxes, as well as a single set of transpiration fluxes from
-multiple soil levels. These boundary fluxes are weighted averages over
-all PFTs. Currently, for lake and vegetated land units, a single column
-is assigned to each land unit. The crop land unit is split into
-irrigated and unirrigated columns with a single crop occupying each
-column. The urban land units have five columns (roof, sunlit walls and
-shaded walls, and pervious and impervious canyon floor) (Oleson et
-al. 2010b). The glacier land unit is separated into up to 10 elevation
+Spatial land surface heterogeneity in CLM is represented as a nested subgrid hierarchy in which grid cells are composed of multiple land units, snow/soil columns, and PFTs (:numref:`Figure CLM subgrid hierarchy`). Each grid cell can have a different number of land units, each land unit can have a different number of columns, and each column can have multiple PFTs. The first subgrid level, the land unit, is intended to capture the broadest spatial patterns of subgrid heterogeneity. The current land units are glacier, lake, urban, vegetated, and crop (when the crop model option is turned on). The land unit level can be used to further delineate these patterns. For example, the urban land unit is divided into density classes representing the tall building district, high density, and medium density urban areas.
+The second subgrid level, the column, is intended to capture potential variability in the soil and snow state variables within a single land unit. For example, the vegetated land unit could contain several columns with independently evolving vertical profiles of soil water and temperature. Similarly, the managed vegetation land unit can be divided into two columns, irrigated and non-irrigated. The default snow/soil column is represented by 25 layers for ground (with up to 20 of these layers classified as soil layers and the remaining layers classified as bedrock layers) and up to 10 layers for snow, depending on snow depth. The central characteristic of the column subgrid level is that this is where the state variables for water and energy in the soil and snow are defined, as well as the fluxes of these components within the soil and snow. Regardless of the number and type of PFTs occupying space on the column, the column physics operates with a single set of upper boundary fluxes, as well as a single set of transpiration fluxes from multiple soil levels. These boundary fluxes are weighted averages over all PFTs. Currently, for lake and vegetated land units, a single column is assigned to each land unit. The crop land unit is split into irrigated and unirrigated columns with a single crop occupying each column. The urban land units have five columns (roof, sunlit walls and shaded walls, and pervious and impervious canyon floor) (Oleson et al. 2010b). The glacier land unit is separated into up to 10 elevation classes.
.. _Figure CLM subgrid hierarchy:
.. Figure:: image1.png
- Configuration of the CLM subgrid hierarchy. Box in upper right shows hypothetical subgrid distribution for a single grid cell. Note that the Crop land unit is only used when the model is run with the crop model active. Abbreviations: TBD – Tall Building District; HD – High Density; MD – Medium Density, G – Glacier, L – Lake, U – Urban, C – Crop, V – Vegetated, PFT – Plant Functional Type, Irr – Irrigated, UIrr – Unirrigated. Red arrows indicate allowed land unit transitions. Purple arrows indicate allowed patch-level transitions.
-The third subgrid level is referred to as the patch level. Patches can be PFTs or bare ground on the vegetated land unit
-and crop functional types (CFTs) on the crop land unit.
-The patch level is intended to capture the
-biogeophysical and biogeochemical differences between broad categories
-of plants in terms of their functional characteristics. On the vegetated
-land unit, up to 16 possible PFTs that differ in physiology and
-structure may coexist on a single column. All fluxes to and from the
-surface are defined at the PFT level, as are the vegetation state
-variables (e.g. vegetation temperature and canopy water storage). On the
-crop land unit, typically, different crop types can be represented on each
-crop land unit column (see Chapter :numref:`rst_Crops and Irrigation` for details).
-In addition to state and flux variable data structures for conserved
-components at each subgrid level (e.g., energy, water, carbon), each
-subgrid level also has a physical state data structure for handling
-quantities that are not involved in conservation checks (diagnostic
-variables). For example, the urban canopy air temperature and humidity
-are defined through physical state variables at the land unit level, the
-number of snow layers and the soil roughness lengths are defined as
-physical state variables at the column level, and the leaf area index
-and the fraction of canopy that is wet are defined as physical state
-variables at the PFT level.
-The standard configuration of the model subgrid hierarchy is illustrated
-in :numref:`Figure CLM subgrid hierarchy`. Here, only four PFTs are shown
-associated with the single
-column beneath the vegetated land unit but up to sixteen are possible.
-The crop land unit is present only when the crop model is active.
-Note that the biogeophysical processes related to soil and snow require
-PFT level properties to be aggregated to the column level. For example,
-the net heat flux into the ground is required as a boundary condition
-for the solution of snow/soil temperatures (Chapter :numref:`rst_Soil and Snow Temperatures`). This column
-level property must be determined by aggregating the net heat flux from
-all PFTs sharing the column. This is generally accomplished in the model
-by computing a weighted sum of the desired quantity over all PFTs whose
-weighting depends on the PFT area relative to all PFTs, unless otherwise
-noted in the text.
+ Configuration of the CLM subgrid hierarchy. Box in upper right shows hypothetical subgrid distribution for a single grid cell. Note that the Crop land unit is only used when the model is run with the crop model active. Abbreviations: TBD – Tall Building District; HD – High Density; MD – Medium Density, G – Glacier, L – Lake, U – Urban, C – Crop, V – Vegetated, PFT – Plant Functional Type, Irr – Irrigated, UIrr – Unirrigated. Red arrows indicate allowed land unit transitions. Purple arrows indicate allowed patch-level transitions.
+The third subgrid level is referred to as the patch level. Patches can be PFTs or bare ground on the vegetated land unit and crop functional types (CFTs) on the crop land unit. The patch level is intended to capture the biogeophysical and biogeochemical differences between broad categories of plants in terms of their functional characteristics. On the vegetated land unit, up to 16 possible PFTs that differ in physiology and structure may coexist on a single column. All fluxes to and from the surface are defined at the PFT level, as are the vegetation state variables (e.g. vegetation temperature and canopy water storage). On the crop land unit, typically, different crop types can be represented on each crop land unit column (see Chapter :numref:`rst_Crops and Irrigation` for details).
+In addition to state and flux variable data structures for conserved components at each subgrid level (e.g., energy, water, carbon), each subgrid level also has a physical state data structure for handling quantities that are not involved in conservation checks (diagnostic variables). For example, the urban canopy air temperature and humidity are defined through physical state variables at the land unit level, the number of snow layers and the soil roughness lengths are defined as physical state variables at the column level, and the leaf area index and the fraction of canopy that is wet are defined as physical state variables at the PFT level.
+The standard configuration of the model subgrid hierarchy is illustrated in :numref:`Figure CLM subgrid hierarchy`. Here, only four PFTs are shown associated with the single column beneath the vegetated land unit but up to sixteen are possible. The crop land unit is present only when the crop model is active.
+Note that the biogeophysical processes related to soil and snow require PFT level properties to be aggregated to the column level. For example, the net heat flux into the ground is required as a boundary condition for the solution of snow/soil temperatures (Chapter :numref:`rst_Soil and Snow Temperatures`). This column level property must be determined by aggregating the net heat flux from all PFTs sharing the column. This is generally accomplished in the model by computing a weighted sum of the desired quantity over all PFTs whose weighting depends on the PFT area relative to all PFTs, unless otherwise noted in the text.
.. _Vegetation Composition:
Vegetation Composition
-Vegetated surfaces are comprised of up to 15 possible plant functional
-types (PFTs) plus bare ground (:numref:`Table Plant functional types`). An
-additional PFT is added if
-the irrigation model is active and six additional PFTs are added if the
-crop model is active (Chapter :numref:`rst_Crops and Irrigation`).
-In :numref:`Table Plant functional types`, IVT = 0,14 refers to the index of PCT_NAT_VEG
-on the surface dataset while IVT = 15,18 refers to the index of PCT_CFT on the surface dataset. These
-plant types differ in leaf and stem optical properties that determine reflection,
-transmittance, and absorption of solar radiation (:numref:`Table Plant functional type optical properties`), root
-distribution parameters that control the uptake of water from the soil
-(:numref:`Table Plant functional type root distribution parameters`), aerodynamic parameters that determine resistance to heat,
-moisture, and momentum transfer (:numref:`Table Plant functional type aerodynamic parameters`), and photosynthetic
-parameters that determine stomatal resistance, photosynthesis, and
-transpiration (:numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) stomatal conductance parameters`,
-:numref:`Table Temperature dependence parameters for C3 photosynthesis`). The composition and abundance of PFTs
-within a grid cell can either be prescribed as time-invariant fields
-(e.g., using the present day dataset described in section 21.3.3) or can
-evolve with time if the model is run in transient landcover mode
-(Chapter :numref:`rst_Transient Landcover Change`).
+Vegetated surfaces are comprised of up to 15 possible plant functional types (PFTs) plus bare ground (:numref:`Table Plant functional types`). An additional PFT is added if the irrigation model is active and six additional PFTs are added if the crop model is active (Chapter :numref:`rst_Crops and Irrigation`). In :numref:`Table Plant functional types`, IVT = 0,14 refers to the index of PCT_NAT_VEG on the surface dataset while IVT = 15,18 refers to the index of PCT_CFT on the surface dataset. These plant types differ in leaf and stem optical properties that determine reflection, transmittance, and absorption of solar radiation (:numref:`Table Plant functional type optical properties`), root distribution parameters that control the uptake of water from the soil (:numref:`Table Plant functional type root distribution parameters`), aerodynamic parameters that determine resistance to heat, moisture, and momentum transfer (:numref:`Table Plant functional type aerodynamic parameters`), and photosynthetic parameters that determine stomatal resistance, photosynthesis, and transpiration (:numref:`Table Plant functional type (PFT) stomatal conductance parameters`, :numref:`Table Temperature dependence parameters for C3 photosynthesis`). The composition and abundance of PFTs within a grid cell can either be prescribed as time-invariant fields (e.g., using the present day dataset described in section 21.3.3) or can evolve with time if the model is run in transient landcover mode (Chapter :numref:`rst_Transient Landcover Change`).
.. _Table Plant functional types:
.. table:: Plant functional types
| IVT | Plant functional type | Acronym |
@@ -175,22 +92,12 @@ evolve with time if the model is run in transient landcover mode
Vegetation Structure
-Vegetation structure is defined by leaf and stem area indices
-(:math:`L,\, S`) and canopy top and bottom heights (:math:`z_{top}`,\ :math:`z_{bot}` ).
-Separate leaf and
-stem area indices and canopy heights are prescribed or calculated for each PFT. Daily leaf
-and stem area indices are obtained from griddeddatasets of monthly values (section
-:numref:`Surface Data`). Canopy top and bottom heights for trees are from ICESat (:ref:`Simard et al. (2011) `).
-Canopy top and bottom heights for short vegetation are obtained from gridded datasets but are invariant in space
-and time and were obtained from PFT-specific values (:ref:`Bonan et al. (2002a) `) (:numref:`Table Plant functional type canopy top and bottom heights`).
-When the biogeochemistry model is active,
-vegetation state (LAI, SAI, canopy top and bottom heights) are calculated prognostically
-(see Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`).
+Vegetation structure is defined by leaf and stem area indices (:math:`L,\, S`) and canopy top and bottom heights (:math:`z_{top}`,\ :math:`z_{bot}` ). Separate leaf and stem area indices and canopy heights are prescribed or calculated for each PFT. Daily leaf and stem area indices are obtained from griddeddatasets of monthly values (section :numref:`Surface Data`). Canopy top and bottom heights for trees are from ICESat (:ref:`Simard et al. (2011) `). Canopy top and bottom heights for short vegetation are obtained from gridded datasets but are invariant in space and time and were obtained from PFT-specific values (:ref:`Bonan et al. (2002a) `) (:numref:`Table Plant functional type canopy top and bottom heights`). When the biogeochemistry model is active, vegetation state (LAI, SAI, canopy top and bottom heights) are calculated prognostically (see Chapter :numref:`rst_Vegetation Phenology and Turnover`).
.. _Table Plant functional type canopy top and bottom heights:
.. table:: Plant functional type canopy top and bottom heights
| Plant functional type | :math:`z_{top}` | :math:`z_{bot}` |
@@ -220,36 +127,22 @@ vegetation state (LAI, SAI, canopy top and bottom heights) are calculated progno
Phenology and vegetation burial by snow
-When the biogeochemistry model is inactive, leaf and stem area indices
-(m\ :sup:`2` leaf area m\ :sup:`-2` ground area) are updated
-daily by linearly interpolating between monthly values. Monthly PFT leaf
-area index values are developed from the 1-km MODIS-derived monthly grid
-cell average leaf area index of :ref:`Myneni et al. (2002) `,
-as described in :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `. Stem area
-ndex is calculated from the monthly PFT leaf area index using the methods of
-:ref:`Zeng et al. (2002) `. The leaf and stem area indices are
-adjusted for vertical burying by snow (:ref:`Wang and Zeng 2009 `)
+When the biogeochemistry model is inactive, leaf and stem area indices (m\ :sup:`2` leaf area m\ :sup:`-2` ground area) are updated daily by linearly interpolating between monthly values. Monthly PFT leaf area index values are developed from the 1-km MODIS-derived monthly grid cell average leaf area index of :ref:`Myneni et al. (2002) `, as described in :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `. Stem area ndex is calculated from the monthly PFT leaf area index using the methods of :ref:`Zeng et al. (2002) `. The leaf and stem area indices are adjusted for vertical burying by snow (:ref:`Wang and Zeng 2009 `) as
.. math::
- :label: 2.1
+ :label: 2.1
A=A^{*} ( 1-f_{veg}^{sno} )
-where :math:`A^{\*}` is the leaf or stem area before adjustment for
-snow, :math:`A` is the remaining exposed leaf or stem area,
-:math:`f_{veg}^{sno}` is the vertical fraction of vegetation covered by snow
+where :math:`A^{*}` is the leaf or stem area before adjustment for snow, :math:`A` is the remaining exposed leaf or stem area, :math:`f_{veg}^{sno}` is the vertical fraction of vegetation covered by snow
.. math::
:label: 2.2
- {f_{veg}^{sno} = \frac{z_{sno} -z_{bot} }{z_{top} -z_{bot} } \qquad {\rm for\; tree\; and\; shrub}} \\
- {f_{veg}^{sno} = \frac{\min \left(z_{sno} ,\, z_{c} \right)}{z_{c} } \qquad {\rm for\; grass\; and\; crop}}
+ {f_{veg}^{sno} = \frac{z_{sno} -z_{bot} }{z_{top} -z_{bot} } \qquad {\rm for\; tree\; and\; shrub}} \\
+ {f_{veg}^{sno} = \frac{\min \left(z_{sno} ,\, z_{c} \right)}{z_{c} } \qquad {\rm for\; grass\; and\; crop}}
-where :math:`z_{sno} -z_{bot} \ge 0,{\rm \; }0\le f_{veg}^{sno} \le 1`, :math:`z_{sno}` is the depth of snow (m)
-(Chapter :numref:`rst_Snow Hydrology`), and :math:`z_{c} = 0.2` is the snow depth when short vegetation is assumed to
-be completely buried by snow (m). For numerical reasons, exposed leaf and stem area are set to zero if less than
-0.05. If the sum of exposed leaf and stem area is zero, then the surface is treated as snow-covered ground.
+where :math:`z_{sno} -z_{bot} \ge 0,{\rm \; }0\le f_{veg}^{sno} \le 1`, :math:`z_{sno}` is the depth of snow (m) (Chapter :numref:`rst_Snow Hydrology`), and :math:`z_{c} = 0.2` is the snow depth when short vegetation is assumed to be completely buried by snow (m). For numerical reasons, exposed leaf and stem area are set to zero if less than 0.05. If the sum of exposed leaf and stem area is zero, then the surface is treated as snow-covered ground.
.. _Vertical Discretization:
@@ -257,27 +150,16 @@ Vertical Discretization
(this was taken from Initialization; is it still needed?
- Vegetated and glacier land units have fifteen vertical layers, while
- lakes have ten. For soil points, temperature calculations are done over
- all layers, :math:`N_{levgrnd} =15`, while hydrology calculations are
- done over the top ten layers, :math:`N_{levsoi} =10`, the bottom five
- layers being specified as bedrock.
+ Vegetated and glacier land units have fifteen vertical layers, while lakes have ten. For soil points, temperature calculations are done over all layers, :math:`N_{levgrnd} =15`, while hydrology calculations are done over the top ten layers, :math:`N_{levsoi} =10`, the bottom five layers being specified as bedrock.
.. _Soil Layers:
Soil Layers
-The soil column can be discretized into an arbitrary number of layers. The default
-vertical discretization (:numref:`Table Soil layer structure`) uses
-:math:`N_{levgrnd} = 25` layers, of which :math:`N_{levsoi} = 20` are hydrologically and
-biogeochemically active. The deepest 5 layers are only included in the thermodynamical
-calculations (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2008 `) described in Chapter
-:numref:`rst_Soil and Snow Temperatures`.
+The soil column can be discretized into an arbitrary number of layers. The default vertical discretization (:numref:`Table Soil layer structure`) uses :math:`N_{levgrnd} = 25` layers, of which :math:`N_{levsoi} = 20` are hydrologically and biogeochemically active. The deepest 5 layers are only included in the thermodynamical calculations (:ref:`Lawrence et al. 2008 `) described in Chapter :numref:`rst_Soil and Snow Temperatures`.
-The layer structure of the soil is described by the node depth, :math:`z_{i}`
-(m), the thickness of each layer, :math:`\Delta z_{i}` (m), and the depths
-at the layer interfaces :math:`z_{h,\, i}` (m).
+The layer structure of the soil is described by the node depth, :math:`z_{i}` (m), the thickness of each layer, :math:`\Delta z_{i}` (m), and the depths at the layer interfaces :math:`z_{h,\, i}` (m).
.. _Table Soil layer structure:
@@ -337,21 +219,14 @@ at the layer interfaces :math:`z_{h,\, i}` (m).
| 25 | 41.998 | 15.115 | 49.556 |
-Layer node depth (:math:`z_{i}` ), thickness (:math:`\Delta z_{i}` ), and depth at
-layer interface (:math:`z_{h,\, i}` ) for default soil column. All in meters.
+Layer node depth (:math:`z_{i}` ), thickness (:math:`\Delta z_{i}` ), and depth at layer interface (:math:`z_{h,\, i}` ) for default soil column. All in meters.
.. _Depth to Bedrock:
Depth to Bedrock
-The hydrologically and biogeochemically active portion of the soil column can be
-restricted to a thickness less than that of the maximum soil depth. By providing
-a depth-to-bedrock dataset, which may vary spatially, the number of layers used
-in the hydrologic and biogeochemical calculations, :math:`N_{bedrock}`, may be
-specified, subject to the constraint :math:`N_{bedrock} \le N_{levsoi}`.
-The default depth-to-bedrock values are from
-:ref:`Pelletier et al. [2016]`.
+The hydrologically and biogeochemically active portion of the soil column can be restricted to a thickness less than that of the maximum soil depth. By providing a depth-to-bedrock dataset, which may vary spatially, the number of layers used in the hydrologic and biogeochemical calculations, :math:`N_{bedrock}`, may be specified, subject to the constraint :math:`N_{bedrock} \le N_{levsoi}`. The default depth-to-bedrock values are from :ref:`Pelletier et al. [2016]`.
.. _Model Input Requirements:
@@ -363,20 +238,7 @@ Model Input Requirements
Atmospheric Coupling
-The current state of the atmosphere (:numref:`Table Atmospheric input to land model`)
-at a given time step is
-used to force the land model. This atmospheric state is provided by an
-atmospheric model in coupled mode or from an observed dataset in land-only
-mode (Chapter :numref:`rst_Land-Only Mode`). The land model then initiates a full set of
-calculations for surface energy, constituent, momentum, and radiative
-fluxes. The land model calculations are implemented in two steps. The
-land model proceeds with the calculation of surface energy, constituent,
-momentum, and radiative fluxes using the snow and soil hydrologic states
-from the previous time step. The land model then updates the soil and
-snow hydrology calculations based on these fluxes. These fields are
-passed to the atmosphere (:numref:`Table Land model output to atmospheric model`). The albedos sent to the atmosphere
-are for the solar zenith angle at the next time step but with surface
-conditions from the current time step.
+The current state of the atmosphere (:numref:`Table Atmospheric input to land model`) at a given time step is used to force the land model. This atmospheric state is provided by an atmospheric model in coupled mode or from an observed dataset in land-only mode (Chapter :numref:`rst_Land-Only Mode`). The land model then initiates a full set of calculations for surface energy, constituent, momentum, and radiative fluxes. The land model calculations are implemented in two steps. The land model proceeds with the calculation of surface energy, constituent, momentum, and radiative fluxes using the snow and soil hydrologic states from the previous time step. The land model then updates the soil and snow hydrology calculations based on these fluxes. These fields are passed to the atmosphere (:numref:`Table Land model output to atmospheric model`). The albedos sent to the atmosphere are for the solar zenith angle at the next time step but with surface conditions from the current time step.
.. _Table Atmospheric input to land model:
@@ -424,85 +286,19 @@ conditions from the current time step.
| :sup:`5`\ Lightning frequency | :math:`I_{l}` | flash km\ :sup:`-2` hr\ :sup:`-1` |
-:sup:`1`\ The atmospheric reference height received from the
-atmospheric model :math:`z'_{atm}` is assumed to be the height above
-the surface as defined by the roughness length :math:`z_{0}` plus
-displacement height :math:`d`. Thus, the reference height used for flux
-computations (Chapter :numref:`rst_Momentum, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes`)
-is :math:`z_{atm} =z'_{atm} +z_{0} +d`. The
-reference heights for temperature, wind, and specific humidity
-(:math:`z_{atm,\, h}` , :math:`z_{atm,\, {\it m}}` ,
-:math:`z_{atm,\, w}` ) are required. These are set equal
-to\ :math:`z_{atm}` .
-:sup:`2`\ CAM provides convective and large-scale liquid
-and solid precipitation, which are added to yield total liquid
-precipitation :math:`q_{rain}` and solid precipitation
-:math:`q_{sno}` .
-However, in CLM5, the atmosphere's partitioning into liquid and solid
-precipitation is ignored. Instead, CLM repartitions total precipitation
-using a linear ramp. For most landunits, this ramp generates all snow
-below :math:`0 ^{\circ} C`, all rain above :math:`2 ^{\circ} C`,
-and a mix of rain and snow for intermediate temperatures. For glaciers,
-the end points of the ramp are :math:`-2 ^{\circ} C` and :math:`0
-^{\circ} C`, respectively. Changes to the phase of precipitation are
-accompanied by a sensible heat flux (positive or negative) to conserve
-:sup:`3`\ There are 14 aerosol deposition rates required depending
-on species and affinity for bonding with water; 8 of these are dust
-deposition rates (dry and wet rates for 4 dust size bins,
-:math:`D_{dst,\, dry1} ,\, D_{dst,\, dry2} ,\, D_{dst,\, dry3} ,\, D_{dst,\, dry4}` ,
-:math:`D_{dst,\, \, wet1} ,D_{dst,\, wet2} ,\, D_{dst,wet3} ,\, D_{dst,\, wet4}` ),
-3 are black carbon deposition rates (dry and wet hydrophilic and dry
-hydrophobic rates,
-:math:`D_{bc,\, dryhphil} ,\, D_{bc,\, wethphil} ,\, D_{bc,\, dryhphob}` ),
-and 3 are organic carbon deposition rates (dry and wet hydrophilic and
-dry hydrophobic rates,
-:math:`D_{oc,\, dryhphil} ,\, D_{oc,\, wethphil} ,\, D_{oc,\, dryhphob}` ).
-These fluxes are computed interactively by the atmospheric model (when
-prognostic aerosol representation is active) or are prescribed from a
-time-varying (annual cycle or transient), globally-gridded deposition
-file defined in the namelist (see the CLM4.5 User’s Guide). Aerosol
-deposition rates were calculated in a transient 1850-2009 CAM simulation
-(at a resolution of 1.9x2.5x26L) with interactive chemistry (troposphere
-and stratosphere) driven by CCSM3 20\ :sup:`th` century
-sea-surface temperatures and emissions (:ref:`Lamarque et al. 2010`) for
-short-lived gases and aerosols; observed concentrations were specified
-for methane, N\ :sub:`2`\ O, the ozone-depleting substances (CFCs)
-,and CO\ :sub:`2`. The fluxes are used by the snow-related
-parameterizations (Chapters :numref:`rst_Surface Albedos` and :numref:`rst_Snow Hydrology`).
-:sup:`4`\ The nitrogen deposition rate is required by the
-biogeochemistry model when active and represents the total deposition of
-mineral nitrogen onto the land surface, combining deposition of
-NO\ :sub:`y` and NH\ :sub:`x`. The rate is supplied either
-as a time-invariant spatially-varying annual mean rate or time-varying
-for a transient simulation. Nitrogen deposition rates were calculated
-from the same CAM chemistry simulation that generated the aerosol
-deposition rates.
-:sup:`5`\ Climatological 3-hourly lightning frequency at
-:math:`\sim`\ 1.8\ :sup:`o` resolution is provided, which was
-calculated via bilinear interpolation from 1995-2011 NASA LIS/OTD grid
-product v2.2 (http://ghrc.msfc.nasa.gov) 2-hourly, 2.5\ :sup:`o`
-lightning frequency data. In future versions of the model, lightning
-data may be obtained directly from the atmosphere model.
-Density of air (:math:`\rho _{atm}` ) (kg m\ :sup:`-3`) is also
-required but is calculated directly from
-:math:`\rho _{atm} =\frac{P_{atm} -0.378e_{atm} }{R_{da} T_{atm} }`
-where :math:`P_{atm}` is atmospheric pressure (Pa), :math:`e_{atm}` is
-atmospheric vapor pressure (Pa), :math:`R_{da}` is the gas constant for
-dry air (J kg\ :sup:`-1` K\ :sup:`-1`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`), and
-:math:`T_{atm}` is the atmospheric temperature (K). The atmospheric
-vapor pressure :math:`e_{atm}` is derived from atmospheric specific
-humidity :math:`q_{atm}` (kg kg\ :sup:`-1`) as
-:math:`e_{atm} =\frac{q_{atm} P_{atm} }{0.622+0.378q_{atm} }` .
-The O\ :sub:`2` partial pressure (Pa) is required but is
-calculated from molar ratio and the atmospheric pressure
-:math:`P_{atm}` as :math:`o_{i} =0.209P_{atm}` .
+:sup:`1`\ The atmospheric reference height received from the atmospheric model :math:`z'_{atm}` is assumed to be the height above the surface as defined by the roughness length :math:`z_{0}` plus displacement height :math:`d`. Thus, the reference height used for flux computations (Chapter :numref:`rst_Momentum, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes`) is :math:`z_{atm} =z'_{atm} +z_{0} +d`. The reference heights for temperature, wind, and specific humidity (:math:`z_{atm,\, h}`, :math:`z_{atm,\, {\it m}}`, :math:`z_{atm,\, w}` ) are required. These are set equal to\ :math:`z_{atm}`.
+:sup:`2`\ CAM provides convective and large-scale liquid and solid precipitation, which are added to yield total liquid precipitation :math:`q_{rain}` and solid precipitation :math:`q_{sno}`. However, in CLM5, the atmosphere's partitioning into liquid and solid precipitation is ignored. Instead, CLM repartitions total precipitation using a linear ramp. For most landunits, this ramp generates all snow below :math:`0 ^{\circ} C`, all rain above :math:`2 ^{\circ} C`, and a mix of rain and snow for intermediate temperatures. For glaciers, the end points of the ramp are :math:`-2 ^{\circ} C` and :math:`0 ^{\circ} C`, respectively. Changes to the phase of precipitation are accompanied by a sensible heat flux (positive or negative) to conserve energy.
+:sup:`3`\ There are 14 aerosol deposition rates required depending on species and affinity for bonding with water; 8 of these are dust deposition rates (dry and wet rates for 4 dust size bins, :math:`D_{dst,\, dry1},\, D_{dst,\, dry2},\, D_{dst,\, dry3},\, D_{dst,\, dry4}`, :math:`D_{dst,\, \, wet1},D_{dst,\, wet2},\, D_{dst,wet3},\, D_{dst,\, wet4}` ), 3 are black carbon deposition rates (dry and wet hydrophilic and dry hydrophobic rates, :math:`D_{bc,\, dryhphil},\, D_{bc,\, wethphil},\, D_{bc,\, dryhphob}` ), and 3 are organic carbon deposition rates (dry and wet hydrophilic and dry hydrophobic rates, :math:`D_{oc,\, dryhphil},\, D_{oc,\, wethphil},\, D_{oc,\, dryhphob}` ). These fluxes are computed interactively by the atmospheric model (when prognostic aerosol representation is active) or are prescribed from a time-varying (annual cycle or transient), globally-gridded deposition file defined in the namelist (see the CLM4.5 User's Guide). Aerosol deposition rates were calculated in a transient 1850-2009 CAM simulation (at a resolution of 1.9x2.5x26L) with interactive chemistry (troposphere and stratosphere) driven by CCSM3 20\ :sup:`th` century sea-surface temperatures and emissions (:ref:`Lamarque et al. 2010`) for short-lived gases and aerosols; observed concentrations were specified for methane, N\ :sub:`2`\ O, the ozone-depleting substances (CFCs),and CO\ :sub:`2`. The fluxes are used by the snow-related parameterizations (Chapters :numref:`rst_Surface Albedos` and :numref:`rst_Snow Hydrology`).
+:sup:`4`\ The nitrogen deposition rate is required by the biogeochemistry model when active and represents the total deposition of mineral nitrogen onto the land surface, combining deposition of NO\ :sub:`y` and NH\ :sub:`x`. The rate is supplied either as a time-invariant spatially-varying annual mean rate or time-varying for a transient simulation. Nitrogen deposition rates were calculated from the same CAM chemistry simulation that generated the aerosol deposition rates.
+:sup:`5`\ Climatological 3-hourly lightning frequency at :math:`\sim`\ 1.8° resolution is provided, which was calculated via bilinear interpolation from 1995-2011 NASA LIS/OTD grid product v2.2 (http://ghrc.msfc.nasa.gov) 2-hourly, 2.5° lightning frequency data. In future versions of the model, lightning data may be obtained directly from the atmosphere model.
+Density of air (:math:`\rho _{atm}` ) (kg m\ :sup:`-3`) is also required but is calculated directly from :math:`\rho _{atm} =\frac{P_{atm} -0.378e_{atm} }{R_{da} T_{atm} }` where :math:`P_{atm}` is atmospheric pressure (Pa), :math:`e_{atm}` is atmospheric vapor pressure (Pa), :math:`R_{da}` is the gas constant for dry air (J kg\ :sup:`-1` K\ :sup:`-1`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`), and :math:`T_{atm}` is the atmospheric temperature (K). The atmospheric vapor pressure :math:`e_{atm}` is derived from atmospheric specific humidity :math:`q_{atm}` (kg kg\ :sup:`-1`) as :math:`e_{atm} =\frac{q_{atm} P_{atm} }{0.622+0.378q_{atm} }`.
+The O\ :sub:`2` partial pressure (Pa) is required but is calculated from molar ratio and the atmospheric pressure :math:`P_{atm}` as :math:`o_{i} =0.209P_{atm}`.
.. _Table Land model output to atmospheric model:
@@ -552,91 +348,27 @@ calculated from molar ratio and the atmospheric pressure
| Net ecosystem exchange | NEE | kgCO\ :sub:`2` m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1` |
-:sup:`1`\ :math:`\lambda _{vap}` is the latent heat of
-vaporization (J kg\ :sup:`-1`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`) and :math:`\lambda` is
-either the latent heat of vaporization :math:`\lambda _{vap}` or latent
-heat of sublimation :math:`\lambda _{sub}` (J kg\ :sup:`-1`)
-(:numref:`Table Physical constants`) depending on the liquid water and ice content of the top
-snow/soil layer (section 5.4).
+:sup:`1`\ :math:`\lambda _{vap}` is the latent heat of vaporization (J kg\ :sup:`-1`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`) and :math:`\lambda` is either the latent heat of vaporization :math:`\lambda _{vap}` or latent heat of sublimation :math:`\lambda _{sub}` (J kg\ :sup:`-1`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`) depending on the liquid water and ice content of the top snow/soil layer (section 5.4).
-:sup:`2`\ There are :math:`j=1,\ldots ,4` dust transport bins.
+:sup:`2`\ There are :math:`j=1,\ldots,4` dust transport bins.
.. _Initialization:
-Initialization of the land model (i.e., providing the model with initial
-temperature and moisture states) depends on the type of run (startup or
-restart) (see the CLM4.5 User’s Guide). A startup run starts the model
-from either initial conditions that are set internally in the Fortran
-code (referred to as arbitrary initial conditions) or from an initial
-conditions dataset that enables the model to start from a spun up state
-(i.e., where the land is in equilibrium with the simulated climate). In
-restart runs, the model is continued from a previous simulation and
-initialized from a restart file that ensures that the output is
-bit-for-bit the same as if the previous simulation had not stopped. The
-fields that are required from the restart or initial conditions files
-can be obtained by examining the code. Arbitrary initial conditions are
-specified as follows.
-Soil points are initialized with
-surface ground temperature :math:`T_{g}` and soil layer temperature
-:math:`T_{i}` , for :math:`i=1,\ldots ,N_{levgrnd}` , of 274 K,
-vegetation temperature :math:`T_{v}` of 283 K, no snow or canopy water
-(:math:`W_{sno} =0`, :math:`W_{can} =0`), and volumetric soil water
-content :math:`\theta _{i} =0.15` mm\ :sup:`3` mm\ :sup:`-3`
-for layers :math:`i=1,\ldots ,N_{levsoi}` and :math:`\theta _{i} =0.0`
-mm\ :sup:`3` mm\ :sup:`-3` for layers
-:math:`i=N_{levsoi} +1,\ldots ,N_{levgrnd}` . placeLake temperatures
-(:math:`T_{g}` and :math:`T_{i}` ) are initialized at 277 K and
-:math:`W_{sno} =0`.
-Glacier temperatures (:math:`T_{g} =T_{snl+1}` and :math:`T_{i}` for
-:math:`i=snl+1,\ldots ,N_{levgrnd}` where :math:`snl` is the negative
-of the number of snow layers, i.e., :math:`snl` ranges from –5 to 0) are
-initialized to 250 K with a snow water equivalent :math:`W_{sno} =1000`
-mm, snow depth :math:`z_{sno} =\frac{W_{sno} }{\rho _{sno} }` (m) where
-:math:`\rho _{sno} =250` kg m\ :sup:`-3` is an initial estimate
-for the bulk density of snow, and :math:`\theta _{i}` \ =1.0 for
-:math:`i=1,\ldots ,N_{levgrnd}` . The snow layer structure (e.g., number
-of snow layers :math:`snl` and layer thickness) is initialized based on
-the snow depth (section 6.1). The snow liquid water and ice contents (kg
-m\ :sup:`-2`) are initialized as :math:`w_{liq,\, i} =0` and
-:math:`w_{ice,\, i} =\Delta z_{i} \rho _{sno}` , respectively, where
-:math:`i=snl+1,\ldots ,0` are the snow layers, and :math:`\Delta z_{i}`
-is the thickness of snow layer :math:`i` (m). The soil liquid water and
-ice contents are initialized as :math:`w_{liq,\, i} =0` and
-:math:`w_{ice,\, i} =\Delta z_{i} \rho _{ice} \theta _{i}` for
-:math:`T_{i} \le T_{f}` , and
-:math:`w_{liq,\, i} =\Delta z_{i} \rho _{liq} \theta _{i}` and
-:math:`w_{ice,\, i} =0` for :math:`T_{i} >T_{f}` , where
-:math:`\rho _{ice}` and :math:`\rho _{liq}` are the densities of ice
-and liquid water (kg m\ :sup:`-3`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`), and :math:`T_{f}`
-is the freezing temperature of water (K) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`). All vegetated and
-glacier land units are initialized with water stored in the unconfined
-aquifer and unsaturated soil :math:`W_{a} =4000` mm and water table
-depth :math:`z_{\nabla }` at five meters below the soil column.
+Initialization of the land model (i.e., providing the model with initial temperature and moisture states) depends on the type of run (startup or restart) (see the CLM4.5 User's Guide). A startup run starts the model from either initial conditions that are set internally in the Fortran code (referred to as arbitrary initial conditions) or from an initial conditions dataset that enables the model to start from a spun up state (i.e., where the land is in equilibrium with the simulated climate). In restart runs, the model is continued from a previous simulation and initialized from a restart file that ensures that the output is bit-for-bit the same as if the previous simulation had not stopped. The fields that are required from the restart or initial conditions files can be obtained by examining the code. Arbitrary initial conditions are specified as follows.
+Soil points are initialized with surface ground temperature :math:`T_{g}` and soil layer temperature :math:`T_{i}`, for :math:`i=1,\ldots,N_{levgrnd}`, of 274 K, vegetation temperature :math:`T_{v}` of 283 K, no snow or canopy water (:math:`W_{sno} =0`, :math:`W_{can} =0`), and volumetric soil water content :math:`\theta _{i} =0.15` mm\ :sup:`3` mm\ :sup:`-3` for layers :math:`i=1,\ldots,N_{levsoi}` and :math:`\theta _{i} =0.0` mm\ :sup:`3` mm\ :sup:`-3` for layers :math:`i=N_{levsoi} +1,\ldots,N_{levgrnd}`. placeLake temperatures (:math:`T_{g}` and :math:`T_{i}` ) are initialized at 277 K and :math:`W_{sno} =0`.
+Glacier temperatures (:math:`T_{g} =T_{snl+1}` and :math:`T_{i}` for :math:`i=snl+1,\ldots,N_{levgrnd}` where :math:`snl` is the negative of the number of snow layers, i.e., :math:`snl` ranges from –5 to 0) are initialized to 250 K with a snow water equivalent :math:`W_{sno} =1000` mm, snow depth :math:`z_{sno} =\frac{W_{sno} }{\rho _{sno} }` (m) where :math:`\rho _{sno} =250` kg m\ :sup:`-3` is an initial estimate for the bulk density of snow, and :math:`\theta _{i}` \ =1.0 for :math:`i=1,\ldots,N_{levgrnd}`. The snow layer structure (e.g., number of snow layers :math:`snl` and layer thickness) is initialized based on the snow depth (section 6.1). The snow liquid water and ice contents (kg m\ :sup:`-2`) are initialized as :math:`w_{liq,\, i} =0` and :math:`w_{ice,\, i} =\Delta z_{i} \rho _{sno}`, respectively, where :math:`i=snl+1,\ldots,0` are the snow layers, and :math:`\Delta z_{i}` is the thickness of snow layer :math:`i` (m). The soil liquid water and ice contents are initialized as :math:`w_{liq,\, i} =0` and :math:`w_{ice,\, i} =\Delta z_{i} \rho _{ice} \theta _{i}` for :math:`T_{i} \le T_{f}`, and :math:`w_{liq,\, i} =\Delta z_{i} \rho _{liq} \theta _{i}` and :math:`w_{ice,\, i} =0` for :math:`T_{i} >T_{f}`, where :math:`\rho _{ice}` and :math:`\rho _{liq}` are the densities of ice and liquid water (kg m\ :sup:`-3`) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`), and :math:`T_{f}` is the freezing temperature of water (K) (:numref:`Table Physical constants`). All vegetated and glacier land units are initialized with water stored in the unconfined aquifer and unsaturated soil :math:`W_{a} =4000` mm and water table depth :math:`z_{\nabla }` at five meters below the soil column.
.. _Surface Data:
Surface Data
-Required surface data for each land grid cell are listed in
-:numref:`Table Surface data required for CLM and their base spatial resolution`
-and include the glacier, lake, and urban fractions of the grid cell
-(vegetated and crop occupy the remainder), the fractional cover of each
-plant functional type (PFT), monthly leaf and stem area index and canopy
-top and bottom heights for each PFT, soil color, soil texture, soil
-organic matter density, maximum fractional saturated area, slope,
-elevation, biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emissions
-factors, population density, gross domestic production, peat area
-fraction, and peak month of agricultural burning. Optional surface data
-include crop irrigation and managed crops. All fields are aggregated to
-the model’s grid from high-resolution input datasets (
-:numref:`Table Surface data required for CLM and their base spatial resolution`) that
-are obtained from a variety of sources described below.
+Required surface data for each land grid cell are listed in :numref:`Table Surface data required for CLM and their base spatial resolution` and include the glacier, lake, and urban fractions of the grid cell (vegetated and crop occupy the remainder), the fractional cover of each plant functional type (PFT), monthly leaf and stem area index and canopy top and bottom heights for each PFT, soil color, soil texture, soil organic matter density, maximum fractional saturated area, slope, elevation, biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emissions factors, population density, gross domestic production, peat area fraction, and peak month of agricultural burning. Optional surface data include crop irrigation and managed crops. All fields are aggregated to the model's grid from high-resolution input datasets ( :numref:`Table Surface data required for CLM and their base spatial resolution`) that are obtained from a variety of sources described below.
.. _Table Surface data required for CLM and their base spatial resolution:
@@ -645,228 +377,77 @@ are obtained from a variety of sources described below.
| Surface Field | Resolution |
- | Percent glacier | 0.05\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Percent glacier | 0.05° |
- | Percent lake and lake depth | 0.05\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Percent lake and lake depth | 0.05° |
- | Percent urban | 0.05\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Percent urban | 0.05° |
- | Percent plant functional types (PFTs) | 0.05\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Percent plant functional types (PFTs) | 0.05° |
- | Monthly leaf and stem area index | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Monthly leaf and stem area index | 0.5° |
- | Canopy height (top, bottom) | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Canopy height (top, bottom) | 0.5° |
- | Soil color | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Soil color | 0.5° |
- | Percent sand, percent clay | 0.083\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Percent sand, percent clay | 0.083° |
- | Soil organic matter density | 0.083\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Soil organic matter density | 0.083° |
- | Maximum fractional saturated area | 0.125\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Maximum fractional saturated area | 0.125° |
| Elevation | 1km |
| Slope | 1km |
- | Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds | 0.5° |
- | Crop Irrigation | 0.083\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Crop Irrigation | 0.083° |
- | Managed crops | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Managed crops | 0.5° |
- | Population density | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Population density | 0.5° |
- | Gross domestic production | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Gross domestic production | 0.5° |
- | Peat area fraction | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Peat area fraction | 0.5° |
- | Peak month of agricultural waste burning | 0.5\ :sup:`o` |
+ | Peak month of agricultural waste burning | 0.5° |
-At the base spatial resolution of 0.05\ :sup:`o`, the percentage of
-each PFT is defined with respect to the vegetated portion of the grid
-cell and the sum of the PFTs is 100%. The percent lake,
-glacier, and urban at their base resolution are specified with respect
-to the entire grid cell. The surface dataset creation routines re-adjust
-the PFT percentages to ensure that the sum of all land cover types in
-the grid cell sum to 100%. A minimum threshold of 0.1% of the grid cell
-by area is required for urban areas.
-The percentage glacier mask was derived from vector data of global
-glacier and ice sheet spatial coverage. Vector data for glaciers (ice
-caps, icefields and mountain glaciers) were taken from the first
-globally complete glacier inventory, the Randolph Glacier Inventory
-version 1.0 (RGIv1.0: :ref:`Arendt et al. 2012 `).
-Vector data for the Greenland Ice Sheet were provided by Frank Paul and
-Tobias Bolch (University of Zurich: :ref:`Rastner et al. 2012
-`). Antarctic Ice Sheet data were provided by Andrew
-Bliss (University of Alaska) and were extracted from the Scientific
-Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Antarctic Digital Database
-version 5.0. Floating ice is only provided for the Antarctic and does
-not include the small area of Arctic ice shelves. High spatial
-resolution vector data were then processed to determine the area of
-glacier, ice sheet and floating ice within 30-second grid cells
-globally. The 30-second glacier, ice sheet and Antarctic ice shelf masks
-were subsequently draped over equivalent-resolution GLOBE topography
-(Global Land One-km Base Elevation Project, Hastings et al. 1999) to
-extract approximate ice-covered elevations of ice-covered regions. Grid
-cells flagged as land-ice in the mask but ocean in GLOBE (typically,
-around ice sheets at high latitudes) were designated land-ice with an
-elevation of 0 meters. Finally, the high-resolution mask/topography
-datasets were aggregated and processed into three 3-minute datasets:
-3-minute fractional areal land ice coverage (including both glaciers and
-ice sheets); 3-minute distributions of areal glacier fractional coverage
-by elevation and areal ice sheet fractional coverage by elevation. Ice
-fractions were binned at 100 meter intervals, with bin edges defined
-from 0 to 6000 meters (plus one top bin encompassing all remaining
-high-elevation ice, primarily in the Himalaya). These distributions by
-elevation are used to divide each glacier land unit into columns based
-on elevation class.
-When running with the CISM ice sheet model, CISM dictates glacier areas
-and elevations in its domain, overriding the values specified by CLM's
-datasets. In typical CLM5 configurations, this means that CISM dictates
-glacier areas and elevations over Greenland.
-Percent lake and lake depth are area-averaged from the 90-second
-resolution data of :ref:`Kourzeneva (2009, 2010) ` to the 0.05\ :sup:`o`
-resolution using the MODIS land-mask. Percent urban is derived from
-LandScan 2004, a population density dataset derived from census data,
-nighttime lights satellite observations, road proximity and slope
-(:ref:`Dobson et al. 2000 `) as described by
-:ref:`Jackson et al. (2010) ` at 1km
-resolution and aggregated to 0.05\ :sup:`o`. A number of urban
-radiative, thermal, and morphological fields are also required and are
-obtained from :ref:`Jackson et al. (2010) `. Their description can be found in
-Table 3 of the Community Land Model Urban (CLMU) technical note (:ref:`Oleson
-et al. 2010b `).
-Percent PFTs are derived from MODIS satellite data as described in
-:ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) ` (section 21.3.3).
-Prescribed PFT leaf area index is derived from the MODIS satellite data of
-:ref:`Myneni et al. (2002) ` using the de-aggregation methods
-described in :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `
-(section 2.2.3). Prescribed PFT stem area index is derived from PFT leaf
-area index phenology combined with the methods of :ref:`Zeng et al. (2002) `.
-Prescribed canopy top and bottom heights are from :ref:`Bonan (1996) ` as
-described in :ref:`Bonan et al. (2002b) `. If the biogeochemistry model is
-active, it supplies the leaf and stem area index and canopy top and
-bottom heights dynamically, and the prescribed values are ignored.
-Soil color determines dry and saturated soil albedo (section :numref:`Ground Albedos`).
-Soil colors are from :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `.
-The soil texture and organic matter content determine soil thermal and
-hydrologic properties (sections 6.3 and 7.4.1). The International
-Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) soil dataset (Global Soil Data Task
-2000) of 4931 soil mapping units and their sand and clay content for
-each soil layer were used to create a mineral soil texture dataset
-:ref:`(Bonan et al. 2002b) `. Soil organic matter data is merged from two
-sources. The majority of the globe is from ISRIC-WISE (:ref:`Batjes, 2006 `).
-The high latitudes come from the 0.25\ :sup:`o` version of the
-Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (:ref:`Hugelius et al. 2012 `). Both
-datasets report carbon down to 1m depth. Carbon is partitioned across
-the top seven CLM4 layers (:math:`\sim`\ 1m depth) as in
-:ref:`Lawrence and Slater (2008) `.
-The maximum fractional saturated area (:math:`f_{\max }` ) is used in
-determining surface runoff and infiltration (section 7.3). Maximum
-fractional saturated area at 0.125\ :sup:`o` resolution is
-calculated from 1-km compound topographic indices (CTIs) based on the
-USGS HYDRO1K dataset (:ref:`Verdin and Greenlee 1996 `)
-following the algorithm in :ref:`Niu et al. (2005) `.
-:math:`f_{\max }` is the ratio between the number
-of 1-km pixels with CTIs equal to or larger than the mean CTI and the
-total number of pixels in a 0.125\ :sup:`o` grid cell. See
-section 7.3.1 and :ref:`Li et al. (2013b) ` for further details. Slope and
-elevation are also obtained from the USGS HYDRO1K 1-km dataset
-(:ref:`Verdin and Greenlee 1996 `). Slope is used in the
-surface water parameterization (section :numref:`Surface Water Storage`), and
-elevation is used to calculate the grid cell standard deviation of
-topography for the snow cover fraction parameterization (section :numref:`Snow Covered Area Fraction`).
-Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions factors are from the Model
-of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 2.1 (MEGAN2.1;
-:ref:`Guenther et al. 2012 `).
-The default list of PFTs includes an unmanaged crop treated as a second
-C3 grass (:numref:`Table Plant functional types`). The unmanaged crop has grid cell fractional cover
-assigned from MODIS satellite data (:ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `). A managed
-crop option uses grid cell fractional cover from the present-day crop
-dataset of :ref:`Ramankutty and Foley (1998) `
-(CLM4CNcrop). Managed crops are assigned in the proportions given by
-:ref:`Ramankutty and Foley (1998) ` without
-exceeding the area previously assigned to the unmanaged crop. The
-unmanaged crop continues to occupy any of its original area that remains
-and continues to be handled just by the CN part of CLM4CNcrop. The
-managed crop types (corn, soybean, and temperate cereals) were chosen
-based on the availability of corresponding algorithms in AgroIBIS
-(:ref:`Kucharik et al. 2000 `;
-:ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `). Temperate cereals
-include wheat, barley, and rye here. All temperate cereals are treated
-as summer crops (like spring wheat, for example) at this time. Winter
-cereals (such as winter wheat) may be introduced in a future version of
-the model.
-To allow crops to coexist with natural vegetation in a grid cell and be
-treated by separate models (i.e., CLM4.5BGCcrop versus the Dynamic
-Vegetation version (CLM4.5BGCDV)), we separate the vegetated land unit
-into a naturally vegetated land unit and a human managed land unit. PFTs
-in the naturally vegetated land unit share one soil column and compete
-for water (default CLM setting). PFTs in the human managed land unit do
-not share soil columns and thus permit for differences in land
-management between crops.
-CLM includes the option to irrigate cropland areas that are equipped for
-irrigation. The application of irrigation responds dynamically to climate
-(see Chapter :numref:`rst_Crops and Irrigation`). In CLM, irrigation is
-implemented for the C3 generic crop only. When irrigation is enabled, the
-cropland area of each grid cell is divided into an irrigated and unirrigated
-fraction according to a dataset of areas equipped for irrigation
-(:ref:`Siebert et al. (2005) `). The area of irrigated
-cropland in each grid cell is given by the
-smaller of the grid cell’s total cropland area, according to the default
-CLM4 dataset, and the grid cell’s area equipped for irrigation. The
-remainder of the grid cell’s cropland area (if any) is then assigned to
-unirrigated cropland. Irrigated and unirrigated crops are placed on
-separate soil columns, so that irrigation is only applied to the soil
-beneath irrigated crops.
-Several input datasets are required for the fire model (:ref:`Li et al. 2013a `)
-including population density, gross domestic production, peat area
-fraction, and peak month of agricultural waste burning. Population
-density at 0.5\ :sup:`o` resolution for 1850-2100 combines 5-min
-resolution decadal population density data for 1850–1980 from the
-Database of the Global Environment version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) with
-0.5\ :sup:`o` resolution population density data for 1990, 1995,
-2000, and 2005 from the Gridded Population of the World version 3
-dataset (GPWv3) (CIESIN, 2005). Gross Domestic Production (GDP) per
-capita in 2000 at 0.5\ :sup:`o` is from :ref:`Van Vuuren et al. (2006) `,
-which is the base-year GDP data for IPCC-SRES and derived from
-country-level World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI) measured
-in constant 1995 US$ (:ref:`World Bank, 2004 `) and the UN Statistics Database
-(:ref:`UNSTAT, 2005 `). The peatland area fraction at 0.5\ :sup:`o`
-resolution is derived from three vector datasets: peatland data in
-Indonesia and Malaysian Borneo (:ref:`Olson et al. 2001 `); peatland data in
-Canada (:ref:`Tarnocai et al. 2011 `); and bog, fen and mire data in boreal
-regions (north of 45\ :sup:`o`\ N) outside Canada provided by the
-Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) (:ref:`Lehner and Döll, 2004 `). The
-climatological peak month for agricultural waste burning is from :ref:`van der
-Werf et al. (2010) `.
+At the base spatial resolution of 0.05°, the percentage of each PFT is defined with respect to the vegetated portion of the grid cell and the sum of the PFTs is 100%. The percent lake, glacier, and urban at their base resolution are specified with respect to the entire grid cell. The surface dataset creation routines re-adjust the PFT percentages to ensure that the sum of all land cover types in the grid cell sum to 100%. A minimum threshold of 0.1% of the grid cell by area is required for urban areas.
+The percentage glacier mask was derived from vector data of global glacier and ice sheet spatial coverage. Vector data for glaciers (ice caps, icefields and mountain glaciers) were taken from the first globally complete glacier inventory, the Randolph Glacier Inventory version 1.0 (RGIv1.0: :ref:`Arendt et al. 2012 `). Vector data for the Greenland Ice Sheet were provided by Frank Paul and Tobias Bolch (University of Zurich: :ref:`Rastner et al. 2012 `). Antarctic Ice Sheet data were provided by Andrew Bliss (University of Alaska) and were extracted from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Antarctic Digital Database version 5.0. Floating ice is only provided for the Antarctic and does not include the small area of Arctic ice shelves. High spatial resolution vector data were then processed to determine the area of glacier, ice sheet and floating ice within 30-second grid cells globally. The 30-second glacier, ice sheet and Antarctic ice shelf masks were subsequently draped over equivalent-resolution GLOBE topography (Global Land One-km Base Elevation Project, Hastings et al. 1999) to extract approximate ice-covered elevations of ice-covered regions. Grid cells flagged as land-ice in the mask but ocean in GLOBE (typically, around ice sheets at high latitudes) were designated land-ice with an elevation of 0 meters. Finally, the high-resolution mask/topography datasets were aggregated and processed into three 3-minute datasets: 3-minute fractional areal land ice coverage (including both glaciers and ice sheets); 3-minute distributions of areal glacier fractional coverage by elevation and areal ice sheet fractional coverage by elevation. Ice fractions were binned at 100 meter intervals, with bin edges defined from 0 to 6000 meters (plus one top bin encompassing all remaining high-elevation ice, primarily in the Himalaya). These distributions by elevation are used to divide each glacier land unit into columns based on elevation class.
+When running with the CISM ice sheet model, CISM dictates glacier areas and elevations in its domain, overriding the values specified by CLM's datasets. In typical CLM5 configurations, this means that CISM dictates glacier areas and elevations over Greenland.
+Percent lake and lake depth are area-averaged from the 90-second resolution data of :ref:`Kourzeneva (2009, 2010) ` to the 0.05° resolution using the MODIS land-mask. Percent urban is derived from LandScan 2004, a population density dataset derived from census data, nighttime lights satellite observations, road proximity and slope (:ref:`Dobson et al. 2000 `) as described by :ref:`Jackson et al. (2010) ` at 1km resolution and aggregated to 0.05°. A number of urban radiative, thermal, and morphological fields are also required and are obtained from :ref:`Jackson et al. (2010) `. Their description can be found in Table 3 of the Community Land Model Urban (CLMU) technical note (:ref:`Oleson et al. 2010b `).
+Percent PFTs are derived from MODIS satellite data as described in :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) ` (section 21.3.3). Prescribed PFT leaf area index is derived from the MODIS satellite data of :ref:`Myneni et al. (2002) ` using the de-aggregation methods described in :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) ` (section 2.2.3). Prescribed PFT stem area index is derived from PFT leaf area index phenology combined with the methods of :ref:`Zeng et al. (2002) `. Prescribed canopy top and bottom heights are from :ref:`Bonan (1996) ` as described in :ref:`Bonan et al. (2002b) `. If the biogeochemistry model is active, it supplies the leaf and stem area index and canopy top and bottom heights dynamically, and the prescribed values are ignored.
+Soil color determines dry and saturated soil albedo (section :numref:`Ground Albedos`). Soil colors are from :ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `.
+The soil texture and organic matter content determine soil thermal and hydrologic properties (sections 6.3 and 7.4.1). The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) soil dataset (Global Soil Data Task 2000) of 4931 soil mapping units and their sand and clay content for each soil layer were used to create a mineral soil texture dataset :ref:`(Bonan et al. 2002b) `. Soil organic matter data is merged from two sources. The majority of the globe is from ISRIC-WISE (:ref:`Batjes, 2006 `). The high latitudes come from the 0.25° version of the Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (:ref:`Hugelius et al. 2012 `). Both datasets report carbon down to 1m depth. Carbon is partitioned across the top seven CLM4 layers (:math:`\sim`\ 1m depth) as in :ref:`Lawrence and Slater (2008) `.
+The maximum fractional saturated area (:math:`f_{\max }` ) is used in determining surface runoff and infiltration (section 7.3). Maximum fractional saturated area at 0.125° resolution is calculated from 1-km compound topographic indices (CTIs) based on the USGS HYDRO1K dataset (:ref:`Verdin and Greenlee 1996 `) following the algorithm in :ref:`Niu et al. (2005) `. :math:`f_{\max }` is the ratio between the number of 1-km pixels with CTIs equal to or larger than the mean CTI and the total number of pixels in a 0.125° grid cell. See section 7.3.1 and :ref:`Li et al. (2013b) ` for further details. Slope and elevation are also obtained from the USGS HYDRO1K 1-km dataset (:ref:`Verdin and Greenlee 1996 `). Slope is used in the surface water parameterization (section :numref:`Surface Water Storage`), and elevation is used to calculate the grid cell standard deviation of topography for the snow cover fraction parameterization (section :numref:`Snow Covered Area Fraction`).
+Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions factors are from the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature version 2.1 (MEGAN2.1; :ref:`Guenther et al. 2012 `).
+The default list of PFTs includes an unmanaged crop treated as a second C3 grass (:numref:`Table Plant functional types`). The unmanaged crop has grid cell fractional cover assigned from MODIS satellite data (:ref:`Lawrence and Chase (2007) `). A managed crop option uses grid cell fractional cover from the present-day crop dataset of :ref:`Ramankutty and Foley (1998) ` (CLM4CNcrop). Managed crops are assigned in the proportions given by :ref:`Ramankutty and Foley (1998) ` without exceeding the area previously assigned to the unmanaged crop. The unmanaged crop continues to occupy any of its original area that remains and continues to be handled just by the CN part of CLM4CNcrop. The managed crop types (corn, soybean, and temperate cereals) were chosen based on the availability of corresponding algorithms in AgroIBIS (:ref:`Kucharik et al. 2000 `; :ref:`Kucharik and Brye 2003 `). Temperate cereals include wheat, barley, and rye here. All temperate cereals are treated as summer crops (like spring wheat, for example) at this time. Winter cereals (such as winter wheat) may be introduced in a future version of the model.
+To allow crops to coexist with natural vegetation in a grid cell and be treated by separate models (i.e., CLM4.5BGCcrop versus the Dynamic Vegetation version (CLM4.5BGCDV)), we separate the vegetated land unit into a naturally vegetated land unit and a human managed land unit. PFTs in the naturally vegetated land unit share one soil column and compete for water (default CLM setting). PFTs in the human managed land unit do not share soil columns and thus permit for differences in land management between crops.
+CLM includes the option to irrigate cropland areas that are equipped for irrigation. The application of irrigation responds dynamically to climate (see Chapter :numref:`rst_Crops and Irrigation`). In CLM, irrigation is implemented for the C3 generic crop only. When irrigation is enabled, the cropland area of each grid cell is divided into an irrigated and unirrigated fraction according to a dataset of areas equipped for irrigation (:ref:`Siebert et al. (2005) `). The area of irrigated cropland in each grid cell is given by the smaller of the grid cell's total cropland area, according to the default CLM4 dataset, and the grid cell's area equipped for irrigation. The remainder of the grid cell's cropland area (if any) is then assigned to unirrigated cropland. Irrigated and unirrigated crops are placed on separate soil columns, so that irrigation is only applied to the soil beneath irrigated crops.
+Several input datasets are required for the fire model (:ref:`Li et al. 2013a `) including population density, gross domestic production, peat area fraction, and peak month of agricultural waste burning. Population density at 0.5° resolution for 1850-2100 combines 5-min resolution decadal population density data for 1850–1980 from the Database of the Global Environment version 3.1 (HYDEv3.1) with 0.5° resolution population density data for 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005 from the Gridded Population of the World version 3 dataset (GPWv3) (CIESIN, 2005). Gross Domestic Production (GDP) per capita in 2000 at 0.5° is from :ref:`Van Vuuren et al. (2006) `, which is the base-year GDP data for IPCC-SRES and derived from country-level World Bank's World Development Indicators (WDI) measured in constant 1995 US$ (:ref:`World Bank, 2004 `) and the UN Statistics Database (:ref:`UNSTAT, 2005 `). The peatland area fraction at 0.5° resolution is derived from three vector datasets: peatland data in Indonesia and Malaysian Borneo (:ref:`Olson et al. 2001 `); peatland data in Canada (:ref:`Tarnocai et al. 2011 `); and bog, fen and mire data in boreal regions (north of 45°N) outside Canada provided by the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD) (:ref:`Lehner and Döll, 2004 `). The climatological peak month for agricultural waste burning is from :ref:`van der Werf et al. (2010) `.
.. _Adjustable Parameters and Physical Constants:
Adjustable Parameters and Physical Constants
-Values of certain adjustable parameters inherent in the biogeophysical
-or biogeochemical parameterizations have either been obtained from the
-literature or calibrated based on comparisons with observations. These
-are described in the text. Physical constants, generally shared by all
-of the components in the coupled modeling system, are presented in
-:numref:`Table Physical constants`.
+Values of certain adjustable parameters inherent in the biogeophysical or biogeochemical parameterizations have either been obtained from the literature or calibrated based on comparisons with observations. These are described in the text. Physical constants, generally shared by all of the components in the coupled modeling system, are presented in :numref:`Table Physical constants`.
.. _Table Physical constants:
@@ -875,16 +456,16 @@ of the components in the coupled modeling system, are presented in
:widths: 40, 20, 20, 20
"Pi", :math:`\pi`, 3.14159265358979323846, "\-"
- "Acceleration of gravity", :math:`g`, 9.80616, m s\ :sup:`-2`
+ "Acceleration of gravity", :math:`g`, 9.80616, m s\ :sup:`-2`
"Standard pressure", :math:`P_{std}`, 101325, "Pa"
"Stefan-Boltzmann constant", :math:`\sigma`, 5.67 :math:`\times 10^{-8}`, W m :sup:`-2` K :math:`{}^{-4}`
"Boltzmann constant", :math:`\kappa`, 1.38065 :math:`\times 10^{-23}`, J K :sup:`-1` molecule :sup:`-1`
- "Avogadro’s number", :math:`N_{A}`, 6.02214 :math:`\times 10^{26}`, molecule kmol\ :sup:`-1`
+ "Avogadro's number", :math:`N_{A}`, 6.02214 :math:`\times 10^{26}`, molecule kmol\ :sup:`-1`
"Universal gas constant", :math:`R_{gas}`, :math:`N_{A} \kappa`, J K :sup:`-1` kmol :sup:`-1`
"Molecular weight of dry air", :math:`MW_{da}`, 28.966, kg kmol :sup:`-1`
- "Dry air gas constant", :math:`R_{da}`, :math:`{R_{gas} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {R_{gas} MW_{da} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} MW_{da} }`, J K :sup:`-1` kg :sup:`-1`
+ "Dry air gas constant", :math:`R_{da}`, :math:`{R_{gas} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {R_{gas} MW_{da} }} \right.} MW_{da} }`, J K :sup:`-1` kg :sup:`-1`
"Molecular weight of water vapor", :math:`MW_{wv}`, 18.016, kg kmol :sup:`-1`
- "Water vapor gas constant", :math:`R_{wv}`, :math:`{R_{gas} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {R_{gas} MW_{wv} }} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} MW_{wv} }`, J K :sup:`-1` kg :sup:`-1`
+ "Water vapor gas constant", :math:`R_{wv}`, :math:`{R_{gas} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {R_{gas} MW_{wv} }} \right.} MW_{wv} }`, J K :sup:`-1` kg :sup:`-1`
"Von Karman constant", :math:`k`, 0.4, "\-"
"Freezing temperature of fresh water", :math:`T_{f}`, 273.15, K
"Density of liquid water", :math:`\rho _{liq}`, 1000, kg m :sup:`-3`
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/External_Nitrogen_Cycle/CLM50_Tech_Note_External_Nitrogen_Cycle.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/External_Nitrogen_Cycle/CLM50_Tech_Note_External_Nitrogen_Cycle.rst
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--- a/doc/source/tech_note/External_Nitrogen_Cycle/CLM50_Tech_Note_External_Nitrogen_Cycle.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/External_Nitrogen_Cycle/CLM50_Tech_Note_External_Nitrogen_Cycle.rst
@@ -21,279 +21,120 @@ CLM5.0 includes the following changes to terrestrial nitrogen inputs:
-In addition to the relatively rapid cycling of nitrogen within the plant
-– litter – soil organic matter system, CLM also represents several
-processes which couple the internal nitrogen cycle to external sources
-and sinks. Inputs of new mineral nitrogen are from atmospheric
-deposition and biological nitrogen fixation. Losses of mineral nitrogen
-are due to nitrification, denitrification, leaching, and losses in fire.
-While the short-term dynamics of nitrogen limitation depend on the
-behavior of the internal nitrogen cycle, establishment of total
-ecosystem nitrogen stocks depends on the balance between sources and
-sinks in the external nitrogen cycle (:ref:`Thomas et al. 2015 `).
-As with CLM4.5, CLM5.0 represents inorganic N transformations based on the Century N-gas model; this
-includes separate NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` and
-NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` pools, as well as
-environmentally controlled nitrification and denitrification rates that is described below.
+In addition to the relatively rapid cycling of nitrogen within the plant – litter – soil organic matter system, CLM also represents several processes which couple the internal nitrogen cycle to external sources and sinks. Inputs of new mineral nitrogen are from atmospheric deposition and biological nitrogen fixation. Losses of mineral nitrogen are due to nitrification, denitrification, leaching, and losses in fire. While the short-term dynamics of nitrogen limitation depend on the behavior of the internal nitrogen cycle, establishment of total ecosystem nitrogen stocks depends on the balance between sources and sinks in the external nitrogen cycle (:ref:`Thomas et al. 2015 `).
+As with CLM4.5, CLM5.0 represents inorganic N transformations based on the Century N-gas model; this includes separate NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` and NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` pools, as well as environmentally controlled nitrification and denitrification rates that is described below.
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
-CLM uses a single variable to represent the total deposition of mineral
-nitrogen onto the land surface, combining wet and dry deposition of
-NO\ :sub:`y` and NH\ :sub:`x` as a single flux
-(:math:`{NF}_{ndep\_sminn}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`). This flux
-is intended to represent total reactive
-nitrogen deposited to the land surface which originates from the
-following natural and anthropogenic sources (Galloway et al. 2004):
-formation of NO\ :sub:`x` during lightning,
-NO\ :math:`{}_{x }`\ and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from wildfire,
-NO\ :sub:`x` emission from natural soils, NH\ :sub:`3`
-emission from natural soils, vegetation, and wild animals,
-NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission during fossil fuel
-combustion (both thermal and fuel NO\ :sub:`x` production),
-NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from other industrial
-processes, NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from fire
-associated with deforestation, NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3`
-emission from agricultural burning, NO\ :sub:`x` emission from
-agricultural soils, NH\ :sub:`3` emission from agricultural crops,
-NH\ :sub:`3` emission from agricultural animal waste, and
-NH\ :sub:`3` emission from human waste and waste water. The
-deposition flux is provided as a spatially and (potentially) temporally
-varying dataset (see section :numref:`Atmospheric Coupling` for a description of the default
-input dataset).
-The nitrogen deposition flux is assumed to enter the NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` pool,
-and is vertically distributed throughout the soil profile. Although N deposition
-inputs include both oxidized and reduced forms, CLM5 only reads in total
-N deposition. This approach is held over from CLM4.0, which only represented a
-single mineral nitrogen pool, however, real pathways for wet and dry
-nitrogen deposition can be more complex than currently represented in
-the CLM5.0, including release from melting snowpack and direct foliar
-uptake of deposited NO\ :sub:`y` (:ref:`Tye et al. 2005 `;
-:ref:`Vallano and Sparks, 2007 `).
-In offline (uncoupled) CLM5.0 simulations monthly
-estimates of N deposition are provided, as opposed to decadal files
-supplied with previous versions of the model. In coupled simulations,
-N depositions fluxes are passed to the land model at the frequency of
-the time step (every half hour) through the coupler.
+CLM uses a single variable to represent the total deposition of mineral nitrogen onto the land surface, combining wet and dry deposition of NO\ :sub:`y` and NH\ :sub:`x` as a single flux (:math:`{NF}_{ndep\_sminn}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`). This flux is intended to represent total reactive nitrogen deposited to the land surface which originates from the following natural and anthropogenic sources (Galloway et al. 2004): formation of NO\ :sub:`x` during lightning, NO\ :math:`{}_{x }`\ and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from wildfire, NO\ :sub:`x` emission from natural soils, NH\ :sub:`3` emission from natural soils, vegetation, and wild animals, NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission during fossil fuel combustion (both thermal and fuel NO\ :sub:`x` production), NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from other industrial processes, NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from fire associated with deforestation, NO\ :sub:`x` and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from agricultural burning, NO\ :sub:`x` emission from agricultural soils, NH\ :sub:`3` emission from agricultural crops, NH\ :sub:`3` emission from agricultural animal waste, and NH\ :sub:`3` emission from human waste and waste water. The deposition flux is provided as a spatially and (potentially) temporally varying dataset (see section :numref:`Atmospheric Coupling` for a description of the default input dataset).
+The nitrogen deposition flux is assumed to enter the NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` pool, and is vertically distributed throughout the soil profile. Although N deposition inputs include both oxidized and reduced forms, CLM5 only reads in total N deposition. This approach is held over from CLM4.0, which only represented a single mineral nitrogen pool, however, real pathways for wet and dry nitrogen deposition can be more complex than currently represented in the CLM5.0, including release from melting snowpack and direct foliar uptake of deposited NO\ :sub:`y` (:ref:`Tye et al. 2005 `; :ref:`Vallano and Sparks, 2007 `).
+In offline (uncoupled) CLM5.0 simulations monthly estimates of N deposition are provided, as opposed to decadal files supplied with previous versions of the model. In coupled simulations, N depositions fluxes are passed to the land model at the frequency of the time step (every half hour) through the coupler.
Biological Nitrogen Fixation
-The fixation of new reactive nitrogen from atmospheric N\ :sub:`2`
-by soil microorganisms is an important component of both preindustrial
-and modern-day nitrogen budgets, but a mechanistic understanding of
-global-scale controls on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is still
-only poorly developed (:ref:`Cleveland et al. 1999 `;
-:ref:`Galloway et al. 2004 `). CLM5.0 uses the FUN
-model (chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`) to
-calculate the carbon cost and nitrogen acquired through symbotic
-nitrogen fixation. This nitrogen is immediately available to plants.
-:ref:`Cleveland et al. (1999) ` suggested
-an empirical relationships that predicts BNF as a function of
-either evapotranspiration rate or net primary productivity for
-natural vegetation. CLM5.0 adopts the evapotranspiration approach
-to calculate asymbiotic, or free-living, N fixation. This function
-has been modified from the :ref:`Cleveland et al. (1999)
-` estimates to provide lower estimate of
-free-living nitrogen fixation in CLM5.0
-(:math:`{CF}_{ann\_ET}`, mm yr\ :sup:`-1`).
-This moves away from the NPP approach used in CLM4.0 and 4.5 and
-avoids unrealistically increasing freeliving rates of N fixation
-under global change scenarios (:ref:`Wieder et al. 2015
-` The expression used is:
+The fixation of new reactive nitrogen from atmospheric N\ :sub:`2` by soil microorganisms is an important component of both preindustrial and modern-day nitrogen budgets, but a mechanistic understanding of global-scale controls on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) is still only poorly developed (:ref:`Cleveland et al. 1999 `; :ref:`Galloway et al. 2004 `). CLM5.0 uses the FUN model (chapter :numref:`rst_FUN`) to calculate the carbon cost and nitrogen acquired through symbotic nitrogen fixation. This nitrogen is immediately available to plants.
+:ref:`Cleveland et al. (1999) ` suggested an empirical relationships that predicts BNF as a function of either evapotranspiration rate or net primary productivity for natural vegetation. CLM5.0 adopts the evapotranspiration approach to calculate asymbiotic, or free-living, N fixation. This function has been modified from the :ref:`Cleveland et al. (1999) ` estimates to provide lower estimate of free-living nitrogen fixation in CLM5.0 (:math:`{CF}_{ann\_ET}`, mm yr\ :sup:`-1`). This moves away from the NPP approach used in CLM4.0 and 4.5 and avoids unrealistically increasing freeliving rates of N fixation under global change scenarios (:ref:`Wieder et al. 2015 ` The expression used is:
.. math::
- :label: 22.1)
+ :label: 22.1)
- NF_{nfix,sminn} ={0.0006\left(0.0117+CF_{ann\_ ET}\right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {0.0006\left(0.0117+ CF_{ann\_ ET}\right) \left(86400\cdot 365\right)}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} \left(86400\cdot 365\right)}
+ NF_{nfix,sminn} ={0.0006\left(0.0117+CF_{ann\_ ET}\right)\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {0.0006\left(0.0117+ CF_{ann\_ ET}\right) \left(86400\cdot 365\right)}} \right.} \left(86400\cdot 365\right)}
Where :math:`{NF}_{nfix,sminn}` (gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is the rate of free-living nitrogen fixation in :numref:`Figure Biological nitrogen fixation`.
.. _Figure Biological nitrogen fixation:
.. figure:: image1.png
Free-living nitrogen fixation as a function of annual evapotranspiration. Results here show annual N inputs from free-living N fixations, but the model actually calculates inputs on a per second basis.
-As with Atmospheric N deposition, free-living N inputs are added directly to the
-NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` pool.
+As with Atmospheric N deposition, free-living N inputs are added directly to the NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` pool.
Nitrification and Denitrification Losses of Nitrogen
-Nitrification is an autotrophic process that converts less mobile ammonium
-ions into nitrate, that can more easily be lost from soil systems by leaching
-or denitrification. The process catalyzed by ammonia oxidizing archaea and
-bacteria that convert ammonium (NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+`) into nitrite, which
-is subsequently oxidized into nitrate (NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-`). Conditions
-favoring nitrification include high NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` concentrations,
-well aerated soils, a neutral pH and warmer temperatures.
-Under aerobic conditions in the soil oxygen is the preferred electron
-acceptor supporting the metabolism of heterotrophs, but anaerobic
-conditions favor the activity of soil heterotrophs which use nitrate as
-an electron acceptor (e.g. *Pseudomonas* and *Clostridium*) supporting
-respiration. This process, known as denitrification, results in the
-transformation of nitrate to gaseous N\ :sub:`2`, with smaller
-associated production of NO\ :sub:`x` and N\ :sub:`2`\ O. It
-is typically assumed that nitrogen fixation and denitrification
-were approximately balanced in the preindustrial biosphere (
-:ref:`Galloway et al. 2004 `). It is likely
-that denitrification can occur within anaerobic
-microsites within an otherwise aerobic soil environment, leading to
-large global denitrification fluxes even when fluxes per unit area are
-rather low (:ref:`Galloway et al. 2004 `).
-CLM includes a detailed representation of nitrification and
-denitrification based on the Century N model (:ref:`Parton
-et al. 1996 `, :ref:`2001 `;
-:ref:`del Grosso et al. 2000 `). In this
-approach, nitrification of NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` to NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-`
-is a function of temperature, moisture, and pH:
+Nitrification is an autotrophic process that converts less mobile ammonium ions into nitrate, that can more easily be lost from soil systems by leaching or denitrification. The process catalyzed by ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria that convert ammonium (NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+`) into nitrite, which is subsequently oxidized into nitrate (NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-`). Conditions favoring nitrification include high NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` concentrations, well aerated soils, a neutral pH and warmer temperatures.
+Under aerobic conditions in the soil oxygen is the preferred electron acceptor supporting the metabolism of heterotrophs, but anaerobic conditions favor the activity of soil heterotrophs which use nitrate as an electron acceptor (e.g. *Pseudomonas* and *Clostridium*) supporting respiration. This process, known as denitrification, results in the transformation of nitrate to gaseous N\ :sub:`2`, with smaller associated production of NO\ :sub:`x` and N\ :sub:`2`\ O. It is typically assumed that nitrogen fixation and denitrification were approximately balanced in the preindustrial biosphere ( :ref:`Galloway et al. 2004 `). It is likely that denitrification can occur within anaerobic microsites within an otherwise aerobic soil environment, leading to large global denitrification fluxes even when fluxes per unit area are rather low (:ref:`Galloway et al. 2004 `).
+CLM includes a detailed representation of nitrification and denitrification based on the Century N model (:ref:`Parton et al. 1996 `, :ref:`2001 `; :ref:`del Grosso et al. 2000 `). In this approach, nitrification of NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` to NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` is a function of temperature, moisture, and pH:
.. math::
- :label: 22.2)
+ :label: 22.2)
f_{nitr,p} =\left[NH_{4} \right]k_{nitr} f\left(T\right)f\left(H_{2} O\right)f\left(pH\right)
-where :math:`{f}_{nitr,p}` is the potential nitrification rate
-(prior to competition for NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` by plant
-uptake and N immobilization), :math:`{k}_{nitr}` is the maximum
-nitrification rate (10 % day\ :math:`\mathrm{-}`\ 1,
-(:ref:`Parton et al. 2001 `), and *f(T)* and
-*f(H\)*\ :sub:`2`\ O) are rate modifiers for temperature and
-moisture content. CLM uses the same rate modifiers as
-are used in the decomposition routine. *f(pH)* is a rate
-modifier for pH; however, because CLM does not calculate pH,
-instead a fixed pH value of 6.5 is used in the pH function of
-:ref:`Parton et al. (1996) `.
-The potential denitrification rate is co-limited by
-NO\ :sup:`-3` concentration and C consumption rates, and occurs only in the anoxic fraction of soils:
+where :math:`{f}_{nitr,p}` is the potential nitrification rate (prior to competition for NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` by plant uptake and N immobilization), :math:`{k}_{nitr}` is the maximum nitrification rate (10 % day\ :math:`\mathrm{-}`\ 1, (:ref:`Parton et al. 2001 `), and *f(T)* and *f(H\)*\ :sub:`2`\ O) are rate modifiers for temperature and moisture content. CLM uses the same rate modifiers as are used in the decomposition routine. *f(pH)* is a rate modifier for pH; however, because CLM does not calculate pH, instead a fixed pH value of 6.5 is used in the pH function of :ref:`Parton et al. (1996) `.
+The potential denitrification rate is co-limited by NO\ :sup:`-3` concentration and C consumption rates, and occurs only in the anoxic fraction of soils:
.. math::
- :label: 22.3)
+ :label: 22.3)
f_{denitr,p} =\min \left(f(decomp),f\left(\left[NO_{3} ^{-} \right]\right)\right)frac_{anox}
-where :math:`{f}_{denitr,p}` is the potential denitrification rate
-and *f(decomp)* and *f([NO*\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` *])*
-are the carbon- and nitrate- limited denitrification rate functions,
-respectively, (:ref:`del Grosso et al. 2000 `).
-Because the modified CLM includes explicit treatment of soil
-biogeochemical vertical profiles, including diffusion of the trace
-gases O\ :sub:`2` and CH\ :sub:`4` (:ref:`Riley et al. 2011a
-`), the calculation of anoxic fraction :math:`{frac}_{anox}`
-uses this information following the anoxic microsite formulation
-of :ref:`Arah and Vinten (1995) `.
+where :math:`{f}_{denitr,p}` is the potential denitrification rate and *f(decomp)* and *f([NO*\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` *])* are the carbon- and nitrate- limited denitrification rate functions, respectively, (:ref:`del Grosso et al. 2000 `). Because the modified CLM includes explicit treatment of soil biogeochemical vertical profiles, including diffusion of the trace gases O\ :sub:`2` and CH\ :sub:`4` (:ref:`Riley et al. 2011a `), the calculation of anoxic fraction :math:`{frac}_{anox}` uses this information following the anoxic microsite formulation of :ref:`Arah and Vinten (1995) `.
.. math::
- :label: 22.4)
+ :label: 22.4)
frac_{anox} =\exp \left(-aR_{\psi }^{-\alpha } V^{-\beta } C^{\gamma } \left[\theta +\chi \varepsilon \right]^{\delta } \right)
-where *a*, :math:`\alpha`, :math:`\beta`, :math:`\gamma`, and :math:`\delta` are constants (equal to
-1.5x10\ :sup:`-10`, 1.26, 0.6, 0.6, and 0.85, respectively), :math:`{R}_{\psi}` is the
-radius of a typical pore space at moisture content :math:`\psi`, *V*
-is the O\ :sub:`2` consumption rate, *C* is the O\ :sub:`2`
-concentration, :math:`\theta` is the water-filled pore space,
-:math:`\chi` is the ratio of diffusivity of oxygen in water to that in
-air, and :math:`\epsilon` is the air-filled pore space (:ref:`Arah and
-Vinten (1995) `). These parameters are all calculated
-separately at each
-layer to define a profile of anoxic porespace fraction in the soil.
-The nitrification/denitrification models used here also predict fluxes
-of N\ :sub:`2`\ O via a “hole-in-the-pipe” approach (:ref:`Firestone and
-Davidson, 1989 `). A constant fraction
-(6 \* 10\ :math:`{}^{-4}`, :ref:`Li et al. 2000 `) of the
-nitrification flux is assumed to be N\ :sub:`2`\ O, while the fraction
-of denitrification going to N\ :sub:`2`\ O, \ :math:`{P}_{N2:N2O}`, is variable, following
-the Century (:ref:`del Grosso et al. 2000 `) approach:
+where *a*, :math:`\alpha`, :math:`\beta`, :math:`\gamma`, and :math:`\delta` are constants (equal to 1.5x10\ :sup:`-10`, 1.26, 0.6, 0.6, and 0.85, respectively), :math:`{R}_{\psi}` is the radius of a typical pore space at moisture content :math:`\psi`, *V* is the O\ :sub:`2` consumption rate, *C* is the O\ :sub:`2` concentration, :math:`\theta` is the water-filled pore space, :math:`\chi` is the ratio of diffusivity of oxygen in water to that in air, and :math:`\epsilon` is the air-filled pore space (:ref:`Arah and Vinten (1995) `). These parameters are all calculated separately at each layer to define a profile of anoxic porespace fraction in the soil.
+The nitrification/denitrification models used here also predict fluxes of N\ :sub:`2`\ O via a "hole-in-the-pipe" approach (:ref:`Firestone and Davidson, 1989 `). A constant fraction (6 * 10\ :math:`{}^{-4}`, :ref:`Li et al. 2000 `) of the nitrification flux is assumed to be N\ :sub:`2`\ O, while the fraction of denitrification going to N\ :sub:`2`\ O, \ :math:`{P}_{N2:N2O}`, is variable, following the Century (:ref:`del Grosso et al. 2000 `) approach:
.. math::
- :label: 22.5)
+ :label: 22.5)
P_{N_{2} :N_{2} O} =\max \left(0.16k_{1} ,k_{1} \exp \left(-0.8P_{NO_{3} :CO_{2} } \right)\right)f_{WFPS}
-where :math:`{P}_{NO3:CO2}` is the ratio of CO\ :sub:`2`
-production in a given soil layer to the
-NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-`` concentration, :math:`{k}_{1}` is
-a function of :math:`{d}_{g}`, the gas diffusivity through the soil
+where :math:`{P}_{NO3:CO2}` is the ratio of CO\ :sub:`2` production in a given soil layer to the NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` concentration, :math:`{k}_{1}` is a function of :math:`{d}_{g}`, the gas diffusivity through the soil matrix:
.. math::
- :label: 22.6)
+ :label: 22.6)
k_{1} =\max \left(1.7,38.4-350*d_{g} \right)
and :math:`{f}_{WFPS}` is a function of the water filled pore space *WFPS:*
.. math::
- :label: 22.16)
+ :label: 22.16)
f_{WFPS} =\max \left(0.1,0.015\times WFPS-0.32\right)
Leaching Losses of Nitrogen
-Soil mineral nitrogen remaining after plant uptake, immobilization, and
-denitrification is subject to loss as a dissolved component of
-hydrologic outflow from the soil column (leaching). This leaching loss
-(:math:`{NF}_{leached}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`)
-depends on the concentration of dissolved mineral (inorganic) nitrogen
-in soil water solution (*DIN*, gN kgH\ :sub:`2`\ O), and the rate
-of hydrologic discharge from the soil column to streamflow
-(:math:`{Q}_{dis}`, kgH\ :sub:`2`\ O m\ :sup:`-2`
-s\ :sup:`-1`, section :numref:`Lateral Sub-surface Runoff`), as
+Soil mineral nitrogen remaining after plant uptake, immobilization, and denitrification is subject to loss as a dissolved component of hydrologic outflow from the soil column (leaching). This leaching loss (:math:`{NF}_{leached}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) depends on the concentration of dissolved mineral (inorganic) nitrogen in soil water solution (*DIN*, gN kgH\ :sub:`2`\ O), and the rate of hydrologic discharge from the soil column to streamflow (:math:`{Q}_{dis}`, kgH\ :sub:`2`\ O m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`, section :numref:`Lateral Sub-surface Runoff`), as
.. math::
- :label: 22.17)
+ :label: 22.17)
NF_{leached} =DIN\cdot Q_{dis} .
-*DIN* is calculated assuming that a constant fraction (*sf*, proportion)
-of the remaining soil mineral N pool is in soluble form, and that this
-entire fraction is dissolved in the total soil water. For the Century-
-based formulation in CLM5.0, the leaching acts only on the
-NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-`` pool (which is assumed to be 100%
-soluble), while the NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` pool is assumed
-to be 100% adsorbed onto mineral surfaces and unaffected by leaching.
-*DIN* is then given as
+*DIN* is calculated assuming that a constant fraction (*sf*, proportion) of the remaining soil mineral N pool is in soluble form, and that this entire fraction is dissolved in the total soil water. For the Century- based formulation in CLM5.0, the leaching acts only on the NO\ :sub:`3`\ :sup:`-` pool (which is assumed to be 100% soluble), while the NH\ :sub:`4`\ :sup:`+` pool is assumed to be 100% adsorbed onto mineral surfaces and unaffected by leaching. *DIN* is then given as
.. math::
- :label: 22.18)
+ :label: 22.18)
DIN=\frac{NS_{sminn} sf}{WS_{tot\_ soil} }
-where :math:`{WS}_{tot\_soil}` (kgH:sub:`2`\ O m\ :sup:`-2`) is the total mass of soil water content integrated
-over the column. The total mineral nitrogen leaching flux is limited on
-each time step to not exceed the soluble fraction of :math:`{NS}_{sminn}`
+where :math:`{WS}_{tot\_soil}` (kgH\ :sub:`2`\ O m\ :sup:`-2`) is the total mass of soil water content integrated over the column. The total mineral nitrogen leaching flux is limited on each time step to not exceed the soluble fraction of :math:`{NS}_{sminn}`
.. math::
- :label: 22.19)
+ :label: 22.19)
NF_{leached} =\min \left(NF_{leached} ,\frac{NS_{sminn} sf}{\Delta t} \right).
Losses of Nitrogen Due to Fire
-The final pathway for nitrogen loss is through combustion, also known as
-pyrodenitrification. Detailed equations are provided, together with the
-effects of fire on the carbon budget, in Chapter :numref:`rst_Fire`). It is assumed in
-CLM-CN that losses of N due to fire are restricted to vegetation and
-litter pools (including coarse woody debris). Loss rates of N are
-determined by the fraction of biomass lost to combustion, assuming that
-most of the nitrogen in the burned biomass is lost to the atmosphere
-(:ref:`Schlesinger, 1997 `; :ref:`Smith et al. 2005
-`). It is assumed that soil organic
-matter pools of carbon and nitrogen are not directly affected by fire
-(:ref:`Neff et al. 2005 `).
+The final pathway for nitrogen loss is through combustion, also known as pyrodenitrification. Detailed equations are provided, together with the effects of fire on the carbon budget, in Chapter :numref:`rst_Fire`. It is assumed in CLM-CN that losses of N due to fire are restricted to vegetation and litter pools (including coarse woody debris). Loss rates of N are determined by the fraction of biomass lost to combustion, assuming that most of the nitrogen in the burned biomass is lost to the atmosphere (:ref:`Schlesinger, 1997 `; :ref:`Smith et al. 2005 `). It is assumed that soil organic matter pools of carbon and nitrogen are not directly affected by fire (:ref:`Neff et al. 2005 `).
diff --git a/doc/source/tech_note/FUN/CLM50_Tech_Note_FUN.rst b/doc/source/tech_note/FUN/CLM50_Tech_Note_FUN.rst
index 658653da48..428f114a5d 100644
--- a/doc/source/tech_note/FUN/CLM50_Tech_Note_FUN.rst
+++ b/doc/source/tech_note/FUN/CLM50_Tech_Note_FUN.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen (FUN)
The Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen model is based on work by :ref:`Fisher et al. (2010)`, :ref:`Brzostek et al. (2014)`, and :ref:`Shi et al. (2016)`. The concept of FUN is that in most cases, Nitrogen uptake requires the expenditure of energy in the form of carbon, and further, that there are numerous potential sources of Nitrogen in the environment which a plant may exchange for carbon. The ratio of carbon expended to Nitrogen acquired is referred to here as the cost, or exchange rate, of N acquisition (:math:`E_{nacq}`, gC/gN)). There are eight pathways for N uptake:
1. Fixation by symbiotic bacteria in root nodules (for N fixing plants) (:math:`_{fix}`)
@@ -18,48 +17,41 @@ The Fixation and Uptake of Nitrogen model is based on work by :ref:`Fisher et al
7. Nonmycorrhizal uptake of NH4 (:math:`_{nonmyc,no3}`)
8. Nonmycorrhizal uptake of NO3 (:math:`_{nonmyc,nh4}`)
-The notation suffix for each pathway is given in parentheses here. At each timestep, each of these pathways is associated with a cost term (:math:`N_{cost,x}`), a payment in carbon (:math:`C_{nuptake,x}`), and an influx of Nitrogen (:math:`N_{uptake,x}`) where :math:`x` is one of the eight uptake streams listed above.
+The notation suffix for each pathway is given in parentheses here. At each timestep, each of these pathways is associated with a cost term (:math:`N_{cost,x}`), a payment in carbon (:math:`C_{nuptake,x}`), and an influx of Nitrogen (:math:`N_{uptake,x}`) where :math:`x` is one of the eight uptake streams listed above.
For each PFT, we define a fraction of the total C acquisition that can be used for N fixation (:math:`f_{fixers}`), which is broadly equivalent to the fraction of a given PFT that is capable of fixing Nitrogen, and thus represents an upper limit on the amount to which fixation can be increased in low n conditions. For each PFT, the cost calculation is conducted twice. Once where fixation is possible and once where it is not. (:math:`f_{fixers}`)
+For all of the active uptake pathways, whose cost depends on varying concentrations of N through the soil profile, the costs and fluxes are also determined by soil layer :math:`j`.
-For all of the active uptake pathways, whose cost depends on varying concentrations of N through the soil profile, the costs and fluxes are also determined by soil layer :math:`j`.
-Boundary conditions of FUN
+Boundary conditions of FUN
Available Carbon
-The carbon available for FUN, :math:`C_{avail}` (gC m\ :sup:`-2`) is the total canopy photosynthetic uptake (GPP), minus the maintenance respiration fluxes (:math:`m_r`) and multiplied by the time step in seconds (:math:`\delta t`). Thus, the remainder of this chapter considers fluxes per timestep, and integrates these fluxes as they are calculated.
+The carbon available for FUN, :math:`C_{avail}` (gC m\ :sup:`-2`) is the total canopy photosynthetic uptake (GPP), minus the maintenance respiration fluxes (:math:`m_r`) and multiplied by the time step in seconds (:math:`\delta t`). Thus, the remainder of this chapter considers fluxes per timestep, and integrates these fluxes as they are calculated.
.. math::
C_{avail} = (GPP - m_r) \delta t
-Growth respiration is thus only calculated on the part of the carbon uptake that remains after expenditure of C by the FUN module.
+Growth respiration is thus only calculated on the part of the carbon uptake that remains after expenditure of C by the FUN module.
Available Soil Nitrogen
Cost of Nitrogen Fixation
-The cost of fixation is derived from :ref:`Houlton et al. (2008)`.
+The cost of fixation is derived from :ref:`Houlton et al. (2008)`.
.. math::
N_{cost,fix} = -s_{fix}/(1.25 e^{a_{fix} + b_{fix} . t_{soil} (1 - 0.5 t_{soil}/ c_{fix}) })
-Herein, :math:`a_{fix}`, :math:`b_{fix}` and :math:`c_{fix}` are all parameters of the temperature response function of fixation reported by Houlton et al. (2008) (:math:`exp[a+bT_s(1-0.5T_s/c)`). t_{soil} is the soil temperature in C. The values of these parameters are fitted to empirical data as a=-3.62 :math:`\pm` 0.52, b=0.27:math:`\pm` 0.04 and c=25.15 :math:`\pm` 0.66. 1.25 converts from the temperature response function to a 0-1 limitation factor (as specifically employed by Houlton et al.). This function is a 'rate' of uptake for a given temperature. Here we assimilated the rate of fixation into the cost term by assuming that the rate is analagous to a conductance for N, and inverting the term to produce a cost/resistance analagoue. We then multiply this temperature term by the minimum cost at optimal temperature (:math:`s_{fix}`) to give a temperature limited cost in terms of C to N ratios.
+Herein, :math:`a_{fix}`, :math:`b_{fix}` and :math:`c_{fix}` are all parameters of the temperature response function of fixation reported by Houlton et al. (2008) (:math:`exp[a+bT_s(1-0.5T_s/c)`). t_{soil} is the soil temperature in C. The values of these parameters are fitted to empirical data as a=-3.62 :math:`\pm` 0.52, b=0.27:math:`\pm` 0.04 and c=25.15 :math:`\pm` 0.66. 1.25 converts from the temperature response function to a 0-1 limitation factor (as specifically employed by Houlton et al.). This function is a 'rate' of uptake for a given temperature. Here we assimilated the rate of fixation into the cost term by assuming that the rate is analagous to a conductance for N, and inverting the term to produce a cost/resistance analagoue. We then multiply this temperature term by the minimum cost at optimal temperature (:math:`s_{fix}`) to give a temperature limited cost in terms of C to N ratios.
Cost of Active Uptake
-The cost of N uptake from soil, for each layer :math:`j`, is controlled by two uptake parameters that pertain respectively to the relationship between soil N content and N uptake, and root C density and N uptake.
+The cost of N uptake from soil, for each layer :math:`j`, is controlled by two uptake parameters that pertain respectively to the relationship between soil N content and N uptake, and root C density and N uptake.
For non-mycorrhizal uptake:
@@ -75,12 +67,11 @@ and for active uptake:
where :math:`k_{n,active}` varies according to whether we are considering ecto or arbuscular mycorrhizal uptake.
.. math::
:label: 18.2
- k_{n,active} =
- \left\{\begin{array}{lr}
+ k_{n,active} =
+ \left\{\begin{array}{lr}
k_{n,Eactive}& e = 1\\
k_{n,Aactive}& e = 0
@@ -93,83 +84,79 @@ The total cost of N uptake is calculated based on the assumption that carbon is
.. math::
- N_{conductance,f}= \sum{(1/N_{cost,x})}
+ N_{conductance,f}= \sum{(1/N_{cost,x})}
-From this, we then calculate the fraction of the carbon allocated to each pathway as
+From this, we then calculate the fraction of the carbon allocated to each pathway as
.. math::
C_{frac,x} = \frac{1/N_{cost,x}}{N_{conductance}}
-These fractions are used later, to calculate the carbon expended on different uptake pathways. Next, the N acquired from each uptake stream per unit C spent (:math:`N_{exch,x}`, gN/gC) is determined as
+These fractions are used later, to calculate the carbon expended on different uptake pathways. Next, the N acquired from each uptake stream per unit C spent (:math:`N_{exch,x}`, gN/gC) is determined as
.. math::
N_{exch,x} = \frac{C_{frac,x}}{N_{cost,x}}
-We then determine the total amount of N uptake per unit C spent (:math:`N_{exch,tot}`, gN/gC) as the sum of all the uptake streams.
+We then determine the total amount of N uptake per unit C spent (:math:`N_{exch,tot}`, gN/gC) as the sum of all the uptake streams.
.. math::
N_{exch,tot} = \sum{N_{exch,x}}
-and thus the subsequent overall N cost is
+and thus the subsequent overall N cost is
.. math::
N_{cost,tot} = 1/{N_{exch,tot}}
- Retranslocation is determined via a different set of mechanisms, once the :math:`N_{cost,tot}` is known.
+ Retranslocation is determined via a different set of mechanisms, once the :math:`N_{cost,tot}` is known.
Nitrogen Retranslocation
-The retranslocation uses an iterative algorithm to remove Nitrogen from each piece of falling litter. There are two pathways for this, 'free' uptake which removes the labile N pool, and 'paid-for' uptake which uses C to extract N from increasingly more recalcitrant pools.
+The retranslocation uses an iterative algorithm to remove Nitrogen from each piece of falling litter. There are two pathways for this, 'free' uptake which removes the labile N pool, and 'paid-for' uptake which uses C to extract N from increasingly more recalcitrant pools.
-At each timestep, the pool of carbon in falling leaves (:math:`C_{fallingleaf}`, g m\ :sup:`-2`) is generated from the quantity of litterfall on that day (see Phenology chapter for details). The amount of N in the litter pool (:math:`N_{fallingleaf}`, g m\ :sup:`-2`) is calculated as the total leaf N multiplied by the fraction of the leaf pool passed to litter that timestep.
+At each timestep, the pool of carbon in falling leaves (:math:`C_{fallingleaf}`, g m\ :sup:`-2`) is generated from the quantity of litterfall on that day (see Phenology chapter for details). The amount of N in the litter pool (:math:`N_{fallingleaf}`, g m\ :sup:`-2`) is calculated as the total leaf N multiplied by the fraction of the leaf pool passed to litter that timestep.
.. math::
N_{fallingleaf} = N_{leaf}.C_{fallingleaf}/C_{leaf}
-The carbon available at the beginning of the iterative retranslocation calculation is equal to the :math:`C_{avail}` input into FUN.
+The carbon available at the beginning of the iterative retranslocation calculation is equal to the :math:`C_{avail}` input into FUN.
.. math::
C_{avail,retrans,0} = C_{avail}
Free Retranslocation
-Some part of the leaf Nitrogen pool is removed without the need for an C expenditure. This 'free' N uptake amount, (:math:`N_{retrans,free}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2`) is calculated as
+Some part of the leaf Nitrogen pool is removed without the need for an C expenditure. This 'free' N uptake amount, (:math:`N_{retrans,free}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2`) is calculated as
.. math::
N_{retrans,free} = max(N_{fallingleaf} - (C_{fallingleaf}/CN_{litter,min} ),0.0)
-where :math:`CN_{litter,min}` is the minimum C:N ratio of the falling litter (currently set to 1.5 x the target C:N ratio).
+where :math:`CN_{litter,min}` is the minimum C:N ratio of the falling litter (currently set to 1.5 x the target C:N ratio).
-The new :math:`N_{fallingleaf}` (gN m\ :sup:`-2`) is then determined as
+The new :math:`N_{fallingleaf}` (gN m\ :sup:`-2`) is then determined as
.. math::
N_{fallingleaf} = N_{fallingleaf} - N_{retrans,free}
-and the new litter C:N ratio as
+and the new litter C:N ratio as
.. math::
Paid-for Retranslocation
-The remaining calculations conduct an iterative calculation to determine the degree to which N retranslocation from leaves is paid for as C:N ratios and thus cost increase as N is extracted. The iteration continues until either
+The remaining calculations conduct an iterative calculation to determine the degree to which N retranslocation from leaves is paid for as C:N ratios and thus cost increase as N is extracted. The iteration continues until either
-1. The cost of retranslocation (:math:`cost_{retrans}` increases beyond the cost of acquiring N from alternative pathways (:math:`N_{cost,tot}`).
-2. :math:`CN_{fallingleaf}` rises to a maximum level, after which no more extraction is possible (representing unavoidable N loss) or
+1. The cost of retranslocation (:math:`cost_{retrans}` increases beyond the cost of acquiring N from alternative pathways (:math:`N_{cost,tot}`).
+2. :math:`CN_{fallingleaf}` rises to a maximum level, after which no more extraction is possible (representing unavoidable N loss) or
3. There is no more carbon left to pay for extraction.
-First we calculate the cost of extraction (:math:`cost_{retrans}`, gC/gN) for the current leaf C:N ratio as
+First we calculate the cost of extraction (:math:`cost_{retrans}`, gC/gN) for the current leaf C:N ratio as
.. math::
@@ -180,10 +167,10 @@ where :math:`k_{retrans}` is a parameter controlling the overall cost of resorp
Next, we calculate the amount of C needed to be spent to increase the falling leaf C:N ratio by 1.0 in this iteration :math:`i` (:math:`C_{retrans_spent,i}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`) as:
.. math::
- C_{retrans,spent,i} = cost_{retrans}.(N_{fallingleaf} - C_{fallingleaf}/
+ C_{retrans,spent,i} = cost_{retrans}.(N_{fallingleaf} - C_{fallingleaf}/
(CN_{fallingleaf} + 1.0))
-(wherein the retranslocation cost is assumed to not change over the increment of 1.0 in C:N ratio). Next, we calculate whether this is larger than the remaining C available to spend.
+(wherein the retranslocation cost is assumed to not change over the increment of 1.0 in C:N ratio). Next, we calculate whether this is larger than the remaining C available to spend.
.. math::
@@ -195,11 +182,11 @@ The amount of N retranslocated from the leaf in this iteration (:math:`N_{retran
N_{retrans,paid,i} = min(N_{fallingleaf},C_{retrans,spent,i} / cost_{retrans})
-The next step calculates the growth C which is accounted for by this amount of N extraction in this iteration (:math:`C_{retrans,accounted,i}`). This is calculated using the current plant C:N ratio, and also for the additional C which will need to be spent on growth respiration to build this amount of new tissue.
+The next step calculates the growth C which is accounted for by this amount of N extraction in this iteration (:math:`C_{retrans,accounted,i}`). This is calculated using the current plant C:N ratio, and also for the additional C which will need to be spent on growth respiration to build this amount of new tissue.
.. math::
- C_{retrans,accounted,i} = N_{retrans,paid,i} . CN_{plant} . (1.0 + gr_{frac})
+ C_{retrans,accounted,i} = N_{retrans,paid,i} . CN_{plant} . (1.0 + gr_{frac})
Then the falling leaf N is updated:
@@ -213,10 +200,9 @@ and the :math:`CN_{fallingleaf}` and cost_{retrans} are updated. The amount of a
C_{avail,retrans,i+1} = C_{avail,retrans,i} - C_{retrans,spent,i} - C_{retrans,accounted,i}
Outputs of Retranslocation algorithm.
-The final output of the retranslocation calculation are the retranslocated N (:math:`N_{retrans}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2`), C spent on retranslocation (:math:`C_{retrans_paid}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`), and C accounted for by retranslocation (:math:`C_{retrans_accounted}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`).
+The final output of the retranslocation calculation are the retranslocated N (:math:`N_{retrans}`, gN m\ :sup:`-2`), C spent on retranslocation (:math:`C_{retrans_paid}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`), and C accounted for by retranslocation (:math:`C_{retrans_accounted}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`).
For paid-for uptake, we accumulate the total carbon spent on retranslocation (:math:`C_{spent_retrans}`),
@@ -236,12 +222,11 @@ where N acquired by paid-for retranslocation is
N_{retrans,paid} = \sum{N_{retrans,paid,i}}
-The total carbon accounted for by retranslocation is the sum of the C accounted for by paid-for N uptake (:math:`N_{retrans_paid}`) and by free N uptake (:math:`N_{retrans_free}`).
+The total carbon accounted for by retranslocation is the sum of the C accounted for by paid-for N uptake (:math:`N_{retrans_paid}`) and by free N uptake (:math:`N_{retrans_free}`).
.. math::
C_{retrans,accounted} = \sum{C_{retrans,accounted,i}}+N_{retrans,free}.CN_{plant} . (1.0 + gr_{frac})
The total available carbon in FUN to spend on fixation and active uptake (:math:`C_{tospend}`, gC m\ :sup:`-2`) is calculated as the carbon available minus that account for by retranslocation:
@@ -249,103 +234,95 @@ The total available carbon in FUN to spend on fixation and active uptake (:math:
C_{tospend} = C_{avail} - C_{retrans,accounted}
Carbon expenditure on fixation and active uptake.
-At each model timestep, the overall cost of N uptake is calculated (see below) in terms of C:N ratios. The available carbon (:math:`C_{avail}`, g m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is then allocated to two alternative outcomes, payment for N uptake, or conservation for growth. For each carbon conserved for growth, a corresponding quantity of N must be made available. In the case where the plant target C:N ratio is fixed, the partitioning between carbon for growth (:math:`C_{growth}`) and carbon for N uptake (:math:`C_{nuptake}`) is calculated by solving a system of simultaneous equations. First, the carbon available must equal the carbon spent on N uptake plus that saved for growth.
+At each model timestep, the overall cost of N uptake is calculated (see below) in terms of C:N ratios. The available carbon (:math:`C_{avail}`, g m\ :sup:`-2` s\ :sup:`-1`) is then allocated to two alternative outcomes, payment for N uptake, or conservation for growth. For each carbon conserved for growth, a corresponding quantity of N must be made available. In the case where the plant target C:N ratio is fixed, the partitioning between carbon for growth (:math:`C_{growth}`) and carbon for N uptake (:math:`C_{nuptake}`) is calculated by solving a system of simultaneous equations. First, the carbon available must equal the carbon spent on N uptake plus that saved for growth.
.. math::
- C_{growth}+C_{nuptake}=C_{avail}
+ C_{growth}+C_{nuptake}=C_{avail}
Second, the nitrogen acquired from expenditure of N (left hand side of term below) must equal the N that is required to match the growth carbon (right hand side of term below).
.. math::
C_{nuptake}/N_{cost} =C_{growth}/CN_{target}
The solution to these two equated terms can be used to estimate the ideal :math:`C_{nuptake}` as follows,
- .. math::
+ .. math::
C_{nuptake} =C_{tospend}/ ( (1.0+f_{gr}*(CN_{target} / N_{cost}) + 1) .
-and the other C and N fluxes can be determined following the logic above.
+and the other C and N fluxes can be determined following the logic above.
Modifications to allow variation in C:N ratios
-The original FUN model as developed by :ref:`Fisher et al. (2010)