diff --git a/cime_config/buildlib b/cime_config/buildlib
index 214e6182..33f1d3ec 100755
--- a/cime_config/buildlib
+++ b/cime_config/buildlib
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ def _setup_mpas(case: Case) -> None:
shutil.copytree(mpas_dycore_src_root, mpas_dycore_bld_root, copy_function=_copy2_as_needed, dirs_exist_ok=True)
shutil.move(os.path.join(mpas_dycore_bld_root, "Makefile"), os.path.join(mpas_dycore_bld_root, "Makefile.CESM"))
- _copy2_as_needed(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(mpas_dycore_src_root, os.pardir, os.pardir, "driver", "dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90")), os.path.join(mpas_dycore_bld_root, "driver"))
- _copy2_as_needed(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(mpas_dycore_src_root, os.pardir, os.pardir, "Makefile")), mpas_dycore_bld_root)
- _copy2_as_needed(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(mpas_dycore_src_root, os.pardir, os.pardir, "Makefile.in.CESM")), mpas_dycore_bld_root)
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(mpas_dycore_src_root, os.pardir, os.pardir, "assets")), mpas_dycore_bld_root, copy_function=_copy2_as_needed, dirs_exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(mpas_dycore_src_root, os.pardir, os.pardir, "driver")), os.path.join(mpas_dycore_bld_root, "driver"), copy_function=_copy2_as_needed, dirs_exist_ok=True)
def _copy2_as_needed(src: str, dst: str) -> None:
diff --git a/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml b/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
index fce70728..3054ebb6 100644
--- a/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
+++ b/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
@@ -149,8 +149,16 @@
- ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa120_L32_notopo_coords_c201216.nc
- ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa480_L32_notopo_coords_c201125.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa480_L32_notopo_coords_c240507.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa120_L32_notopo_coords_c240507.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa60_L32_notopo_coords_c240507.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa30_L32_notopo_coords_c240507.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa480_L58_notopo_coords_c240814.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa120_L58_notopo_coords_c240814.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa60_L58_notopo_coords_c240814.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa480_L93_notopo_coords_c240814.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa120_L93_notopo_coords_c240814.nc
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa60_L93_notopo_coords_c240814.nc
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0001-Prefix-all-MPAS-namelist-group-and-option-names.patch b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0001-Prefix-all-MPAS-namelist-group-and-option-names.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0d4e1e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0001-Prefix-all-MPAS-namelist-group-and-option-names.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kuan-Chih Wang
+Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2024 16:46:50 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] Prefix all MPAS namelist group and option names
+The following transformations are performed for each MPAS namelist group and
+option name:
+1. Leading `config_` is removed recursively from the name. Case-insensitive.
+2. Leading `mpas_` is removed recursively from the name. Case-insensitive.
+3. Prepend `mpas_` to the name.
+As a result, it is easier to distinguish MPAS namelist groups and options from
+CAM-SIMA ones. Note that only namelist I/O is affected. Internally, MPAS still
+refers to its namelist options by their original names due to compatibility reasons.
+This downstream patch is maintained by CAM-SIMA for its particular use case of MPAS.
+ src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
+ src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h | 4 ++
+ 2 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c
+index 94f5f714..95b2502c 100644
+--- a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c
++++ b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.c
+@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
+ #include "fortprintf.h"
+ #include "utility.h"
+ void process_core_macro(const char *macro, const char *val, va_list ap);
+ void process_domain_macro(const char *macro, const char *val, va_list ap);
+@@ -696,8 +700,18 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ ezxml_t nmlrecs_xml, nmlopt_xml;
+ const char *const_core;
+- const char *nmlrecname, *nmlrecindef, *nmlrecinsub;
+- const char *nmloptname, *nmlopttype, *nmloptval, *nmloptunits, *nmloptdesc, *nmloptposvals, *nmloptindef;
++ const char *orinmlrecname;
++ const char *orinmloptname;
++ // Fortran variable names have a length limit of 63 characters. +1 for the terminating null character.
++ char nmlrecname[64];
++ char nmloptname[64];
++ const char *nmlrecname;
++ const char *nmloptname;
++ const char *nmlrecindef, *nmlrecinsub;
++ const char *nmlopttype, *nmloptval, *nmloptunits, *nmloptdesc, *nmloptposvals, *nmloptindef;
+ char pool_name[1024];
+ char core_string[1024];
+@@ -743,7 +757,12 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ // Parse Namelist Records
+ for (nmlrecs_xml = ezxml_child(registry, "nml_record"); nmlrecs_xml; nmlrecs_xml = nmlrecs_xml->next){
++ orinmlrecname = ezxml_attr(nmlrecs_xml, "name");
++ transform_name(nmlrecname, sizeof(nmlrecname), orinmlrecname);
+ nmlrecname = ezxml_attr(nmlrecs_xml, "name");
+ nmlrecindef = ezxml_attr(nmlrecs_xml, "in_defaults");
+ nmlrecinsub = ezxml_attr(nmlrecs_xml, "in_subpool");
+@@ -777,7 +796,12 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ // Define variable definitions prior to reading the namelist in.
+ for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){
++ orinmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
++ transform_name(nmloptname, sizeof(nmloptname), orinmloptname);
+ nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
+ nmlopttype = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "type");
+ nmloptval = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "default_value");
+ nmloptunits = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "units");
+@@ -809,7 +833,12 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ // Define the namelist block, to read the namelist record in.
+ fortprintf(fd, " namelist /%s/ &\n", nmlrecname);
+ for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){
++ orinmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
++ transform_name(nmloptname, sizeof(nmloptname), orinmloptname);
+ nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
+ if(nmlopt_xml->next){
+ fortprintf(fd, " %s, &\n", nmloptname);
+ } else {
+@@ -840,7 +869,12 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ // Define broadcast calls for namelist values.
+ fortprintf(fd, " if (ierr <= 0) then\n");
+ for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){
++ orinmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
++ transform_name(nmloptname, sizeof(nmloptname), orinmloptname);
+ nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
+ nmlopttype = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "type");
+ if(strncmp(nmlopttype, "real", 1024) == 0){
+@@ -858,7 +892,12 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ fortprintf(fd, " call mpas_log_write(' The following values will be used for variables in this record:')\n");
+ fortprintf(fd, " call mpas_log_write(' ')\n");
+ for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){
++ orinmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
++ transform_name(nmloptname, sizeof(nmloptname), orinmloptname);
+ nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
+ nmlopttype = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "type");
+ if (strncmp(nmlopttype, "character", 1024) == 0) {
+@@ -885,10 +924,18 @@ int parse_namelist_records_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ fortprintf(fd, "\n");
+ for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){
++ orinmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
++ transform_name(nmloptname, sizeof(nmloptname), orinmloptname);
++ fortprintf(fd, " call mpas_pool_add_config(%s, '%s', %s)\n", pool_name, orinmloptname, nmloptname);
++ fortprintf(fcg, " call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, '%s', %s)\n", orinmloptname, nmloptname);
+ nmloptname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name");
+ fortprintf(fd, " call mpas_pool_add_config(%s, '%s', %s)\n", pool_name, nmloptname, nmloptname);
+ fortprintf(fcg, " call mpas_pool_get_config(configPool, '%s', %s)\n", nmloptname, nmloptname);
+ }
+ fortprintf(fd, "\n");
+ fortprintf(fcg, "\n");
+@@ -2532,3 +2579,32 @@ int parse_structs_from_registry(ezxml_t registry)/*{{{*/
+ return 0;
+ }/*}}}*/
++// Perform transformations for namelist group and option names.
++void transform_name(char *new_name, const size_t new_name_size, const char *old_name) {
++ const char *const new_prefix = "mpas_";
++ const char *const old_prefix = "config_";
++ size_t size = 0;
++ if (!new_name || !old_name || new_name_size == 0) return;
++ // Remove all leading whitespaces by moving pointer forward.
++ while (*old_name != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char) *old_name)) old_name++;
++ // Remove all leading `config_` by moving pointer forward.
++ while (strncasecmp(old_name, old_prefix, strlen(old_prefix)) == 0) old_name += strlen(old_prefix);
++ // Remove all leading `mpas_` by moving pointer forward.
++ while (strncasecmp(old_name, new_prefix, strlen(new_prefix)) == 0) old_name += strlen(new_prefix);
++ *new_name = '\0';
++ size = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s%s", new_prefix, old_name) + 1;
++ snprintf(new_name, size > new_name_size ? new_name_size : size, "%s%s", new_prefix, old_name);
++ // Remove all trailing whitespaces by zeroing (nulling) out.
++ new_name += strlen(new_name) - 1;
++ while (*new_name != '\0' && isspace((unsigned char) *new_name)) *new_name-- = '\0';
+diff --git a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h
+index fc94e78b..69a76ace 100644
+--- a/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h
++++ b/src/tools/registry/gen_inc.h
+@@ -38,3 +38,7 @@ int push_attributes(ezxml_t currentPosition);
+ int merge_structs_and_var_arrays(ezxml_t currentPosition);
+ int merge_streams(ezxml_t registry);
+ int parse_structs_from_registry(ezxml_t registry);
++void transform_name(char *new_name, const size_t new_name_size, const char *old_name);
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0002-Disable-physics-for-MPAS-dycore-only-build.patch b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0002-Disable-physics-for-MPAS-dycore-only-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f664d88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0002-Disable-physics-for-MPAS-dycore-only-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kuan-Chih Wang
+Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 17:09:58 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] Disable physics for MPAS dycore-only build
+When building MPAS as a dycore, all physics-related components are disabled.
+This build configuration is usually used by CAM/CAM-SIMA, and can be achieved by
+defining the `MPAS_CAM_DYCORE` macro in `CPPFLAGS`.
+The `PHYSICS` variable controls whether physics are enabled in MPAS, but its logic
+is decoupled from the `MPAS_CAM_DYCORE` macro. Disabling physics in MPAS currently
+requires manual interventions.
+Therefore, automatically disable physics when the `MPAS_CAM_DYCORE` macro is found
+This downstream patch is maintained by CAM-SIMA for its particular use case of MPAS.
+ src/core_atmosphere/Makefile | 7 +++++--
+ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/core_atmosphere/Makefile b/src/core_atmosphere/Makefile
+index 8d9f4f1a..cac8255e 100644
+--- a/src/core_atmosphere/Makefile
++++ b/src/core_atmosphere/Makefile
+@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@
+ # To build a dycore-only MPAS-Atmosphere model, comment-out or delete
+ # the definition of PHYSICS, below
+ #
++# If MPAS_CAM_DYCORE is found in CPPFLAGS, PHYSICS will become undefined automatically
++ifeq ($(findstring MPAS_CAM_DYCORE,$(CPPFLAGS)),)
+ ifdef PHYSICS
+ PHYSCORE = physcore
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0003-Declare-constants-at-the-native-precision-of-MPAS.patch b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0003-Declare-constants-at-the-native-precision-of-MPAS.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d88d02ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/0003-Declare-constants-at-the-native-precision-of-MPAS.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Kuan-Chih Wang
+Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:19:10 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Declare constants at the native precision of MPAS
+When building MPAS as a dycore, certain constants in the `mpas_constants` module are
+imported from the `physconst` module, which is a part of CAM/CAM-SIMA. However,
+multiple issues arise if the precision of those constants differs from MPAS.
+For example, building MPAS in single precision mode with CAM-SIMA fails due to
+multiple occurrences of type mismatch between actual and dummy arguments.
+ 885 | call mpas_log_write('$r', MPAS_LOG_ERR, realArgs=(/mpas_triangle_signed_area_sphere(a,b,c,sphereRadius) - pii/2.0_RKIND*sphereRadius*sphereRadius/))
+ | 1
+Error: Type mismatch in argument 'realargs' at (1); passed REAL(8) to REAL(4)
+Here, `pii` is declared by CAM-SIMA to be double precision, and it causes unintended
+floating-point promotion in the expression.
+The solution is to ensure that constants in the `mpas_constants` module are declared
+at the native precision of MPAS.
+This downstream patch is maintained by CAM-SIMA for its particular use case of MPAS.
+ src/framework/mpas_constants.F | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/framework/mpas_constants.F b/src/framework/mpas_constants.F
+index c98cb810..68164bab 100644
+--- a/src/framework/mpas_constants.F
++++ b/src/framework/mpas_constants.F
+@@ -23,16 +23,30 @@ module mpas_constants
+ use mpas_kind_types
+- use physconst, only : pii => pi
+- use physconst, only : gravity => gravit
+- use physconst, only : omega
+- use physconst, only : a => rearth
+- use physconst, only : cp => cpair
+- use physconst, only : rgas => rair
+- use physconst, only : rv => rh2o
+- real (kind=RKIND) :: rvord = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
+- real (kind=RKIND) :: cv = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
+- real (kind=RKIND) :: cvpm = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ use physconst, only: external_pii => pi
++ use physconst, only: external_a => rearth
++ use physconst, only: external_omega => omega
++ use physconst, only: external_gravity => gravit
++ use physconst, only: external_rgas => rair
++ use physconst, only: external_rv => rh2o
++ use physconst, only: external_cp => cpair
++ private :: external_pii
++ private :: external_a
++ private :: external_omega
++ private :: external_gravity
++ private :: external_rgas
++ private :: external_rv
++ private :: external_cp
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: pii = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: a = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: omega = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: gravity = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: rgas = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: rv = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: cp = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: rvord = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: cv = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
++ real (kind=RKIND), protected :: cvpm = huge(1.0_RKIND) ! Derived in mpas_constants_compute_derived
+ #else
+ real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: pii = 3.141592653589793_RKIND !< Constant: Pi
+ real (kind=RKIND), parameter :: a = 6371229.0_RKIND !< Constant: Spherical Earth radius [m]
+@@ -77,6 +91,16 @@ module mpas_constants
+ implicit none
++ ! Convert external constants to the native precision of MPAS (i.e., `RKIND`).
++ pii = real(external_pii, RKIND)
++ a = real(external_a, RKIND)
++ omega = real(external_omega, RKIND)
++ gravity = real(external_gravity, RKIND)
++ rgas = real(external_rgas, RKIND)
++ rv = real(external_rv, RKIND)
++ cp = real(external_cp, RKIND)
+ !
+ ! In the case of CAM-MPAS, rgas may depend on a CAM namelist option,
+ ! so physical constants that depend on rgas must be computed here after
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/Makefile b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/Makefile
similarity index 100%
rename from src/dynamics/mpas/Makefile
rename to src/dynamics/mpas/assets/Makefile
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/Makefile.in.CESM b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/Makefile.in.CESM
similarity index 86%
rename from src/dynamics/mpas/Makefile.in.CESM
rename to src/dynamics/mpas/assets/Makefile.in.CESM
index 8e4ba049..4b1c5708 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/Makefile.in.CESM
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/Makefile.in.CESM
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ export CPPFLAGS := -D_MPI \
ifneq ($(strip $(PIODEF)),)
export CPPFLAGS += $(strip $(PIODEF))
+# Uncomment below for MPI Fortran 2008 interface support. There is currently no corresponding option in CIME to enable this.
+# export CPPFLAGS += -DMPAS_USE_MPI_F08
+# Uncomment below for single precision mode support. There is currently no corresponding option in CIME to enable this.
export LINKER := $(strip $(FC))
export SCC := $(strip $(CC))
export SCXX := $(strip $(CXX))
@@ -71,7 +75,17 @@ all:
@echo ' `make libmpas-clean ESM="CESM" LIBROOT="..." SRCROOT="..."`'
.PHONY: libmpas-prepare
-libmpas-prepare: libmpas-archiver-script.txt libmpas-no-physics libmpas-prefix-namelist-groups libmpas-preview
+libmpas-prepare: libmpas-apply-patch libmpas-archiver-script.txt libmpas-preview
+# Apply patches.
+.PHONY: libmpas-apply-patch
+ @for file in *.patch; do \
+ if git apply --check -p2 "$${file}"; then \
+ echo "Applying $${file}"; \
+ git apply -p2 "$${file}"; \
+ fi; \
+ done
# Combine multiple static libraries into `libmpas.a` via archiver/MRI script. This requires GNU or GNU-like archiver (`ar`) program.
@@ -83,19 +97,8 @@ libmpas-archiver-script.txt:
@echo "save" >> $(@)
@echo "end" >> $(@)
-# Do not use built-in MPAS/WRF physics.
-.PHONY: libmpas-no-physics
- @sed -E -i -e "s/^ *PHYSICS=.+$$/PHYSICS=/g" core_atmosphere/Makefile
-# Prefix `mpas_` to MPAS namelist groups to avoid naming collisions.
-.PHONY: libmpas-prefix-namelist-groups
- @sed -E -i -e "s/(^ *< *nml_record.+name=)\"(mpas_)?(\w+)\"/\1\"mpas_\3\"/g" core_atmosphere/Registry.xml
- @sed -E -i -e "s/(^ *< *nml_record.+name=)\"(mpas_)?(\w+)\"/\1\"mpas_\3\"/g" core_atmosphere/diagnostics/Registry_*.xml
.PHONY: libmpas-preview
+libmpas-preview: libmpas-apply-patch libmpas-archiver-script.txt
@echo "Previewing build options for $(LIBROOT)/libmpas.a:"
@echo "AR = $(AR)"
@echo "ARFLAGS = $(ARFLAGS)"
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/generate_namelist_definition.py b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/generate_namelist_definition.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..12dd0c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/assets/generate_namelist_definition.py
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Generate XML namelist definition file for MPAS dynamical core in CAM-SIMA.
+import argparse
+import textwrap
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+# These namelist groups are irrelevant to CAM-SIMA for its particular use case of MPAS.
+# Hide them to prevent users from inadvertently modifying them.
+ 'assimilation',
+ 'iau',
+ 'limited_area',
+ 'physics',
+ 'restart'
+# These namelist options are forcefully controlled by CAM-SIMA at run-time.
+# Hide them to prevent users from inadvertently modifying them.
+ 'config_calendar_type',
+ 'config_do_restart',
+ 'config_run_duration',
+ 'config_start_time',
+ 'config_stop_time'
+# List all overridden namelist options below.
+# `OVERRIDDEN_NAMELIST_OPTION` is a dictionary with `str` as keys and `list[str]` as values.
+ 'mpas_block_decomp_file_prefix': [
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa480.graph.info.part.',
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa120.graph.info.part.',
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa60.graph.info.part.',
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa30.graph.info.part.',
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa15.graph.info.part.',
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa12.graph.info.part.',
+ '${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa15-3.graph.info.part.'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_coef_3rd_order': [
+ '1.0'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_dt': [
+ '1800.0',
+ '900.0',
+ '450.0',
+ '225.0'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_len_disp': [
+ '480000.0',
+ '120000.0',
+ '60000.0',
+ '30000.0'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_number_cam_damping_levels': [
+ '0'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_number_rayleigh_damp_u_levels': [
+ '5'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_print_detailed_minmax_vel': [
+ '.true.'
+ ],
+ 'mpas_rayleigh_damp_u': [
+ '.true.'
+ ]
+NEW_PREFIX = 'mpas_'
+OLD_PREFIX = 'config_'
+def parse_argument() -> argparse.Namespace:
+ '''
+ Parse command line arguments.
+ '''
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Generate XML namelist definition file for MPAS dynamical core in CAM-SIMA.'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-r', '--registry',
+ default='Registry.xml',
+ type=str,
+ required=False,
+ help='XML MPAS registry file.',
+ dest='reg_xml'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-n', '--namelist',
+ default='Namelist.xml',
+ type=str,
+ required=False,
+ help='XML CAM-SIMA namelist definition file.',
+ dest='nml_xml'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--schema',
+ default=None,
+ type=str,
+ required=False,
+ help='XML schema for CAM-SIMA namelist definition file.',
+ dest='nml_xsd'
+ )
+ argument = parser.parse_args()
+ return argument
+def parse_xml(xml_file: str) -> ET.ElementTree:
+ '''
+ Parse XML file into element tree.
+ '''
+ xml_et = ET.parse(xml_file)
+ return xml_et
+def validate_xml(xml_file: str, xsd_file: str) -> bool:
+ '''
+ Validate XML file against XSD file.
+ '''
+ # Only import `xmlschema` if XML validation is requested. Shush pylint about it.
+ import xmlschema # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+ xml_schema = xmlschema.XMLSchema(xsd_file)
+ return xml_schema.is_valid(xml_file)
+def transform_name(name: str) -> str:
+ '''
+ Change prefix of namelist option/group name.
+ '''
+ while name.startswith(OLD_PREFIX):
+ name = name[len(OLD_PREFIX):]
+ while name.startswith(NEW_PREFIX):
+ name = name[len(NEW_PREFIX):]
+ name = NEW_PREFIX + name
+ return name
+def translate_element_tree(reg_xml_et: ET.ElementTree) -> ET.ElementTree:
+ '''
+ Translate MPAS registry into namelist definition.
+ '''
+ # `entry_id_pg` is the root element in namelist definition.
+ entry_id_pg_element = ET.Element('entry_id_pg', {'version': '0.1'})
+ comment_element = ET.Comment(
+ '\n' +
+ INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 2 + 'MPAS dycore' + '\n' +
+ '\n' +
+ INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 2 + 'Note to developers/maintainers:' + '\n' +
+ INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 2 + 'This file is auto-generated from the MPAS registry. Do not edit directly.' + '\n' +
+ INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 2 + 'Instead, use the Python script at `src/dynamics/mpas/assets/generate_namelist_definition.py`.' + '\n' +
+ )
+ entry_id_pg_element.append(comment_element)
+ for namelist_group in reg_xml_et.findall('nml_record'):
+ if namelist_group.attrib['name'].strip().lower() in EXCLUDED_NAMELIST_GROUP:
+ continue
+ for namelist_option in namelist_group.findall('nml_option'):
+ if namelist_option.attrib['name'].strip().lower() in EXCLUDED_NAMELIST_OPTION:
+ continue
+ # The `entry_id_pg` root element contains many `entry` elements.
+ # Each `entry` element describes a namelist option, indicated by its `id` attribute.
+ entry_element = ET.SubElement(entry_id_pg_element, 'entry', {'id': transform_name(namelist_option.attrib['name'].strip().lower())})
+ # The `category` element.
+ category_element = ET.SubElement(entry_element, 'category')
+ category_element.text = 'mpas'
+ # The `desc` element.
+ desc_text = ' '.join(namelist_option.attrib['description'].strip(' .').split())
+ desc_text = desc_text[0].upper() + desc_text[1:]
+ desc_text = '\n' + textwrap.fill(desc_text, 80, initial_indent=INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 3, subsequent_indent=INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 3) + '\n' + INDENT_PER_LEVEL * 2
+ desc_element = ET.SubElement(entry_element, 'desc')
+ desc_element.text = desc_text
+ # The `group` element.
+ group_element = ET.SubElement(entry_element, 'group')
+ group_element.text = transform_name(namelist_group.attrib['name'].strip().lower())
+ # The `type` element.
+ # The `values` element and its containing `value` element.
+ type_text = namelist_option.attrib['type'].strip().lower()
+ value_text = namelist_option.attrib['default_value']
+ # Do some sanitization.
+ if type_text.startswith('ch'):
+ type_text = 'char*256'
+ value_text = value_text.strip()
+ if not value_text.isascii():
+ raise ValueError('"' + value_text + '" is not ASCII')
+ elif type_text.startswith('in'):
+ type_text = 'integer'
+ value_text = canonicalize_int(value_text)
+ elif type_text.startswith('lo'):
+ type_text = 'logical'
+ value_text = value_text.strip().lower()
+ if value_text.startswith(('t', '.t')):
+ value_text = '.true.'
+ elif value_text.startswith(('f', '.f')):
+ value_text = '.false.'
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('"' + value_text + '" does not represent a logical')
+ elif type_text.startswith('re'):
+ type_text = 'real'
+ value_text = canonicalize_real(value_text)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('"' + type_text + '" is not a supported type')
+ type_element = ET.SubElement(entry_element, 'type')
+ type_element.text = type_text
+ values_element = ET.SubElement(entry_element, 'values')
+ if entry_element.attrib['id'] in OVERRIDDEN_NAMELIST_OPTION:
+ for value_string in OVERRIDDEN_NAMELIST_OPTION[entry_element.attrib['id']]:
+ value_element = ET.fromstring(value_string)
+ values_element.append(value_element)
+ else:
+ value_element = ET.SubElement(values_element, 'value')
+ value_element.text = value_text
+ # Sort the `entry` elements for result stability except for the comment element at index 0.
+ entry_id_pg_element[1:] = sorted(entry_id_pg_element.iterfind('entry'), key=lambda entry: entry.get('id'))
+ nml_xml_et = ET.ElementTree(entry_id_pg_element)
+ return nml_xml_et
+def canonicalize_int(s: str) -> str:
+ '''
+ Canonicalize a string that represents an integer.
+ '''
+ try:
+ i = int(s)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError('"' + s + '" does not represent an integer') from e
+ return str(i)
+def canonicalize_real(s: str) -> str:
+ '''
+ Canonicalize a string that represents a real.
+ '''
+ try:
+ f = float(s)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ValueError('"' + s + '" does not represent a real') from e
+ return str(f)
+def write_element_tree(xml_file: str, xml_et: ET.ElementTree) -> None:
+ '''
+ Write element tree into XML file.
+ '''
+ ET.indent(xml_et, space=INDENT_PER_LEVEL)
+ xml_et.write(
+ xml_file,
+ encoding='UTF-8',
+ xml_declaration=True,
+ default_namespace=None,
+ method='xml',
+ short_empty_elements=False
+ )
+ # The file written by `ElementTree.write()` contains no newline at end of file. Add it manually.
+ with open(xml_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as nml_xml_file:
+ nml_xml_file.write('\n')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ arg = parse_argument()
+ reg_xml_element_tree = parse_xml(arg.reg_xml)
+ nml_xml_element_tree = translate_element_tree(reg_xml_element_tree)
+ write_element_tree(arg.nml_xml, nml_xml_element_tree)
+ print('Generated ' + arg.nml_xml)
+ if arg.nml_xsd is not None:
+ if validate_xml(arg.nml_xml, arg.nml_xsd):
+ print('Successfully validated ' + arg.nml_xml + ' against ' + arg.nml_xsd)
+ else:
+ print('Failed to validate ' + arg.nml_xml + ' against ' + arg.nml_xsd)
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/driver/dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90 b/src/dynamics/mpas/driver/dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90
index ca8e4159..b4ec0921 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/driver/dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/driver/dyn_mpas_subdriver.F90
@@ -8,62 +8,21 @@ module dyn_mpas_subdriver
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit
- ! Modules from external libraries.
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
#ifdef MPAS_USE_MPI_F08
use mpi_f08, only: mpi_comm_null, mpi_comm_rank, mpi_success, &
mpi_comm_type => mpi_comm, operator(==)
use mpi, only: mpi_comm_null, mpi_comm_rank, mpi_success
- use pio, only: pio_char, pio_int, pio_real, pio_double, &
- file_desc_t, iosystem_desc_t, pio_file_is_open, pio_iosystem_is_active, &
- pio_inq_varid, pio_inq_varndims, pio_inq_vartype, pio_noerr
- ! Modules from MPAS.
- use atm_core, only: atm_compute_output_diagnostics, atm_do_timestep, atm_mpas_init_block
- use atm_core_interface, only: atm_setup_core, atm_setup_domain
- use atm_time_integration, only: mpas_atm_dynamics_init
- use mpas_atm_dimensions, only: mpas_atm_set_dims
- use mpas_atm_halos, only: atm_build_halo_groups, exchange_halo_group
- use mpas_atm_threading, only: mpas_atm_threading_init
- use mpas_attlist, only: mpas_modify_att
- use mpas_bootstrapping, only: mpas_bootstrap_framework_phase1, mpas_bootstrap_framework_phase2
- use mpas_constants, only: mpas_constants_compute_derived
- use mpas_derived_types, only: core_type, domain_type, &
- mpas_pool_type, mpas_pool_field_info_type, &
- mpas_pool_character, mpas_pool_real, mpas_pool_integer, &
- mpas_stream_type, mpas_stream_noerr, &
- mpas_time_type, mpas_timeinterval_type, mpas_now, mpas_start_time, &
- mpas_io_native_precision, mpas_io_pnetcdf, mpas_io_read, mpas_io_write, &
- field0dchar, field1dchar, &
- field0dinteger, field1dinteger, field2dinteger, field3dinteger, &
- field0dreal, field1dreal, field2dreal, field3dreal, field4dreal, field5dreal
- use mpas_dmpar, only: mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field, &
- mpas_dmpar_max_int, mpas_dmpar_sum_int
- use mpas_domain_routines, only: mpas_allocate_domain
- use mpas_field_routines, only: mpas_allocate_scratch_field
- use mpas_framework, only: mpas_framework_init_phase1, mpas_framework_init_phase2
- use mpas_io_streams, only: mpas_createstream, mpas_closestream, mpas_streamaddfield, &
- mpas_readstream, mpas_writestream, mpas_writestreamatt
- use mpas_kind_types, only: rkind, r4kind, r8kind, strkind
- use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_create_pool, mpas_pool_destroy_pool, mpas_pool_get_subpool, &
- mpas_pool_add_config, mpas_pool_get_config, &
- mpas_pool_get_array, &
- mpas_pool_add_dimension, mpas_pool_get_dimension, &
- mpas_pool_get_field, mpas_pool_get_field_info, &
- mpas_pool_initialize_time_levels, mpas_pool_shift_time_levels
- use mpas_stream_inquiry, only: mpas_stream_inquiry_new_streaminfo
- use mpas_stream_manager, only: postread_reindex, prewrite_reindex, postwrite_reindex
- use mpas_string_utils, only: mpas_string_replace
- use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_advance_clock, mpas_get_clock_time, mpas_get_time, &
- mpas_set_timeinterval, &
- operator(+), operator(<)
- use mpas_vector_operations, only: mpas_initialize_vectors
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: core_type, domain_type
+ use mpas_kind_types, only: rkind, strkind
implicit none
+ public :: mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind
public :: mpas_dynamical_core_type
abstract interface
@@ -75,6 +34,9 @@ subroutine model_error_if(message, file, line)
end subroutine model_error_if
end interface
+ !> The native floating-point precision of MPAS dynamical core.
+ integer, parameter :: mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind = rkind
!> The "class" of MPAS dynamical core.
!> Important data structures like states of MPAS dynamical core are encapsulated inside this derived type to prevent misuse.
!> Type-bound procedures provide well-defined APIs for CAM-SIMA to interact with MPAS dynamical core.
@@ -128,6 +90,7 @@ end subroutine model_error_if
procedure, pass, public :: compute_edge_wind => dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind
procedure, pass, public :: init_phase4 => dyn_mpas_init_phase4
procedure, pass, public :: run => dyn_mpas_run
+ procedure, pass, public :: final => dyn_mpas_final
! Accessor subroutines for users to access internal states of MPAS dynamical core.
@@ -189,6 +152,8 @@ end subroutine model_error_if
!> Here, it is described as:
!> var_info_type(name="xCell", type="real", rank=1)
+ !> However, note that MPAS treats the "Time" dimension specially. It is implemented as 1-d pointer arrays of
+ !> custom derived types. For a variable with the "Time" dimension, its rank needs to be subtracted by one.
type :: var_info_type
@@ -277,40 +242,54 @@ end subroutine model_error_if
! the `atm_init_coupled_diagnostics` subroutine in MPAS.
! If a variable first appears on the LHS of an equation, it should be in restart.
! If a variable first appears on the RHS of an equation, it should be in input.
+ ! The remaining ones of interest should be in output.
!> This list corresponds to the "input" stream in MPAS registry.
!> It consists of variables that are members of the "diag" and "state" struct.
!> Only variables that are specific to the "input" stream are included.
type(var_info_type), parameter :: input_var_info_list(*) = [ &
- var_info_type('Time' , 'real' , 1), &
+ var_info_type('Time' , 'real' , 0), &
var_info_type('initial_time' , 'character' , 0), &
- var_info_type('rho' , 'real' , 3), &
- var_info_type('rho_base' , 'real' , 3), &
+ var_info_type('rho' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rho_base' , 'real' , 2), &
var_info_type('scalars' , 'real' , 3), &
- var_info_type('theta' , 'real' , 3), &
- var_info_type('theta_base' , 'real' , 3), &
- var_info_type('u' , 'real' , 3), &
- var_info_type('w' , 'real' , 3), &
- var_info_type('xtime' , 'character' , 1) &
+ var_info_type('theta' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('theta_base' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('u' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('w' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('xtime' , 'character' , 0) &
!> This list corresponds to the "restart" stream in MPAS registry.
!> It consists of variables that are members of the "diag" and "state" struct.
!> Only variables that are specific to the "restart" stream are included.
type(var_info_type), parameter :: restart_var_info_list(*) = [ &
- var_info_type('exner' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('exner_base' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('pressure_base' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('pressure_p' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('rho_p' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('rho_zz' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('rtheta_base' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('rtheta_p' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('ru' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('ru_p' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('rw' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('rw_p' , 'real' , 1), &
- var_info_type('theta_m' , 'real' , 1) &
+ var_info_type('exner' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('exner_base' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('pressure_base' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('pressure_p' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rho_p' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rho_zz' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rtheta_base' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rtheta_p' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('ru' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('ru_p' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rw' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('rw_p' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('theta_m' , 'real' , 2) &
+ ]
+ !> This list corresponds to the "output" stream in MPAS registry.
+ !> It consists of variables that are members of the "diag" struct.
+ !> Only variables that are specific to the "output" stream are included.
+ type(var_info_type), parameter :: output_var_info_list(*) = [ &
+ var_info_type('divergence' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('pressure' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('relhum' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('surface_pressure' , 'real' , 1), &
+ var_info_type('uReconstructMeridional' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('uReconstructZonal' , 'real' , 2), &
+ var_info_type('vorticity' , 'real' , 2) &
!> Print a debug message with optionally the value(s) of a variable.
@@ -461,6 +440,11 @@ end function stringify
subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase1(self, mpi_comm, model_error_impl, log_unit, mpas_log_unit)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use atm_core_interface, only: atm_setup_core, atm_setup_domain
+ use mpas_domain_routines, only: mpas_allocate_domain
+ use mpas_framework, only: mpas_framework_init_phase1
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self
#ifdef MPAS_USE_MPI_F08
type(mpi_comm_type), intent(in) :: mpi_comm
@@ -619,11 +603,7 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_read_namelist(self, namelist_path, &
subname, __LINE__)
end select
- call mpas_pool_get_config(self % domain_ptr % configs, 'config_calendar_type', config_pointer_c)
- if (.not. associated(config_pointer_c)) then
- call self % model_error('Failed to find config "config_calendar_type"', subname, __LINE__)
- end if
+ call self % get_variable_pointer(config_pointer_c, 'cfg', 'config_calendar_type')
config_pointer_c = trim(adjustl(mpas_calendar))
call self % debug_print('config_calendar_type = ', [config_pointer_c])
@@ -632,43 +612,27 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_read_namelist(self, namelist_path, &
! MPAS represents date and time in ISO 8601 format. However, the separator between date and time is `_`
! instead of standard `T`.
! Format in `YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss` is acceptable.
- call mpas_pool_get_config(self % domain_ptr % configs, 'config_start_time', config_pointer_c)
- if (.not. associated(config_pointer_c)) then
- call self % model_error('Failed to find config "config_start_time"', subname, __LINE__)
- end if
+ call self % get_variable_pointer(config_pointer_c, 'cfg', 'config_start_time')
config_pointer_c = stringify(start_date_time(1:3), '-') // '_' // stringify(start_date_time(4:6), ':')
call self % debug_print('config_start_time = ', [config_pointer_c])
- call mpas_pool_get_config(self % domain_ptr % configs, 'config_stop_time', config_pointer_c)
- if (.not. associated(config_pointer_c)) then
- call self % model_error('Failed to find config "config_stop_time"', subname, __LINE__)
- end if
+ call self % get_variable_pointer(config_pointer_c, 'cfg', 'config_stop_time')
config_pointer_c = stringify(stop_date_time(1:3), '-') // '_' // stringify(stop_date_time(4:6), ':')
call self % debug_print('config_stop_time = ', [config_pointer_c])
! Format in `DD_hh:mm:ss` is acceptable.
- call mpas_pool_get_config(self % domain_ptr % configs, 'config_run_duration', config_pointer_c)
- if (.not. associated(config_pointer_c)) then
- call self % model_error('Failed to find config "config_run_duration"', subname, __LINE__)
- end if
+ call self % get_variable_pointer(config_pointer_c, 'cfg', 'config_run_duration')
config_pointer_c = stringify([run_duration(1)]) // '_' // stringify(run_duration(2:4), ':')
call self % debug_print('config_run_duration = ', [config_pointer_c])
! Reflect current run type to MPAS.
- call mpas_pool_get_config(self % domain_ptr % configs, 'config_do_restart', config_pointer_l)
- if (.not. associated(config_pointer_l)) then
- call self % model_error('Failed to find config "config_do_restart"', subname, __LINE__)
- end if
+ call self % get_variable_pointer(config_pointer_l, 'cfg', 'config_do_restart')
if (initial_run) then
! Run type is initial run.
@@ -699,6 +663,12 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_read_namelist
subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase2(self, pio_iosystem)
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: iosystem_desc_t, pio_iosystem_is_active
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_framework, only: mpas_framework_init_phase2
+ use mpas_stream_inquiry, only: mpas_stream_inquiry_new_streaminfo
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
type(iosystem_desc_t), pointer, intent(in) :: pio_iosystem
@@ -788,6 +758,13 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase2
subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase3(self, number_of_constituents, pio_file)
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t, pio_file_is_open
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_bootstrapping, only: mpas_bootstrap_framework_phase1, mpas_bootstrap_framework_phase2
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_io_pnetcdf, mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_add_config, mpas_pool_add_dimension, mpas_pool_get_dimension
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: number_of_constituents
type(file_desc_t), pointer, intent(in) :: pio_file
@@ -884,6 +861,10 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase3
subroutine dyn_mpas_define_scalar(self, constituent_name, is_water_species)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: field3dreal, mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_add_dimension, mpas_pool_get_field
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self
character(*), intent(in) :: constituent_name(:)
logical, intent(in) :: is_water_species(:)
@@ -1142,6 +1123,14 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_define_scalar
subroutine dyn_mpas_read_write_stream(self, pio_file, stream_mode, stream_name)
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type, mpas_stream_noerr, mpas_stream_type
+ use mpas_io_streams, only: mpas_closestream, mpas_readstream, mpas_writestream
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_destroy_pool
+ use mpas_stream_manager, only: postread_reindex, prewrite_reindex, postwrite_reindex
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
type(file_desc_t), pointer, intent(in) :: pio_file
character(*), intent(in) :: stream_mode
@@ -1248,6 +1237,17 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_read_write_stream
subroutine dyn_mpas_init_stream_with_pool(self, mpas_pool, mpas_stream, pio_file, stream_mode, stream_name)
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t, pio_file_is_open
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: field0dchar, field1dchar, &
+ field0dinteger, field1dinteger, field2dinteger, field3dinteger, &
+ field0dreal, field1dreal, field2dreal, field3dreal, field4dreal, field5dreal, &
+ mpas_io_native_precision, mpas_io_pnetcdf, mpas_io_read, mpas_io_write, &
+ mpas_pool_type, mpas_stream_noerr, mpas_stream_type
+ use mpas_io_streams, only: mpas_createstream, mpas_streamaddfield
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_add_config, mpas_pool_create_pool, mpas_pool_get_field
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
type(mpas_pool_type), pointer, intent(out) :: mpas_pool
type(mpas_stream_type), pointer, intent(out) :: mpas_stream
@@ -1583,6 +1583,9 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_init_stream_with_pool(self, mpas_pool, mpas_stream, pio_file
!> Helper subroutine for adding a 0-d stream attribute by calling `mpas_writestreamatt` with error checking.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-14)
subroutine add_stream_attribute_0d(attribute_name, attribute_value)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_io_streams, only: mpas_writestreamatt
character(*), intent(in) :: attribute_name
class(*), intent(in) :: attribute_value
@@ -1620,6 +1623,9 @@ end subroutine add_stream_attribute_0d
!> Helper subroutine for adding a 1-d stream attribute by calling `mpas_writestreamatt` with error checking.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-14)
subroutine add_stream_attribute_1d(attribute_name, attribute_value)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_io_streams, only: mpas_writestreamatt
character(*), intent(in) :: attribute_name
class(*), intent(in) :: attribute_value(:)
@@ -1752,6 +1758,8 @@ pure function parse_stream_name_fragment(stream_name_fragment) result(var_info_l
allocate(var_info_list, source=input_var_info_list)
case ('restart')
allocate(var_info_list, source=restart_var_info_list)
+ case ('output')
+ allocate(var_info_list, source=output_var_info_list)
case default
@@ -1775,6 +1783,13 @@ pure function parse_stream_name_fragment(stream_name_fragment) result(var_info_l
var_info_list_buffer = pack(restart_var_info_list, var_name_list == trim(adjustl(stream_name_fragment)))
var_info_list = [var_info_list, var_info_list_buffer]
end if
+ var_name_list = output_var_info_list % name
+ if (any(var_name_list == trim(adjustl(stream_name_fragment)))) then
+ var_info_list_buffer = pack(output_var_info_list, var_name_list == trim(adjustl(stream_name_fragment)))
+ var_info_list = [var_info_list, var_info_list_buffer]
+ end if
end select
end function parse_stream_name_fragment
@@ -1874,6 +1889,17 @@ end function index_unique
subroutine dyn_mpas_check_variable_status(self, var_is_present, var_is_tkr_compatible, pio_file, var_info)
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t, pio_file_is_open, &
+ pio_char, pio_int, pio_real, pio_double, &
+ pio_inq_varid, pio_inq_varndims, pio_inq_vartype, pio_noerr
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: field0dchar, field1dchar, &
+ field0dinteger, field1dinteger, field2dinteger, field3dinteger, &
+ field0dreal, field1dreal, field2dreal, field3dreal, field4dreal, field5dreal
+ use mpas_kind_types, only: r4kind, r8kind
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_field
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
logical, allocatable, intent(out) :: var_is_present(:)
logical, allocatable, intent(out) :: var_is_tkr_compatible(:)
@@ -2239,11 +2265,15 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_check_variable_status(self, var_is_present, var_is_tkr_compa
end if
case ('real')
+ ! When MPAS dynamical core is compiled at single precision, pairing it with double precision input data
+ ! is not allowed to prevent loss of precision.
if (rkind == r4kind .and. vartype /= pio_real) then
end if
- if (rkind == r8kind .and. vartype /= pio_double) then
+ ! When MPAS dynamical core is compiled at double precision, pairing it with single and double precision
+ ! input data is allowed.
+ if (rkind == r8kind .and. vartype /= pio_real .and. vartype /= pio_double) then
end if
case default
@@ -2285,6 +2315,13 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_check_variable_status
subroutine dyn_mpas_exchange_halo(self, field_name)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: field1dinteger, field2dinteger, field3dinteger, &
+ field1dreal, field2dreal, field3dreal, field4dreal, field5dreal, &
+ mpas_pool_field_info_type, mpas_pool_integer, mpas_pool_real
+ use mpas_dmpar, only: mpas_dmpar_exch_halo_field
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_field, mpas_pool_get_field_info
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
character(*), intent(in) :: field_name
@@ -2468,6 +2505,10 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_exchange_halo
subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_unit_vector(self)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_vector_operations, only: mpas_initialize_vectors
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_mpas_subdriver::dyn_mpas_compute_unit_vector'
@@ -2652,6 +2693,21 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_compute_edge_wind
subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4(self, coupling_time_interval)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use atm_core, only: atm_mpas_init_block
+ use atm_time_integration, only: mpas_atm_dynamics_init
+ use mpas_atm_dimensions, only: mpas_atm_set_dims
+ use mpas_atm_halos, only: atm_build_halo_groups, exchange_halo_group
+ use mpas_atm_threading, only: mpas_atm_threading_init
+ use mpas_attlist, only: mpas_modify_att
+ use mpas_constants, only: mpas_constants_compute_derived
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: field0dreal, field2dreal, mpas_pool_type, mpas_time_type, &
+ mpas_start_time
+ use mpas_field_routines, only: mpas_allocate_scratch_field
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_field, mpas_pool_initialize_time_levels
+ use mpas_string_utils, only: mpas_string_replace
+ use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_get_clock_time, mpas_get_time
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self
integer, intent(in) :: coupling_time_interval ! Set the time interval, in seconds, over which MPAS dynamical core
! should integrate each time it is called to run.
@@ -2922,6 +2978,15 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_init_phase4
subroutine dyn_mpas_run(self)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use atm_core, only: atm_compute_output_diagnostics, atm_do_timestep
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type, mpas_time_type, mpas_timeinterval_type, &
+ mpas_now
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_shift_time_levels
+ use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_advance_clock, mpas_get_clock_time, mpas_get_time, &
+ mpas_set_timeinterval, &
+ operator(+), operator(<)
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_mpas_subdriver::dyn_mpas_run'
@@ -3012,6 +3077,143 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_run(self)
call self % debug_print(subname // ' completed')
end subroutine dyn_mpas_run
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! subroutine dyn_mpas_final
+ !
+ !> \brief Finalizes MPAS dynamical core as well as its framework
+ !> \author Michael Duda
+ !> \date 29 February 2020
+ !> \details
+ !> This subroutine finalizes and cleans up MPAS dynamical core as well as its
+ !> framework that was set up during initialization. Finalization happens in
+ !> reverse chronological order.
+ !> Essentially, it closely follows what is done in `atm_core_finalize` and
+ !> `mpas_finalize`, except that here, there is no need to call MPAS diagnostics
+ !> manager or MPAS stream manager.
+ !> \addenda
+ !> Ported and refactored for CAM-SIMA. (KCW, 2024-10-10)
+ !
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine dyn_mpas_final(self)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use atm_time_integration, only: mpas_atm_dynamics_finalize
+ use mpas_atm_halos, only: atm_destroy_halo_groups, exchange_halo_group
+ use mpas_atm_threading, only: mpas_atm_threading_finalize
+ use mpas_decomp, only: mpas_decomp_destroy_decomp_list
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: field2dreal
+ use mpas_field_routines, only: mpas_deallocate_scratch_field
+ use mpas_framework, only: mpas_framework_finalize
+ use mpas_log, only: mpas_log_finalize
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_field
+ use mpas_timekeeping, only: mpas_destroy_clock
+ use mpas_timer, only: mpas_timer_write_header, mpas_timer_write, mpas_timer_finalize
+ class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(inout) :: self
+ character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_mpas_subdriver::dyn_mpas_final'
+ integer :: ierr
+ type(field2dreal), pointer :: field_2d_real
+ call self % debug_print(subname // ' entered')
+ nullify(field_2d_real)
+ ! First, wind down MPAS dynamical core by calling its own finalization procedures.
+ ! Some additional "scratch" fields are needed for interoperability with CAM-SIMA, but they are not finalized by
+ ! `mpas_atm_dynamics_finalize`. Finalize them below.
+ call mpas_pool_get_field(self % domain_ptr % blocklist % allfields, 'tend_uzonal', field_2d_real, timelevel=1)
+ call mpas_deallocate_scratch_field(field_2d_real)
+ nullify(field_2d_real)
+ call mpas_pool_get_field(self % domain_ptr % blocklist % allfields, 'tend_umerid', field_2d_real, timelevel=1)
+ call mpas_deallocate_scratch_field(field_2d_real)
+ nullify(field_2d_real)
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_atm_dynamics_init`.
+ call mpas_atm_dynamics_finalize(self % domain_ptr)
+ ! Opposite to `atm_build_halo_groups`.
+ call atm_destroy_halo_groups(self % domain_ptr, ierr=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call self % model_error('Failed to destroy halo exchange groups', subname, __LINE__)
+ end if
+ nullify(exchange_halo_group)
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_atm_threading_init`.
+ call mpas_atm_threading_finalize(self % domain_ptr % blocklist, ierr=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call self % model_error('Failed to clean up OpenMP threading', subname, __LINE__)
+ end if
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_create_clock`, which was called by `atm_simulation_clock_init`, then `atm_setup_clock`.
+ call mpas_destroy_clock(self % domain_ptr % clock, ierr=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call self % model_error('Failed to clean up clock', subname, __LINE__)
+ end if
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_decomp_create_decomp_list`, which was called by `atm_setup_decompositions`.
+ call mpas_decomp_destroy_decomp_list(self % domain_ptr % decompositions)
+ deallocate(self % domain_ptr % streaminfo)
+ ! Write timing information to log.
+ call mpas_timer_write_header()
+ call mpas_timer_write()
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_timer_init`, which was called by `mpas_framework_init_phase2`.
+ call mpas_timer_finalize(self % domain_ptr)
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_log_init`, which was called by `atm_setup_log`.
+ call mpas_log_finalize(ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call self % model_error('Failed to clean up log', subname, __LINE__)
+ end if
+ ! Opposite to `mpas_framework_init_phase1` and `mpas_framework_init_phase2`.
+ call mpas_framework_finalize(self % domain_ptr % dminfo, self % domain_ptr)
+ call self % debug_print(subname // ' completed')
+ call self % debug_print('Successful finalization of MPAS dynamical core')
+ ! Second, clean up this MPAS dynamical core instance.
+ ! Initialized by `dyn_mpas_init_phase4`.
+ self % coupling_time_interval = 0
+ self % number_of_time_steps = 0
+ ! Initialized by `dyn_mpas_define_scalar`.
+ deallocate(self % constituent_name)
+ deallocate(self % index_constituent_to_mpas_scalar)
+ deallocate(self % index_mpas_scalar_to_constituent)
+ deallocate(self % is_water_species)
+ ! Initialized by `dyn_mpas_init_phase3`.
+ self % number_of_constituents = 0
+ ! Initialized by `dyn_mpas_init_phase1`.
+ self % log_unit = output_unit
+ self % mpi_comm = mpi_comm_null
+ self % mpi_rank = 0
+ self % mpi_rank_root = .false.
+ nullify(self % model_error)
+ deallocate(self % corelist % domainlist)
+ deallocate(self % corelist)
+ nullify(self % corelist)
+ nullify(self % domain_ptr)
+ self % debug_output = .false.
+ end subroutine dyn_mpas_final
! function dyn_mpas_get_constituent_name
@@ -3231,6 +3433,9 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_local_mesh_dimension
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_global_mesh_dimension(self, &
ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, nvertlevels, ncells_max, nedges_max, &
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_dmpar, only: mpas_dmpar_max_int, mpas_dmpar_sum_int
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, intent(out) :: ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, nvertlevels, ncells_max, nedges_max
real(rkind), intent(out) :: sphere_radius
@@ -3278,6 +3483,10 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_global_mesh_dimension
!> It is used by the `dyn_mpas_get_variable_{pointer,value}_*` subroutines to draw a variable from a pool.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-21)
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_pool_pointer(self, pool_pointer, pool_name)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_subpool
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
type(mpas_pool_type), pointer, intent(out) :: pool_pointer
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3323,6 +3532,10 @@ end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_pool_pointer
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array, mpas_pool_get_config
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
character(strkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3351,6 +3564,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c0
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c1(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
character(strkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3373,6 +3590,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c1(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_c1
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array, mpas_pool_get_config, mpas_pool_get_dimension
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3404,6 +3625,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i0
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i1(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array, mpas_pool_get_dimension
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3432,6 +3657,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i1(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i1
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i2(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:, :)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3454,6 +3683,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i2(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i2
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i3(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
integer, pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:, :, :)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3476,6 +3709,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i3(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_i3
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_l0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_config
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
logical, pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3502,6 +3739,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_l0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_l0
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array, mpas_pool_get_config
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
real(rkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3530,6 +3771,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r0(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r0
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r1(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
real(rkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3552,6 +3797,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r1(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r1
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r2(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
real(rkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:, :)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3574,6 +3823,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r2(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r2
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r3(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
real(rkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:, :, :)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3596,6 +3849,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r3(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r3
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r4(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
real(rkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:, :, :, :)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
@@ -3618,6 +3875,10 @@ subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r4(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, v
end subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r4
subroutine dyn_mpas_get_variable_pointer_r5(self, variable_pointer, pool_name, variable_name, time_level)
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use mpas_derived_types, only: mpas_pool_type
+ use mpas_pool_routines, only: mpas_pool_get_array
class(mpas_dynamical_core_type), intent(in) :: self
real(rkind), pointer, intent(out) :: variable_pointer(:, :, :, :, :)
character(*), intent(in) :: pool_name
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_comp.F90 b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_comp.F90
index 3911af4f..f6e3a10a 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_comp.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_comp.F90
@@ -1,46 +1,6 @@
module dyn_comp
- use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: mpas_dynamical_core_type
- ! Modules from CAM-SIMA.
- use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num, &
- thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num, &
- thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num, &
- thermodynamic_active_species_idx, thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, &
- thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx, thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx_dycore, &
- thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx, thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx_dycore
- use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
- use cam_constituents, only: const_name, const_is_dry, const_is_water_species, num_advected, readtrace
- use cam_control_mod, only: initial_run
- use cam_field_read, only: cam_read_field
- use cam_grid_support, only: cam_grid_get_latvals, cam_grid_get_lonvals, cam_grid_id
- use cam_initfiles, only: initial_file_get_id, topo_file_get_id
- use cam_instance, only: atm_id
- use cam_logfile, only: debug_output, debugout_none, iulog
- use cam_pio_utils, only: clean_iodesc_list
- use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height
- use dynconst, only: constant_cpd => cpair, constant_g => gravit, constant_p0 => pref, constant_pi => pi, &
- constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o, &
- deg_to_rad
- use inic_analytic, only: analytic_ic_active, dyn_set_inic_col
- use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
- use spmd_utils, only: iam, masterproc, mpicom
- use string_utils, only: stringify
- use time_manager, only: get_start_date, get_stop_date, get_step_size, get_run_duration, timemgr_get_calendar_cf
- use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
- ! Modules from CCPP.
- use cam_ccpp_cap, only: cam_constituents_array
- use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
- use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized, std_name_len
- use physics_types, only: phys_state
- ! Modules from CESM Share.
- use shr_file_mod, only: shr_file_getunit
- use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_cs => shr_kind_cs, kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
- use shr_pio_mod, only: shr_pio_getiosys
- ! Modules from external libraries.
- use pio, only: file_desc_t, iosystem_desc_t, pio_file_is_open
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: kind_dyn_mpas => mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind, mpas_dynamical_core_type
implicit none
@@ -51,10 +11,11 @@ module dyn_comp
public :: dyn_readnl
public :: dyn_init
public :: dyn_run
- ! public :: dyn_final
+ public :: dyn_final
public :: dyn_debug_print
- public :: dyn_exchange_constituent_state
+ public :: dyn_exchange_constituent_states
+ public :: dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions
public :: reverse
public :: mpas_dynamical_core
public :: ncells, ncells_solve, nedges, nedges_solve, nvertices, nvertices_solve, nvertlevels
@@ -79,14 +40,19 @@ module dyn_comp
type(mpas_dynamical_core_type) :: mpas_dynamical_core
! Local and global mesh dimensions of MPAS dynamical core.
- integer :: ncells, ncells_solve, nedges, nedges_solve, nvertices, nvertices_solve, nvertlevels
- integer :: ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, ncells_max, nedges_max
- real(kind_r8) :: sphere_radius
+ integer, protected :: ncells, ncells_solve, nedges, nedges_solve, nvertices, nvertices_solve, nvertlevels
+ integer, protected :: ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, ncells_max, nedges_max
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), protected :: sphere_radius
!> Print a debug message with optionally the value(s) of a variable.
!> If `printer` is not supplied, the MPI root rank will print. Otherwise, the designated MPI rank will print instead.
!> (KCW, 2024-02-03)
subroutine dyn_debug_print(message, variable, printer)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_logfile, only: debug_output, debugout_none, iulog
+ use spmd_utils, only: iam, masterproc
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
character(*), intent(in) :: message
class(*), optional, intent(in) :: variable(:)
integer, optional, intent(in) :: printer
@@ -121,10 +87,24 @@ end subroutine dyn_debug_print
! Called by `read_namelist` in `src/control/runtime_opts.F90`.
subroutine dyn_readnl(namelist_path)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use cam_control_mod, only: initial_run
+ use cam_instance, only: atm_id
+ use cam_logfile, only: debug_output, debugout_none, iulog
+ use spmd_utils, only: mpicom
+ use time_manager, only: get_start_date, get_stop_date, get_run_duration, timemgr_get_calendar_cf
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_file_mod, only: shr_file_getunit
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: len_cs => shr_kind_cs
+ use shr_pio_mod, only: shr_pio_getiosys
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: iosystem_desc_t
character(*), intent(in) :: namelist_path
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::dyn_readnl'
- character(kind_cs) :: cam_calendar
+ character(len_cs) :: cam_calendar
integer :: log_unit(2)
integer :: start_date_time(6), & ! YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss.
stop_date_time(6), & ! YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss.
@@ -187,9 +167,27 @@ end subroutine dyn_readnl
! Called by `cam_init` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
- use cam_thermo_formula, only: energy_formula_dycore, ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS
- use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
- use physics_types, only: dycore_energy_consistency_adjust
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use air_composition, only: thermodynamic_active_species_num, &
+ thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num, &
+ thermodynamic_active_species_ice_num, &
+ thermodynamic_active_species_idx, thermodynamic_active_species_idx_dycore, &
+ thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx, thermodynamic_active_species_liq_idx_dycore, &
+ thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx, thermodynamic_active_species_ice_idx_dycore
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use cam_constituents, only: const_name, const_is_water_species, num_advected, readtrace
+ use cam_control_mod, only: initial_run
+ use cam_initfiles, only: initial_file_get_id, topo_file_get_id
+ use cam_pio_utils, only: clean_iodesc_list
+ use cam_thermo_formula, only: energy_formula_dycore, energy_formula_dycore_mpas
+ use inic_analytic, only: analytic_ic_active
+ use physics_types, only: dycore_energy_consistency_adjust
+ use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
+ use time_manager, only: get_step_size
+ ! Module(s) from CCPP.
+ use phys_vars_init_check, only: std_name_len
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts
type(dyn_import_t), intent(in) :: dyn_in
@@ -207,14 +205,13 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
- ! Set dynamical core energy formula for use in cam_thermo.
- energy_formula_dycore = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS
- call mark_as_initialized('total_energy_formula_for_dycore')
+ ! Set the energy formula of dynamical core to MPAS for use in `cam_thermo`.
+ energy_formula_dycore = energy_formula_dycore_mpas
- ! Dynamical core energy is not consistent with CAM physics and requires
- ! temperature and temperature tendency adjustment at end of physics.
+ ! The total energy of dynamical core, which uses "MPAS formula" as set above, is not consistent with
+ ! that of CAM physics, which uses "FV formula". Therefore, temperature and temperature tendency adjustments
+ ! are needed at the end of each physics time step.
dycore_energy_consistency_adjust = .true.
- call mark_as_initialized('flag_for_dycore_energy_consistency_adjustment')
allocate(constituent_name(num_advected), stat=ierr)
call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'constituent_name(num_advected)', 'dyn_comp', __LINE__)
@@ -267,9 +264,9 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
! Perform default initialization for all constituents.
! Subsequently, they can be overridden depending on the namelist option (below) and
! the actual availability (checked and handled by MPAS).
- call dyn_debug_print('Calling dyn_exchange_constituent_state')
+ call dyn_debug_print('Calling dyn_exchange_constituent_states')
- call dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction='e', exchange=.true., conversion=.false.)
+ call dyn_exchange_constituent_states(direction='e', exchange=.true., conversion=.false.)
! Namelist option that controls if constituents are to be read from the file.
if (readtrace) then
@@ -288,7 +285,7 @@ subroutine dyn_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
end if
call clean_iodesc_list()
- call mark_variable_as_initialized()
+ call mark_variables_as_initialized()
@@ -308,6 +305,16 @@ end subroutine dyn_init
!> Otherwise, if topography file is not used, check that the surface geometric height in MPAS is zero.
!> (KCW, 2024-05-10)
subroutine check_topography_data(pio_file)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
+ use cam_field_read, only: cam_read_field
+ use cam_logfile, only: debug_output, debugout_none
+ use dynconst, only: constant_g => gravit
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t, pio_file_is_open
type(file_desc_t), pointer, intent(in) :: pio_file
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::check_topography_data'
@@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ subroutine check_topography_data(pio_file)
real(kind_r8), parameter :: error_tolerance = 1.0E-3_kind_r8 ! Error tolerance for consistency check.
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: surface_geometric_height(:) ! Computed from topography file.
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: surface_geopotential(:) ! Read from topography file.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: zgrid(:, :) ! From MPAS. Geometric height (meters) at layer interfaces.
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: zgrid(:, :) ! From MPAS. Geometric height (meters) at layer interfaces.
@@ -348,7 +355,7 @@ subroutine check_topography_data(pio_file)
surface_geometric_height(:) = surface_geopotential(:) / constant_g
! Surface geometric height in MPAS should match the values in topography file.
- if (any(abs(zgrid(1, 1:ncells_solve) - surface_geometric_height) > error_tolerance)) then
+ if (any(abs(real(zgrid(1, 1:ncells_solve), kind_r8) - surface_geometric_height(:)) > error_tolerance)) then
call endrun('Surface geometric height in MPAS is not consistent with topography data', subname, __LINE__)
end if
@@ -358,7 +365,7 @@ subroutine check_topography_data(pio_file)
call dyn_debug_print('Topography file is not used')
! Surface geometric height in MPAS should be zero.
- if (any(abs(zgrid(1, 1:ncells_solve)) > error_tolerance)) then
+ if (any(abs(real(zgrid(1, 1:ncells_solve), kind_r8)) > error_tolerance)) then
call endrun('Surface geometric height in MPAS is not zero', subname, __LINE__)
end if
end if
@@ -369,14 +376,17 @@ end subroutine check_topography_data
!> Set analytic initial condition for MPAS.
!> (KCW, 2024-05-22)
subroutine set_analytic_initial_condition()
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::set_analytic_initial_condition'
integer, allocatable :: global_grid_index(:)
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: buffer_2d_real(:, :), buffer_3d_real(:, :, :)
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: lat_rad(:), lon_rad(:)
- real(kind_r8), allocatable :: z_int(:, :) ! Geometric height (meters) at layer interfaces.
- ! Dimension and vertical index orders follow CAM-SIMA convention.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: zgrid(:, :) ! Geometric height (meters) at layer interfaces.
- ! Dimension and vertical index orders follow MPAS convention.
+ real(kind_r8), allocatable :: z_int(:, :) ! Geometric height (meters) at layer interfaces.
+ ! Dimension and vertical index orders follow CAM-SIMA convention.
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: zgrid(:, :) ! Geometric height (meters) at layer interfaces.
+ ! Dimension and vertical index orders follow MPAS convention.
call init_shared_variables()
@@ -391,9 +401,15 @@ subroutine set_analytic_initial_condition()
!> Initialize variables that are shared and repeatedly used by the `set_mpas_state_*` internal subroutines.
!> (KCW, 2024-05-13)
subroutine init_shared_variables()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
+ use cam_grid_support, only: cam_grid_get_latvals, cam_grid_get_lonvals, cam_grid_id
+ use dynconst, only: deg_to_rad
+ use vert_coord, only: pverp
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::set_analytic_initial_condition::init_shared_variables'
- integer :: ierr
integer :: i
+ integer :: ierr
integer, pointer :: indextocellid(:)
real(kind_r8), pointer :: lat_deg(:), lon_deg(:)
@@ -442,7 +458,7 @@ subroutine init_shared_variables()
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- z_int(i, :) = reverse(zgrid(:, i))
+ z_int(i, :) = reverse(real(zgrid(:, i), kind_r8))
end do
end subroutine init_shared_variables
@@ -461,10 +477,16 @@ end subroutine final_shared_variables
!> Set MPAS state `u` (i.e., horizontal velocity at edge interfaces).
!> (KCW, 2024-05-13)
subroutine set_mpas_state_u()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height
+ use inic_analytic, only: dyn_set_inic_col
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::set_analytic_initial_condition::set_mpas_state_u'
- integer :: ierr
integer :: i
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: ucellzonal(:, :), ucellmeridional(:, :)
+ integer :: ierr
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: ucellzonal(:, :), ucellmeridional(:, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS state "u"')
@@ -482,7 +504,7 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_u()
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- ucellzonal(:, i) = reverse(buffer_2d_real(i, :))
+ ucellzonal(:, i) = real(reverse(buffer_2d_real(i, :)), kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
buffer_2d_real(:, :) = 0.0_kind_r8
@@ -491,21 +513,21 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_u()
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- ucellmeridional(:, i) = reverse(buffer_2d_real(i, :))
+ ucellmeridional(:, i) = real(reverse(buffer_2d_real(i, :)), kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
nullify(ucellzonal, ucellmeridional)
- call mpas_dynamical_core % compute_edge_wind(.false.)
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % compute_edge_wind(wind_tendency=.false.)
end subroutine set_mpas_state_u
!> Set MPAS state `w` (i.e., vertical velocity at cell interfaces).
!> (KCW, 2024-05-13)
subroutine set_mpas_state_w()
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::set_analytic_initial_condition::set_mpas_state_w'
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: w(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: w(:, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS state "w"')
@@ -513,7 +535,7 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_w()
call mpas_dynamical_core % get_variable_pointer(w, 'state', 'w', time_level=1)
- w(:, 1:ncells_solve) = 0.0_kind_r8
+ w(:, 1:ncells_solve) = 0.0_kind_dyn_mpas
@@ -524,6 +546,13 @@ end subroutine set_mpas_state_w
!> Set MPAS state `scalars` (i.e., constituents).
!> (KCW, 2024-05-17)
subroutine set_mpas_state_scalars()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use cam_constituents, only: num_advected
+ use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height
+ use inic_analytic, only: dyn_set_inic_col
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
! CCPP standard name of `qv`, which denotes water vapor mixing ratio.
character(*), parameter :: constituent_qv_standard_name = &
@@ -533,7 +562,7 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_scalars()
integer :: ierr
integer, allocatable :: constituent_index(:)
integer, pointer :: index_qv
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS state "scalars"')
@@ -560,7 +589,7 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_scalars()
do j = 1, num_advected
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
scalars(j, :, i) = &
- reverse(buffer_3d_real(i, :, mpas_dynamical_core % map_constituent_index(j)))
+ real(reverse(buffer_3d_real(i, :, mpas_dynamical_core % map_constituent_index(j))), kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
end do
@@ -574,7 +603,7 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_scalars()
! Convert specific humidity to water vapor mixing ratio.
scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve) = &
- scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve) / (1.0_kind_r8 - scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve))
+ scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve) / (1.0_kind_dyn_mpas - scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve))
end if
@@ -590,6 +619,13 @@ end subroutine set_mpas_state_scalars
!> Set MPAS state `rho` (i.e., dry air density) and `theta` (i.e., potential temperature).
!> (KCW, 2024-05-19)
subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_theta()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height
+ use dynconst, only: constant_p0 => pref, constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o
+ use inic_analytic, only: dyn_set_inic_col
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::set_analytic_initial_condition::set_mpas_state_rho_theta'
integer :: i, k
integer :: ierr
@@ -603,9 +639,9 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_theta()
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: tm_mid_col(:) ! Modified "moist" temperature (K) at layer midpoints of each column.
! Be advised that it is not virtual temperature.
! See doi:10.5065/1DFH-6P97 and doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00215.1 for details.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: rho(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: theta(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: rho(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: theta(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS state "rho" and "theta"')
@@ -654,16 +690,16 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_theta()
! Set `rho` and `theta` column by column. This way, peak memory usage can be reduced.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- qv_mid_col(:) = scalars(index_qv, :, i)
+ qv_mid_col(:) = real(scalars(index_qv, :, i), kind_r8)
tm_mid_col(:) = t_mid(:, i) * (1.0_kind_r8 + constant_rv / constant_rd * qv_mid_col(:))
! Piecewise integrate hypsometric equation to derive `p_mid_col(1)`.
! The formulation used here is exact.
p_mid_col(1) = p_by_hypsometric_equation( &
p_sfc(i), &
- zgrid(1, i), &
+ real(zgrid(1, i), kind_r8), &
tm_mid_col(1) / (1.0_kind_r8 + qv_mid_col(1)), &
- 0.5_kind_r8 * (zgrid(2, i) + zgrid(1, i)))
+ 0.5_kind_r8 * real(zgrid(2, i) + zgrid(1, i), kind_r8))
! Piecewise integrate hypsometric equation to derive subsequent `p_mid_col(k)`.
! The formulation used here is exact.
@@ -671,16 +707,16 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_theta()
p_mid_col(k) = p_by_hypsometric_equation( &
p_by_hypsometric_equation( &
p_mid_col(k - 1), &
- 0.5_kind_r8 * (zgrid(k, i) + zgrid(k - 1, i)), &
+ 0.5_kind_r8 * real(zgrid(k, i) + zgrid(k - 1, i), kind_r8), &
tm_mid_col(k - 1) / (1.0_kind_r8 + qv_mid_col(k - 1)), &
- zgrid(k, i)), &
- zgrid(k, i), &
+ real(zgrid(k, i), kind_r8)), &
+ real(zgrid(k, i), kind_r8), &
tm_mid_col(k) / (1.0_kind_r8 + qv_mid_col(k)), &
- 0.5_kind_r8 * (zgrid(k + 1, i) + zgrid(k, i)))
+ 0.5_kind_r8 * real(zgrid(k + 1, i) + zgrid(k, i), kind_r8))
end do
- rho(:, i) = p_mid_col(:) / (constant_rd * tm_mid_col(:))
- theta(:, i) = theta_by_poisson_equation(p_mid_col, t_mid(:, i), constant_p0)
+ rho(:, i) = real(p_mid_col(:) / (constant_rd * tm_mid_col(:)), kind_dyn_mpas)
+ theta(:, i) = real(theta_by_poisson_equation(p_mid_col, t_mid(:, i), constant_p0), kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
@@ -702,15 +738,20 @@ end subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_theta
!> Set MPAS state `rho_base` (i.e., base state dry air density) and `theta_base` (i.e., base state potential temperature).
!> (KCW, 2024-05-21)
subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_base_theta_base()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use dynconst, only: constant_p0 => pref, constant_rd => rair
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::set_analytic_initial_condition::set_mpas_state_rho_base_theta_base'
integer :: i, k
integer :: ierr
real(kind_r8), parameter :: t_base = 250.0_kind_r8 ! Base state temperature (K) of dry isothermal atmosphere.
! The value used here is identical to MPAS.
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: p_base(:) ! Base state pressure (Pa) at layer midpoints of each column.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: rho_base(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: theta_base(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: zz(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: rho_base(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: theta_base(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: zz(:, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS state "rho_base" and "theta_base"')
@@ -734,11 +775,11 @@ subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_base_theta_base()
constant_p0, &
0.0_kind_r8, &
t_base, &
- 0.5_kind_r8 * (zgrid(k + 1, i) + zgrid(k, i)))
+ 0.5_kind_r8 * real(zgrid(k + 1, i) + zgrid(k, i), kind_r8))
end do
- rho_base(:, i) = p_base(:) / (constant_rd * t_base * zz(:, i))
- theta_base(:, i) = theta_by_poisson_equation(p_base, t_base, constant_p0)
+ rho_base(:, i) = real(p_base(:) / (constant_rd * t_base * real(zz(:, i), kind_r8)), kind_dyn_mpas)
+ theta_base(:, i) = real(theta_by_poisson_equation(p_base, t_base, constant_p0), kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
@@ -760,6 +801,9 @@ end subroutine set_mpas_state_rho_base_theta_base
!> `t_v` is the mean virtual temperature between `z_1` and `z_2`.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-02)
pure elemental function p_by_hypsometric_equation(p_1, z_1, t_v, z_2) result(p_2)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dynconst, only: constant_g => gravit, constant_rd => rair
real(kind_r8), intent(in) :: p_1, z_1, t_v, z_2
real(kind_r8) :: p_2
@@ -774,6 +818,9 @@ end function p_by_hypsometric_equation
!> Poisson equation.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-02)
pure elemental function theta_by_poisson_equation(p_1, t_1, p_0) result(t_0)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dynconst, only: constant_cpd => cpair, constant_rd => rair
real(kind_r8), intent(in) :: p_1, t_1, p_0
real(kind_r8) :: t_0
@@ -786,18 +833,29 @@ end subroutine set_analytic_initial_condition
!> If `exchange` is `.true.` and `direction` is "i" or "import", set physics state `constituents` from MPAS state `scalars`.
!> Think of it as "exporting/importing constituent states in CAM-SIMA to/from MPAS".
!> Otherwise, if `exchange` is `.false.`, no exchange is performed at all.
- !> If `conversion` is `.true.`, appropriate conversion is performed for constituent mixing ratio that has different
+ !> If `conversion` is `.true.`, appropriate conversion is performed for constituent mixing ratios that have different
!> definitions between CAM-SIMA and MPAS (i.e., dry/moist).
!> Otherwise, if `conversion` is `.false.`, no conversion is performed at all.
!> This subroutine is intentionally designed to have these elaborate controls due to complications in CAM-SIMA.
!> Some procedures in CAM-SIMA expect constituent states to be dry, while the others expect them to be moist.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-26)
- subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction, exchange, conversion)
+ subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_states(direction, exchange, conversion)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
+ use cam_constituents, only: const_is_dry, const_is_water_species, num_advected
+ use physics_types, only: phys_state
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
+ ! Module(s) from CCPP.
+ use cam_ccpp_cap, only: cam_constituents_array
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
character(*), intent(in) :: direction
logical, intent(in) :: exchange
logical, intent(in) :: conversion
- character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::dyn_exchange_constituent_state'
+ character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::dyn_exchange_constituent_states'
integer :: i, j
integer :: ierr
integer, allocatable :: is_water_species_index(:)
@@ -805,7 +863,7 @@ subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction, exchange, conversion)
logical, allocatable :: is_water_species(:)
real(kind_phys), pointer :: constituents(:, :, :) ! This points to CCPP memory.
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: sigma_all_q(:) ! Summation of all water species mixing ratios.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :) ! This points to MPAS memory.
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :) ! This points to MPAS memory.
select case (trim(adjustl(direction)))
case ('e', 'export')
@@ -880,13 +938,13 @@ subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction, exchange, conversion)
if (exchange) then
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
scalars(j, :, i) = &
- reverse(constituents(i, :, mpas_dynamical_core % map_constituent_index(j)))
+ real(reverse(constituents(i, :, mpas_dynamical_core % map_constituent_index(j))), kind_dyn_mpas)
end if
if (conversion .and. is_conversion_needed(mpas_dynamical_core % map_constituent_index(j))) then
! Equation 8 in doi:10.1029/2017MS001257.
scalars(j, :, i) = &
- scalars(j, :, i) * sigma_all_q(:)
+ real(real(scalars(j, :, i), kind_r8) * sigma_all_q(:), kind_dyn_mpas)
end if
end do
end do
@@ -897,7 +955,7 @@ subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction, exchange, conversion)
do i = 1, ncells_solve
if (conversion .and. any(is_conversion_needed)) then
! The summation term of equation 8 in doi:10.1029/2017MS001257.
- sigma_all_q(:) = reverse(1.0_kind_r8 + sum(scalars(is_water_species_index, :, i), 1))
+ sigma_all_q(:) = reverse(1.0_kind_r8 + sum(real(scalars(is_water_species_index, :, i), kind_r8), 1))
end if
! `j` is indexing into `constituents`, so it is regarded as constituent index.
@@ -905,7 +963,7 @@ subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction, exchange, conversion)
if (exchange) then
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
constituents(i, :, j) = &
- reverse(scalars(mpas_dynamical_core % map_mpas_scalar_index(j), :, i))
+ reverse(real(scalars(mpas_dynamical_core % map_mpas_scalar_index(j), :, i), kind_r8))
end if
if (conversion .and. is_conversion_needed(j)) then
@@ -929,17 +987,54 @@ subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction, exchange, conversion)
! Because we are injecting data directly into MPAS memory, halo layers need to be updated manually.
call mpas_dynamical_core % exchange_halo('scalars')
end if
- end subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_state
+ end subroutine dyn_exchange_constituent_states
+ !> Inquire local and global mesh dimensions. Save them as protected module variables.
+ !> (KCW, 2024-11-21)
+ subroutine dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions'
- !> Mark everything in the `physics_{state,tend}` derived types along with constituents as initialized
- !> to prevent physics from attempting to read them from a file. These variables are to be exchanged later
- !> during dynamics-physics coupling.
+ call dyn_debug_print('Inquiring local and global mesh dimensions')
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % get_local_mesh_dimension( &
+ ncells, ncells_solve, nedges, nedges_solve, nvertices, nvertices_solve, nvertlevels)
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % get_global_mesh_dimension( &
+ ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, nvertlevels, ncells_max, nedges_max, &
+ sphere_radius)
+ call dyn_debug_print('ncells_global = ' // stringify([ncells_global]))
+ call dyn_debug_print('nedges_global = ' // stringify([nedges_global]))
+ call dyn_debug_print('nvertices_global = ' // stringify([nvertices_global]))
+ call dyn_debug_print('nvertlevels = ' // stringify([nvertlevels]))
+ call dyn_debug_print('ncells_max = ' // stringify([ncells_max]))
+ call dyn_debug_print('nedges_max = ' // stringify([nedges_max]))
+ call dyn_debug_print('sphere_radius = ' // stringify([sphere_radius]))
+ end subroutine dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions
+ !> Mark everything in the `physics_types` module along with constituents as initialized
+ !> to prevent physics from attempting to read them from a file.
!> (KCW, 2024-05-23)
- subroutine mark_variable_as_initialized()
- character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::mark_variable_as_initialized'
+ subroutine mark_variables_as_initialized()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_constituents, only: const_name, num_advected
+ ! Module(s) from CCPP.
+ use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
+ character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::mark_variables_as_initialized'
integer :: i
- ! CCPP standard names of physical quantities in the `physics_{state,tend}` derived types.
+ ! The variables below are managed by dynamics interface.
+ ! We are responsible for initializing and updating them.
+ ! These variables are to be set during dynamics initialization.
+ call mark_as_initialized('flag_for_dycore_energy_consistency_adjustment')
+ call mark_as_initialized('total_energy_formula_for_dycore')
+ ! These variables are to be set during dynamics-physics coupling.
call mark_as_initialized('air_pressure')
call mark_as_initialized('air_pressure_at_interface')
call mark_as_initialized('air_pressure_of_dry_air')
@@ -960,6 +1055,7 @@ subroutine mark_variable_as_initialized()
call mark_as_initialized('reciprocal_of_air_pressure_thickness')
call mark_as_initialized('reciprocal_of_air_pressure_thickness_of_dry_air')
call mark_as_initialized('reciprocal_of_dimensionless_exner_function_wrt_surface_air_pressure')
+ call mark_as_initialized('specific_heat_of_air_used_in_dycore')
call mark_as_initialized('surface_air_pressure')
call mark_as_initialized('surface_geopotential')
call mark_as_initialized('surface_pressure_of_dry_air')
@@ -972,10 +1068,10 @@ subroutine mark_variable_as_initialized()
call mark_as_initialized(trim(adjustl(const_name(i))))
end do
- call mark_as_initialized('specific_heat_of_air_used_in_dycore')
+ ! The variables below are not managed by dynamics interface. They are used by external CCPP physics schemes.
+ ! While we are not responsible for initializing or updating them, we still need to help mark them as initialized.
- ! These energy variables are calculated by check_energy_timestep_init
- ! but need to be marked here
+ ! These variables are to be set externally by the `check_energy_chng` CCPP physics scheme.
call mark_as_initialized('vertically_integrated_total_energy_at_end_of_physics_timestep')
call mark_as_initialized('vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula')
call mark_as_initialized('vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_dycore_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep')
@@ -983,7 +1079,7 @@ subroutine mark_variable_as_initialized()
call mark_as_initialized('vertically_integrated_total_energy_using_physics_energy_formula_at_start_of_physics_timestep')
call mark_as_initialized('vertically_integrated_total_water')
call mark_as_initialized('vertically_integrated_total_water_at_start_of_physics_timestep')
- end subroutine mark_variable_as_initialized
+ end subroutine mark_variables_as_initialized
!> Run MPAS dynamical core to integrate the dynamical states with time.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-11)
@@ -994,13 +1090,80 @@ subroutine dyn_run()
call mpas_dynamical_core % run()
end subroutine dyn_run
- ! Not used for now. Intended to be called by `stepon_final` in `src/dynamics/mpas/stepon.F90`.
- ! subroutine dyn_final()
- ! end subroutine dyn_final
+ !> Finalize MPAS dynamical core as well as its framework.
+ !> (KCW, 2024-10-04)
+ subroutine dyn_final()
+ character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::dyn_final'
+ ! Quick hack for dumping variables from MPAS dynamical core.
+ ! Remove it once history and restart are wired up in CAM-SIMA.
+ call dyn_variable_dump()
+ ! After this point, do not access anything under MPAS dynamical core or runtime errors will ensue.
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % final()
+ end subroutine dyn_final
+ subroutine dyn_variable_dump()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
+ use cam_instance, only: atm_id
+ use physics_types, only: phys_state
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_pio_mod, only: shr_pio_getioformat, shr_pio_getiosys, shr_pio_getiotype
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t, iosystem_desc_t, pio_createfile, pio_closefile, pio_clobber, pio_noerr
+ character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_comp::dyn_variable_dump'
+ integer :: ierr
+ integer :: pio_ioformat, pio_iotype
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: surface_pressure(:)
+ type(file_desc_t), pointer :: pio_file
+ type(iosystem_desc_t), pointer :: pio_iosystem
+ nullify(pio_file)
+ nullify(pio_iosystem)
+ nullify(surface_pressure)
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % get_variable_pointer(surface_pressure, 'diag', 'surface_pressure')
+ surface_pressure(1:ncells_solve) = real(phys_state % ps(:), kind_dyn_mpas)
+ nullify(surface_pressure)
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % exchange_halo('surface_pressure')
+ allocate(pio_file, stat=ierr)
+ call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'pio_file', 'dyn_comp', __LINE__)
+ pio_iosystem => shr_pio_getiosys(atm_id)
+ pio_ioformat = shr_pio_getioformat(atm_id)
+ pio_ioformat = ior(pio_ioformat, pio_clobber)
+ pio_iotype = shr_pio_getiotype(atm_id)
+ ierr = pio_createfile(pio_iosystem, pio_file, pio_iotype, 'dyn_variable_dump.nc', pio_ioformat)
+ if (ierr /= pio_noerr) then
+ call endrun('Failed to create file for variable dumping', subname, __LINE__)
+ end if
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % read_write_stream(pio_file, 'w', 'invariant+input+restart+output')
+ call pio_closefile(pio_file)
+ deallocate(pio_file)
+ nullify(pio_file)
+ nullify(pio_iosystem)
+ end subroutine dyn_variable_dump
!> Helper function for reversing the order of elements in `array`.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-17)
pure function reverse(array)
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
real(kind_r8), intent(in) :: array(:)
real(kind_r8) :: reverse(size(array))
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90 b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90
index a2066e16..aa176a73 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_coupling.F90
@@ -1,32 +1,4 @@
module dyn_coupling
- ! Modules from CAM-SIMA.
- use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
- use cam_constituents, only: const_is_water_species, const_qmin, num_advected
- use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_dry_air_update, cam_thermo_water_update
- use cam_thermo_formula, only: ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS
- use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, dyn_exchange_constituent_state, reverse, mpas_dynamical_core, &
- ncells_solve
- use dynconst, only: constant_cpd => cpair, constant_g => gravit, constant_p0 => pref, &
- constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o
- use runtime_obj, only: cam_runtime_opts
- use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
- ! Modules from CCPP.
- use cam_ccpp_cap, only: cam_constituents_array, cam_model_const_properties
- use ccpp_constituent_prop_mod, only: ccpp_constituent_prop_ptr_t
- use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
- use geopotential_temp, only: geopotential_temp_run
- use physics_types, only: cappav, cpairv, rairv, zvirv, &
- dtime_phys, lagrangian_vertical, &
- phys_state, phys_tend
- use physics_types, only: cp_or_cv_dycore
- use qneg, only: qneg_run
- use static_energy, only: update_dry_static_energy_run
- use string_utils, only: stringify
- ! Modules from CESM Share.
- use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_cx => shr_kind_cx, kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
implicit none
@@ -38,6 +10,13 @@ module dyn_coupling
!> The other coupling direction is implemented by its counterpart, `physics_to_dynamics_coupling`.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-31)
subroutine dynamics_to_physics_coupling()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, dyn_exchange_constituent_states, ncells_solve
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: kind_dyn_mpas => mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::dynamics_to_physics_coupling'
integer :: column_index
integer, allocatable :: is_water_species_index(:)
@@ -64,17 +43,17 @@ subroutine dynamics_to_physics_coupling()
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: u_mid_col(:), & ! Eastward wind velocity (m s-1).
v_mid_col(:), & ! Northward wind velocity (m s-1).
omega_mid_col(:) ! Vertical wind velocity (Pa s-1).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: exner(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: rho_zz(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: theta_m(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: ucellzonal(:, :), ucellmeridional(:, :), w(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: zgrid(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: zz(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: exner(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: rho_zz(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: theta_m(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: ucellzonal(:, :), ucellmeridional(:, :), w(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: zgrid(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: zz(:, :)
call init_shared_variables()
- call dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction='i', exchange=.true., conversion=.false.)
+ call dyn_exchange_constituent_states(direction='i', exchange=.true., conversion=.false.)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting physics state variables column by column')
@@ -93,6 +72,12 @@ subroutine dynamics_to_physics_coupling()
!> `set_physics_state_column` internal subroutines.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-20)
subroutine init_shared_variables()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use cam_constituents, only: const_is_water_species, num_advected
+ use dyn_comp, only: mpas_dynamical_core
+ use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::dynamics_to_physics_coupling::init_shared_variables'
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
@@ -198,6 +183,10 @@ end subroutine final_shared_variables
!> should be called in pairs.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-30)
subroutine update_shared_variables(i)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dynconst, only: constant_g => gravit, constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o
+ use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
integer, intent(in) :: i
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::dynamics_to_physics_coupling::update_shared_variables'
@@ -209,10 +198,10 @@ subroutine update_shared_variables(i)
! Compute thermodynamic variables.
! By definition.
- z_int_col(:) = zgrid(:, i)
+ z_int_col(:) = real(zgrid(:, i), kind_r8)
dz_col(:) = z_int_col(2:pverp) - z_int_col(1:pver)
- qv_mid_col(:) = scalars(index_qv, :, i)
- rhod_mid_col(:) = rho_zz(:, i) * zz(:, i)
+ qv_mid_col(:) = real(scalars(index_qv, :, i), kind_r8)
+ rhod_mid_col(:) = real(rho_zz(:, i) * zz(:, i), kind_r8)
! Equation 5 in doi:10.1029/2017MS001257.
rho_mid_col(:) = rhod_mid_col(:) * sigma_all_q_mid_col(:)
@@ -222,7 +211,7 @@ subroutine update_shared_variables(i)
dp_col(:) = -rho_mid_col(:) * constant_g * dz_col(:)
! By definition of Exner function. Also see below.
- tm_mid_col(:) = theta_m(:, i) * exner(:, i)
+ tm_mid_col(:) = real(theta_m(:, i) * exner(:, i), kind_r8)
! The paragraph below equation 2.7 in doi:10.5065/1DFH-6P97.
! The paragraph below equation 2 in doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00215.1.
@@ -250,15 +239,20 @@ subroutine update_shared_variables(i)
! Compute momentum variables.
! By definition.
- u_mid_col(:) = ucellzonal(:, i)
- v_mid_col(:) = ucellmeridional(:, i)
- omega_mid_col(:) = -rhod_mid_col(:) * constant_g * 0.5_kind_r8 * (w(1:pver, i) + w(2:pverp, i))
+ u_mid_col(:) = real(ucellzonal(:, i), kind_r8)
+ v_mid_col(:) = real(ucellmeridional(:, i), kind_r8)
+ omega_mid_col(:) = -rhod_mid_col(:) * constant_g * 0.5_kind_r8 * real(w(1:pver, i) + w(2:pverp, i), kind_r8)
end subroutine update_shared_variables
!> Set variables for the specific column, indicated by `i`, in the `physics_state` derived type.
!> This subroutine and `update_shared_variables` should be called in pairs.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-30)
subroutine set_physics_state_column(i)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: reverse
+ use dynconst, only: constant_g => gravit
+ use physics_types, only: phys_state
integer, intent(in) :: i
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::dynamics_to_physics_coupling::set_physics_state_column'
@@ -294,8 +288,29 @@ end subroutine set_physics_state_column
!> Set variables in the `physics_state` derived type by calling external procedures.
!> (KCW, 2024-07-30)
subroutine set_physics_state_external()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
+ use cam_constituents, only: const_qmin, num_advected
+ use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_dry_air_update, cam_thermo_water_update
+ use cam_thermo_formula, only: energy_formula_dycore_mpas
+ use dyn_comp, only: mpas_dynamical_core
+ use dynconst, only: constant_g => gravit
+ use physics_types, only: cappav, cp_or_cv_dycore, cpairv, lagrangian_vertical, phys_state, rairv, zvirv
+ use runtime_obj, only: cam_runtime_opts
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
+ ! Module(s) from CCPP.
+ use cam_ccpp_cap, only: cam_constituents_array, cam_model_const_properties
+ use ccpp_constituent_prop_mod, only: ccpp_constituent_prop_ptr_t
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
+ use geopotential_temp, only: geopotential_temp_run
+ use qneg, only: qneg_run
+ use static_energy, only: update_dry_static_energy_run
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: len_cx => shr_kind_cx
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::dynamics_to_physics_coupling::set_physics_state_external'
- character(kind_cx) :: cerr
+ character(len_cx) :: cerr
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
real(kind_phys), allocatable :: minimum_constituents(:)
@@ -333,15 +348,10 @@ subroutine set_physics_state_external()
call cam_thermo_dry_air_update( &
constituents, phys_state % t, ncells_solve, pver, cam_runtime_opts % update_thermodynamic_variables())
- ! update cp_or_cv_dycore in SIMA state.
- ! (note: at this point q is dry)
+ ! Update `cp_or_cv_dycore` by calling `cam_thermo_water_update`.
+ ! Note that this subroutine expects constituents to be dry.
call cam_thermo_water_update( &
- mmr = constituents, & ! dry MMR
- ncol = ncells_solve, &
- pver = pver, &
- energy_formula = ENERGY_FORMULA_DYCORE_MPAS, &
- cp_or_cv_dycore = cp_or_cv_dycore &
- )
+ constituents, ncells_solve, pver, energy_formula_dycore_mpas, cp_or_cv_dycore)
! This variable name is really misleading. It actually represents the reciprocal of Exner function
! with respect to surface pressure. This definition is sometimes used for boundary layer work. See
@@ -352,7 +362,7 @@ subroutine set_physics_state_external()
end do
! Note that constituents become moist after this.
- call dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction='i', exchange=.false., conversion=.true.)
+ call dyn_exchange_constituent_states(direction='i', exchange=.false., conversion=.true.)
! Impose minimum limits on constituents.
call qneg_run(subname, ncells_solve, pver, minimum_constituents, constituents, ierr, cerr)
@@ -364,7 +374,7 @@ subroutine set_physics_state_external()
end if
! Set `zi` (i.e., geopotential height at layer interfaces) and `zm` (i.e., geopotential height at layer midpoints).
- ! Note that `rairv` and `zvirv` are updated externally by `cam_thermo_update`.
+ ! Note that `rairv` and `zvirv` are updated externally by `cam_thermo_dry_air_update`.
call geopotential_temp_run( &
pver, lagrangian_vertical, pver, 1, pverp, 1, num_advected, &
phys_state % lnpint, phys_state % pint, phys_state % pmid, phys_state % pdel, phys_state % rpdel, phys_state % t, &
@@ -378,7 +388,7 @@ subroutine set_physics_state_external()
end if
! Set `dse` (i.e., dry static energy).
- ! Note that `cpairv` is updated externally by `cam_thermo_update`.
+ ! Note that `cpairv` is updated externally by `cam_thermo_dry_air_update`.
call update_dry_static_energy_run( &
pver, constant_g, phys_state % t, phys_state % zm, phys_state % phis, phys_state % dse, cpairv, ierr, cerr)
@@ -399,17 +409,24 @@ end subroutine dynamics_to_physics_coupling
!> The other coupling direction is implemented by its counterpart, `dynamics_to_physics_coupling`.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-20)
subroutine physics_to_dynamics_coupling()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_exchange_constituent_states
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: kind_dyn_mpas => mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::physics_to_dynamics_coupling'
integer, pointer :: index_qv
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: qv_prev(:, :) ! Water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg-1)
! before being updated by physics.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: rho_zz(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: zz(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: rho_zz(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: scalars(:, :, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: zz(:, :)
call init_shared_variables()
- call dyn_exchange_constituent_state(direction='e', exchange=.true., conversion=.true.)
+ call dyn_exchange_constituent_states(direction='e', exchange=.true., conversion=.true.)
call set_mpas_physics_tendency_ru()
call set_mpas_physics_tendency_rho()
@@ -420,6 +437,11 @@ subroutine physics_to_dynamics_coupling()
!> Initialize variables that are shared and repeatedly used by the `set_mpas_physics_tendency_*` internal subroutines.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-13)
subroutine init_shared_variables()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, mpas_dynamical_core, ncells_solve
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::physics_to_dynamics_coupling::init_shared_variables'
integer :: ierr
@@ -441,8 +463,8 @@ subroutine init_shared_variables()
'dyn_coupling', __LINE__)
! Save water vapor mixing ratio before being updated by physics because `set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta`
- ! needs it. This must be done before calling `dyn_exchange_constituent_state`.
- qv_prev(:, :) = scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve)
+ ! needs it. This must be done before calling `dyn_exchange_constituent_states`.
+ qv_prev(:, :) = real(scalars(index_qv, :, 1:ncells_solve), kind_r8)
end subroutine init_shared_variables
!> Finalize variables that are shared and repeatedly used by the `set_mpas_physics_tendency_*` internal subroutines.
@@ -462,9 +484,13 @@ end subroutine final_shared_variables
!> due to physics). In MPAS, a "coupled" variable means that it is multiplied by a vertical metric term, `rho_zz`.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-11)
subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_ru()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, reverse, mpas_dynamical_core, ncells_solve
+ use physics_types, only: phys_tend
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::physics_to_dynamics_coupling::set_mpas_physics_tendency_ru'
integer :: i
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: u_tendency(:, :), v_tendency(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: u_tendency(:, :), v_tendency(:, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS physics tendency "tend_ru_physics"')
@@ -476,21 +502,24 @@ subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_ru()
! Vertical index order is reversed between CAM-SIMA and MPAS.
! Always call `reverse` when assigning anything to/from the `physics_tend` derived type.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- u_tendency(:, i) = reverse(phys_tend % dudt_total(i, :)) * rho_zz(:, i)
- v_tendency(:, i) = reverse(phys_tend % dvdt_total(i, :)) * rho_zz(:, i)
+ u_tendency(:, i) = real(reverse(phys_tend % dudt_total(i, :)) * real(rho_zz(:, i), kind_r8), kind_dyn_mpas)
+ v_tendency(:, i) = real(reverse(phys_tend % dvdt_total(i, :)) * real(rho_zz(:, i), kind_r8), kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
nullify(u_tendency, v_tendency)
- call mpas_dynamical_core % compute_edge_wind(.true.)
+ call mpas_dynamical_core % compute_edge_wind(wind_tendency=.true.)
end subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_ru
!> Set MPAS physics tendency `tend_rho_physics` (i.e., "coupled" tendency of dry air density due to physics).
!> In MPAS, a "coupled" variable means that it is multiplied by a vertical metric term, `rho_zz`.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-11)
subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rho()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, mpas_dynamical_core, ncells_solve
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::physics_to_dynamics_coupling::set_mpas_physics_tendency_rho'
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: rho_tendency(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: rho_tendency(:, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS physics tendency "tend_rho_physics"')
@@ -499,7 +528,7 @@ subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rho()
call mpas_dynamical_core % get_variable_pointer(rho_tendency, 'tend_physics', 'tend_rho_physics')
! The material derivative of `rho` (i.e., dry air density) is zero for incompressible fluid.
- rho_tendency(:, 1:ncells_solve) = 0.0_kind_r8
+ rho_tendency(:, 1:ncells_solve) = 0.0_kind_dyn_mpas
@@ -511,6 +540,13 @@ end subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rho
!> due to physics). In MPAS, a "coupled" variable means that it is multiplied by a vertical metric term, `rho_zz`.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-19)
subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, reverse, mpas_dynamical_core, ncells_solve
+ use dynconst, only: constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o
+ use physics_types, only: dtime_phys, phys_tend
+ use vert_coord, only: pver
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_coupling::physics_to_dynamics_coupling::set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta'
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
@@ -523,8 +559,8 @@ subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta()
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: t_col_prev(:), t_col_curr(:) ! Temperature (K).
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: theta_col_prev(:), theta_col_curr(:) ! Potential temperature (K).
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: thetam_col_prev(:), thetam_col_curr(:) ! Modified "moist" potential temperature (K).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: theta_m(:, :)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: theta_m_tendency(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: theta_m(:, :)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: theta_m_tendency(:, :)
call dyn_debug_print('Setting MPAS physics tendency "tend_rtheta_physics"')
@@ -561,11 +597,11 @@ subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta()
! Set `theta_m_tendency` column by column. This way, peak memory usage can be reduced.
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- qv_col_curr(:) = scalars(index_qv, :, i)
+ qv_col_curr(:) = real(scalars(index_qv, :, i), kind_r8)
qv_col_prev(:) = qv_prev(:, i)
- rhod_col(:) = rho_zz(:, i) * zz(:, i)
+ rhod_col(:) = real(rho_zz(:, i) * zz(:, i), kind_r8)
- thetam_col_prev(:) = theta_m(:, i)
+ thetam_col_prev(:) = real(theta_m(:, i), kind_r8)
theta_col_prev(:) = thetam_col_prev(:) / (1.0_kind_r8 + constant_rv / constant_rd * qv_col_prev(:))
t_col_prev(:) = t_of_theta_rhod_qv(theta_col_prev, rhod_col, qv_col_prev)
@@ -575,7 +611,8 @@ subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta()
theta_col_curr(:) = theta_of_t_rhod_qv(t_col_curr, rhod_col, qv_col_curr)
thetam_col_curr(:) = theta_col_curr(:) * (1.0_kind_r8 + constant_rv / constant_rd * qv_col_curr(:))
- theta_m_tendency(:, i) = (thetam_col_curr(:) - thetam_col_prev(:)) * rho_zz(:, i) / dtime_phys
+ theta_m_tendency(:, i) = &
+ real((thetam_col_curr(:) - thetam_col_prev(:)) * real(rho_zz(:, i), kind_r8) / dtime_phys, kind_dyn_mpas)
end do
deallocate(qv_col_prev, qv_col_curr)
@@ -597,6 +634,10 @@ end subroutine set_mpas_physics_tendency_rtheta
!> `t == t_of_theta_rhod_qv(theta_of_t_rhod_qv(t, rhod, qv), rhod, qv)`.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-13)
pure elemental function t_of_theta_rhod_qv(theta, rhod, qv) result(t)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dynconst, only: constant_cpd => cpair, constant_p0 => pref, &
+ constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o
real(kind_r8), intent(in) :: theta, rhod, qv
real(kind_r8) :: t
@@ -631,6 +672,10 @@ end function t_of_theta_rhod_qv
!> `theta == theta_of_t_rhod_qv(t_of_theta_rhod_qv(theta, rhod, qv), rhod, qv)`.
!> (KCW, 2024-09-13)
pure elemental function theta_of_t_rhod_qv(t, rhod, qv) result(theta)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dynconst, only: constant_cpd => cpair, constant_p0 => pref, &
+ constant_rd => rair, constant_rv => rh2o
real(kind_r8), intent(in) :: t, rhod, qv
real(kind_r8) :: theta
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_grid.F90 b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_grid.F90
index 07277b1c..874b751d 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_grid.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/dyn_grid.F90
@@ -1,31 +1,6 @@
module dyn_grid
- ! Modules from CAM-SIMA.
- use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate, endrun
- use cam_constituents, only: num_advected
- use cam_grid_support, only: cam_grid_register, cam_grid_attribute_register, &
- horiz_coord_t, horiz_coord_create, &
- max_hcoordname_len
- use cam_history_support, only: add_vert_coord
- use cam_initfiles, only: initial_file_get_id
- use cam_map_utils, only: kind_imap => imap
- use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, mpas_dynamical_core, &
- ncells, ncells_solve, nedges, nedges_solve, nvertices, nvertices_solve, nvertlevels, &
- ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, ncells_max, nedges_max, &
- sphere_radius
- use dynconst, only: constant_p0 => pref, constant_pi => pi, rad_to_deg, dynconst_init
- use physics_column_type, only: kind_pcol, physics_column_t
- use physics_grid, only: phys_decomp, phys_grid_init
- use ref_pres, only: ref_pres_init
- use spmd_utils, only: iam
- use std_atm_profile, only: std_atm_pres
- use string_utils, only: stringify
- use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp, vert_coord_init
- ! Modules from CESM Share.
- use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
- ! Modules from external libraries.
- use pio, only: file_desc_t
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_grid_support, only: max_hcoordname_len
implicit none
@@ -52,6 +27,17 @@ module dyn_grid
! Called by `cam_init` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine model_grid_init()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use cam_constituents, only: num_advected
+ use cam_initfiles, only: initial_file_get_id
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions, mpas_dynamical_core, nvertlevels
+ use dynconst, only: dynconst_init
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ use vert_coord, only: pver, vert_coord_init
+ ! Module(s) from external libraries.
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_grid::model_grid_init'
type(file_desc_t), pointer :: pio_file
@@ -79,26 +65,13 @@ subroutine model_grid_init()
! Read time-invariant (e.g., grid/mesh) variables.
call mpas_dynamical_core % read_write_stream(pio_file, 'r', 'invariant')
+ nullify(pio_file)
! Compute local east, north and edge-normal unit vectors whenever time-invariant (e.g., grid/mesh) variables are read.
call mpas_dynamical_core % compute_unit_vector()
- ! Inquire local and global mesh dimensions and save them as module variables.
- call dyn_debug_print('Inquiring local and global mesh dimensions')
- call mpas_dynamical_core % get_local_mesh_dimension( &
- ncells, ncells_solve, nedges, nedges_solve, nvertices, nvertices_solve, nvertlevels)
- call mpas_dynamical_core % get_global_mesh_dimension( &
- ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, nvertlevels, ncells_max, nedges_max, &
- sphere_radius)
- call dyn_debug_print('ncells_global = ' // stringify([ncells_global]))
- call dyn_debug_print('nedges_global = ' // stringify([nedges_global]))
- call dyn_debug_print('nvertices_global = ' // stringify([nvertices_global]))
- call dyn_debug_print('nvertlevels = ' // stringify([nvertlevels]))
- call dyn_debug_print('ncells_max = ' // stringify([ncells_max]))
- call dyn_debug_print('nedges_max = ' // stringify([nedges_max]))
- call dyn_debug_print('sphere_radius = ' // stringify([sphere_radius]))
+ ! Inquire local and global mesh dimensions.
+ call dyn_inquire_mesh_dimensions()
! Check for consistency in numbers of vertical layers.
if (nvertlevels /= pver) then
@@ -127,6 +100,20 @@ end subroutine model_grid_init
!> Initialize reference pressure for use by physics.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-25)
subroutine init_reference_pressure()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use cam_history_support, only: add_vert_coord
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, mpas_dynamical_core
+ use dynconst, only: constant_p0 => pref
+ use ref_pres, only: ref_pres_init
+ use std_atm_profile, only: std_atm_pres
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ use vert_coord, only: pver, pverp
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: kind_dyn_mpas => mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_grid::init_reference_pressure'
! Number of pure pressure levels at model top.
integer, parameter :: num_pure_p_lev = 0
@@ -141,7 +128,7 @@ subroutine init_reference_pressure()
! `dzw` denotes the delta/difference between `zw`.
! `rdzw` denotes the reciprocal of `dzw`.
real(kind_r8), allocatable :: dzw(:)
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: rdzw(:)
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: rdzw(:)
real(kind_r8), pointer :: zu(:) ! CANNOT be safely deallocated because `add_vert_coord`
! just uses pointers to point at it internally.
real(kind_r8), pointer :: zw(:) ! CANNOT be safely deallocated because `add_vert_coord`
@@ -157,7 +144,7 @@ subroutine init_reference_pressure()
allocate(dzw(pver), stat=ierr)
call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'dzw(pver)', 'dyn_grid', __LINE__)
- dzw(:) = 1.0_kind_r8 / rdzw
+ dzw(:) = 1.0_kind_r8 / real(rdzw(:), kind_r8)
@@ -228,15 +215,28 @@ end subroutine init_reference_pressure
!> Provide grid and mapping information between global and local indexes to physics by calling `phys_grid_init`.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-27)
subroutine init_physics_grid()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use dyn_comp, only: mpas_dynamical_core, ncells_global, ncells_solve, sphere_radius
+ use dynconst, only: constant_pi => pi, rad_to_deg
+ use physics_column_type, only: kind_pcol, physics_column_t
+ use physics_grid, only: phys_grid_init
+ use spmd_utils, only: iam
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: kind_dyn_mpas => mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_grid::init_physics_grid'
character(max_hcoordname_len), allocatable :: dyn_attribute_name(:)
integer :: hdim1_d, hdim2_d ! First and second horizontal dimensions of physics grid.
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
- integer, pointer :: indextocellid(:) ! Global indexes of cell centers.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: areacell(:) ! Cell areas (square meters).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: latcell(:) ! Cell center latitudes (radians).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: loncell(:) ! Cell center longitudes (radians).
+ integer, pointer :: indextocellid(:) ! Global indexes of cell centers.
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: areacell(:) ! Cell areas (square meters).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: latcell(:) ! Cell center latitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: loncell(:) ! Cell center longitudes (radians).
type(physics_column_t), allocatable :: dyn_column(:) ! Grid and mapping information between global and local indexes.
@@ -261,12 +261,13 @@ subroutine init_physics_grid()
! Column information.
dyn_column(i) % lat_rad = real(latcell(i), kind_pcol)
dyn_column(i) % lon_rad = real(loncell(i), kind_pcol)
- dyn_column(i) % lat_deg = real(latcell(i) * rad_to_deg, kind_pcol)
- dyn_column(i) % lon_deg = real(loncell(i) * rad_to_deg, kind_pcol)
+ dyn_column(i) % lat_deg = real(real(latcell(i), kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, kind_pcol)
+ dyn_column(i) % lon_deg = real(real(loncell(i), kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, kind_pcol)
! Cell areas normalized to unit sphere.
dyn_column(i) % area = real(areacell(i) / (sphere_radius ** 2), kind_pcol)
! Cell weights normalized to unity.
- dyn_column(i) % weight = real(areacell(i) / (4.0_kind_r8 * constant_pi * sphere_radius ** 2), kind_pcol)
+ dyn_column(i) % weight = &
+ real(real(areacell(i), kind_r8) / (4.0_kind_r8 * constant_pi * real(sphere_radius, kind_r8) ** 2), kind_pcol)
! File decomposition.
! For unstructured grid, `coord_indices` is not used by `phys_grid_init`.
@@ -308,19 +309,35 @@ end subroutine init_physics_grid
!> * "mpas_vertex": Grid that is centered at MPAS "vertex" points.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-28)
subroutine define_cam_grid()
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use cam_abortutils, only: check_allocate
+ use cam_grid_support, only: cam_grid_attribute_register, cam_grid_register, &
+ horiz_coord_create, horiz_coord_t
+ use cam_map_utils, only: kind_imap => imap
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_debug_print, mpas_dynamical_core, &
+ ncells_global, nedges_global, nvertices_global, &
+ ncells_solve, nedges_solve, nvertices_solve, &
+ sphere_radius
+ use dynconst, only: constant_pi => pi, rad_to_deg
+ use string_utils, only: stringify
+ ! Module(s) from CESM Share.
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: kind_r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ ! Module(s) from MPAS.
+ use dyn_mpas_subdriver, only: kind_dyn_mpas => mpas_dynamical_core_real_kind
character(*), parameter :: subname = 'dyn_grid::define_cam_grid'
integer :: i
integer :: ierr
integer, pointer :: indextocellid(:) ! Global indexes of cell centers.
integer, pointer :: indextoedgeid(:) ! Global indexes of edge nodes.
integer, pointer :: indextovertexid(:) ! Global indexes of vertex nodes.
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: areacell(:) ! Cell areas (square meters).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: latcell(:) ! Cell center latitudes (radians).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: latedge(:) ! Edge node latitudes (radians).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: latvertex(:) ! Vertex node latitudes (radians).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: loncell(:) ! Cell center longitudes (radians).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: lonedge(:) ! Edge node longitudes (radians).
- real(kind_r8), pointer :: lonvertex(:) ! Vertex node longitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: areacell(:) ! Cell areas (square meters).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: latcell(:) ! Cell center latitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: latedge(:) ! Edge node latitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: latvertex(:) ! Vertex node latitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: loncell(:) ! Cell center longitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: lonedge(:) ! Edge node longitudes (radians).
+ real(kind_dyn_mpas), pointer :: lonvertex(:) ! Vertex node longitudes (radians).
! Global grid indexes. CAN be safely deallocated because its values are copied internally by
! `cam_grid_attribute_register` and `horiz_coord_create`.
@@ -367,9 +384,9 @@ subroutine define_cam_grid()
global_grid_index(:) = int(indextocellid(1:ncells_solve), kind_imap)
lat_coord => horiz_coord_create('latCell', 'nCells', ncells_global, 'latitude', 'degrees_north', &
- 1, ncells_solve, latcell * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, ncells_solve, real(latcell, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
lon_coord => horiz_coord_create('lonCell', 'nCells', ncells_global, 'longitude', 'degrees_east', &
- 1, ncells_solve, loncell * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, ncells_solve, real(loncell, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
allocate(cell_area(ncells_solve), stat=ierr)
call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'cell_area(ncells_solve)', 'dyn_grid', __LINE__)
@@ -379,8 +396,8 @@ subroutine define_cam_grid()
call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'global_grid_map(3, ncells_solve)', 'dyn_grid', __LINE__)
do i = 1, ncells_solve
- cell_area(i) = areacell(i)
- cell_weight(i) = areacell(i) / (4.0_kind_r8 * constant_pi * sphere_radius ** 2)
+ cell_area(i) = real(areacell(i), kind_r8)
+ cell_weight(i) = real(areacell(i), kind_r8) / (4.0_kind_r8 * constant_pi * real(sphere_radius, kind_r8) ** 2)
global_grid_map(1, i) = int(i, kind_imap)
global_grid_map(2, i) = int(1, kind_imap)
@@ -396,6 +413,7 @@ subroutine define_cam_grid()
call cam_grid_attribute_register('mpas_cell', 'cell_weight', 'MPAS cell weight', 'nCells', cell_weight, &
+ nullify(areacell)
nullify(cell_area, cell_weight)
nullify(lat_coord, lon_coord)
@@ -403,16 +421,15 @@ subroutine define_cam_grid()
! Standard CAM-SIMA coordinate and dimension names are used.
lat_coord => horiz_coord_create('lat', 'ncol', ncells_global, 'latitude', 'degrees_north', &
- 1, ncells_solve, latcell * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, ncells_solve, real(latcell, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
lon_coord => horiz_coord_create('lon', 'ncol', ncells_global, 'longitude', 'degrees_east', &
- 1, ncells_solve, loncell * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, ncells_solve, real(loncell, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
call dyn_debug_print('Registering grid "cam_cell" with id ' // stringify([dyn_grid_id('cam_cell')]))
call cam_grid_register('cam_cell', dyn_grid_id('cam_cell'), lat_coord, lon_coord, global_grid_map, &
unstruct=.true., block_indexed=.false.)
- nullify(areacell)
nullify(latcell, loncell)
@@ -433,9 +450,9 @@ subroutine define_cam_grid()
global_grid_index(:) = int(indextoedgeid(1:nedges_solve), kind_imap)
lat_coord => horiz_coord_create('latEdge', 'nEdges', nedges_global, 'latitude', 'degrees_north', &
- 1, nedges_solve, latedge * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, nedges_solve, real(latedge, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
lon_coord => horiz_coord_create('lonEdge', 'nEdges', nedges_global, 'longitude', 'degrees_east', &
- 1, nedges_solve, lonedge * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, nedges_solve, real(lonedge, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
allocate(global_grid_map(3, nedges_solve), stat=ierr)
call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'global_grid_map(3, nedges_solve)', 'dyn_grid', __LINE__)
@@ -471,9 +488,9 @@ subroutine define_cam_grid()
global_grid_index(:) = int(indextovertexid(1:nvertices_solve), kind_imap)
lat_coord => horiz_coord_create('latVertex', 'nVertices', nvertices_global, 'latitude', 'degrees_north', &
- 1, nvertices_solve, latvertex * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, nvertices_solve, real(latvertex, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
lon_coord => horiz_coord_create('lonVertex', 'nVertices', nvertices_global, 'longitude', 'degrees_east', &
- 1, nvertices_solve, lonvertex * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
+ 1, nvertices_solve, real(lonvertex, kind_r8) * rad_to_deg, map=global_grid_index)
allocate(global_grid_map(3, nvertices_solve), stat=ierr)
call check_allocate(ierr, subname, 'global_grid_map(3, nvertices_solve)', 'dyn_grid', __LINE__)
@@ -500,6 +517,9 @@ end subroutine define_cam_grid
!> Helper function for returning grid id given its name.
!> (KCW, 2024-03-27)
pure function dyn_grid_id(name)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use physics_grid, only: phys_decomp
character(*), intent(in) :: name
integer :: dyn_grid_id
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/namelist_definition_mpas_dycore.xml b/src/dynamics/mpas/namelist_definition_mpas_dycore.xml
index 874b6d86..c59570bf 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/namelist_definition_mpas_dycore.xml
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/namelist_definition_mpas_dycore.xml
@@ -1,710 +1,628 @@
- char*256
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Time integration scheme in MPAS.
- Possible values: `SRK3'
- Default: SRK3
- SRK3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Order for RK time integration in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2 or 3
- Default: 2
- 2
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Model time step, seconds in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 720.0
- 720.0
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Whether to super-cycle scalar transport in MPAS.
- Possible values: Logical values
- Default: true
- true
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Number of acoustic steps per full RK step in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive, even integer values, typically 2 or 6 depending
- on transport splitting
- Default: 2
- 2
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- When config_split_dynamics_transport = T, the number of RK steps per
- transport step in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive integer values
- Default: 3
- 3
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for horizontal diffusion of momentum in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- $\nabla^4$ eddy hyper-viscosity for horizontal diffusion of momentum in
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for vertical diffusion of momentum in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for horizontal diffusion of theta in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- $\nabla^4$ eddy hyper-viscosity for horizontal diffusion of theta in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for vertical diffusion of theta in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- char*256
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Formulation of horizontal mixing in MPAS.
- Possible values: `2d_fixed' or `2d_smagorinsky'
- Default: 2d_smagorinsky
- 2d_smagorinsky
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Horizontal length scale, used by the Smagorinsky formulation of horizontal
- diffusion and by 3-d divergence damping in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values. A zero value implies that the
- length scale is prescribed by the nominalMinDc value in the input file.
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Scaling coefficient of $\delta x^3$ to obtain $\nabla^4$ diffusion
- coefficient in MPAS.
- Possible values: Non-negative real values
- Default: 0.05
- 0.05
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Scaling factor for the divergent component of $\nabla^4 u$ calculation in
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 10.0
- 10.0
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Horizontal advection order for w in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Horizontal advection order for theta in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Horizontal advection order for scalars in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Vertical advection order for normal velocities (u) in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Vertical advection order for w in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Vertical advection order for theta in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Vertical advection order for scalars in MPAS.
- Possible values: 2, 3, or 4
- Default: 3
- 3
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Whether to advect scalar fields in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: true
- true
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Whether to enable positive-definite advection of scalars in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: false
- false
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Whether to enable monotonic limiter in scalar advection in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: true
- true
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Upwinding coefficient in the 3rd order advection scheme in MPAS.
- Possible values: 0 $\leq$ config_coef_3rd_order $\leq$ 1
- Default: 0.25
- 0.25
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Dimensionless empirical parameter relating the strain tensor to the eddy
- viscosity in the Smagorinsky turbulence model in MPAS.
- Possible values: Real values typically in the range 0.1 to 0.4
- Default: 0.125
- 0.125
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Mix full $\theta$ and $u$ fields, or mix perturbation from intitial state
- in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: true
- true
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Off-centering parameter for the vertically implicit acoustic integration
- in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.1
- 0.1
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- 3-d divergence damping coefficient in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 0.1
- 0.1
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Amount of upwinding in APVM in MPAS.
- Possible values: 0 $\leq$ config_apvm_upwinding $\leq$ 1
- Default: 0.5
- 0.5
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Scale eddy viscosities with mesh-density function for horizontal diffusion
- in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: true
- true
- real
- mpas
- mpas_nhyd_model
- Coefficient for the divergent component of the Laplacian filter of
- momentum in the relaxation zone in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 6.0
- 6.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Height MSL to begin w-damping profile in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 22000.0
- 22000.0
- real
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Maximum w-damping coefficient at model top in MPAS.
- Possible values: 0 $\leq$ config_xnutr $\leq$ 1
- Default: 0.2
- 0.2
- real
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Coefficient for scaling the 2nd-order horizontal mixing in the mpas_cam
- absorbing layer in MPAS.
- Possible values: 0 $\leq$ config_mpas_cam_coef $\leq$ 1, standard value is
- 0.2
- Default: 0.0
- 0.0
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Number of layers in which to apply cam 2nd-order horizontal filter top of
- model; viscosity linearly ramps to zero by layer number from the top in
- Possible values: Positive integer values
- Default: 4
- 4
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Whether to apply Rayleigh damping on horizontal velocity in the top-most
- model levels. The number of levels is specified by the
- config_number_rayleigh_damp_u_levels option, and the damping timescale is
- specified by the config_rayleigh_damp_u_timescale_days option. in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: false
- false
- real
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Timescale, in days (86400 s), for the Rayleigh damping on horizontal
- velocity in the top-most model levels. in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive real values
- Default: 5.0
- 5.0
- integer
- mpas
- mpas_damping
- Number of layers in which to apply Rayleigh damping on horizontal velocity
- at top of model; damping linearly ramps to zero by layer number from the
- top in MPAS.
- Possible values: Positive integer values
- Default: 6
- 6
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_limited_area
- Whether to apply lateral boundary conditions in MPAS.
- Possible values: true or false; this option must be set to true for
- limited-area simulations and false for global simulations
- Default: false
- false
- char*256
- mpas
- mpas_decomposition
- Prefix of graph decomposition file, to be suffixed with the MPI task count
- in MPAS.
- Possible values: Any valid filename
- Default: x1.40962.graph.info.part.
- x1.40962.graph.info.part.
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_restart
- Whether this run of the model is to restart from a previous restart file
- or not in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: false
- false
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_printout
- Whether to print the global min/max of horizontal normal velocity and
- vertical velocity each timestep in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: true
- true
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_printout
- Whether to print the global min/max of horizontal normal velocity and
- vertical velocity each timestep, along with the location in the domain
- where those extrema occurred in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: false
- false
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_printout
- Whether to print the global min/max of scalar fields each timestep in
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: false
- false
- logical
- mpas
- mpas_assimilation
- Whether this run is within the JEDI data assimilation framework; used to
- add temperature and specific humidity as diagnostics in MPAS.
- Possible values: .true. or .false.
- Default: false
- false
+ mpas
+ Amount of upwinding in APVM
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.5
+ mpas
+ Prefix of graph decomposition file, to be suffixed with the MPI task
+ count
+ mpas_decomposition
+ char*256
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa480.graph.info.part.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa120.graph.info.part.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa60.graph.info.part.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa30.graph.info.part.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa15.graph.info.part.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa12.graph.info.part.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/inic/mpas/mpasa15-3.graph.info.part.
+ mpas
+ Coefficient for scaling the 2nd-order horizontal mixing in the
+ mpas_cam absorbing layer
+ mpas_damping
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ Upwinding coefficient in the 3rd order advection scheme
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 1.0
+ mpas
+ Scaling factor for the divergent component of $\nabla^4 u$
+ calculation
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 10.0
+ mpas
+ Model time step, seconds
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 1800.0
+ 900.0
+ 450.0
+ 225.0
+ mpas
+ When config_split_dynamics_transport = T, the number of RK steps per
+ transport step
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Off-centering parameter for the vertically implicit acoustic
+ integration
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.1
+ mpas
+ Whether to use an explicit mapping of blocks to MPI tasks
+ mpas_decomposition
+ logical
+ .false.
+ mpas
+ $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for horizontal diffusion of momentum
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ $\nabla^4$ eddy hyper-viscosity for horizontal diffusion of momentum
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ Scale eddy viscosities with mesh-density function for horizontal
+ diffusion
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for horizontal diffusion of theta
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ $\nabla^4$ eddy hyper-viscosity for horizontal diffusion of theta
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ Method to use for exchanging halos
+ mpas_development
+ char*256
+ mpas_halo
+ mpas
+ Formulation of horizontal mixing
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ char*256
+ 2d_smagorinsky
+ mpas
+ Horizontal length scale, used by the Smagorinsky formulation of
+ horizontal diffusion and by 3-d divergence damping
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 480000.0
+ 120000.0
+ 60000.0
+ 30000.0
+ mpas
+ Mix full $\theta$ and $u$ fields, or mix perturbation from intitial
+ state
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Whether to enable monotonic limiter in scalar advection
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Number of halo layers for fields
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 2
+ mpas
+ Number of layers in which to apply cam 2nd-order horizontal filter
+ top of model; viscosity linearly ramps to zero by layer number from
+ the top
+ mpas_damping
+ integer
+ 0
+ mpas
+ Number of blocks to assign to each MPI task
+ mpas_decomposition
+ integer
+ 0
+ mpas
+ Number of acoustic steps per full RK step
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 2
+ mpas
+ Number of layers in which to apply Rayleigh damping on horizontal
+ velocity at top of model; damping linearly ramps to zero by layer
+ number from the top
+ mpas_damping
+ integer
+ 5
+ mpas
+ Number of tasks to perform file I/O
+ mpas_io
+ integer
+ 0
+ mpas
+ Stride between file I/O tasks
+ mpas_io
+ integer
+ 1
+ mpas
+ Whether to enable positive-definite advection of scalars
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ logical
+ .false.
+ mpas
+ Whether to print the global min/max of horizontal normal velocity
+ and vertical velocity each timestep, along with the location in the
+ domain where those extrema occurred
+ mpas_printout
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Whether to print the global min/max of scalar fields each timestep
+ mpas_printout
+ logical
+ .false.
+ mpas
+ Whether to print the global min/max of horizontal normal velocity
+ and vertical velocity each timestep
+ mpas_printout
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Prefix of block mapping file
+ mpas_decomposition
+ char*256
+ graph.info.part.
+ mpas
+ Whether to apply Rayleigh damping on horizontal velocity in the top-
+ most model levels. The number of levels is specified by the
+ config_number_rayleigh_damp_u_levels option, and the damping
+ timescale is specified by the config_rayleigh_damp_u_timescale_days
+ option
+ mpas_damping
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Timescale, in days (86400 s), for the Rayleigh damping on horizontal
+ velocity in the top-most model levels
+ mpas_damping
+ real
+ 5.0
+ mpas
+ Coefficient for the divergent component of the Laplacian filter of
+ momentum in the relaxation zone
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 6.0
+ mpas
+ Filename used to store most recent restart time stamp
+ mpas_io
+ char*256
+ restart_timestamp
+ mpas
+ Horizontal advection order for scalars
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Whether to advect scalar fields
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Vertical advection order for scalars
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Dimensionless empirical parameter relating the strain tensor to the
+ eddy viscosity in the Smagorinsky turbulence model
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.125
+ mpas
+ 3-d divergence damping coefficient
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.1
+ mpas
+ Whether to super-cycle scalar transport
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ logical
+ .true.
+ mpas
+ Horizontal advection order for theta
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Vertical advection order for theta
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Time integration scheme
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ char*256
+ SRK3
+ mpas
+ Order for RK time integration
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 2
+ mpas
+ Vertical advection order for normal velocities (u)
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for vertical diffusion of momentum
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ $\nabla^2$ eddy viscosity for vertical diffusion of theta
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.0
+ mpas
+ Scaling coefficient of $\delta x^3$ to obtain $\nabla^4$ diffusion
+ coefficient
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ real
+ 0.05
+ mpas
+ Horizontal advection order for w
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Vertical advection order for w
+ mpas_nhyd_model
+ integer
+ 3
+ mpas
+ Maximum w-damping coefficient at model top
+ mpas_damping
+ real
+ 0.2
+ mpas
+ Height MSL to begin w-damping profile
+ mpas_damping
+ real
+ 22000.0
diff --git a/src/dynamics/mpas/stepon.F90 b/src/dynamics/mpas/stepon.F90
index d089636e..a89c7c75 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/mpas/stepon.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/mpas/stepon.F90
@@ -1,15 +1,4 @@
module stepon
- ! Modules from CAM-SIMA.
- use camsrfexch, only: cam_out_t
- use dyn_comp, only: dyn_import_t, dyn_export_t, dyn_run
- use dyn_coupling, only: dynamics_to_physics_coupling, physics_to_dynamics_coupling
- use physics_types, only: physics_state, physics_tend
- use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
- use time_manager, only: get_step_size
- ! Modules from CCPP.
- use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
implicit none
@@ -22,6 +11,10 @@ module stepon
! Called by `cam_init` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine stepon_init(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_export_t, dyn_import_t
+ use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts
type(dyn_import_t), intent(in) :: dyn_in
type(dyn_export_t), intent(in) :: dyn_out
@@ -29,6 +22,15 @@ end subroutine stepon_init
! Called by `cam_timestep_init` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine stepon_timestep_init(dtime_phys, cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_export_t, dyn_import_t
+ use dyn_coupling, only: dynamics_to_physics_coupling
+ use physics_types, only: physics_state, physics_tend
+ use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
+ use time_manager, only: get_step_size
+ ! Module(s) from CCPP.
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: dtime_phys
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts
type(physics_state), intent(in) :: phys_state
@@ -44,6 +46,12 @@ end subroutine stepon_timestep_init
! Called by `cam_run2` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine stepon_run2(cam_runtime_opts, phys_state, phys_tend, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_export_t, dyn_import_t
+ use dyn_coupling, only: physics_to_dynamics_coupling
+ use physics_types, only: physics_state, physics_tend
+ use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts
type(physics_state), intent(in) :: phys_state
type(physics_tend), intent(in) :: phys_tend
@@ -55,6 +63,14 @@ end subroutine stepon_run2
! Called by `cam_run3` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine stepon_run3(dtime_phys, cam_runtime_opts, cam_out, phys_state, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use camsrfexch, only: cam_out_t
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_export_t, dyn_import_t, dyn_run
+ use physics_types, only: physics_state
+ use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
+ ! Module(s) from CCPP.
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: dtime_phys
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts
type(cam_out_t), intent(in) :: cam_out
@@ -67,8 +83,14 @@ end subroutine stepon_run3
! Called by `cam_final` in `src/control/cam_comp.F90`.
subroutine stepon_final(cam_runtime_opts, dyn_in, dyn_out)
+ ! Module(s) from CAM-SIMA.
+ use dyn_comp, only: dyn_export_t, dyn_import_t, dyn_final
+ use runtime_obj, only: runtime_options
type(runtime_options), intent(in) :: cam_runtime_opts
type(dyn_import_t), intent(in) :: dyn_in
type(dyn_export_t), intent(in) :: dyn_out
+ call dyn_final()
end subroutine stepon_final
end module stepon
diff --git a/test/existing-test-failures.txt b/test/existing-test-failures.txt
index 975b8681..2328b59d 100644
--- a/test/existing-test-failures.txt
+++ b/test/existing-test-failures.txt
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-SMS_Ln2.mpasa480_mpasa480.FKESSLER.derecho_intel.cam-outfrq_kessler_mpas_derecho (Overall: FAIL)
-SMS_Ln2.mpasa480_mpasa480.FKESSLER.derecho_gnu.cam-outfrq_kessler_mpas_derecho (Overall: FAIL)
- - will fail until MPAS is fully integrated
+All clear!