Agustin Gallegos
Nelson Riera
PS C:\> .\Search-GUI.ps1
In this example the script will run, and will ask for a global admin credentials.
- Update: This tool will only work in Exchange On-premises. It relies on the command "Search-Mailbox" which has been deprecated from Exchange Online.
- Updated tool to connect to Exchange Online using new EXO v2 module.
- Added Radio button for simplicity when running app with no existing PS Session
- Fixed missing "Import-PSSession" import commands missing. thanks to "diego.a.sanchez" for reporting it
- Added 2 additional buttons. "Import from CSV", in order to import a list of users to work with
- "Generate Log only", in order to generate a full list of search results, to a target mailbox
- Added Get-RecoverableItems and Restore-RecoverableItems capability
- Included a "From" and "To" fields to be combined in search filters
- Included "Is Soft-Deleted" Checkbox in order to search in a soft-deleted account
- Determined "premise" variable is not populated if there is an existing PSSession, fixing it
- Determined "cred" variable is not populated if there is an existing PSSession, hence breaking Permissions validation
- Changed permissions validation to an additional button
- Added cosmetic status bar to Main Window
- Added "All Available Mailboxes" Checkbox in order to work on all Mailboxes. Credits to colleague Ramon Rocha in LATAM Escalation team for this suggestion
- Change resultant output to DataGrid. This allows to view results in a grid, and alows to copy cells values for reference
- Added Time logging in Powershell window for the operations
- Rolled back changes for the "Direction" ComboBox. Couldn't find the option to have a default selection
- Added cosmetic link to "Subject" line. This links to website with reference to KQL syntax
- Corrected "Direction" ComboBox with a default selection and not leaving blank
- First release
- Project start