Collects info usually requested by Microsoft support to troubleshoot FreeBusy issues.
Please run these scripts from an Exchange On-premises Powershell Shell. The commands will use the existing session to get on-premises data, and will connect to EXO to get cloud's data.
Agustin Gallegos
PS C:\> .\Collect-DAUTHTroubleshootinglogs.ps1 -OnpremisesUser "[email protected]" -CloudUser "[email protected]"
In this example will collect DAUTH relevant logs with two sample users data.
PS C:\> .\Collect-OAUTHTroubleshootinglogs.ps1 -OnpremisesUser "[email protected]" -CloudUser "[email protected]"
In this example will collect OAUTH relevant logs with two sample users data.
- Federation Trust
- Federated Organization Identifier
- Organization Relationships
- EWS Virtual Directories
- Autodiscover Virtual Directories
- Remote Mailbox info
- On-premises Mailbox info
- Tests Federation Trust
- Tests Federation Trust Certificate
- Availability Address Spaces
- Sharing Policies
- Receive Connectors
- Send Connectors
- Federation Trust
- Federated Organization Identifier
- Organization Relationships
- Mail User info
- Cloud's Mailbox info
- Sharing Policies
- Inbound Connectors
- Outbound Connectors
- Domain's Federation Information
- AuthServer info
- PartnerApplication
- EWS Virtual Directories
- Autodiscover Virtual Directories
- IntraOrganizationConnectors
- Availability Address Spaces
- Remote Mailbox info
- On-premises Mailbox info
- Tests OAUTH Connectivity to EWS service
- Tests OAUTH Connectivity to AutoD service
- Receive Connectors
- Send Connectors
- MSOL Service Principal Credentials
- MSOL Service Principals
- IntraOrganizationConnector
- Mail User info
- Cloud's Mailbox info
- Inbound Connectors
- Outbound Connectors
- Tests OAUTH Connectivity to on-premises EWS service
- Tests OAUTH Connectivity to on-premises AutoD service