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This repository is for learning both programming languages, python and ruby (parallel learning).
How to run files for each in terminal
go to terminal(cmd) - type -> python(ruby) "filelocation\"
if there is a space in the file location, use quotes
Numeric expression
arithmetic operator
+, -, *, /
use print fuction
int / float / complex
+, -, *, /
use print fuction
use puts function for a line-break
More calculation
import math module for calculation
round up a: math.ceil(a)
round down a: math.floor(a)
a to the nth power: math.pow(a,n)
pi value: math.pi
round up a: a.ceil()
round down a: a.floor()
a to the nth power: a**n
pi value: Math::PI
Be careful of capitalization
use print()
using quotes
quotes "" or ''
should be consistent
if you want to express quotes inside the string, use a different quote from the quotes used for the string
using operators
you can combine each string using +
you can print a string several times using *
'string'[n] will print the (n-1)th letter in the string
editing strings
'string'.capitalize() - capitalize the first letter of the string
'string'.upper - capitalize the whole string
'string'.len or len('string') - print the length of the string by number
'string'.replace('stringa','stringb') - replace 'stringa' inside the string with 'stringb'
special characters
: escape the role of the following sign, \ can also escape the role of \ itself
\n: create new line within the string
\t: create tab within the string
\a: alert
" and ' have the same role
operator +
is arithmetic operator between numbers
is concatenation operator between strings
using quotes, operators
same syntax as python
editing strings
'string'.capitalize() - capitalize the first letter of the string
'string'.upcase() - capitalize the whole string
'string'.length() - print the length of the string by number
'string'.sub('stringa','stringb') - replace 'stringa' inside the string with 'stringb'
special characters
, \n, \t, \a: same as python
" and ' have slightly different role
operator +
same as python
basic grammar
how to declare variable: variablename = data
python automatically sets the data type of the variable based on the assigned data
string variable
variablename = "myname"
use "," or "+" to concatenate
"," makes an extra space
variablename = number
set equation using variable name
basic grammar
same as python
string variable
same as python
"," makes a linebreak
"+" makes an extra space
same as python
gets: input() in python
to_i: change string into integer
boolean: True / False
boolean: true / false
Conditional statements
if True: - execute what comes after
if False: - do not execute anything
codes to be executed in conditional statements have indent
can use comparison operator to make conditions
else - can combine conditional statements that are closely related (True/False inverse), in order to make codes more concise
else if - elif, reduce the length of the code, improve legibility and relationship between the codes
if true - (without colon) execute what comes after
if false - do not execute anything
end - end the conditional statement
not necessary, but can also make indent for legibility of the code
can use comparison operator to make conditions
else - same as python
else if - elsif
input() - get external value
can have data inside () ex) input("please enter.")
.upper - capitalize
try not to name variable that is already in Python ex) input()
match the data type when getting input
gets.chomp() - input in python
.upcase - capitalize
Logical Operator
#: does not execute the following line
can be used as a comment for readers of the code
''': does not execute the lines between ```, not recommended
means to express several lines of a string
same as python
=begin ~ =end: works like ''' in python, but not recommended as well
List: a container in python that can store multiple data
can store different data type in one list
index: the number of position of an element in a list
listname[i]: shows the element according to the list
listname[i] = newelement: replace the existing element at i with newelement
type(A): shows the data type of A
Array: same as a list in python
A.class: shows the data type of A
Function: modules of code that accomplish a specific task
can be used over and over again
Create a function
# content of the function# lines of codes# return ~
Implement the function
Create a function
deffunction_name()# content of the function# return ~end
Implement the function
same as python
2.rb file has several different ways of creating and implementing fuctions
code block: Following some specific functions like times, upto, a code block is repeatedly executed.
more effective code than a typical loop using while
5.times(){|i| putsi}
each(): For each element in the array, repeatedly execute the code in the following block
more intuitive than loop
delete_if(): Delete elements in the array according to the conditional statements in the code block
Use brackets if the code ends in one line, and do-end if it comes across multiple lines
Module: a file containing codes to be imported to another program
Without modules, programs with long codes will lead to a name conflict problem
Modules can eliminate any duplication problem of using the same function placed in the different files, and increase recyclability of the function
built-in module: python standard library
The library contains built-in modules (written in C) that provide access to system functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise be inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming python documentation
example: math
from filename(module) import function: import the function from module to another file to use
import filename(module): import every function in the module
need to indicate the module before the function
import filename(module) as x: For convenience, use a different name(x) from the actual name of the imported module or the function when using it
built-in module example: Math
how to create a module
declare module name: module Module_name ~ end
fist alphabet of the module name is capitalized
make function within the mudule module's function: module_function()