, filter(..)
注:比前几章要多,为了使下面的代码片段尽可能简短,我们将主要使用ES6 =>
var x = 2, y;
// 转换/映射
y = x * 3;
// 突变/重新分配
x = x * 3;
var multipleBy3 = v => v * 3;
var x = 2, y;
// 转换/映射
y = multiplyBy3( x );
实现 map(..)
function map(mapperFn,arr) {
var newList = [];
for (let [idx,v] of arr.entries()) {
mapperFn( v, idx, arr )
return newList;
注:参数顺序mapperFn, arr
map( ["1","2","3"], unary( parseInt ) );
// [1,2,3]
注: JavaScript数组原型操作(map(..)
, filter(..)
, 和 reduce(..)
var one = () => 1;
var two = () => 2;
var three = () => 3;
[one,two,three].map( fn => fn() );
// [1,2,3]
var increment = v => ++v;
var decrement = v => --v;
var square = v => v * v;
var double = v => v * 2;
.map( fn => compose( fn, double ) )
.map( fn => fn( 3 ) );
// [7,5,36]
var newArr = arr.map();
arr.addEventListener( "value", multiplyBy3 );
.map( function mapperFn(v){
console.log( v ); // 操作!
return v;
} )
function uppercaseLetter(c) {
var code = c.charCodeAt( 0 );
// 小写?
if (code >= 97 && code <= 122) {
// 大写!
code = code - 32;
return String.fromCharCode( code );
function stringMap(mapperFn,str) {
return [...str].map( mapperFn ).join( "" );
stringMap( uppercaseLetter, "Hello World!" );
实现 filter(..)
function filter(predicateFn,arr) {
var newList = [];
for (let [idx,v] of arr.entries()) {
if (predicateFn( v, idx, arr )) {
newList.push( v );
return newList;
一样, filter(..)
var whatToCallIt = v => v % 2 == 1;
这个函数使用v % 2 == 1
var isOdd = v => v % 2 == 1;
考虑如何使用 isOdd(..)
var midIdx;
if (isOdd( list.length )) {
midIdx = (list.length + 1) / 2;
else {
midIdx = list.length / 2;
[1,2,3,4,5].filter( isOdd );
// [1,3,5]
var isEven = v => v % 2 == 1;
[1,2,3,4,5].filter( isEven );
// [1,3,5]
isEven( 2 ); // false
回想一下,在章节 3, "无参数风格"中,我们定义了一个not(..)
var isEven = not( isOdd );
isEven( 2 ); // true
[1,2,3,4,5].filter( not( isEven ) );
// [1,3,5]
var filterIn = filter;
function filterOut(predicateFn,arr) {
return filterIn( not( predicateFn ), arr );
isOdd( 3 ); // true
isEven( 2 ); // true
filterIn( isOdd, [1,2,3,4,5] ); // [1,3,5]
filterOut( isEven, [1,2,3,4,5] ); // [1,3,5]
我认为使用 filterIn(..)
和 filterOut(..)
(在Ramda中称为 reject(..)
)将使您的代码比仅仅使用 filter(..)
当 map(..)
和 filter(..)
)将列表的值合并(也称为"reduce ")为单个有限(非列表)值,如数字或字符串。但是,在本章的后面,我们将看到如何推动reduce(..)
有时,缩减会指定一个 initialValue
传递给 reduce(..)
以执行还原的函数通常称为减速器。与我们前面看到的映射器和谓词函数不同,减速器具有不同的签名。还原器主要接收当前还原结果以及下一个要还原它的值。每一步还原的当前结果通常称为累加器。(注:reducer 翻译为减速器)
例如,考虑使用' 3 '的 initialValue
来减少数字' 5 '、' 10 '和' 15 '所涉及的步骤:
在JavaScript中表达使用内置的 reduce(..)
[5,10,15].reduce( (product,v) => product * v, 3 );
// 2250
但是 reduce(..)
function reduce(reducerFn,initialValue,arr) {
var acc, startIdx;
if (arguments.length == 3) {
acc = initialValue;
startIdx = 0;
else if (arr.length > 0) {
acc = arr[0];
startIdx = 1;
else {
throw new Error( "Must provide at least one value." );
for (let idx = startIdx; idx < arr.length; idx++) {
acc = reducerFn( acc, arr[idx], idx, arr );
return acc;
Just as with map(..)
and filter(..)
, the reducer function is also passed the lesser-common idx
and arr
arguments in case that's useful to the reduction. I would say I don't typically use these, but I guess it's nice to have them available.
Recall in Chapter 4, we discussed the compose(..)
utility and showed an implementation with reduce(..)
function compose(...fns) {
return function composed(result){
return [...fns].reverse().reduce( function reducer(result,fn){
return fn( result );
}, result );
To illustrate reduce(..)
-based composition differently, consider a reducer that will compose functions left-to-right (like pipe(..)
does), to use in an array chain:
var pipeReducer = (composedFn,fn) => pipe( composedFn, fn );
var fn =
.map( v => n => v * n )
.reduce( pipeReducer );
fn( 9 ); // 11016 (9 * 3 * 17 * 6 * 4)
fn( 10 ); // 12240 (10 * 3 * 17 * 6 * 4)
is unfortunately not point-free (see Chapter 3, "No Points"), but we can't just pass pipe(..)
as the reducer itself, because it's variadic; the extra arguments (idx
and arr
) that reduce(..)
passes to its reducer function would be problematic.
Earlier we talked about using unary(..)
to limit a mapperFn(..)
or predicateFn(..)
to just a single argument. It might be handy to have a binary(..)
that does something similar but limits to two arguments, for a reducerFn(..)
var binary =
fn =>
(arg1,arg2) =>
fn( arg1, arg2 );
Using binary(..)
, our previous example is a little cleaner:
var pipeReducer = binary( pipe );
var fn =
.map( v => n => v * n )
.reduce( pipeReducer );
fn( 9 ); // 11016 (9 * 3 * 17 * 6 * 4)
fn( 10 ); // 12240 (10 * 3 * 17 * 6 * 4)
Unlike map(..)
and filter(..)
whose order of passing through the array wouldn't actually matter, reduce(..)
definitely uses left-to-right processing. If you want to reduce right-to-left, JavaScript provides a reduceRight(..)
, with all other behaviors the same as reduce(..)
var hyphenate = (str,char) => `${str}-${char}`;
["a","b","c"].reduce( hyphenate );
// "a-b-c"
["a","b","c"].reduceRight( hyphenate );
// "c-b-a"
Where reduce(..)
works left-to-right and thus acts naturally like pipe(..)
in composing functions, reduceRight(..)
's right-to-left ordering is natural for performing a compose(..)
-like operation. So, let's revisit compose(..)
from Chapter 4, but implement it using reduceRight(..)
function compose(...fns) {
return function composed(result){
return fns.reduceRight( function reducer(result,fn){
return fn( result );
}, result );
Now, we don't need to do [...fns].reverse()
; we just reduce from the other direction!
The map(..)
operation is iterative in its nature, so it can also be represented as a reduction (reduce(..)
). The trick is to realize that the initialValue
of reduce(..)
can be itself an (empty) array, in which case the result of a reduction can be another list!
var double = v => v * 2;
[1,2,3,4,5].map( double );
// [2,4,6,8,10]
(list,v) => (
list.push( double( v ) ),
), []
// [2,4,6,8,10]
Note: We're cheating with this reducer: using a side effect by allowing list.push(..)
to mutate the list that was passed in. In general, that's not a good idea, obviously, but since we know the []
list is being created and passed in, it's less dangerous. You could be more formal -- yet less performant! -- by creating a new list with the val concat(..)
d onto the end. We'll come back to this cheat in Appendix A.
Implementing map(..)
with reduce(..)
is not on its surface an obvious step or even an improvement. However, this ability will be a crucial recognition for more advanced techniques like those we'll cover in Appendix A.
Just as map(..)
can be done with reduce(..)
, so can filter(..)
var isOdd = v => v % 2 == 1;
[1,2,3,4,5].filter( isOdd );
// [1,3,5]
(list,v) => (
isOdd( v ) ? list.push( v ) : undefined,
), []
// [1,3,5]
Note: More impure reducer cheating here. Instead of list.push(..)
, we could have done list.concat(..)
and returned the new list. We'll come back to this cheat in Appendix A.
Now that we feel somewhat comfortable with the foundational list operations map(..)
, filter(..)
, and reduce(..)
, let's look at a few more-sophisticated operations you may find useful in various situations. These are generally utilities you'll find in various FP libraries.
Filtering a list to include only unique values, based on indexOf(..)
searching (which uses ===
strict equality comparison):
var unique =
arr =>
(v,idx) =>
arr.indexOf( v ) == idx
This technique works by observing that we should only include the first occurrence of an item from arr
into the new list; when running left-to-right, this will only be true if its idx
position is the same as the indexOf(..)
found position.
Another way to implement unique(..)
is to run through arr
and include an item into a new (initially empty) list if that item cannot already be found in the new list. For that processing, we use reduce(..)
var unique =
arr =>
(list,v) =>
list.indexOf( v ) == -1 ?
( list.push( v ), list ) : list
, [] );
Note: There are many other ways to implement this algorithm using more imperative approaches like loops, and many of them are likely "more efficient" performance-wise. However, the advantage of either of these presented approaches is that they use existing built-in list operations, which makes them easier to chain/compose alongside other list operations. We'll talk more about those concerns later in this chapter.
nicely produces a new list with no duplicates:
unique( [1,4,7,1,3,1,7,9,2,6,4,0,5,3] );
// [1, 4, 7, 3, 9, 2, 6, 0, 5]
From time to time, you may have (or produce through some other operations) an array that's not just a flat list of values -- for instance, it might include nested arrays, as shown here:
[ [1, 2, 3], 4, 5, [6, [7, 8]] ]
What if you'd like to transform it as follows?
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
The operation we're looking for is typically called flatten(..)
, and it could be implemented like this using our Swiss Army knife reduce(..)
var flatten =
arr =>
(list,v) =>
list.concat( Array.isArray( v ) ? flatten( v ) : v )
, [] );
Note: This implementation choice relies on recursion as we saw in Chapter 8.
To use flatten(..)
with an array of arrays (of any nested depth):
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]] );
// [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
You might like to limit the recursive flattening to a certain depth. We can handle this by adding an optional depth
limit argument to the implementation:
var flatten =
(arr,depth = Infinity) =>
(list,v) =>
depth > 0 ?
(depth > 1 && Array.isArray( v ) ?
flatten( v, depth - 1 ) :
) :
, [] );
Illustrating the results with different flattening depths:
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]], 0 );
// [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]]
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]], 1 );
// [0,1,2,3,4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]], 2 );
// [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]], 3 );
// [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,[10,[11,12],13]]
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]], 4 );
// [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,[11,12],13]
flatten( [[0,1],2,3,[4,[5,6,7],[8,[9,[10,[11,12],13]]]]], 5 );
// [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
One of the most common usages of flatten(..)
behavior is when you've mapped a list of elements where each transformed value from the original list is now itself a list of values. For example:
var firstNames = [
{ name: "Jonathan", variations: [ "John", "Jon", "Jonny" ] },
{ name: "Stephanie", variations: [ "Steph", "Stephy" ] },
{ name: "Frederick", variations: [ "Fred", "Freddy" ] }
.map( entry => [ entry.name, ...entry.variations ] );
// [ ["Jonathan","John","Jon","Jonny"], ["Stephanie","Steph","Stephy"],
// ["Frederick","Fred","Freddy"] ]
The return value is an array of arrays, which might be more awkward to work with. If we want a single dimension list with all the names, we can then flatten(..)
that result:
.map( entry => [ entry.name, ...entry.variations ] )
// ["Jonathan","John","Jon","Jonny","Stephanie","Steph","Stephy",
// "Frederick","Fred","Freddy"]
Besides being slightly more verbose, the disadvantage of doing the map(..)
and flatten(..)
as separate steps is primarily around performance; this approach processes the list twice, and creates an intermediate list that's then thrown away.
FP libraries typically define a flatMap(..)
(often also called chain(..)
) that does the mapping-then-flattening combined. For consistency and ease of composition (via currying), the flatMap(..)
(aka chain(..)
) utility typically matches the mapperFn, arr
parameter order that we saw earlier with the standalone map(..)
, filter(..)
, and reduce(..)
flatMap( entry => [ entry.name, ...entry.variations ], firstNames );
// ["Jonathan","John","Jon","Jonny","Stephanie","Steph","Stephy",
// "Frederick","Fred","Freddy"]
The naive implementation of flatMap(..)
with both steps done separately:
var flatMap =
(mapperFn,arr) =>
flatten( arr.map( mapperFn ), 1 );
Note: We use 1
for the flattening-depth because the typical definition of flatMap(..)
is that the flattening is shallow on just the first level.
Since this approach still processes the list twice resulting in worse performance, we can combine the operations manually, using reduce(..)
var flatMap =
(mapperFn,arr) =>
(list,v) =>
// note: concat(..) used here since it automatically
// flattens an array into the concatenation
list.concat( mapperFn( v ) )
, [] );
While there's some convenience and performance gained with a flatMap(..)
utility, there may very well be times when you need other operations like filter(..)
ing mixed in. If that's the case, doing the map(..)
and flatten(..)
separately might still be more appropriate.
So far, the list operations we've examined have operated on a single list. But some cases will need to process multiple lists. One well-known operation alternates selection of values from each of two input lists into sub-lists, called zip(..)
zip( [1,3,5,7,9], [2,4,6,8,10] );
// [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8], [9,10] ]
Values 1
and 2
were selected into the sub-list [1,2]
, then 3
and 4
into [3,4]
, and so on. The definition of zip(..)
requires a value from each of the two lists. If the two lists are of different lengths, the selection of values will continue until the shorter list has been exhausted, with the extra values in the other list ignored.
An implementation of zip(..)
function zip(arr1,arr2) {
var zipped = [];
arr1 = [...arr1];
arr2 = [...arr2];
while (arr1.length > 0 && arr2.length > 0) {
zipped.push( [ arr1.shift(), arr2.shift() ] );
return zipped;
The [...arr1]
and [...arr2]
copies ensure zip(..)
is pure by not causing side effects on the received array references.
Note: There are some decidedly un-FP things going on in this implementation. There's an imperative while
-loop and mutations of lists with both shift()
and push(..)
. Earlier in the book, I asserted that it's reasonable for pure functions to use impure behavior inside them (usually for performance), as long as the effects are fully self-contained. This implementation is safely pure.
Merging two lists by interleaving values from each source looks like this:
mergeLists( [1,3,5,7,9], [2,4,6,8,10] );
// [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
It may not be obvious, but this result seems similar to what we get if we compose flatten(..)
and zip(..)
zip( [1,3,5,7,9], [2,4,6,8,10] );
// [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8], [9,10] ]
flatten( [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8], [9,10] ] );
// [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
// composed:
flatten( zip( [1,3,5,7,9], [2,4,6,8,10] ) );
// [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
However, recall that zip(..)
only selects values until the shorter of two lists is exhausted, ignoring the leftover values; merging two lists would most naturally retain those extra values. Also, flatten(..)
works recursively on nested lists, but you might expect list-merging to only work shallowly, keeping nested lists.
So, let's define a mergeLists(..)
that works more like we'd expect:
function mergeLists(arr1,arr2) {
var merged = [];
arr1 = [...arr1];
arr2 = [...arr2];
while (arr1.length > 0 || arr2.length > 0) {
if (arr1.length > 0) {
merged.push( arr1.shift() );
if (arr2.length > 0) {
merged.push( arr2.shift() );
return merged;
Note: Various FP libraries don't define a mergeLists(..)
but instead define a merge(..)
that merges properties of two objects; the results of such a merge(..)
will differ from our mergeLists(..)
Alternatively, here are a couple of options to implement the list merging as a reducer:
// via @rwaldron
var mergeReducer =
(merged,v,idx) =>
(merged.splice( idx * 2, 0, v ), merged);
// via @WebReflection
var mergeReducer =
(merged,v,idx) =>
.slice( 0, idx * 2 )
.concat( v, merged.slice( idx * 2 ) );
And using a mergeReducer(..)
.reduce( mergeReducer, [2,4,6,8,10] );
// [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Tip: We'll use the mergeReducer(..)
trick later in the chapter.
A common source of frustration for FPers in JavaScript is unifying their strategy for working with utilities when some of them are provided as standalone functions (think about the various FP utilities we've derived in previous chapters) and others are methods of the array prototype (like the ones we've seen in this chapter).
The pain of this problem becomes more evident when you consider combining multiple operations:
.filter( isOdd )
.map( double )
.reduce( sum, 0 ); // 18
// vs.
filter( [1,2,3,4,5], isOdd ),
); // 18
Both API styles accomplish the same task, but they have very different ergonomics. Many FPers will prefer the latter to the former, but the former is unquestionably more common in JavaScript. One thing specifically that's disliked about the latter is the nesting of the calls. The preference for the method chain style -- typically called a fluent API style, as in jQuery and other tools -- is that it's compact/concise and it reads in declarative top-down order.
The visual order for that manual composition of the standalone style is neither strictly left-to-right (top-to-bottom) nor right-to-left (bottom-to-top); it's inner-to-outer, which harms the readability.
Automatic composition normalizes the reading order as right-to-left (bottom-to-top) for both styles. So, to explore the implications of the style differences, let's examine composition specifically; it seems like it should be straightforward, but it's a little awkward in both cases.
The array methods receive the implicit this
argument, so despite their appearance, they can't be treated as unary; that makes composition more awkward. To cope, we'll first need a this
-aware version of partial(..)
var partialThis =
(fn,...presetArgs) =>
// intentionally `function` to allow `this`-binding
function partiallyApplied(...laterArgs){
return fn.apply( this, [...presetArgs, ...laterArgs] );
We'll also need a version of compose(..)
that calls each of the partially applied methods in the context of the chain -- the input value it's being "passed" (via implicit this
) from the previous step:
var composeChainedMethods =
(...fns) =>
result =>
(result,fn) =>
fn.call( result )
, result
And using these two this
-aware utilities together:
partialThis( Array.prototype.reduce, sum, 0 ),
partialThis( Array.prototype.map, double ),
partialThis( Array.prototype.filter, isOdd )
( [1,2,3,4,5] ); // 18
Note: The three Array.prototype.XXX
-style references are grabbing references to the built-in Array.prototype.*
methods so that we can reuse them with our own arrays.
Standalone compose(..)
-style composition of these utilities doesn't need all the this
contortions, which is its most favorable argument. For example, we could define standalones as:
var filter = (arr,predicateFn) => arr.filter( predicateFn );
var map = (arr,mapperFn) => arr.map( mapperFn );
var reduce = (arr,reducerFn,initialValue) =>
arr.reduce( reducerFn, initialValue );
But this particular standalone approach, with the arr
as the first parameter, suffers from its own awkwardness; the cascading array context is the first argument rather than the last, so we have to use right-partial application to compose them:
partialRight( reduce, sum, 0 ),
partialRight( map, double ),
partialRight( filter, isOdd )
( [1,2,3,4,5] ); // 18
That's why FP libraries typically define filter(..)
, map(..)
, and reduce(..)
to instead receive the array last, not first. They also typically automatically curry the utilities:
var filter = curry(
(predicateFn,arr) =>
arr.filter( predicateFn )
var map = curry(
(mapperFn,arr) =>
arr.map( mapperFn )
var reduce = curry(
(reducerFn,initialValue,arr) =>
arr.reduce( reducerFn, initialValue )
Working with the utilities defined in this way, the composition flow is a bit nicer:
reduce( sum )( 0 ),
map( double ),
filter( isOdd )
( [1,2,3,4,5] ); // 18
The cleanliness of this approach is in part why FPers prefer the standalone utility style instead of instance methods. But your mileage may vary.
In the previous definition of filter(..)
, you might have spotted the common pattern across all three: they all dispatch to the corresponding native array method. So, can we generate these standalone adaptations with a utility? Yes! Let's make a utility called unboundMethod(..)
to do just that:
var unboundMethod =
(methodName,argCount = 2) =>
(...args) => {
var obj = args.pop();
return obj[methodName]( ...args );
And to use this utility:
var filter = unboundMethod( "filter", 2 );
var map = unboundMethod( "map", 2 );
var reduce = unboundMethod( "reduce", 3 );
reduce( sum )( 0 ),
map( double ),
filter( isOdd )
( [1,2,3,4,5] ); // 18
Note: unboundMethod(..)
is called invoker(..)
in Ramda.
If you prefer to work with only array methods (fluent chain style), you have two choices. You can:
- Extend the built-in
with additional methods. - Adapt a standalone utility to work as a reducer function and pass it to the
instance method.
Don't do (1). It's never a good idea to extend built-in natives like Array.prototype
-- unless you define a subclass of Array
, but that's beyond our discussion scope here. In an effort to discourage bad practices, we won't go any further into this approach.
Let's focus on (2) instead. To illustrate this point, we'll convert the recursive flatten(..)
standalone utility from earlier:
var flatten =
arr =>
(list,v) =>
// note: concat(..) used here since it automatically
// flattens an array into the concatenation
list.concat( Array.isArray( v ) ? flatten( v ) : v )
, [] );
Let's pull out the inner reducer(..)
function as the standalone utility (and adapt it to work without the outer flatten(..)
// intentionally a function to allow recursion by name
function flattenReducer(list,v) {
// note: concat(..) used here since it automatically
// flattens an array into the concatenation
return list.concat(
Array.isArray( v ) ? v.reduce( flattenReducer, [] ) : v
Now, we can use this utility in an array method chain via reduce(..)
[ [1, 2, 3], 4, 5, [6, [7, 8]] ]
.reduce( flattenReducer, [] )
// ..
So far, most of the examples have been rather trivial, based on simple lists of numbers or strings. Let's now talk about where list operations can start to shine: modeling an imperative series of statements declaratively.
Consider this base example:
var getSessionId = partial( prop, "sessId" );
var getUserId = partial( prop, "uId" );
var session, sessionId, user, userId, orders;
session = getCurrentSession();
if (session != null) sessionId = getSessionId( session );
if (sessionId != null) user = lookupUser( sessionId );
if (user != null) userId = getUserId( user );
if (userId != null) orders = lookupOrders( userId );
if (orders != null) processOrders( orders );
First, let's observe that the five variable declarations and the running series of if
conditionals guarding the function calls are effectively one big composition of these six calls getCurrentSession()
, getSessionId(..)
, lookupUser(..)
, getUserId(..)
, lookupOrders(..)
, and processOrders(..)
. Ideally, we'd like to get rid of all these variable declarations and imperative conditionals.
Unfortunately, the compose(..)
utilities we explored in Chapter 4 don't by themselves offer a convenient way to express the != null
conditionals in the composition. Let's define a utility to help:
var guard =
fn =>
arg =>
arg != null ? fn( arg ) : arg;
This guard(..)
utility lets us map the five conditional-guarded functions:
[ getSessionId, lookupUser, getUserId, lookupOrders, processOrders ]
.map( guard )
The result of this mapping is an array of functions that are ready to compose (actually, pipe, in this listed order). We could spread this array to pipe(..)
, but because we're already doing list operations, let's do it with a reduce(..)
, using the session value from getCurrentSession()
as the initial value:
(result,nextFn) => nextFn( result )
, getCurrentSession()
Next, let's observe that getSessionId(..)
and getUserId(..)
can be expressed as a mapping from the respective values "sessId"
and "uId"
[ "sessId", "uId" ].map( propName => partial( prop, propName ) )
But to use these, we'll need to interleave them with the other three functions (lookupUser(..)
, lookupOrders(..)
, and processOrders(..)
) to get the array of five functions to guard/compose as discussed before.
To do the interleaving, we can model this as list merging. Recall mergeReducer(..)
from earlier in the chapter:
var mergeReducer =
(merged,v,idx) =>
(merged.splice( idx * 2, 0, v ), merged);
We can use reduce(..)
(our Swiss Army knife, remember!?) to "insert" lookupUser(..)
in the array between the generated functions getSessionId(..)
and getUserId(..)
, by merging two lists:
.reduce( mergeReducer, [ lookupUser ] )
Then we'll concatenate lookupOrders(..)
and processOrders(..)
onto the end of the running functions array:
.concat( lookupOrders, processOrders )
To review, the generated list of five functions is expressed as:
[ "sessId", "uId" ].map( propName => partial( prop, propName ) )
.reduce( mergeReducer, [ lookupUser ] )
.concat( lookupOrders, processOrders )
Finally, to put it all together, take this list of functions and tack on the guarding and composition from earlier:
[ "sessId", "uId" ].map( propName => partial( prop, propName ) )
.reduce( mergeReducer, [ lookupUser ] )
.concat( lookupOrders, processOrders )
.map( guard )
(result,nextFn) => nextFn( result )
, getCurrentSession()
Gone are all the imperative variable declarations and conditionals, and in their place we have clean and declarative list operations chained together.
I know this version is likely harder for most readers to understand right now than the original. Don't worry, that's natural. The original imperative form is one you're probably much more familiar with.
Part of your evolution to become a functional programmer is to develop a recognition of FP patterns such as list operations, and that takes lots of exposure and practice. Over time, these will jump out of the code more readily as your sense of code readability shifts to declarative style.
Before we move on from this topic, let's take a reality check: the example here is heavily contrived. Not all code segments will be straightforwardly modeled as list operations. The pragmatic take-away is to develop the instinct to look for these opportunities, but not get too hung up on code acrobatics; some improvement is better than none. Always step back and ask if you're improving or harming code readability.
As FP list operations permeate the way you think about code, you'll very likely start recognizing chains of combined behavior, like:
And more often than not, you're also probably going to end up with chains with multiple adjacent instances of each operation, like:
The good news is the chain-style is declarative and it's easy to read the specific steps that will happen, in order. The downside is that each of these operations loops over the entire list, meaning performance can suffer unnecessarily, especially if the list is longer.
With the alternative standalone style, you might see code like this:
map( fn1, someList )
With this style, the operations are listed from bottom-to-top, and we still loop over the list three times.
Fusion deals with combining adjacent operators to reduce the number of times the list is iterated over. We'll focus here on collapsing adjacent map(..)
s as it's the most straightforward to explain.
Imagine this scenario:
var removeInvalidChars = str => str.replace( /[^\w]*/g, "" );
var upper = str => str.toUpperCase();
var elide = str =>
str.length > 10 ?
str.substr( 0, 7 ) + "..." :
var words = "Mr. Jones isn't responsible for this disaster!"
.split( /\s/ );
// ["Mr.","Jones","isn't","responsible","for","this","disaster!"]
.map( removeInvalidChars )
.map( upper )
.map( elide );
Think about each value that goes through this flow of transformations. The first value in the words
list starts out as "Mr."
, becomes "Mr"
, then "MR"
, and then passes through elide(..)
unchanged. Another piece of data flows: "responsible"
-> "responsible"
-> "RESPONS..."
In other words, you could think of these data transformations like this:
elide( upper( removeInvalidChars( "Mr." ) ) );
// "MR"
elide( upper( removeInvalidChars( "responsible" ) ) );
// "RESPONS..."
Did you catch the point? We can express the three separate steps of the adjacent map(..)
calls as a composition of the transformers, since they are all unary functions and each returns the value that's suitable as input to the next. We can fuse the mapper functions using compose(..)
, and then pass the composed function to a single map(..)
compose( elide, upper, removeInvalidChars )
This is another case where pipe(..)
can be a more convenient form of composition, for its ordering readability:
pipe( removeInvalidChars, upper, elide )
What about fusing two or more filter(..)
predicate functions? Typically treated as unary functions, they seem suitable for composition. But the wrinkle is they each return a different kind of value (boolean
) than the next one would want as input. Fusing adjacent reduce(..)
calls is also possible, but reducers are not unary so that's a bit more challenging; we need more sophisticated tricks to pull this kind of fusion off. We'll cover these advanced techniques in Appendix A.
So far we've been discussing operations in the context of the list (array) data structure; it's by far the most common scenario where you'll encounter them. But in a more general sense, these operations can be performed against any collection of values.
Just as we said earlier that array's map(..)
adapts a single-value operation to all its values, any data structure can provide a map(..)
operation to do the same. Likewise, it can implement filter(..)
, reduce(..)
, or any other operation that makes sense for working with the data structure's values.
The important part to maintain in the spirit of FP is that these operators must behave according to value immutability, meaning that they must return a new data structure rather than mutating the existing one.
Let's illustrate with a well-known data structure: the binary tree. A binary tree is a node (just an object!) that has at most two references to other nodes (themselves binary trees), typically referred to as left and right child trees. Each node in the tree holds one value of the overall data structure.
For ease of illustration, we'll make our binary tree a binary search tree (BST). However, the operations we'll identify work the same for any regular non-BST binary tree.
Note: A binary search tree is a general binary tree with a special constraint on the relationship of values in the tree to each other. Each value of nodes on the left side of a tree is less than the value of the node at the root of that tree, which in turn is less than each value of nodes in the right side of the tree. The notion of "less than" is relative to the kind of data stored; it can be numerical for numbers, lexicographic for strings, and so on. BSTs by definition must remain balanced, which makes searching for a value in the tree more efficient, using a recursive binary search algorithm.
To make a binary tree node object, let's use this factory function:
var BinaryTree =
(value,parent,left,right) => ({ value, parent, left, right });
For convenience, we make each node store the left
and right
child trees as well as a reference to its own parent
Let's now define a BST of names of common produce (fruits, vegetables):
var banana = BinaryTree( "banana" );
var apple = banana.left = BinaryTree( "apple", banana );
var cherry = banana.right = BinaryTree( "cherry", banana );
var apricot = apple.right = BinaryTree( "apricot", apple );
var avocado = apricot.right = BinaryTree( "avocado", apricot );
var cantaloupe = cherry.left = BinaryTree( "cantaloupe", cherry );
var cucumber = cherry.right = BinaryTree( "cucumber", cherry );
var grape = cucumber.right = BinaryTree( "grape", cucumber );
In this particular tree structure, banana
is the root node; this tree could have been set up with nodes in different locations, but still had a BST with the same traversal.
Our tree looks like:
There are multiple ways to traverse a binary tree to process its values. If it's a BST (ours is!) and we do an in-order traversal -- always visit the left child tree first, then the node itself, then the right child tree -- we'll visit the values in ascending (sorted) order.
Because you can't just easily console.log(..)
a binary tree like you can with an array, let's first define a convenience method, mostly to use for printing. forEach(..)
will visit the nodes of a binary tree in the same manner as an array:
// in-order traversal
BinaryTree.forEach = function forEach(visitFn,node){
if (node) {
if (node.left) {
forEach( visitFn, node.left );
visitFn( node );
if (node.right) {
forEach( visitFn, node.right );
Note: Working with binary trees lends itself most naturally to recursive processing. Our forEach(..)
utility recursively calls itself to process both the left and right child trees. We already discussed recursion in Chapter 8, where we covered recursion in the chapter on recursion.
Recall forEach(..)
was described at the beginning of this chapter as only being useful for side effects, which is not very typically desired in FP. In this case, we'll use forEach(..)
only for the side effect of I/O, so it's perfectly reasonable as a helper.
Use forEach(..)
to print out values from the tree:
BinaryTree.forEach( node => console.log( node.value ), banana );
// apple apricot avocado banana cantaloupe cherry cucumber grape
// visit only the `cherry`-rooted subtree
BinaryTree.forEach( node => console.log( node.value ), cherry );
// cantaloupe cherry cucumber grape
To operate on our binary tree data structure using FP patterns, let's start by defining a map(..)
BinaryTree.map = function map(mapperFn,node){
if (node) {
let newNode = mapperFn( node );
newNode.parent = node.parent;
newNode.left = node.left ?
map( mapperFn, node.left ) : undefined;
newNode.right = node.right ?
map( mapperFn, node.right ): undefined;
if (newNode.left) {
newNode.left.parent = newNode;
if (newNode.right) {
newNode.right.parent = newNode;
return newNode;
You might have assumed we'd map(..)
only the node value
properties, but in general we might actually want to map the tree nodes themselves. So, the mapperFn(..)
is passed the whole node being visited, and it expects to receive a new BinaryTree(..)
node back, with the transformation applied. If you just return the same node, this operation will mutate your tree and quite possibly cause unexpected results!
Let's map our tree to a list of produce with all uppercase names:
var BANANA = BinaryTree.map(
node => BinaryTree( node.value.toUpperCase() ),
BinaryTree.forEach( node => console.log( node.value ), BANANA );
is a different tree (with all different nodes) than banana
, just like calling map(..)
on an array returns a new array. Just like arrays of other objects/arrays, if node.value
itself references some object/array, you'll also need to handle manually copying it in the mapper function if you want deeper immutability.
How about reduce(..)
? Same basic process: do an in-order traversal of the tree nodes. One usage would be to reduce(..)
our tree to an array of its values, which would be useful in further adapting other typical list operations. Or we can reduce(..)
our tree to a string concatenation of all its produce names.
We'll mimic the behavior of the array reduce(..)
, which makes passing the initialValue
argument optional. This algorithm is a little trickier, but still manageable:
BinaryTree.reduce = function reduce(reducerFn,initialValue,node){
if (arguments.length < 3) {
// shift the parameters since `initialValue` was omitted
node = initialValue;
if (node) {
let result;
if (arguments.length < 3) {
if (node.left) {
result = reduce( reducerFn, node.left );
else {
return node.right ?
reduce( reducerFn, node, node.right ) :
else {
result = node.left ?
reduce( reducerFn, initialValue, node.left ) :
result = reducerFn( result, node );
result = node.right ?
reduce( reducerFn, result, node.right ) : result;
return result;
return initialValue;
Let's use reduce(..)
to make our shopping list (an array):
(result,node) => [ ...result, node.value ],
// ["apple","apricot","avocado","banana","cantaloupe"
// "cherry","cucumber","grape"]
Finally, let's consider filter(..)
for our tree. This algorithm is trickiest so far because it effectively (not actually) involves removing nodes from the tree, which requires handling several corner cases. Don't get intimidated by the implementation, though. Just skip over it for now, if you prefer, and focus on how we use it instead.
BinaryTree.filter = function filter(predicateFn,node){
if (node) {
let newNode;
let newLeft = node.left ?
filter( predicateFn, node.left ) : undefined;
let newRight = node.right ?
filter( predicateFn, node.right ) : undefined;
if (predicateFn( node )) {
newNode = BinaryTree(
if (newLeft) {
newLeft.parent = newNode;
if (newRight) {
newRight.parent = newNode;
else {
if (newLeft) {
if (newRight) {
newNode = BinaryTree(
newLeft.parent = newRight.parent = newNode;
if (newRight.left) {
let minRightNode = newRight;
while (minRightNode.left) {
minRightNode = minRightNode.left;
newNode.value = minRightNode.value;
if (minRightNode.right) {
minRightNode.parent.left =
minRightNode.right.parent =
else {
minRightNode.parent.left = undefined;
minRightNode.right =
minRightNode.parent = undefined;
else {
newNode.value = newRight.value;
newNode.right = newRight.right;
if (newRight.right) {
newRight.right.parent = newNode;
else {
return newLeft;
else {
return newRight;
return newNode;
The majority of this code listing is dedicated to handling the shifting of a node's parent/child references if it's "removed" (filtered out) of the duplicated tree structure.
As an example to illustrate using filter(..)
, let's narrow our produce tree down to only vegetables:
var vegetables = [ "asparagus", "avocado", "broccoli", "carrot",
"celery", "corn", "cucumber", "lettuce", "potato", "squash",
"zucchini" ];
var whatToBuy = BinaryTree.filter(
// filter the produce list only for vegetables
node => vegetables.indexOf( node.value ) != -1,
// shopping list
(result,node) => [ ...result, node.value ],
// ["avocado","cucumber"]
Note: We aren't making any effort to rebalance a tree after any of the map
operations on BSTs. Technically, this means the results are not themselves binary search trees. Most JS values have a reasonable less-than comparison operation (<
) by which we could rebalance such a tree, but some values (like promises) wouldn't have any such definition. For the sake of keeping this chapter practical in length, we'll punt on handling this complication.
You will likely use most of the list operations from this chapter in the context of simple arrays. But now we've seen that the concepts apply to whatever data structures and operations you might need. That's a powerful expression of how FP can be widely applied to many different application scenarios!
Three common and powerful list operations we looked at:
: Transforms values as it projects them to a new list.filter(..)
: Selects or excludes values as it projects them to a new list.reduce(..)
: Combines values in a list to produce some other (usually but not always non-list) value.
Other more advanced operations that are useful in processing lists: unique(..)
, flatten(..)
, and merge(..)
Fusion uses function composition to consolidate multiple adjacent map(..)
calls. This is mostly a performance optimization, but it also improves the declarative nature of your list operations.
Lists are typically visualized as arrays, but can be generalized as any data structure that represents/produces an ordered collection of values. As such, all these "list operations" are actually "data structure operations".