diff --git a/PossibleMissingSI.md b/PossibleMissingSI.md
index 2330447..7ab05e8 100644
--- a/PossibleMissingSI.md
+++ b/PossibleMissingSI.md
@@ -2,88 +2,88 @@
## persName
-- [x] AikinJ ebb: In the SI already: **Correct it to "Aikin_J"**
+- [x] AikinJ ebb: In the SI already: **Correct it to "Aikin_J"**
- [x] Barrow_J ebb: In the SI already (and we need to remove an extra entry for him, too): Correct to **"Barrow_John"**
-- [ ] Bobby_pet
+- [x] Bobby_pet ebb: Mark as the English robin as a wild bird
- [ ] Bocket_Mr
- [ ] Butcher
-- [ ] Chalmers_T
-- [ ] Champion_Mr
+- [ ] Champion_Mr
- [ ] Clarkson_Wm
- [ ] Cowper_Mr
-- [ ] deGenlis
-- [ ] deGenlis
-- [ ] Deverell_J
-- [ ] Deverell_Miss
-- [ ] Elliott_John
-- [ ] Elliott_Mr
-- [ ] Gleig_GRA ebb: **WHERE IS THIS TAGGED? I could not find it in the Journal so I removed it from the back list**. Gleig was mostly not writing until the late 1820s. I found no specific reference to titles by him in the Journal, but am I missing something?
+- [x] deGenlis ebb: Correct to "deGenlis_Mme" (already in the SI)
+- [ ] Deverell_J
+- [ ] Deverell_Miss
+- [x] Elliott_John (son)
+- [x] Elliott_Mr (father)
+- [ ] Gleig_GRA ebb: **Not sure we want this one? I could not find it in the Journal so I removed it from the back list**. Gleig was mostly not writing until the late 1820s. I found no specific reference to titles by him in the Journal, but am I missing something?
- [ ] Graham_DofMontrose
-- [ ] Greene_Mr
+- [x] Greene_Mr :: hjb: Changed to Green_Mr
- [ ] Harley_Mr
-- [ ] Hayward_da
-- [ ] HeudeWm
+- [x] Hayward_da (notes from discussion with LJW: part of Webb / Hayward family tree) hjb: LMW put a comment saying "ck. treem who was born in 1820?
+- [ ] HeudeWm
- [x] Hofland_Barbara ebb: **Correct to "Hofland_B"**
-- [ ] Howell_W
-- [x] hunt *ebb: Check if this is a person: It should probably be corrected to "Hunt" (for James Henry Leigh Hunt who published the journal book she's writing in and lots of other stuff, some of it politically charged).
-- [ ] Jephson_Miss ebb: We should check this, but we are *thinking* this may be a reference to Emily Jephson, in the SI already as "Jephson_Em" :: hjb: Next to two of the attributes for this, it says "cert="low""
-- [ ] Jeremy_Miss
-- [ ] Joliffe_Mrs ebb: We have a collective tag for anyone in the Joliffe family: "Joliffes" Is this appropriate? Are there lots of references to only Mrs Joliffe, or any other Joliffes mentioned? We can update the orgname we're using. :: hjb: She is referenced 19 times as of writing
-- [ ] Knox_Robt
-- [ ] LaFontaine
+- [ ] Howell_W
+- [ ] Jephson_Miss ebb: We should check this, but we are *thinking* this may be a reference to Emily Jephson, in the SI already as "Jephson_Em" :: hjb: hjb: Next to two of the attributes for this, it says "cert="low""
+- [ ] Jeremy_Miss
+- [x] Joliffe_Mrs ebb: We have a collective tag for anyone in the Joliffe family: "Joliffes" Is this appropriate? Are there lots of references to only Mrs Joliffe, or any other Joliffes mentioned? We can update the orgname we're using. She's mentioned 19 times, so she'd better have her own entry. CANONICAL FORM IS with one 'l'.
+- [x] Jollife_Mrs ^^^^
+- [x] Knox_Robt ALREADY IN SI as Knox_Rbt
+- [ ] LaFontaine
- [ ] Lane
-- [ ] LeghT
-- [ ] LockeJ
-- [ ] Maturin_Chas
-- [ ] Molesworth
+- [x] LeghT :: Changed to Legh_T
+- [ ] LockeJ SHOULD BE IN SI :: hjb: I can't find it
+- [ ] Maturin_Chas
+- [ ] Molesworth
- [ ] Morier_J
- [ ] Morse_Miss
-- [ ] MuschetN
-- [ ] NeckerdeS_A
+- [ ] MuschetN
+- [x] NeckerdeS_A. ebb and lmw: She's Mme de Stael, already in the SI.
- [x] Newbery_J ebb: already in the SI as exactly this.
-- [ ] NewtonI
-- [ ] Nicholls
-- [x] Palmer_ChasF ebb: Correct this to "Palmer_CF" (already in SI)
-- [ ] Perry_James
-- [ ] PlumptreA
+- [ ] NewtonI ebb and lmw: In SI, look for Sir Isaac Newton :: hjb: I couldn't find any in the SI
+- [ ] Nicholls
+- [x] Palmer_ChasF ebb: Correct this to "Palmer_CF" (already in SI)
+- [ ] Perry_James
+- [x] PlumptreA lmw: should be in already: Annabel Plumptre (or Plumtre?)
- [x] Radcliffe_A ebb: Correct this to "Radcliffe_Ann" (already in SI)
-- [ ] Rapley_Ha ebb: We have several Rapleys in the SI (but no one with "Ha" so I wonder if it's "Jack" or John"?). Apparently this one is tricky (two different people named "John Rapley": I think we should check the passage in the journal (look at the MS too), and ask Lisa Wilson and Sam Webb for help on this one.
-- [ ] Rigby_Mr: ebb: we have a generic entry for "Rigby_family" that we can use if we don't know their names. I think probably it's not necessary to create new entries unless we're seeing LOTS of references to them as individuals?
-- [ ] Rigby_Mrs (see above) :: hjb: Mr. Rigby is mentioned once whereas Mrs. Rigby is mentioned twice
+- [ ] Rapley_Ha ebb: We have several Rapleys in the SI (but no one with "Ha"): This one is "Hannah". Apparently this one is tricky (two different people named "John Rapley": I think we should check the passage in the journal (look at the MS too), and ask Lisa Wilson and Sam Webb for help on this one. LMW says this is maybe John's wife or sister? Read the other Rapley entries in the SI. LMW maybe can check with Sam Webb about this.
+- [x] Rigby_Mr: ebb: we have a generic entry for "Rigby_family" that we can use if we don't know their names. I think probably it's not necessary to create new entries unless we're seeing LOTS of references to them as individuals?
+- [x] Rigby_Mrs (see above) :: hjb: They are mentioned a total of three times, so I changed both to Rigby_family
- [ ] Riley_James
-- [ ] Roger_Sam ebb: PROBABLY should be "Rogers_Sam" (already in SI)
-- [ ] ROgers_Miss ebb: We don't have an orgname for a family of Rogers, though...
+- [x] Roger_Sam ebb: PROBABLY should be "Rogers_Sam" (already in SI)
+- [ ] ROgers_Miss ebb: We don't have an orgname for a family of Rogers, though...
- [ ] Rogers_Miss
-- [ ] Ross_Miss
+- [ ] Ross_Miss
- [x] Schlegel_AW ebb: I added this to the current siADD list in the DM_SiteIndex repo
-- [ ] Scott ebb: If it's the author of a novel, correct it to "Scott_Wa"
-- [ ] Shaw_Sam
-- [ ] Sidney_SirP
+- [x] Scott ebb: If it's the author of a novel, correct it to "Scott_Wa"
+- [ ] Shaw_Sam
+- [ ] Sidney_SirP look for Sir Philip Sidney in the SI :: hjb: There is no persName, but there is a book titled "Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney" with the tag "#Mems_Sidney_TZ"
- [ ] Smith_James
- [ ] Stephenson_Mr
-- [ ] Sweetser_Ch
+- [ ] Sweetser_Ch This is her maid's brother (she will marry Charles Hill. WE NEED A NEW ENTRY. Also check LMW's tree on ancestry
- [x] Symmon_Chas ebb: In the SI already: correct to "Symmons_Chas"
- [ ] Tweddell_Miss
-- [ ] TwissH
+- [x] TwissH : an author named Horace Twiss
- [x] Valpy_Anne: ebb: Can we tell if this is a daughter of Richard Valpy? We've identified three: Frances, Penelope, or Catherine based on marriage records because we know that all of Richard Valpy's daughters married, but there may have been
-others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valpy_Miss" when we're not sure of her name. But what's the context for "Anne Valpy" in the journal? :: hjb: Anne Valpy is the wife of Edward Valpy. These need added to the SI
+others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valpy_Miss" when we're not sure of her name. But what's the context for "Anne Valpy" in the journal?
+**ANSWER** Anne Valpy is married to Edward Valpy who is Richard Valpy's brother. (ENTRIES ADDED)
- [ ] Valpy_das ebb: I bet this is a generic reference to the Valpy daughters as a group: in which case we can use "Valpys" or "Valpy_Miss"
-- [x] Valpy_Ed ebb: Check the MS / transcript. Could this be one of the other Valpys? :: hjb: This is Dr. Richard Valpy's younger brother
-- [ ] Valpy_Mrs ebb: We don't have a separate entry for her at this point. Is this definitely "Mrs" in the journal? Read the SI entry for Richard Valpy (="Valpy_Richard") and you'll see all the names we have... Do we need a new entry for Mary Benwell Valpy, who was the mother of the 2nd group of Valpy siblings whom MRM knew?
-- [ ] Waristoun
-- [ ] Warrener_pet
-- [ ] Wasp_pet
+- [x] Valpy_Ed ebb: Check the MS / transcript. Could this be one of the other Valpys?
+- [x] Valpy_Mrs ebb: We don't have a separate entry for her at this point. Is this definitely "Mrs" in the journal? Read the SI entry for Richard Valpy (="Valpy_Richard") and you'll see all the names we have... Do we need a new entry for Mary Benwell Valpy, who was the mother of the 2nd group of Valpy siblings whom MRM knew?
+**ANSWER** She is the same as Harris_Anna (already in SI) and married to Anthony Valpy (A.J. Valpy)
+- [ ] Waristoun
+- [ ] Warrener_pet (a dog of the Webb family! LMW MIGHT HAVE AN ENTRY SOMEWHERE?)
+- [ ] Wasp_pet (another dog of the Webb family! LMW MIGHT HAVE AN ENTRY SOMEWHERE?)
- [ ] Waverley_Novels : ebb: I don't think we need an entry for this unless *MRM herself* refers to the entire set of novels. The phrase just indicates the novels that Walter Scott first published without his name as "by the author of *Waverley*" (which was his first novel). Everyone knew he was writing them apparently. We're mostly interested in the specific novels that she read, and we just mention somewhere in the novel entry that it was one of the Waverley novels. **Do we see MRM commenting on the entire series**?
-- [ ] Webb_farmer: ebb: We have all the names of the Webb family spelled out now. MRM's friends are the Webb sisters: Webb_Eliza, Webb_Mary_younger, and their aunt, Webb_Mary_elder. The father is a brewer who lives in Wokingham--probably not a farmer. We have an entry for a Webb_John who we say is "Likely `Uncle John,
` uncle
- to Eliza and Mary Webb and younger brother to James Webb". So does this Webb seem like he's a relative, maybe Uncle John?
-- [x] Webb_Mary ebb: We changed this to Webb_Mary_elder (for an auntie) and Webb_Mary_younger for the Webb sister that MRM typically writes to. Can we tell which one is being referenced? :: hjb: Once Mitford stayed with Mary Webb, but doesn't specify. The other has a comment from rjp saying this is Mary Webb found this out during Workshops
+- [ ] Webb_farmer: LMW: This is a local farmer who owns land near the Bertram house. From JOURNAL: He gave Fly to MRM! We can update the Fly entry, AND make a new entry for him to make sure he's not connected to the usual Webb family: "As far as we know, not related to..."
+ebb: We have all the names of the Webb family spelled out now. MRM's friends are the Webb sisters: Webb_Eliza, Webb_Mary_younger, and their aunt, Webb_Mary_elder. The father is a brewer who lives in Wokingham--probably not a farmer. We have an entry for a Webb_John (LMW: HE DOESN'T LIVE IN THE AREA) who we say is "Likely `Uncle John,
` uncle to Eliza and Mary Webb and younger brother to James Webb". So does this Webb seem like he's a relative, maybe Uncle John?
+- [x] Webb_Mary ebb: We changed this to Webb_Mary_elder (for an auntie) and Webb_Mary_younger for the Webb sister that MRM typically writes to. Can we tell which one is being referenced?
- [ ] Wesley_Chas
- [ ] Wesley_John
- [x] Wheeler_J ebb: Correct to "Wheeler_James" (already in SI)
-- [ ] Wheeler_John ebb: Check the "Wheeler_James" entry in the SI. Check the MS: Could this be James, or is this definitely someone else?
-- [ ] Wheeler_Mr ebb: see above: should this be "Wheeler_James"?
-- [ ] Whistle_pet
-- [ ] WilsonRbt
+- [ ] Wheeler_John ebb: Check the "Wheeler_James" entry in the SI. Check the MS: Could this be James, or is this definitely someone else? :: hjb: He is mentioned as "Mr. John Wheeler" in the journals.
+- [ ] Wheeler_Mr ebb: see above: should this be "Wheeler_James"? :: hjb: There are "two Mr. Wheelers: according to MRM's journal entry on 1819-05-24. It has a Wheeler_Mr and Wheeler_James tagged on that quote.
+- [ ] Whistle_pet
+- [ ] WilsonRbt
- [x] Woodburn_Mr ebb: Correct to "Woodburn_J" (already in SI)
- [ ] Woodburn_Mrs ebb: Looks like we need to make a new family entry for this group...
- [ ] Woodburn_son (see above)
@@ -91,21 +91,20 @@ others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valp
## placeName
-- [ ] Arborfield
-- [ ] arbour ebb: probably not a name. It's just a word that means a tree-shaded garden area
+- [x] Arborfield
+- [ ] arbour ebb: probably not a name. It's just a word that means a tree-shaded garden area :: hjb: Should we tag this as Three Mile Cross where she refers to this?
- [x] Ashmolean_old ebb: Correct to Ashmolean_Old (already in SI)
- [x] Bedford_town ebb: Correct to Bedford (already in SI)
-- [ ] Bodys_lane
+- [ ] Bodys_lane
- [x] Court_Hampton ebb: Correct to Hampton_Court (already in SI)
-- [ ] Crown_Inn
+- [ ] Crown_Inn
- [ ] Davies_fields
- [ ] fields_BH
-- [ ] garden_TMC
-- [ ] hayfield_BH
+- [ ] garden_TMC :: hjb: This is referred to as "our garden" by Mitford in her journal on April 7 1820
+- [ ] hayfield_BH
- [x] lane_BH ebb: If this is referring to the grounds of Bertram House, this entry is good: "garden_BH"
- [x] lowerPlantation_BH ebb: If this is referring to the grounds of Bertram House, this entry is good: "plantation_BH"
-- [ ] Manchester
+- [ ] Manchester
- [x] middlePlantation_BH ebb: If this is referring to the grounds of Bertram House, this entry is good: "plantation_BH"
- [x] Mill_Chas ebb: Correct this to "Mills_Chas" (already in SI)
- [x] park_BH ebb: If this is referring to the grounds of Bertram House, this entry is good: "garden_BH"
@@ -138,8 +137,8 @@ others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valp
- [ ] Anastasius
- [ ] Anecdotes_King
- [ ] BaronMunchausen
-- [ ] Beppo
-- [ ] CaribCh
+- [ ] Beppo
+- [x] CaribCh
- [ ] ClanAlbyn
- [ ] Coelebs_Dec
- [ ] Constitution
@@ -150,26 +149,26 @@ others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valp
- [ ] EdinburghMag_1785to1816
- [ ] Emmeline_MB
- [ ] FallofJerusalem_HM
-- [ ] Harcourt
+- [ ] Harcourt
- [x] Hazlitt_LecDramatic ebb: Correct this to "LecDramatic_WHaz" (already in SI)
- [x] Hist_Burnet ebb: Correct this to "History_Burnet" (already in SI)
- [x] Life_JHVaux ebb: Correct this to "Mems_Vaux" (already in SI)
- [x] Life_Wesley_RS ebb: Correct this to "Life_Wesley" (already in SI)
- [x] Lives_HaydenMoz ebb: Correct this to "Lives_HaydnMoz" (already in SI)
-- [ ] Ltrs_CapeofGH
+- [ ] Ltrs_CapeofGH
- [x] Mazeppa ebb: Correct this to "Mazeppa_By" (already in SI)
- [x] Mems_MrsHamilton ebb: Correct this to "Mems_ElizHamilton" (already in SI)
- [x] Monastery_WS ebb: Correct this to "Monastery" (already in SI)
- [x] MoralTales_MR ebb: Correct this to "MoralTales_ME" (already in SI)
-- [ ] MunsterCBoy
+- [ ] MunsterCBoy
- [ ] MunsterCBoy
- [ ] Narr_BrigCommerce
- [ ] Nourjahad
- [ ] Ormond
-- [ ] Pamphleteer
-- [ ] parvenus
+- [ ] Pamphleteer
+- [ ] parvenus
- [ ] Petition1819_TNT
-- [ ] Purity_Heart
+- [ ] Purity_Heart
- [ ] Rhoda
- [ ] SecondJourney_JM
- [ ] Statesman_per
@@ -177,19 +176,17 @@ others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valp
- [ ] TalesofMyLandlord_3rd
- [ ] Tentamen
- [ ] Theatre_Grecs
-- [ ] theOrestes : hjb: This is actually just a performance of the Orestes at Reading School.
-- [ ] WalpoleLtrstoCole
-- [ ] WalpoletoMontague
+- [x] theOrestes :: hjb: Switched this to Orestes_play
+- [ ] WalpoleLtrstoCole
+- [ ] WalpoletoMontague
- [ ] Will_DrValpy
## name
-- [ ] apricot
-- [ ] glowworm
-- [ ] pansy
-- [ ] wood
+- [ ] apricot
+- [ ] glowworm
+- [ ] pansy
# No attribute
@@ -197,102 +194,212 @@ others that we didn't trace yet. We actually created an umbrella entry for "Valp
## persName
-- [ ] Tom Smith
-- [ ] little girl
+- [ ] [?]ckers
- [ ] Mud
-- [ ] Mrs. Wilson
-- [ ] Mr. Eastaff
-- [ ] Miss Danny
-- [ ] Young Tanner
-- [ ] Miss Newman
-- [ ] Lord Dysart
-- [ ] Mrs. Palairet
-- [ ] Maria
-- [ ] Miss Tuppen
-- [ ] Trim
- [ ] Aleen
-- [ ] Mrs. Comyn
-- [ ] Miss. Comyn
+- [ ] Anne Tweddall
+- [ ] Anne Tweddell
+- [ ] Archdeacon Wrangham
+- [ ] Betty Tuppen
- [ ] Bligh
-- [ ] Mr. Wilson
-- [ ] Peter Hunt
+- [ ] Brown
+- [ ] Charles Lamb
+- [ ] Colonel Johnson
+- [ ] Dr. Smith
+- [ ] Editor of the Museum
- [ ] Elizabeth
-- [ ] Hathaway
+- [x] Fleury
- [ ] George
-- [ ] Sally
-- [ ] Mr. Vidal
-- [ ] young Procter
-- [ ] St. John
-- [ ] John Woodburn
-- [ ] Miss Hollis
-- [ ] Mr. Stephenson
+- [ ] God
+- [ ] Guido
+- [ ] Hathaway
+- [ ] John Bulley
+- [x] John Woodburn :: hjb: Changed to Woodburn_J
- [ ] Lady Cecil Percy
-- [ ] Mr. Shaw Lefevre
-- [ ] Mrs. Shaw Lefevre
-- [ ] [?]ckers
+- [ ] Little Eliza
+- [ ] little girl
+- [ ] Lord Dysart
+- [ ] Lowten
+- [ ] Madge
+- [ ] Maria
- [ ] Mary
+- [ ] Miss Bentley
+- [ ] Miss Bricknell
+- [ ] Miss Danny
+- [ ] Miss Dominicetti
+- [ ] Miss Elford
+- [ ] Miss Havell
+- [ ] Miss Hollis
+- [ ] Miss Johndon
+- [ ] Miss Laman
+- [x] Miss Newman
+- [ ] Miss Porden
+- [ ] Miss Torrant
+- [ ] Miss Tuppen
+- [ ] Miss Vardill
+- [ ] Miss Weston
+- [ ] Miss Wheeler
+- [ ] Miss. Comyn
+- [ ] Mr. Bagley
+- [ ] Mr. Bailey
+- [ ] Mr. Bayley :: hjb: Correct to Bayley_P
+- [ ] Mr. Brocas
+- [ ] Mr. C. Kemble :: hjb: Correct to Kemble_C
+- [ ] Mr. Chardsley
+- [ ] Mr. Charles Kemble :: hjb: Correct to Kemble_C
+- [ ] Mr. Cove
+- [ ] Mr. Coxe
+- [ ] Mr. Drover
+- [ ] Mr. Eastaff
+- [ ] Mr. Hailey
+- [ ] Mr. Hamilton
+- [ ] Mr. Harley
+- [ ] Mr. Hofland
+- [ ] Mr. Joseph Crowther
+- [ ] Mr. Kemble :: hjb: Correct to Kemble_C
+- [ ] Mr. Shaw Lefevre
+- [ ] Mr. Stephenson
+- [ ] Mr. Tafourdell
+- [ ] Mr. Vidal
+- [ ] Mr. Wheble
+- [ ] Mr. Whittaker
+- [ ] Mr. Wilson
+- [ ] Mrs. & Miss Briscoe
+- [ ] Mrs. Comyn
+- [ ] Mrs. Blandy
- [ ] Mrs. Davies
+- [ ] Mrs. Davies
+- [ ] Mrs. Mathews
+- [ ] Mrs. Newton
+- [ ] Mrs. Palairet
+- [ ] Mrs. Shaw Lefevre
+- [ ] Mrs. Shuter
+- [ ] Mrs. Smith
+- [ ] Mrs. Story
+- [ ] Mrs. Tuckett
+- [ ] Mrs. Valpy
+- [ ] Mrs. Wilson
+- [ ] Mrs. Young
+- [ ] North
+- [ ] Peter Hunt
- [ ] Queen
-- [ ] Lowten
-- [ ] Wheatley
-- [ ] John Bulley
-- [ ] Miss Wheeler
-- [x] Fleury
-- [ ] Brown
+- [ ] Sally
+- [ ] Selina
+- [ ] St. John
+- [ ] Tom Smith
+- [ ] Trim
- [ ] Turner
-- [ ] Miss Bentley
- [ ] Walker
+- [ ] Wheatley
+- [ ] young Procter
+- [ ] Young Tanner
## placeName
+- [ ] 47, Upper Norton street
+- [ ] Abingdon
- [ ] arcade
-- [ ] Insurance Office
-- [ ] Exhibition
-- [ ] Star Office
-- [ ] Sun Office
-- [ ] Chronicle Office
+- [ ] Avenue
+- [ ] Black friar's bridge
+- [ ] Bramley Maying
- [ ] British Gallery
-- [ ] Pope's Place
+- [ ] Chapel Green
+- [ ] Chronicle Office
+- [ ] church
+- [ ] Englefield
+- [ ] Englefield House
+- [ ] Exhibition
+- [ ] Fair
+- [ ] Finchamstead
+- [ ] Green room
- [ ] grotto
-- [ ] Strawberry Hill
+- [ ] Hook
+- [ ] Insurance Office
- [ ] Kibes Lane
- [ ] Mortimer Westend
+- [ ] Newbury
+- [ ] Newman Street
+- [x] Odiam
+- [x] Odiham
+- [ ] old house at Arborfield
- [ ] old wells
-- [ ] Fair
-- [ ] Whitley Cottage
+- [ ] Penge Wood
+- [ ] Pope's Place
+- [ ] Reading fair
+- [x] Staffordshire
+- [ ] Star Office
+- [ ] Strawberry Hill
+- [ ] Sun Office
+- [ ] their new house :: hjb: This is the Webb's new house
- [ ] Wail [?]
-- [ ] Hook
-- [ ] Avenue
-- [ ] Black friar's bridge
+- [ ] Whitley Cottage
## orgName
-- [ ] Matthews
- [ ] [S]almons
+- [ ] Binfields
+- [ ] Captain & Mrs. Valpy
+- [ ] Matthews
+- [ ] Montagues
+- [ ] Mr. & Mrs. Raggett
+- [ ] Mr. & Mrs. Talfourd
+- [ ] Palmers :: hjb: Change (needs to find in SI Add or something similar)
+- [ ] Ragetts
+- [ ] Storys
+- [ ] the Miss Webbs
+- [ ] Vaughans
+- [ ] Whebles
+- [ ] Whitakers
## title
-- [ ] tale
-- [ ] the Life of Sand
-- [x] Festival of Flora
-- [ ] Domestic Scenes
-- [x] Sintram & his companions
-- [x] Beaumont & Fletcher: ebb: These are two **persName**s for two writers who collaborated on plays. We have them individually and should use those tags, *unless* MRM is referring to them together a lot: Maybe we should introduce them as a `` similar to the way we handle group refs to people?
+- [ ] [?]ellingford
- [x] Advice to Julia
- [x] Age of Elizabeth
-- [x] Missionary
-- [x] Tales of the Heart
-- [ ] Reviews
-- [ ] Monthly Review ebb: Could this be the Monthly Mag? (New_Monthly_Mag in the SI)
-- [ ] [?]ellingford
+- [ ] Agnes
+- [x] Beaumont & Fletcher: ebb: These are two **persName**s for two writers who collaborated on plays. We have them individually and should use those tags, *unless* MRM is referring to them together a lot: Maybe we should introduce them as a `` similar to the way we handle group refs to people?
+- [ ] Belshazzar
+- [ ] Bridal Eve
+- [x] Convent Garden : ebb: ALMOST CERTAINLY this should be tagged as an **placeName** for Covent_Garden_Theatre. Check the MS, I am 98% certain this is an error.
+- [ ] Corneille
+- [ ] Doge
+- [ ] Domestic Scenes
+- [ ] Dramatic Scene
+- [ ] Dramatic Sketch
+- [ ] Farm house
+- [x] Festival of Flora
- [ ] Fool of Quality
-- [ ] Methodietical Mythology
-- [x] Memoire de Napoleon ebb: This is probably "Napoleon_memoir_nonfict" (already in SI) but check the SI entry and the Journal. Does that seem to be the same book?
+- [ ] Fortunes of Nigel
+- [ ] Hannah
- [ ] Letters intended for the Post not for the press
-- [x] Convent Garden : ebb: ALMOST CERTAINLY this should be tagged as an **placeName** for Covent_Garden_Theatre. Check the MS, I am 98% certain this is an error.
+- [ ] Magazines
+- [x] Memoire de Napoleon ebb: This is probably "Napoleon_memoir_nonfict" (already in SI) but check the SI entry and the Journal. Does that seem to be the same book?
+- [ ] Memoirs
+- [ ] Methodietical Mythology
+- [ ] Miss Porden's Poem
+- [x] Missionary
+- [ ] Monthly Review ebb: Could this be the Monthly Mag? (New_Monthly_Mag in the SI)
+- [ ] Mr. Brocas's beautiful Monument
+- [ ] Museum
+- [ ] Review
+- [ ] Review of Coeur de Lion
+- [ ] Reviews
+- [x] Sintram & his companions
+- [ ] tale
+- [ ] Tales
+- [x] Tales of the Heart
+- [ ] Tales of the Manor
+- [ ] the Exhibition
+- [ ] The Forget me not
+- [ ] the Life of Sand
+- [ ] Tragedy, the Charter of Seville
+- [ ] Walks in the Country
- [ ] Wallace & the Warlock
+- [ ] Walpole's Memoirs
## name
-- [ ] fruit
+- [x] fleas
+- [x] Geranium