All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added tags to DeX (add, display and edit functionality)- #597
- Fixed pagination project overview - #564
- Added a close button onto the add project modal, ignore background click - #558
- Fixed input being lost upon session timeout - #559
- Fixed the navbar for longer names, adjusted the loading animation to be smooth. - #593
- Pagination to own projects page. #526
- Back button to add project wizard - #563
- Frontend implementation of transfer project ownership - #581
- Option to remove a previously uploaded icon to edit page and wizard#482
- Projects overview not sorting on Likes High > Low #557
- Changed project-edit page. Was a separate page, is now a part of te detail-modal #536
- Highlight project modal, not dissapearing when clicking out of it.#569
- Project filter is not cleared anymore after editing project. #561
- The wizard long description text area to wrap words. - #562
- Liking a project from the homepage in a modal does not update the like amount in the card on the homepage. - #512
- Added styling to the PopOver and Cogwheel. Fixed typo in highlight #568
- When clicking on a project on the overview page the card in the background changes size and dimension #571
- Filter menu doesn't scale as expected on smaller screens #555
- Improved way to share projects #442
- Recommended project cards now update likes given on an open modal - #512
- Added scroll to the filtermenu to make sure it doesn't hide on screens with small height - #555
- Fixed problem where project overview card changes size on open modal - #571
- Gifs are now supported for project images and highlight images - #546
- Added my projects page - #505
- Added project images. - #464
- Added images to highlights - #463
- Updated selection color to improve branding - #539
- Added bot to optimize image sizes - #440
- Added search functionality based on the number of likes - #499
- URL does now contain project overview filter parameters - #517
- Support multiple call-to-actions. #454
- Refactored content on the homepage - #502
- Changed location of the buttons on the project details page - #518
- Resolved links in footer that navigated to non-existing pages - #513
- Implemented categories - #475
- Added filter parameters to the url, so a user can share their search settings - #493
- Added search bar inside navbar with autocomplete suggested results. - #403
- Refactored the home page. - #380
- Added project recommendations on the home page. - #497
- Clicking to the next step in the wizard step-header will now skip the step & removed orange progress bar #460
- Made Project URI optional - #492
- Changed the global styling of scrollbars - #448
- Fixed issue where collaborator roles would always get set to developer - #462
- Fixed issue where the same project could be added multiple times by spamming the finish button #490
- Fixed issue where alerts would never get dismissed - #441
- Added icons to the call-to-action buttons - #451
- Hide data sources that have the IsVisible property set to false - #474
- Fixed issue where the edit- & delete project would always be shown - #458
- Fixed issue where the privacy modal and alerts were not responsive - #426
- Fixed issue where the wizard would not import projects that missed a required property. #471
- Fixed issue where icon were not being previewed in edit project overview. Hotfix
- Fixed issue where project was still being showed after deletion until refresh . Hotfix
- Added the new wizard to make adding projects more user-friendly - #361
- Styling fixes pagination menu detail popup and cards - #440
- Added icon for data sources - #466
- Fixed list view animation bug which prevented like animation from playing - #419
- Auto dismiss the login warning when liking project if you're not logged in - #433
- Hide the active modal when you navigate to another page via browser navigation arrows
- Added SEO & performance check when pushing new code to develop branch - #285
- Added a DeX preview with title, description and image for more user-friendliness - #347
- Added functionality to like projects - #389
- Added update highlight functionality - #294
- Added animations on clickable items and while project pages are loading - #321
- Added animations when user likes (or unlikes) a project - #414
- Added the option to add a Call-To-Action button to a project - #267
- Changed the open graph tags in order to show a more appealing website preview - #405
- Changed it so you can now clear query paramters like pagination or search by clicking on 'projects' again - #401
- Changed the design of the filtermenu on project overview page - #287
- Fixed issue where images in the project-details view would go outside the page - #397
- Fixed issue where builds failed due to Lighthouse budgets not being high enough - #411
- Fixed issue where long collaborator names would mess up styling - #354
- Fixed issue where in some cases the alert banner would not disapear automatically - #392
- Fixed issue where opening a modal or long usernames would cause the page to get unaligned - #400
- Added SEO & performance check when pushing new code to develop branch #285
- Added a DeX preview when linking DeX in social media with a title, description and image for more user friendliness #347
- Fixed issue where the project icons would shrink if the description or title was too long - #349
- Fixed alert box blocking project edit/-delete buttons - #352
- Fixed issue where the pagination parameter was not getting reset on a new search - #302
- Fixed images showing alt when image could not be loaded, it now shows placeholder image instead - #339
- Fixed issue where tags were not hidden in production - #373
- Fixed issue where images were not being lazy loaded - #374
- Fixed low accessibility score within Lighthouse tests on home and project overview page #366
- Added functionality to upload an project icon when creating a project - #266
- Added an image to the background - #320
- Display uploaded project icons - #311
- Added basic SEO for better google discoverability - #283
- Added dynamic updates of meta tags for better discoverability - #286
- Changed all file line endings from CRLF to LF and added the .gitattributes to enforce it - #163
- Changed footer styling to be responsive on small screens - #163
- Changed header styling to be responsive on small screens - #258
- Highlight now shows highlight description instead of project description. - #273
- Changed images on the login and home page to new copyright-free images from unDraw - #97
- Changed highlight styling to be responsive on small screens - #195
- Project detail URLs now show the project name instead of just a project ID - #298
- Updates some styling issues for more consistency in the platform - #299
- Fixed issue where the project overview page was not responsive on smaller viewports - #296
- Fixed issue where the feedback button would block the footer content on smaller screens - #289
- Fixed redirect to the project detail page after editing a project - #256
- Fixed issue that caused users to log out because token did not get refreshed - #253
- Added cancel button to project edit page - #251
- External project links are now opened in a new tab - #254
- Fixed issue where long project URI's would overlap other text on details page - #252
- Fixed issue where edit & details page would display error message while still loading the project - #247
- Added this very changelog - #62
- Added issue & pull request templates (bug & report) - #11
- Added Footer - #68
- Implementing design: Edit project page - #98
- Implemented new design login page - #66
- Implemented search functionality for project overview - #72
- Added an embed button and embed page - #140
- Get current user role from the backend - #141
- Implemented global error handling & logging to Sentry - #77
- Implemented wizard for GitHub and GitLab source url's - #146
- Implemented the highlight modal - #75
- Added the pipeline for the frontend - #143
- Implemented alert service & displaying of alerts - #76
- Implemented 404 page and catch all route - #99
- Implemented pagination on search results and project overview - #158
- Implemented the functionality to delete one/multiple highlighted project(s), and implemented a modal where the user can select and confirm the higlights that need to be removed - #180
- Implemented alerts to display user friendly success & error messages - #172
- Implemented sorting & filtering accordion for project overview - #171
- Added privacy policy and updated footer links accordingly - #211
- Implemented beta banner & feedback button - #198
- Implemented search functionality on home page - #166
- Added user to project-overview page, user is now also searchable - #207
- Implemented remove project modal - #193
- Added a privacy policy modal before the login - 215
- Implemented permission validation for project edit / delete / highlight / embed buttons - #213
- Implemented WYSIWYG Editor for project description - #216
- Added pipe to strip html to fix the html showing in highlights - #243
- Changed from Clarity framework to NGX Bootstrap - #101
- Changed the oauth scopes to include email - #112
- Updated design for Project Edit page, buttons and other Quality of Life changes - #128
- Added more structure to styling & moved scss to specific files in the assets folder - #122
- Updated favicon to match branding & added favicon support for various platforms - #145
- Hidden project tags for production mode - #148
- Changed Login page to display only one login with FHICT button & improved styling of login button - #157
- Moved accordion styling out of the global stylesheet and into the stylesheet of the overview component - #106
- Changed the login flow to the identity to support direct access to external providers. - #173
- Changed default profile picture for users which are logged in - #147
- Changed login button text to sign in for consistency - #186
- Changed the design of the "Add Project" page - #188
- Changed the project-add input and search inputs so you can now press the enter key to submit - #224
- Added localStorage Utils class to access the localStorage and it's keys from one central piece of code - #238
- Changed the wizard requests, fixed URL not supported error and added message - #236
- Changed styling of project overview filters and project add collaborators to match the designs - #242
- Changed when Sentry logs http errors - #231
- Changed text when there are no Highlights - #221
- Removed the 'x' from search inputs - #224
- Fixed the bug when there are less than 3 highlights - #113
- Fixed the bug where requests made to external API's would also receive our access token - #184
- Users can no longer edit a project of which they are not the owner - #168
- Fixed issue where user would need to login again after a window refresh - #176
- Fixed issue where the alert container would display itself while there are no alerts active - #200
- Fixed issue where user endpoint would get called when a user is not authenticated - #189
- Fixed issue where empty search would cause a 404 error to appear on the projects overview page - #179
- Fixed the styling of the contributors overview on the project detail page - #182
- Fixed issue where a not authenticated user was able to open the project-add modals - #224
- Fixed the layout of project embed pages breaking on smaller viewports - #223
- Fixed issue where beta banner was not dismissible - #239
- Fixed styling to match the designs, replaced images on home and sign in - #233
- Fixed issue where invalid project id would trigger error - #235