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Task List

StephenChan edited this page Jul 13, 2011 · 30 revisions

Week 1 (6/27/11 - 7/1)

Devang and Stephen

  • Meet with Jennifer Smith's research group to get feedback on the current software they use as well as talk to some human annotators who would be the primary users of this project
  • Setup development machines


  • Design the database layout on MySQL Workbench to determine how all the data for the project will be stored and related to each other
  • Write Task List


  • Setup development blog

Week 2 (7/5 - 7/8)

Devang and/or Stephen

  • Explain the CoralNet/ICDB project in the CVCE meeting (continued from last week)


  • Define apps for the project
  • Implement user system
  • Create features page


  • Implement Sources (image collections)
    • Not integrated with user system yet
    • No image uploading yet
  • Create bug-report/feedback form (not done)

Week 3 (7/11 - 7/15)


  • Build server
  • Create models for annotations, images and labelsets


  • Research interfaces between languages like Python, C, and JavaScript
  • Create a basic annotation tool

Week 4


  • Create bug-report/feedback form


  • Harden the CoralNet server (add security)

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

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