In this section we're going to start running some commands to get our workspace set up and ready to deploy some cloud resources - exciting!
But first, we need confirm our provider details...
In this file, we are going to configure:
- the version/provider of Terraform we're working with
- our s3 state back end
- AWS as a provider
We need these values before we can initialise our Terraform.
Here's your
terraform {
required_version = "XXXX"
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "XXXX"
backend "s3" {
workspace_key_prefix = "[YOUR-NAME]-terraform-workshop"
Where XXXX
appears, we need to fill in with some information:
Run the following command to find out what version of Terraform you're working with:
~ terraform version
Example output:
Terraform v1.7.4
on darwin_arm64
+ provider v5.40.0
In this example, replace XXXX
in required_version
with 1.7.4
and in version
with 5.40.0
To find out the LATEST version of:
- Terraform, visit Terraform Latest Version
- AWS Terraform, visit AWS Latest Version
Through a combination of AWS magic and some set variables, we're going to initialize our Terraform and set our remote state at the same time - nice!
Open up your command line tool.
Let's use the AWS CLI to get your AWS account ID to make your bucketname unique and set the region to Sydney.
export account_id=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
export global_region=ap-southeast-2
Now we're going to run the terraform init
command to configure the backend by mapping to the resources we've created in our remote-state-set-up steps.
Remember to replace [YOUR-NAME]
with the name you used when creating the remote state stack (in the AWS console).
terraform init \
-backend-config=region=$global_region \
-backend-config=bucket=[YOUR-NAME]-terraform-workshop-state-bucket-$account_id \
-backend-config=key=terraform.tfstate \
Now we can create our workspace and give it a name:
export workspace=[YOUR-NAME]-terraform-workshop
terraform workspace new $workspace 2> /dev/null || true
terraform workspace select $workspace
To check this has worked, you can run:
terraform workspace list
This should show your new workspace. The *
denotes which workspace you're using:
~ terraform workspace list
* [YOUR-NAME]-terraform-workshop
Troubleshooting Tips
You'll face some issues if your initialization details don't match your backend you've created:
This needs to match the s3 Bucket you created in your Remote State Stack
-backend-config=bucket=[YOUR-NAME]-terraform-workshop-lock-table-$account_id \
This needs to match the DynamoDB table name you created in your Remote State Stack
If you've had some issues already and the terraform-init
command is telling you the bucket doesn't exist, try the following command to remove th state lock file:
rm -rf .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl