Please note: you will need access to a laptop and an AWS account on the day.
For the laptop, it is preferred that you have full administrative permissions on the laptop that you bring. If you do not have a personal laptop with full permissions, you may bring your work laptop. Many do not have admin permissions on their work laptops, or have security restrictions for installing software.
This workshop may require at minimum, installation of virtual machine software, at best you have full permissions. Please choose carefully if you are bringing your work laptop, or a personal one.
For the AWS account, please continue with these steps below, to get this set up. The steps are really quite easy and straight forward.
If you are bringing a Windows machine, we advise that your operating system is at least Windows 10.
On Windows 10, on your Command Line, you should see this output when typing 'ssh' and pressing Enter:
If you don't see this output, i.e. if ssh is not recognised, please follow these instructions to enable ssh on your machine:
You should now be able to get the above output when typing in and pressing Enter after 'ssh'.
Please install PuTTY and PuTTY Gen, following steps 1-3 of section "Generate the key" :
For our workshops, ideally you have a laptop over which you have administrative privileges, meaning you can install software without requiring special permission.
If you do not have full admin permissions on your laptop, we may provide you with an Ubuntu Linux virtual machine and we will help you use it on the day.
Please continue to follow the steps below too:
Please install PuTTY and PuTTY Gen, following steps 1-3 of section "Generate the key" :
You will require software to run this virtual machine. Ideally you will have VMWare software installed on your laptop, otherwise VirtualBox (free, but may be slow and laggy).
You will be using your own personal basic/ free tier AWS account on the day, that you can manage yourself. If you don't have one yet, keep reading for the link with instructions to create it.
The link to create a free tier basic personal AWS account:
The credit card details you provide, are a backup only in case you don't use free tier services.
Don't worry, we will guide you through creating these services on the day.
(here is a list of all free tier services, if you're keen to check them out: )
Verifying your account. When I log in to AWS, I get a screen that looks similar to this:
(If you are stuck - we have some VMs on disk that we can give you, as per