diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f54a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Toggle Notch - An Alfred workflow
+Turn the [notch](https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/18/22732912/apple-macbook-pro-notch-display) on Apple Silicon based MacBook on or off quickly. This workflow is essentially a wrapper of an apple shortcut to invoke [Say No to Notch](https://apps.apple.com/app/say-no-to-notch/id1639306886)'s shortcut component.
+## Features
+This workflow has one single feature: turning the "notch" ON or OFF.
+## Pre-requisites
+You don't need to do anything to start using this workflow, since it will prompt you install the following pre-requisites for your first run.
+- Mac App Store App: [AppStore - Say No To Notch](https://apps.apple.com/app/say-no-to-notch/id1639306886)
+- Apple Shortcut: `toggleNotch`
+## Usage
+- ⏎: Toggle 'notch' on or off
+- ⌥⏎: Turn on notch
+- ⌃⏎: Turn off notch
+## Todo
+- Add hotkey activation.
diff --git a/Toggle Notch.alfredworkflow b/Toggle Notch.alfredworkflow
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2f7cb
Binary files /dev/null and b/Toggle Notch.alfredworkflow differ
diff --git a/icons/say_no_to_notch.png b/icons/say_no_to_notch.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26096bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/say_no_to_notch.png differ
diff --git a/icons/shortcuts.png b/icons/shortcuts.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8febe
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/shortcuts.png differ
diff --git a/icons/toggle_notch.png b/icons/toggle_notch.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dff292
Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/toggle_notch.png differ
diff --git a/img/toggle-notch-screenshot-1.png b/img/toggle-notch-screenshot-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1eda79
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/toggle-notch-screenshot-1.png differ
diff --git a/info.plist b/info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4670c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+ bundleid
+ dev.minakoto.toggle-notch
+ category
+ Tools
+ connections
+ 081D9BCF-11F6-4539-AC25-630D8AA689D0
+ destinationuid
+ FE182351-FBFB-4EAE-975B-B2295BF5ACAB
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ sourceoutputuid
+ 5EED256F-1802-4EFE-B8C4-FF9A2CF84439
+ vitoclose
+ destinationuid
+ CFD2ABD0-39F1-4D6B-87D8-E8F6703D5EA1
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ 2A89BFC8-C38B-4848-BD01-4AC012858907
+ destinationuid
+ CFAB1AB4-92DB-4C1C-96D5-C1A4183D700B
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ 3B285ABB-4E14-43B1-B179-BDF3EBC8E350
+ destinationuid
+ AF4D0A26-C625-4094-82AA-2DB2C034F3EF
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ sourceoutputuid
+ _button1
+ vitoclose
+ destinationuid
+ 8EAFCC53-E323-4856-BB14-45DD8CA73048
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ sourceoutputuid
+ _button1
+ vitoclose
+ A9B93083-3BE7-4441-8894-DDA64DC37ED5
+ destinationuid
+ B9764841-A92F-4BE2-B602-0971293FB159
+ modifiers
+ 524288
+ modifiersubtext
+ Turn on notch
+ vitoclose
+ destinationuid
+ 2A89BFC8-C38B-4848-BD01-4AC012858907
+ modifiers
+ 262144
+ modifiersubtext
+ Turn off notch
+ vitoclose
+ destinationuid
+ F3E62577-A0D5-4393-9F90-F26755859822
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ B9764841-A92F-4BE2-B602-0971293FB159
+ destinationuid
+ CFAB1AB4-92DB-4C1C-96D5-C1A4183D700B
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ CFD2ABD0-39F1-4D6B-87D8-E8F6703D5EA1
+ destinationuid
+ AF4D0A26-C625-4094-82AA-2DB2C034F3EF
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ sourceoutputuid
+ _button1
+ vitoclose
+ D8E4A241-7DDC-45D8-ADB3-F6E60BB0C9F6
+ destinationuid
+ DB6D431F-89BE-432D-AB8A-7BF4E55E57CE
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ sourceoutputuid
+ 2F9851C5-DCAF-4F62-84CB-E7C72DDD9A6A
+ vitoclose
+ destinationuid
+ 3B285ABB-4E14-43B1-B179-BDF3EBC8E350
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ DB6D431F-89BE-432D-AB8A-7BF4E55E57CE
+ destinationuid
+ 081D9BCF-11F6-4539-AC25-630D8AA689D0
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ F3E62577-A0D5-4393-9F90-F26755859822
+ destinationuid
+ D8E4A241-7DDC-45D8-ADB3-F6E60BB0C9F6
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ FE182351-FBFB-4EAE-975B-B2295BF5ACAB
+ destinationuid
+ CFAB1AB4-92DB-4C1C-96D5-C1A4183D700B
+ modifiers
+ 0
+ modifiersubtext
+ vitoclose
+ createdby
+ minakoto
+ description
+ Turn the 'notch' on apple silicon based macbook on or off quickly
+ disabled
+ name
+ Toggle Notch
+ objects
+ config
+ argumenttype
+ 1
+ keyword
+ {var:keyword}
+ subtext
+ Press enter to toggle notch
+ text
+ Toggle Notch
+ withspace
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.input.keyword
+ uid
+ A9B93083-3BE7-4441-8894-DDA64DC37ED5
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ argument
+ on
+ passthroughargument
+ variables
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.argument
+ uid
+ B9764841-A92F-4BE2-B602-0971293FB159
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ argument
+ off
+ passthroughargument
+ variables
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.argument
+ uid
+ 2A89BFC8-C38B-4848-BD01-4AC012858907
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ inputmode
+ 0
+ outputmode
+ 0
+ shortcut
+ toggleNotch
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.automation.runshortcut
+ uid
+ CFAB1AB4-92DB-4C1C-96D5-C1A4183D700B
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ tasksettings
+ target_shortcut
+ toggleNotch
+ taskuid
+ com.alfredapp.automation.core/shortcuts/shortcut.installed
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.automation.task
+ uid
+ DB6D431F-89BE-432D-AB8A-7BF4E55E57CE
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ argument
+ passthroughargument
+ variables
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.argument
+ uid
+ FE182351-FBFB-4EAE-975B-B2295BF5ACAB
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ concurrently
+ escaping
+ 102
+ script
+ found_app=$(mdfind kMDItemAppStoreHasReceipt=1 | grep 'Say No to Notch' --ignore-case)
+if [[ -n "$found_app" ]]; then
+ found=true
+ found=false
+echo $found
+ scriptargtype
+ 1
+ scriptfile
+ type
+ 5
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.action.script
+ uid
+ F3E62577-A0D5-4393-9F90-F26755859822
+ version
+ 2
+ config
+ conditions
+ inputstring
+ matchcasesensitive
+ matchmode
+ 5
+ matchstring
+ outputlabel
+ yes
+ uid
+ 5EED256F-1802-4EFE-B8C4-FF9A2CF84439
+ elselabel
+ no
+ hideelse
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.conditional
+ uid
+ 081D9BCF-11F6-4539-AC25-630D8AA689D0
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ conditions
+ inputstring
+ matchcasesensitive
+ matchmode
+ 5
+ matchstring
+ outputlabel
+ installed
+ uid
+ 2F9851C5-DCAF-4F62-84CB-E7C72DDD9A6A
+ elselabel
+ not installed
+ hideelse
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.conditional
+ uid
+ D8E4A241-7DDC-45D8-ADB3-F6E60BB0C9F6
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ button1
+ Add shortcut
+ button2
+ Cancel, end workflow
+ button3
+ description
+ This work flow requires the shortcut 'toggleNotch' to function properly. Proceed to add 'toggleNotch' to your shortcuts libary and re-run this workflow.
+ title
+ Add 'toggleNotch' shortcut
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.dialog
+ uid
+ CFD2ABD0-39F1-4D6B-87D8-E8F6703D5EA1
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ openwith
+ sourcefile
+ toggleNotch.shortcut
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.action.openfile
+ uid
+ AF4D0A26-C625-4094-82AA-2DB2C034F3EF
+ version
+ 3
+ config
+ button1
+ Go to AppStore, and add shortcut
+ button2
+ Cancel, end workflow
+ button3
+ description
+ This work flow requires the app 'Say No To Notch' and the shortcut 'toggleNotch' to function properly. Please install the app then add the shortcut and re-run this workflow
+ title
+ Install Say No To Notch
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.utility.dialog
+ uid
+ 3B285ABB-4E14-43B1-B179-BDF3EBC8E350
+ version
+ 1
+ config
+ browser
+ skipqueryencode
+ skipvarencode
+ spaces
+ url
+ https://apps.apple.com/app/say-no-to-notch/id1639306886
+ type
+ alfred.workflow.action.openurl
+ uid
+ 8EAFCC53-E323-4856-BB14-45DD8CA73048
+ version
+ 1
+ readme
+ Turn the [notch](https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/18/22732912/apple-macbook-pro-notch-display) on Apple Silicon based MacBook on or off quickly. This workflow is essentially a wrapper of an apple shortcut to invoke Say No to Notch's shortcut component.
+## Pre-requisites
+You don't need to do anything to start using this workflow, since it will prompt you to install the following pre-requisites for your first run.
+- Mac App Store App: [AppStore - Say No To Notch](https://apps.apple.com/app/say-no-to-notch/id1639306886)
+- Apple Shortcut: `toggleNotch`
+## Usage
+- <kbd>⏎</kbd>: Toggle 'notch' on or off
+- <kbd>⌥</kbd><kbd>⏎</kbd>: Turn on notch
+- <kbd>⌃</kbd><kbd>⏎</kbd>: Turn on notch
+ uidata
+ 081D9BCF-11F6-4539-AC25-630D8AA689D0
+ colorindex
+ 9
+ xpos
+ 700
+ ypos
+ 360
+ 2A89BFC8-C38B-4848-BD01-4AC012858907
+ note
+ Pass 'off' as argument
+ xpos
+ 400
+ ypos
+ 235
+ 3B285ABB-4E14-43B1-B179-BDF3EBC8E350
+ colorindex
+ 1
+ xpos
+ 535
+ ypos
+ 605
+ 8EAFCC53-E323-4856-BB14-45DD8CA73048
+ colorindex
+ 1
+ note
+ Open 'Say No to Notch' in AppStore
+ xpos
+ 810
+ ypos
+ 700
+ A9B93083-3BE7-4441-8894-DDA64DC37ED5
+ xpos
+ 30
+ ypos
+ 80
+ AF4D0A26-C625-4094-82AA-2DB2C034F3EF
+ colorindex
+ 5
+ xpos
+ 1020
+ ypos
+ 575
+ B9764841-A92F-4BE2-B602-0971293FB159
+ note
+ Pass 'on' as argument
+ xpos
+ 400
+ ypos
+ 115
+ CFAB1AB4-92DB-4C1C-96D5-C1A4183D700B
+ colorindex
+ 9
+ xpos
+ 1025
+ ypos
+ 325
+ CFD2ABD0-39F1-4D6B-87D8-E8F6703D5EA1
+ colorindex
+ 2
+ xpos
+ 810
+ ypos
+ 460
+ D8E4A241-7DDC-45D8-ADB3-F6E60BB0C9F6
+ colorindex
+ 2
+ xpos
+ 380
+ ypos
+ 375
+ DB6D431F-89BE-432D-AB8A-7BF4E55E57CE
+ colorindex
+ 9
+ xpos
+ 535
+ ypos
+ 340
+ F3E62577-A0D5-4393-9F90-F26755859822
+ note
+ Check if 'Say No to Notch' is installed
+ xpos
+ 235
+ ypos
+ 355
+ FE182351-FBFB-4EAE-975B-B2295BF5ACAB
+ note
+ Pass nothing as argument
+ xpos
+ 855
+ ypos
+ 355
+ userconfigurationconfig
+ config
+ default
+ tn
+ placeholder
+ required
+ trim
+ description
+ Keyword to activate toggle notch workflow
+ label
+ Keyword
+ type
+ textfield
+ variable
+ keyword
+ variablesdontexport
+ version
+ 0.1.0
+ webaddress
diff --git a/prefs.plist b/prefs.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c67376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prefs.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/toggleNotch.shortcut b/toggleNotch.shortcut
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94dee6
Binary files /dev/null and b/toggleNotch.shortcut differ