Changelog and Versions
- miniTLU (Francesco Crescioli/David Cussans)
- MuPix converter (Moritz Kiehn)
- updated APIX FEI4 converter
- updated all converter plugins to work with the new EUTelescope pixel structures
- modified producers to use fixed-width integers where made necessary due to core library changes
a small utility to check raw data files (see manual for a description)
- provides Python instances of RunControl, DataCollector, LogCollector and a generic Producer
- allows for Python-side extensions to Producer
- provides interface for scripted data taking sessions
- it is now possible to start up several DataCollectors
- named DataCollectors will be assigned to a Producer with the same name allowing for locally running data sinks
- includes first tests for core EUDAQ components based on Python wrapper
- starts a (dummy) DAQ session and verifies the output against a reference file
- tests run via CTest
- scripts for automated nightly tests provided
- GCC version > 4.6
- Clang version > 3.1
- MSVC12 or later
core library now uses fixed-width integers consistently – this might require changes to existing producers
- removed obsolete converter plugin relying no longer existing EUTelescope headers
- Multiplatform build system
- out-of-source builds
- Builds with gcc on Linux (e.g. 4.7 on Ubuntu 12.04), Clang on OSX (e.g. 4.2 on OSX 10.8), and MSVC on Windows (MSVC 12 on Windows 7, 32bit)
- recommend CMake 2.8.12, but should work even with CMake 2.6
- see updated install instructions in README or the manual
- all producers are stored in separate directory
- central library is located separately from executables and by default installed in ./lib
(almost) no binary files are now distributed with the code:
- no windows drivers (pthreads, libusb)
- no Mimosa26 DAQ labview projects
- no MS Visual Studio files or precompiled W32 binaries
- manual is no longer provided as pdf but only in source (and can be downloaded from the homepage)
- no ZestSC1 driver files (need to be downloaded from AFS, see instructions for installation in
- user manual
- web pages (
- source code using doxygen (“make doxygen”)
- Explorer-1 (Felix Reidt)
- used to interface with EUTelescope analysis framework for data conversion from RAW into LCIO format
- EUDAQ main components compile and run under Windows 7 now (VS 2012), executables are included
- improved stability
- data collector can now run on different PC from run control
- added Mimosa32 producer (by Ilaria Aimo)
- there are now two FEI4B converter plugins (USBPIX/RCE), see notes on updating
- updated TimepixConverterPlugin (by Mathieu Benoit)
- now hosted on github
- improved stability: better exception handling of run control when log collector fails
- improved stability: run control GUI application properly catches exceptions
- reduced verbosity of online monitor
- added some debugging facilities for low-level methods in
- NI producer: NI PCs address does not need to be in system’s host file any more
- data and logs folders are now present already in the repository; can be replaced e.g. with symlink by the user
- fixed compilation on gcc 4.7
- fixed build warnings
breaking backward compatibility with data taken with RCE system of FEI4B modules (tagged USBPIXI4B before today or with eudaq v01-00-00) from now on, there are 2 FEI4B converter plugins for USBPIX system (USBpixI4BConverterPlugin) and for RCE system (RCEI4ConverterPlugin)
For up-to-date details, check
- some improvements since version 1.0 but no long term experience yet
- first ‘release’: snapshot of development until April 2013
- EUDAQ developed since 2007 and in successful operation with various devices for years!
- change of default control voltage for PMTs, now it’s 800 mV
- changes in USBpixI4BConverterPlugin and RCEI4BConverterPlugin
- changes to FEI4B converter plugin.
- minor clean-up, first ‘versioned’ release
- online monitor no longer defaults to simple tracking for the correlation plots
For up-to-date details, check
- euRun crashes, sometimes with uncaught exceptions, sometimes with segfaults
- crashes occur ‘regularly’, on some systems every hour or others a couple of times per day