- terminal skills (cd, mkdir, ls, environment and so)
- git (commit, push, branch and so on) and github (fork, pull request, code review)
- javascript (es6/7+)
- react (component lifecycle, setState, setState callback, props as functions)
- react native - https://medium.com/entria/learning-path-react-native-5a97e9ce8c52#.dpkt0we4b
- flexbox - http://flexboxfroggy.com/
- mongoose
- graphql - https://www.howtographql.com/
- relay - https://www.learnrelay.org/
- typescript - https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- flow - https://flow.org/
- jest - http://jest-everywhere.now.sh/
- async programming (https://kriskowal.gitbooks.io/gtor/content/)
- database modelling
- writing (posts on medium)
- problem solving (using google, stack overflow, github, slack, and so on in a smart way)
- participate more in the community - http://react-brasil-slack.herokuapp.com/