This is guide is not complete. I recommend looking at the simple/original documentation. I will NOT provide support.
Create a folder somewhere (it will be where the bot will be installed), and open a terminal in that folder.
Download the
(postgres dump file) from #self-hosting channel in the Tickets Support Discord server.-
. -
Add the following lines to the top of
dump file:-- Create the roles CREATE ROLE backup; CREATE ROLE clickhouse; CREATE ROLE peerdb; CREATE ROLE tickets; CREATE ROLE votelistener;
Move it to the root of the folder you created.
and rename it toinit-archive.sql
. -
Create a
and copy the SQL lines-
For those being lazy, here's the SQL lines:
-- Downloaded from (only include the SQL lines, not the GoLang code (aka batch.Queue)) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guilds("guild_id" int8 NOT NULL UNIQUE, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("guild_id")); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS channels("channel_id" int8 NOT NULL UNIQUE, "guild_id" int8 NOT NULL, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("channel_id", "guild_id")); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users("user_id" int8 NOT NULL UNIQUE, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("user_id")); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS members("guild_id" int8 NOT NULL, "user_id" int8 NOT NULL, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("guild_id", "user_id")); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS roles("role_id" int8 NOT NULL UNIQUE, "guild_id" int8 NOT NULL, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("role_id", "guild_id")); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emojis("emoji_id" int8 NOT NULL UNIQUE, "guild_id" int8 NOT NULL, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("emoji_id", "guild_id")); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS voice_states("guild_id" int8 NOT NULL, "user_id" INT8 NOT NULL, "data" jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("guild_id", "user_id")); -- create index CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS channels_guild_id ON channels("guild_id"); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS members_guild_id ON members("guild_id"); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS member_user_id ON members("user_id"); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS roles_guild_id ON roles("guild_id"); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS emojis_guild_id ON emojis("guild_id"); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS voice_states_guild_id ON voice_states("guild_id"); CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY IF NOT EXISTS voice_states_user_id ON voice_states("user_id");
Create the
and copy the following code block (this compiles the Svelte frontend with your bot's client ID, API URL and Websocket URL)FROM node:lts-alpine AS build # Install packages USER root RUN apk add --no-cache git # Create the directory! RUN mkdir -p /tmp && chown -R node:node /tmp WORKDIR /tmp USER node # Clone the repository to /tmp RUN git clone /tmp # Switch directories to the frontend WORKDIR /tmp/frontend # Install node_modules (including development/build) RUN npm install # Build the frontend (and include the env variables required during buildtime) ARG CLIENT_ID ARG REDIRECT_URI ARG API_URL ARG WS_URL RUN npm run build # Remove development node_modules RUN npm prune --production # Production container FROM node:lts-alpine AS prod RUN mkdir -p /app && chown -R node:node /app WORKDIR /app USER node COPY --from=build --chown=node:node /tmp/frontend/package*.json /app/ COPY --from=build --chown=node:node /tmp/frontend/node_modules /app/node_modules COPY --from=build --chown=node:node /tmp/frontend/public /app/public ENV NODE_ENV=production CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
Download the