kafka-connect-weaviate is a Kafka Connector sink connector for loading data to any Weaviate cluster.
This is currently a Work In Progress connector, use it at your own risk.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
weaviate.connection.url | "Weaviate connection URL, should be following the format <scheme>://<host>:<port> |
http://localhost:8080 |
weaviate.grpc.url | Weaviate GRPC connection URL | localhost:50051 |
weaviate.grpc.secure | Weaviate GRPC TLS secured connection, set to True to enable TLS encryption | false |
weaviate.auth.scheme | Authentication mechanism to use to connect to Weaviate, could be NONE, API_KEY or OIDC_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS | NONE |
weaviate.api.key | User API Key if API Key authentication mechanism is used | |
weaviate.oidc.client.secret | User OIDC client secret if OIDC authentication mechanism is used | |
weaviate.oidc.scopes | OIDC client scope if OIDC authentication mechanism is used | |
collection.mapping | Mapping between Kafka topic and Weaviate collection | ${topic} |
document.id.strategy | Java class returning the document ID for each record | io.weaviate.connector.idstrategy.NoIdStrategy |
vector.strategy | Java class returning the document embedding for each record | io.weaviate.connector.vectorstrategy.NoVectorStrategy |
vector.field.name | Field name containing the embedding (used only for FieldVectorStrategy) |
"connector.class": "io.weaviate.connector.WeaviateSinkConnector",
"topics": "test",
"weaviate.connection.url": "http://weaviate:8080",
"weaviate.grpc.url": "weaviate:50051",
"collection.mapping": "weaviate_${topic}",
"value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
"value.converter.schemas.enable": false
docker-compose up -d
sleep 5
python examples/create_collection.py weaviate_test
curl -i -X PUT localhost:8083/connectors/weaviate/config -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data @examples/weaviate-simple-sink.json
echo '{"string": "Hello World", "number": 1.23 }' | docker-compose exec -T kafka kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test