This simulation will provide first-year engineering undergraduates with hands-on experience of ideal gases. Users explore the behaviour of a closed ideal gas system by setting its thermodynamic state variables/constants (e.g., 𝑝, 𝑉, 𝑇, 𝐸𝐼 , 𝑆), applying work and/or heat to the system.
Starten des Programms:
- installieren von Julia
- installieren der nötigen Packages
- Julia Konsole öffnen
- using Pkg
- Pkg.add("[email protected]")
- Agents v5.14.0
- LinearAlgebra
- GLMakie v0.8.5
- InteractiveDynamics v0.22.1
- Observables v0.5.4
- Mit dem "cd()" command zu dem Verzeichnis navigieren, indem "IdealGas.jl" enthalten ist
- include("IdealGas.jl")
- IdealGas.demo()