- Exported GWAS Catalog files are read and compiled into a pandas dataframe.
- The filtering endpoint of the REST API accepts parameters to filter associations (currently supported filters: p-value, pmid, EFO URI, catalog publish date).
- The returned json contains association counts for each cytobands broken down to trait categories.
- A primitive UI endpoint proides way to test the diagram.
- The caryogram of chromosome 1 is loaded as an example.
- Based on the filters the diagram is updated.
- The application of filters is additive.
curl -X POST "http://localhost:9000/v1/filter" \
-d pmid='29875488' \
-d efo='http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/EFO_0007937' \
-d pvalue='1e-30'
"10p11.1": {
"Biological process": 0,
"Body measurement": 0,
"Cancer": 4,
"Cardiovascular disease": 0,
"Cardiovascular measurement": 0,
"Digestive system disorder": 0,
"Hematological measurement": 0,
"Immune system disorder": 0,
"Inflammatory measurement": 0,
"Lipid or lipoprotein measurement": 0,
"Liver enzyme measurement": 0,
"Metabolic disorder": 0,
"Neurological disorder": 0,
"Other disease": 1,
"Other measurement": 1,
"Other trait": 0,
"Response to drug": 0
Roughly representing priority
- Solve y-axis distribution of the circles to avoid clashing.
- Extend the applicable filters to further fields.
- Embed diagram in a canvas to enable download of the diagram as png.
- DONE Add all chromosomes to the plot.
- Adding interactivity: cytoband highlight, sphere info etc.
The same base caryotypes are used as what the current GWAS Catalog diagram uses. It makes some problem: the cytoband IDs are scientifically correct eg. 1q32.3
. It's nice and stuff, but d3.js cannot select ID starting with numbers and IDs with dot. So these IDs needs to be replaced.
export chr=1
cat ${chr}.svg | perl -lane 'BEGIN{ our $chr = $ENV{"chr"}}{
if ($_ =~ /id=\"($chr.+?)\"/i){
$old_value = $1;
$new_value = "cb".$1;
$new_value =~ s/\./_/g;
$_ =~ s/$old_value/$new_value/;
print $_;
}' > ${chr}_fixed.svg