First, we take THUMAN-DEMO1 as an example and assume that the input data contains multi-view images, masks and camera parameters.
├── img
│ └── 0001
│ ├── xxx.png --- the image of view xxx
├── mask
│ └── 0001
│ ├── xxx.png --- the mask of view xxx
└── parameter --- We use perspecive camera model to render images
└── 0001
├── xxx_extrinsic.npy --- the extrinsic of view xxx (3x4 world-to-camera matrix)
├── xxx_intrinsic.npy --- the intrinsic of view xxx (3x3 matrix)
Our camera model is the same with OpenCV camera model (without distortion parameters). Please see this link to fully understand our camera model.
Next, you can reconstruct a coarse model by VisualHull, Multi-view PIFu or DoubleField(recomended) and convert it to an OBJ model. Here, we provide an initial model recovered by DoubleField for THUman-DEMO1 in this link.
Then you need render depth and normal maps for the coarse model. You can directly use our taichi code to render them:
# Install Taichi and Taichi-glsl
taichi==0.6.39 or 0.7.15
# Move OBJ model to assets/ directory
mv xxx.obj assets/
# Render depth and normal maps using taichi code
python taichi_render_gpu/ --dataroot dataset/thuman_demo/ --obj_path assets/ --obj_format inference_eval_%s_0.obj --is_2k \
--yaw_list 0 20 90 110 180 200 270 290
Please notice that our depth map records 1/Z
value rather than Z
value. More details can be found in taichi_render_gpu/taichi_three/geometry
After rendering depth and normal maps, you can run our DiffuStereo code to reconstruct high-quality depth point cloud as mentioned in the