Release Date: TBD
- The data for cologne is now displayed on a city district level
- Onboarding System for ESID. It consists of:
- Welcome dialog, which displays an overview of ESID through slides and illustrations on the user's first visit
- Onboarding tours, built using the React Joyride library, which can be accessed via clicking on the different tour chips in the information button in the top bar or from the last slide of the welcome dialog
- Added translations for additional scenarios.
- If an inactive scenario is being clicked on it will automatically be revealed and selected.
- Missing translations were fixed.
- The heat legend selection now shows a preview for all legends again.
- The Parameters will now correctly be associated with the selected scenario and an info will be displayed, when no parameters are available.
- The colors of the scenarios was calculated wrongly which could lead to multiple scenarios with the same colors.
Release Date: 03.05.2024
- The changelog can now be viewed shown using the burger menu in the top right corner.
- The language can now be switched in the top bar between German and English.
- A new card for case data was added:
- On selecting the card the case data will be displayed on the rest of the application correspondingly.
- It is now also possible to view case data without any scenario activated.
- Next to the list of infection states, there is now an info box for each infection state. Currently, all states have the same information.
- The reference day is now editable. A line is being drawn to the chart to show the connection.
- The zoom controls of the map now have a new look and an additional button to reset the view to the initial overview of germany
- A new tab is now available below the time series chart, which shows the simulation parameters.
- Added a label to the scenario start day.
- All numbers now show as integers only.
- The group filter editor will now ask for confirmation to discard changes, when the user selects a new group filter or closes the dialog without saving.
- All texts are now available in English and German.
- Some improvements to page load speed have been made.
- If a new feature gets rolled out, the browser cache will no longer prevent the users from seeing it.
- The DLR logo was replaced by the LOKI logo and the size was reduced.
- The line chart module is upgraded from AmCharts 4 to 5 for better performance.
- The selected infection state is now also highlighted in the scenario cards.
- The DLR logo in the tab bar was replaced with the ESID logo.
- The LOKI logo now leads to the LOKI-Pandemics, instead of the DLR website.
- It is now possible to set the date to any day containing data.
- "Case Data" was renamed to "Estimated Cases" and new translations for new infection states were added.
- The text size in tooltips was adjusted to improve readability.
- Only four aggregated compartments are displayed.
- Internal build system was replaced by Vite, which improves website performance.
- Translations for the baseline scenario were added.
- An error was fixed, which prevented the text in the search bar to be translated on an initial site visit.
- Fixed an error, where districts with missing values weren't shown.
- Fixed an error, which crashed the website when the data was updated.
- Fixed an error, which crashed the website when a scenario was removed from the database.
Release Date: 27.02.2023
- Group Filters
- There is a new button below the '+' card on the top right called 'Groups'.
- This opens the group filter editor. Here you can create, toggle, edit and delete customizable groups.
- Example of a group filter: "All people of any gender aged 35 or less"
- Example of a group filter: "All people of any gender aged 35 or more"
- Example of a group filter: "All males of any age"
- The scenario cards now show the active group filters as an collapsible addon to the right.
- The line chart displays the group filters with a different line style.
- All numbers on scenario cards now show as integers only.
- The cards are now bigger, so it is less likely for text to overflow.
- The app now saves, if the infection states were expanded between sessions.
- The selected district is now highlighted with an outline on the district map.
- Found an issue with the persistent cache that crashed the website when a new property is added to the persistent store and added a comment to prevent future errors.
Release Date: 01.01.2023
- Scenario Cards
- selectable compartments
- selectable scenarios
- cards displaying scenario values, rate of change compared to case data of start date, and trend arrow indicating positive or negative changes
- additional compartments after main 4 are hidden behind an expand button
- Line Chart
- selectable Date with indicator for selected date
- zoomable x-axis
- uncertainty (25th - 75th percentile) of selected scenario shown by semitransparent area fill
- tooltip showing case data, scenario data, and 25th & 75th percentile values for selected scenario
- District Map
- selectable districts
- tooltip showing district type, name, and selected compartment value
- search bar for districts with typing suggestions
- heat legend
- selection dialog for heatmap presets
- toggle between fixed and dynamic range based on data
- Buttons to increment decrement selected day and play button to cycle through scenario days continuously, button to switch to full screen view
- Navigation menu with information about imprint, privacy policy, accessibility, and attribution