Welcome to my collection of mini Python projects! This repository showcases several standalone scripts, each demonstrating different concepts and applications of Python.
- BookScraper: Fetches and compiles book details from books.toscrape.com.
- DenverWeather: Fetches weather information for Denver using the OpenWeatherMap API.
- FileOrganizer: A utility that organizes files in your directory into predefined categories.
- FireCalculator: An intuitive calculator that's accessible directly from your command line.
- FlaskBlog: A simple blog application built with Flask framework.
- ImageFaceDetection: OpenCV script to draw boxes around faces in an image.
- MarkdownEditor: A straightforward yet powerful editor built exclusively for editing and previewing markdown content.
- MergeImagesToPDF: Merges a folder of images into a PDF file.
- MyLibraryDB: A FastAPI application that manages a library database with CRUD operations for books.
- PomodoroClock: An interactive Pomodoro Timer for your terminal productivity sessions.
- PythonQuizzer: A 10 multiple choice question quiz about Python, test your knowledge.
- QuoteScraper: Gathers inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from quotes.toscrape.com.
- TextManipulationTools: A command-line script offering two main utilities: joining lines and removing duplicate lines from a given text file.
- ToDoList: Manage your daily tasks efficiently through a simple command-line interface.
- TTSTerminal: Script that implements Text-To-Speech functionality from the clipboard.
- WebStatusChecker: Checks a URLs HTTP status code and stores it in sqlite.
- control_center: Initial implementation of a Control Center web application.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/DAVEALLCAPS/python-mini-projects.git
Navigate into the desired project's directory:
cd python-mini-projects/FolderName
Follow the setup instructions in the project's specific
The aim of creating these projects is to get hands-on experience with Python, exploring its vast capabilities and libraries. It's a journey of continuous learning, and I'm delighted to share it with the community!