To execute a GULP task
gulp <task> <arguments>
task | description of task | possible arguments |
eslint | Run ESLint on source file | |
test | Run unit test | --watch: run a local server on coverage report |
coveralls | Pass coverage report to coveralls (use it on Travis) | |
webpack | Create dist file with webpack | --version: create a specified version of the dist file (i.e. --version=2.0.0) |
doc | Create documentation |
--version: create a specified version of the documentation (i.e. --version=2.0.0) --watch: run a local server on new documentation |
build | Create complete build: run eslint and test, make dist file and documentation |
--version: create a specified version (i.e. --version=2.0.0) --watch: run a local server on examples |
Run this command (replacing x.y.z with new version name)
gulp build --version=x.y.z
Replace version field on package.json
Add description of new version on file
Commit and push on master branch
Create tag with version name with
git tag x.y.z && git push origin --tags
Push documentation with this command
git subtree push --prefix docs origin gh-pages
Execute this command, to update npm package
npm publish