diff --git a/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/font.alias b/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/font.alias
index 3ec9481..12e1701 100644
--- a/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/font.alias
+++ b/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/font.alias
@@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
-{{cc="Sorcery Points"}}
-{{mode, sl = '+' in "&*&" or 'create' in '&*&', [int(i) for i in '&*&0'.replace(' ','') if i.isdigit()][0]}}
-{{h=(not sl) or "&*&".lower() in "help?"}}
-{{v=ch.cc_exists(cc) and (ch.get_cc(cc)>=cost if mode else ch.spellbook.get_slots(sl)) and (cost if mode else sl)}}
+cc="Sorcery Points"
+mode, sl = '+' in "&*&" or 'create' in '&*&', [int(i) for i in '&*&0'.replace(' ','') if i.isdigit()][0]
+ecc="Font Spell Level " + sl
+h=(not sl) or "&*&".lower() in "help?"
+v=ch.cc_exists(cc) and (ch.get_cc(cc)>=cost if mode else ch.spellbook.get_slots(sl)) and (cost if mode else sl)
+if v:
+ if mode:
+ ch.mod_cc(cc,-cost)
+ if (ch.spellbook.get_max_slots(sl) == ch.spellbook.get_slots(sl)):
+ ch.create_cc_nx(ecc,0,10,"long",dispType="bubble",reset_to=0,initial_value=0)
+ ch.mod_cc(ecc,+1)
+ else:
+ ch.spellbook.set_slots(sl,ch.spellbook.get_slots(sl)+1)
+ else:
+ ch.mod_cc(cc,+sl)
+ if (ch.cc_exists(ecc) and ch.get_cc(ecc)>=1):
+ ch.mod_cc(ecc,-1)
+ else:
+ ch.spellbook.use_slot(sl)
-title " {{f"invokes the Font of Magic - {['Spend','Create'][mode]} {sl}{suffix}-Level Slot" if v else "tries to invoke the Font of Magic"}}!"
-{{((ch.mod_cc(cc,-cost),ch.spellbook.set_slots(sl,ch.spellbook.get_slots(sl)+1)) if mode else (ch.mod_cc(cc,+sl), ch.spellbook.use_slot(sl))) if v else ""}}
-f "{{cc+(f" ({[f'+{sl}',f'-{cost}'][mode]})" if v else "")}}|{{ch.cc_str(cc) if ch.cc_exists(cc) else "*None*"}}"
-f "{{f'''Spell Slots {f"({['-','+'][mode]}1)" if v else ""}|{ch.spellbook.slots_str(sl) if sl else n.join([ch.spellbook.slots_str(lvl) for lvl in range(1,10) if ch.spellbook.get_max_slots(lvl)])}'''}}"
-desc "{{"**Create Spell Slot:** `!font [+/create] [slot-level]`\n**Create Sorcery Points:** `!font [-/spend] [slot-level]`" if h else "You do not have this ability." if not ch.cc_exists(cc) else [f"**Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points.** As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery points equal to the slot's level.\n\nSpending a {sl}{suffix} Level Slot, creating {sl} Sorcery Points.", f"**Creating Spell Slots.** You can transform unexpended sorcery points into one spell slot as a bonus action on your turn. The created spell slots vanish at the end of a long rest. You can create spell slots no higher in level than 5th.\n\nCreating a {sl}{suffix} Level Slot, spending {cost} Sorcery Points."][mode] if v else ["You do not have spell slots of the desired level.",["You do not have enough sorcery points for this.","You cannot create spell slots above 5th level."][sl>5]][mode]}}"
diff --git a/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/scast.alias b/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/scast.alias
index 1b2f47d..0ab21a3 100644
--- a/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/scast.alias
+++ b/Collections/Sorcerer Basics/scast.alias
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ if not spell_level:
return f"""embed -title "Spell not found!" -desc "Sorry, `{spell_name}` could not be matched to a level in the database. If this is a valid spell (perhaps homebrew?) you can bypass this by specifying a level with `-l #`" """
# Figure out which meta magics we're using
meta_out = []
meta_cost = 0
@@ -73,5 +74,17 @@ Anything from `!help cast`
# Otherwise, lets cast some magic, baby!
- return f"""cast "{spell_name}" {' '.join([(f'"{i}"' if ' ' in i else i) for i in args[1:]])} """ + ' '.join(meta_out) + cc_out
+ # Check the spell slot levels and if necessary try to fill out with a font spell slot
+ a = argparse(args)
+ ignore = ""
+ ss_out = ""
+ if (character().spellbook.get_slots(spell_level) == 0 and not "i" in a):
+ ch,ecc=character(),"Font Spell Level " + spell_level
+ if (ch.cc_exists(ecc) and ch.cc(ecc).value > 0):
+ ch.mod_cc(ecc,-1)
+ ignore = " -i "
+ ss_out = f""" -f "**{ecc}** \n{character().cc_str(ecc)} (-1)" """
+ return f"""cast "{spell_name}" {' '.join([(f'"{i}"' if ' ' in i else i) for i in args[1:]])} {ignore} """ + ' '.join(meta_out) + cc_out + ss_out