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Using Matrices & Object3Ds in THREE

renegademaster88 edited this page Jun 26, 2011 · 10 revisions

I have been using THREE for a month or so and its is an incredible library, however my biggest stumbling point has been understanding how to use Matrices. Here is what i have learnt Now the Matrix4 class has all the usual transfrom functions you would expect for 3D computer graphcis matrix class - mulitply , setRotationX, setRotationY , setPosition are just a few. However its really the **Object3D **class and its **updateMatrix **and **update **functions that we need to understand.

The Object3D class has its own matrix:


and contains within itself:

this.position this.quaternion this.rotation this.scale

When updateMatrix is called the Object3Ds matrix is set according to those variables, and the following boolean: **this.useQuaternion **

if this is true it will use this.quaternion instead of** this.rotation** to set the objects orientation - **this.rotation **will do nothing.

Now if you want to manually configure **this.matrix **using **Matrix4 **methods, then you need to make sure this.matrixAutoUpdate is **false **and that you _don't _call this.updateMatrix. Otherwise all your settings will be over-ridden and your object will do nothing.

If you change the scale of the object manually be sure to update this.boundRadiusScale with the changes also.

if** this.matrixAutoUpdate** is **true **then at render time **this.updateMatrix **is called automatically so you don't need to call it yourself.

There is also the world matrix and the parent-child hierarchy. This is propagates the parents **this.matrix to its children, and is dependent on this.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate **being true in for the propagation to occur during the this.update call.

Now most of the object types inherit from Object3D, so if your object isn't doing what you expected it probably because this.updateMatrix is over-writing your settings!

I hope this helps. renegademaster88