This workflow sets a new image tag for a kubernetes deployment when an image is pushed to Docker Hub.
Before you run this workflow, you will need the following:
- An account on Docker Hub
- An operating Kubernetes cluster with a deployment
- Add the workflow in Relay
- Setup the Docker Hub webhook:
- Click Setup
- On the right sidebar, copy the webhook for the dockerhub-image-pushed trigger
- Navigate to your repository on Docker Hub
- Click Webhooks at the top
- Add a name for your webhook and paste the url in the box Webhook URL
- Click Create
- Setup your Kubernetes connection
- In the Relay page for the workflow, expand the Setup sidebar
- In the sidebar, click the plus "+" under Connections for the Kubernetes connection and give it a name
- Fill in the Cluster server field with the URL to your Kubernetes master (
kubectl cluster-info
will show this) - Paste the PEM-encoded CA certificate for your cluster in the Certificate authority field. This command will display the CA cert:
kubectl config view --raw --flatten -o json | jq -r '.clusters[] | select(.name == "'$(kubectl config current-context)'") | .cluster."certificate-authority-data"' | base64 --decode
- Paste an access token into the Token field. This can be retrieved with the following command:
kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.users[].user.auth-provider.config.access-token}'
- Creating a new tag for your docker image and pushing it to Docker Hub should
result in an update to your deployment container. You can validate with:
kubectl -n <namespace> get deployments <deploymentName> -o=jsonpath='{}{": "}{range .spec.template.spec.containers[*]}{.image}{end}'