- Dhanishtha Ghosh- [email protected]
- Sneha Takle- [email protected]
- Rasika Chavan
- Saurav Kanegaonkar
- Shivani Pawar
This is a website where students can interact with their juniors/seniors to buy/sell their books. As the website starts, you will be on the home page. The toogle icon on the left-top of the screen (on mobile devices) will help you navigate your way through the pages. On a tablet screen or a desktop, you will be able to navigate with the help of the navigation bar on top of the page.
The Home tab displays two buttons labelled Buy and Sell. The Buy button will take you to a page where there will be many books and their data depending on the seller inputs. The buyer can render through the various options and select the book/books they want to buy. Then they can contact the seller and can make required bargain.
The seller can upload their books by filling in the form provided in the 'sell book' option of the home page or the navigation bar. They can update their book information by visiting their account page.
Account information can be updated by any user who is logged in. They can change their profile picture, username and many more information. Like any typical website, this has a registration and login page.
For viewing individual book and more info about the seller, user can click in the book title of every book displayed which will direct them to info page. They can go back to the buy page with the back button or by clicking the buy tab on the navbar.
- GitHub repository link: Appie-Rookie
- Website Link: Books&Buddies
- Google Drive Link (for images): Image Folder
- Google Drive Link (for demo video): Demo Video
- Python Flask
- Bootstrap (CSS Framework)
- SQLite
- Clone the Git repository
- Install Python 3.7 or later versions (if available)
- On the command line navigate to directory of cloned repository and run following command to install python packages
pip install requirements.txt
- On the project's root directory, run
python run.py
- Open a browser and type url
The website is created to help the newcomers as well as the seniors to buy and sell second-hand books. It is an effective alternative of the choas which happens at the beginning of every new academic year/semester.
- A dedicated app for achieving the same purpose.
- A in-site or in-app chat box for easy communication
- An automatic inventory management
- User dedicated SQL server management (MySQL, Postgres)