diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
index 289a6827..caaa0fb0 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
@@ -61,6 +61,13 @@ jobs:
run: |
docker-compose exec -T web ./vendor/bin/phpcs -s
+ - name: Generate proof key
+ run: |
+ set -x
+ docker-compose exec -T collabora coolconfig generate-proof-key
+ # Collabora becomes unavailable after the above command.
+ docker-compose restart collabora
- name: Drupal site install
run: |
docker-compose exec -T web ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 602f3eff..fc321040 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,7 +21,14 @@ For a local demo or test installation, [see below](#development--demo-installati
- (optional) For the 'Collabora Online Group' sub-module, you also need the
[Group](https://drupa.org/project/group) and [Group Media](https://drupa.org/project/groupmedia) modules.
-### Installation steps
+### Collabora Online server preparation
+It is recommended to generate a proof key as documented here:\
+If not, the proof mechanism needs to be disabled in the module settings.
+### Module installation steps
See the [Drupal guide to install
@@ -39,7 +46,7 @@ field in the `composer.json` of your project.
Then you can go into Drupal logged as an admin and go to _Extend_. In
the list you should be able to find _Collabora Online_ and enable it.
-From there you can access the module specific configuration.
+From there you can access the module-specific configuration.
Please check the "Configuration" section below!
@@ -69,6 +76,9 @@ docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec web composer install
docker-compose exec web ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install
+docker-compose exec collabora coolconfig generate-proof-key
+docker-compose restart collabora
Optionally, generate an admin login link.
diff --git a/collabora_online.post_update.php b/collabora_online.post_update.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02de2850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collabora_online.post_update.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ $cool_settings = $config->get('cool') ?? [];
+ $cool_settings['wopi_proof'] ??= TRUE;
+ $config->set('cool', $cool_settings);
+ $config->save();
diff --git a/collabora_online.routing.yml b/collabora_online.routing.yml
index d0619ee0..c1fb763e 100644
--- a/collabora_online.routing.yml
+++ b/collabora_online.routing.yml
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ collabora-online.wopi.info:
action: 'info'
methods: [ GET ]
- _permission: 'access content'
+ _collabora_online_wopi_access: 'TRUE'
+ _format: 'collabora_online_wopi'
@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@ collabora-online.wopi.contents:
action: 'content'
methods: [ GET ]
- _permission: 'access content'
+ _collabora_online_wopi_access: 'TRUE'
+ _format: 'collabora_online_wopi'
@@ -77,7 +79,8 @@ collabora-online.wopi.save:
action: 'save'
methods: [ POST ]
- _permission: 'access content'
+ _collabora_online_wopi_access: 'TRUE'
+ _format: 'collabora_online_wopi'
diff --git a/collabora_online.services.yml b/collabora_online.services.yml
index 98e6eaf1..c9c7d982 100644
--- a/collabora_online.services.yml
+++ b/collabora_online.services.yml
@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ services:
class: Drupal\collabora_online\Jwt\JwtTranscoder
class: Drupal\collabora_online\MediaHelper
+ Drupal\collabora_online\EventSubscriber\ExceptionWopiSubscriber: { }
+ Drupal\collabora_online\Access\WopiProofAccessCheck:
+ tags:
+ - { name: access_check, applies_to: _collabora_online_wopi_access }
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index 80947b68..dc32a09e 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
"require": {
"php": ">=8.1",
"drupal/key": "^1.19",
- "firebase/php-jwt": "^6.10"
+ "firebase/php-jwt": "^6.10",
+ "phpseclib/phpseclib": "^3.0",
+ "symfony/error-handler": "^6.4|^7.1"
"require-dev": {
"composer/installers": "^2",
diff --git a/config/install/collabora_online.settings.yml b/config/install/collabora_online.settings.yml
index 60e09ee9..17f2890f 100644
--- a/config/install/collabora_online.settings.yml
+++ b/config/install/collabora_online.settings.yml
@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ cool:
access_token_ttl: 86400
# Disable cert checks.
disable_cert_check: false
+ wopi_proof: true
# Allow fullscreen - Enabled by default for functionality.
allowfullscreen: true
diff --git a/config/schema/collabora_online.schema.yml b/config/schema/collabora_online.schema.yml
index d187e2f5..2704cb1e 100644
--- a/config/schema/collabora_online.schema.yml
+++ b/config/schema/collabora_online.schema.yml
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ collabora_online.settings:
type: boolean
label: 'Disable cert checks.'
+ wopi_proof:
+ type: boolean
+ label: 'Verify WOPI proof header and timestamp.'
type: boolean
label: 'Allow full-screen.'
diff --git a/src/Access/WopiProofAccessCheck.php b/src/Access/WopiProofAccessCheck.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a58257d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Access/WopiProofAccessCheck.php
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ if (!($config->get('cool')['wopi_proof'] ?? TRUE)) {
+ return AccessResult::allowed()
+ ->addCacheableDependency($config);
+ }
+ // Each incoming request will have a different proof and timestamp, so there
+ // is no point in caching.
+ return $this->doCheckAccess($request)
+ ->setCacheMaxAge(0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks the WOPI proof and the timeout, without adding cache metadata.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request.
+ *
+ * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult
+ * An access result without cache metadata.
+ * Instead, calling code should set cache max age 0.
+ */
+ protected function doCheckAccess(Request $request): AccessResult {
+ $timeout_access = $this->checkTimeout($request);
+ if (!$timeout_access->isAllowed()) {
+ return $timeout_access;
+ }
+ // There is no need for ->andIf(), because there is no cache metadata to
+ // merge.
+ return $this->checkProof($request);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the X-WOPI-Timestamp is expired, without cache metadata.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request.
+ *
+ * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult
+ * An access result without cache metadata.
+ */
+ protected function checkTimeout(Request $request): AccessResult {
+ $wopi_ticks_str = $request->headers->get('X-WOPI-Timestamp', '');
+ if (!is_numeric($wopi_ticks_str)) {
+ return AccessResult::forbidden('The X-WOPI-Timestamp header is missing, empty or invalid.');
+ }
+ $wopi_timestamp = DotNetTime::ticksToTimestamp((float) $wopi_ticks_str);
+ $now_timestamp = $this->time->getRequestTime();
+ $wopi_age_seconds = $now_timestamp - $wopi_timestamp;
+ if ($wopi_age_seconds > $this->ttlSeconds) {
+ return AccessResult::forbidden(sprintf(
+ 'The X-WOPI-Timestamp header is %s seconds old, which is more than the %s seconds TTL.',
+ $wopi_age_seconds,
+ $this->ttlSeconds,
+ ));
+ }
+ return AccessResult::allowed();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks the WOPI proof, without adding cache metadata.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request.
+ *
+ * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult
+ * An access result without cache metadata.
+ */
+ protected function checkProof(Request $request): AccessResult {
+ $keys = $this->getKeys();
+ if (!isset($keys['current'])) {
+ return AccessResult::forbidden('Missing or incomplete WOPI proof keys.');
+ }
+ $signatures = $this->getSignatures($request);
+ if (!isset($signatures['current'])) {
+ return AccessResult::forbidden('Missing or incomplete WOPI proof headers.');
+ }
+ $subject = $this->getSubject($request);
+ // Try different key and signature combinations.
+ foreach ($keys as $key_name => $key) {
+ foreach ($signatures as $signature_name => $signature) {
+ if ($key_name === 'old' && $signature_name === 'old') {
+ // Don't verify an old signature with an old key.
+ continue;
+ }
+ $success = $key->verify($subject, $signature);
+ if ($success) {
+ return AccessResult::allowed();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return AccessResult::forbidden('WOPI proof mismatch.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the message to be signed.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * The message to be signed.
+ */
+ protected function getSubject(Request $request): string {
+ // This class is not responsible for checking the expiration, but it still
+ // needs the WOPI timestamp to build the message for the signature.
+ $timestamp_ticks = $request->headers->get('X-WOPI-Timestamp');
+ $token = $request->query->get('access_token', '');
+ $url = $request->getUri();
+ return sprintf(
+ '%s%s%s%s%s%s',
+ pack('N', strlen($token)),
+ $token,
+ pack('N', strlen($url)),
+ strtoupper($url),
+ pack('N', 8),
+ pack('J', $timestamp_ticks)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets RSA public keys from the discovery.xml.
+ *
+ * The discovery.xml has a current and an old key.
+ * This is to support situations when the key has been recently changed, but
+ * the incoming request was signed with the older key.
+ *
+ * @return array<'current'|'old', \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\PublicKey>
+ * Current and old public key, or just the current if they are the same, or
+ * empty array if none found.
+ */
+ protected function getKeys(): array {
+ // Get current and old key.
+ // Remove empty values.
+ // If both are the same, keep only the current one.
+ $public_keys = array_unique(array_filter([
+ 'current' => $this->discovery->getProofKey(),
+ 'old' => $this->discovery->getProofKeyOld(),
+ ]));
+ $key_objects = [];
+ foreach ($public_keys as $key_name => $key_str) {
+ $key_obj = $this->prepareKey($key_str, $key_name);
+ if ($key_obj === NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $key_objects[$key_name] = $key_obj;
+ }
+ return $key_objects;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets an RSA key object based on a string value.
+ *
+ * @param string $key_str
+ * Key string value from discovery.xml.
+ * @param 'current'|'old' $key_name
+ * Key name, only used for logging.
+ *
+ * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\PublicKey|null
+ * An RSA public key object, or NULL on failure.
+ */
+ protected function prepareKey(string $key_str, string $key_name): ?PublicKey {
+ try {
+ $key_object = PublicKeyLoader::loadPublicKey($key_str);
+ }
+ catch (\Throwable $e) {
+ $log_message = "Problem with the @name key from discovery.yml:
+ $log_args = Error::decodeException($e);
+ $log_args['@name'] = $key_name;
+ $this->logger->error($log_message, $log_args);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!$key_object instanceof PublicKey) {
+ $log_message = "Problem with the @name key from discovery.yml:
+ . "Expected RSA public key, found @type.";
+ $log_args = [
+ '@name' => $key_name,
+ '@type' => get_debug_type($key_object),
+ ];
+ $this->logger->error($log_message, $log_args);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return $key_object
+ ->withHash('sha256')
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the current and old signature from the request.
+ *
+ * The request will have a current and an old signature.
+ * This is to support situations when the key has been recently changed, but
+ * the cached discovery.xml still has the old key.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * Incoming request that may have a signature to be verified.
+ *
+ * @return array{current?: string, old?: string}
+ * Current and old signature from the request, decoded and ready for use.
+ * If they are the same, only one of them is returned.
+ * If no signatures are found, an empty array is returned.
+ */
+ protected function getSignatures(Request $request): array {
+ // Get the current and old proof header.
+ // Remove empty values.
+ // If both are the same, keep only the current one.
+ $proof_headers = array_unique(array_filter([
+ 'current' => $request->headers->get('X-WOPI-Proof'),
+ 'old' => $request->headers->get('X-WOPI-ProofOld'),
+ ]));
+ $decoded_proof_headers = array_map(
+ fn (string $header_value) => base64_decode($header_value, TRUE),
+ $proof_headers,
+ );
+ // Remove false values where decoding failed.
+ return array_filter($decoded_proof_headers);
+ }
diff --git a/src/Controller/WopiController.php b/src/Controller/WopiController.php
index d41351a1..47cb92b2 100644
--- a/src/Controller/WopiController.php
+++ b/src/Controller/WopiController.php
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException;
* Provides WOPI route responses for the Collabora module.
@@ -54,20 +55,6 @@ public function __construct(
- /**
- * Creates a failure response that is understood by Collabora.
- *
- * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
- * Response object.
- */
- public static function permissionDenied(): Response {
- return new Response(
- 'Authentication failed.',
- ['content-type' => 'text/plain'],
- );
- }
* Handles the WOPI 'info' request for a media entity.
@@ -81,21 +68,21 @@ public static function permissionDenied(): Response {
public function wopiCheckFileInfo(string $id, Request $request): Response {
$token = $request->query->get('access_token');
+ if ($token === NULL) {
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Missing access token.');
+ }
$jwt_payload = $this->verifyTokenForMediaId($token, $id);
- if ($jwt_payload === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
- }
/** @var \Drupal\media\MediaInterface|null $media */
$media = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('media')->load($id);
if ($media === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Media not found.');
$file = $this->mediaHelper->getFileForMedia($media);
if ($file === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('No file attached to media.');
$mtime = date_create_immutable_from_format('U', $file->getChangedTime());
@@ -103,13 +90,13 @@ public function wopiCheckFileInfo(string $id, Request $request): Response {
/** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface|null $user */
$user = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user')->load($jwt_payload['uid']);
if ($user === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('User not found.');
$can_write = $jwt_payload['wri'];
if ($can_write && !$media->access('edit in collabora', $user)) {
$this->logger->error('Token and user permissions do not match.');
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('The user does not have collabora edit access for this media.');
$payload = [
@@ -156,9 +143,6 @@ public function wopiGetFile(string $id, Request $request): Response {
$token = $request->query->get('access_token');
$jwt_payload = $this->verifyTokenForMediaId($token, $id);
- if ($jwt_payload === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
- }
/** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface|null $user */
$user = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user')->load($jwt_payload['uid']);
@@ -167,12 +151,12 @@ public function wopiGetFile(string $id, Request $request): Response {
/** @var \Drupal\media\MediaInterface|null $media */
$media = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('media')->load($id);
if ($media === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Media not found.');
$file = $this->mediaHelper->getFileForMedia($media);
if ($file === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('No file attached to media.');
$mimetype = $file->getMimeType();
@@ -204,16 +188,20 @@ public function wopiPutFile(string $id, Request $request): Response {
$exitsave = $request->headers->get('x-cool-wopi-isexitsave') == 'true';
$jwt_payload = $this->verifyTokenForMediaId($token, $id);
- if ($jwt_payload == NULL || empty($jwt_payload['wri'])) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ if (empty($jwt_payload['wri'])) {
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('The token only grants read access.');
/** @var \Drupal\media\MediaInterface|null $media */
$media = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('media')->load($id);
+ if ($media === NULL) {
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Media not found.');
+ }
/** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface|null $user */
$user = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('user')->load($jwt_payload['uid']);
- if ($media === NULL || $user === NULL) {
- return static::permissionDenied();
+ if ($user === NULL) {
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('User not found.');
@@ -336,27 +324,35 @@ public function wopi(string $action, string $id, Request $request): Response {
* Media id expected to be in the token payload.
* This could be a stringified integer like '123'.
- * @return array|null
- * Data decoded from the token, or NULL on failure or if the token has
- * expired.
+ * @return array
+ * Data decoded from the token.
+ *
+ * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException
+ * The token is malformed, invalid or has expired.
protected function verifyTokenForMediaId(
string $token,
int|string $expected_media_id,
- ): array|null {
+ ): array {
try {
$values = $this->jwtTranscoder->decode($token);
catch (CollaboraNotAvailableException $e) {
$this->logger->warning('A token cannot be decoded: @message', ['@mesage' => $e->getMessage()]);
- return NULL;
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Malformed token');
if ($values === NULL) {
- return NULL;
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Empty token values');
- if ($values['fid'] !== $expected_media_id) {
- return NULL;
+ if ((string) $values['fid'] !== (string) $expected_media_id) {
+ throw new AccessDeniedHttpException(sprintf(
+ // The token payload is not encrypted, just encoded.
+ // It is ok to reveal its values in the response for logging.
+ 'Found fid %s in request path, but fid %s in token payload',
+ $expected_media_id,
+ $values['fid'],
+ ));
return $values;
diff --git a/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscovery.php b/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscovery.php
index e11adb2e..5b828b84 100644
--- a/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscovery.php
+++ b/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscovery.php
@@ -15,9 +15,10 @@
namespace Drupal\collabora_online\Cool;
use Drupal\collabora_online\Exception\CollaboraNotAvailableException;
+use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler;
- * Service to get a WOPI client url for a given MIME type.
+ * Service to get values from the discovery.xml.
class CollaboraDiscovery implements CollaboraDiscoveryInterface {
@@ -35,12 +36,7 @@ public function __construct(
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getWopiClientURL(string $mimetype = 'text/plain'): string {
- $xml = $this->discoveryFetcher->getDiscoveryXml();
- $discovery_parsed = simplexml_load_string($xml);
- if (!$discovery_parsed) {
- throw new CollaboraNotAvailableException('The retrieved discovery.xml file is not a valid XML file.');
- }
+ $discovery_parsed = $this->getParsedXml();
$result = $discovery_parsed->xpath(sprintf('/wopi-discovery/net-zone/app[@name=\'%s\']/action', $mimetype));
if (empty($result[0]['urlsrc'][0])) {
@@ -50,4 +46,70 @@ public function getWopiClientURL(string $mimetype = 'text/plain'): string {
return (string) $result[0]['urlsrc'][0];
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function getProofKey(): ?string {
+ $discovery_parsed = $this->getParsedXml();
+ $attribute = $discovery_parsed->xpath('/wopi-discovery/proof-key/@value')[0] ?? NULL;
+ return $attribute?->__toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ public function getProofKeyOld(): ?string {
+ $discovery_parsed = $this->getParsedXml();
+ $attribute = $discovery_parsed->xpath('/wopi-discovery/proof-key/@oldvalue')[0] ?? NULL;
+ return $attribute?->__toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetches the discovery.xml, and gets the parsed contents.
+ *
+ * @return \SimpleXMLElement
+ * Parsed xml from the discovery.xml.
+ *
+ * @throws \Drupal\collabora_online\Exception\CollaboraNotAvailableException
+ * Fetching the discovery.xml failed, or the result is not valid xml.
+ */
+ protected function getParsedXml(): \SimpleXMLElement {
+ $xml = $this->discoveryFetcher->getDiscoveryXml();
+ return $this->parseXml($xml);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses an XML string.
+ *
+ * @param string $xml
+ * XML string.
+ *
+ * @return \SimpleXMLElement
+ * Parsed XML.
+ *
+ * @throws \Drupal\collabora_online\Exception\CollaboraNotAvailableException
+ * The XML is invalid or empty.
+ */
+ protected function parseXml(string $xml): \SimpleXMLElement {
+ try {
+ // Avoid errors from XML parsing hitting the regular error handler.
+ // An alternative would be libxml_use_internal_errors(), but then we would
+ // have to deal with the results from libxml_get_errors().
+ $parsed_xml = ErrorHandler::call(
+ fn () => simplexml_load_string($xml),
+ );
+ }
+ catch (\ErrorException $e) {
+ throw new CollaboraNotAvailableException('Error in the retrieved discovery.xml file: ' . $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ if ($parsed_xml === FALSE) {
+ // The parser returned FALSE, but no error was raised.
+ // This is known to happen when $xml is an empty string.
+ // Instead we could check for $xml === '' earlier, but we don't know for
+ // sure if this is, and always will be, the only such case.
+ throw new CollaboraNotAvailableException('The discovery.xml file is empty.');
+ }
+ return $parsed_xml;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscoveryInterface.php b/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscoveryInterface.php
index b8aae932..e9472c8d 100644
--- a/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscoveryInterface.php
+++ b/src/Cool/CollaboraDiscoveryInterface.php
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
namespace Drupal\collabora_online\Cool;
- * Service to get a WOPI client url for a given MIME type.
+ * Service to get a WOPI client URL for a given MIME type.
interface CollaboraDiscoveryInterface {
@@ -23,15 +23,34 @@ interface CollaboraDiscoveryInterface {
* Gets the URL for the WOPI client.
* @param string $mimetype
- * Mime type for which to get the WOPI client url.
+ * Mime type for which to get the WOPI client URL.
* This refers to config entries in the discovery.xml file.
* @return string
- * The WOPI client url.
+ * The WOPI client URL.
* @throws \Drupal\collabora_online\Exception\CollaboraNotAvailableException
- * The client url cannot be retrieved.
+ * The client URL cannot be retrieved.
public function getWopiClientURL(string $mimetype = 'text/plain'): string;
+ /**
+ * Gets the public key used for proofing.
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ * The recent key, or NULL if none found.
+ */
+ public function getProofKey(): ?string;
+ /**
+ * Gets the old public key for proofing.
+ *
+ * This covers the case when the public key was already updated, but an
+ * incoming request has a proof that was generated with the previous key.
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ * The old key, or NULL if none found.
+ */
+ public function getProofKeyOld(): ?string;
diff --git a/src/EventSubscriber/ExceptionWopiSubscriber.php b/src/EventSubscriber/ExceptionWopiSubscriber.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70a1f045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/EventSubscriber/ExceptionWopiSubscriber.php
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ // If the exception is cacheable, generate a cacheable response.
+ if ($exception instanceof CacheableDependencyInterface) {
+ $response = new CacheableResponse($exception->getMessage(), $exception->getStatusCode(), $exception->getHeaders());
+ $response->addCacheableDependency($exception);
+ }
+ else {
+ $response = new Response($exception->getMessage(), $exception->getStatusCode(), $exception->getHeaders());
+ }
+ $event->setResponse($response);
+ }
diff --git a/src/Form/ConfigForm.php b/src/Form/ConfigForm.php
index 05a20e84..f5a0c3a1 100644
--- a/src/Form/ConfigForm.php
+++ b/src/Form/ConfigForm.php
@@ -86,6 +86,12 @@ public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array {
'#default_value' => $cool_settings['disable_cert_check'] ?? FALSE,
+ $form['wopi_proof'] = [
+ '#type' => 'checkbox',
+ '#title' => $this->t('Verify proof header and timestamp in incoming WOPI requests.'),
+ '#default_value' => $cool_settings['wopi_proof'] ?? TRUE,
+ ];
$form['allowfullscreen'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.'),
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@ public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state): void {
->set('cool.key_id', $form_state->getValue('key_id'))
->set('cool.access_token_ttl', $form_state->getValue('access_token_ttl'))
->set('cool.disable_cert_check', $form_state->getValue('disable_cert_check'))
+ ->set('cool.wopi_proof', $form_state->getValue('wopi_proof'))
->set('cool.allowfullscreen', $form_state->getValue('allowfullscreen'))
diff --git a/src/Jwt/JwtTranscoderBase.php b/src/Jwt/JwtTranscoderBase.php
index de906e93..0474a025 100644
--- a/src/Jwt/JwtTranscoderBase.php
+++ b/src/Jwt/JwtTranscoderBase.php
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ public function decode(
return NULL;
- if (!isset($payload['exp']) || $payload['exp'] < gettimeofday(TRUE)) {
- // The token is expired, or no timeout was set.
+ if (!isset($payload['exp'])) {
+ // The token does not have an expiration timestamp.
return NULL;
return $payload;
diff --git a/src/Util/DotNetTime.php b/src/Util/DotNetTime.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..163c4e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/DotNetTime.php
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/discovery.proof-key.xml b/tests/fixtures/discovery.proof-key.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0dd9f537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/discovery.proof-key.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/tests/src/Functional/ConfigFormTest.php b/tests/src/Functional/ConfigFormTest.php
index 58a03a62..23542ebe 100644
--- a/tests/src/Functional/ConfigFormTest.php
+++ b/tests/src/Functional/ConfigFormTest.php
@@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ public function testConfigForm(): void {
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('WOPI host URL', 'https://localhost/');
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('JWT private key', '');
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Access Token Expiration (in seconds)', '86400');
- $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.', '');
- $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.', '1');
+ $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.');
+ $assert_session->checkboxChecked('Verify proof header and timestamp in incoming WOPI requests.');
+ $assert_session->checkboxChecked('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.');
// The key select element has no options, because no compatible key exists.
@@ -94,6 +95,8 @@ public function testConfigForm(): void {
$assert_session->fieldExists('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.')
+ $assert_session->fieldExists('Verify proof header and timestamp in incoming WOPI requests.')
+ ->uncheck();
// Since default is checked we disable the full screen option.
$assert_session->fieldExists('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.')
@@ -107,8 +110,9 @@ public function testConfigForm(): void {
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('WOPI host URL', 'http://wopihost.com');
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('JWT private key', 'collabora_test');
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Access Token Expiration (in seconds)', '3600');
- $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.', '1');
- $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.', '');
+ $assert_session->checkboxChecked('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.');
+ $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked('Verify proof header and timestamp in incoming WOPI requests.');
+ $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.');
// Test validation of required fields.
@@ -143,8 +147,9 @@ public function testConfigForm(): void {
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('WOPI host URL', '');
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('JWT private key', '');
$assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Access Token Expiration (in seconds)', '0');
- $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.', '');
- $assert_session->fieldValueEquals('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.', '');
+ $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked('Disable TLS certificate check for COOL.');
+ $assert_session->checkboxChecked('Verify proof header and timestamp in incoming WOPI requests.');
+ $assert_session->checkboxNotChecked('Allow COOL to use fullscreen mode.');
$assert_session->buttonExists('Save configuration');
diff --git a/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerProofTest.php b/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerProofTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3eaf375b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerProofTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected string $wopiProofKey = self::PROOF_KEY;
+ /**
+ * Mock return value for $discovery->getProofKeyOld().
+ *
+ * @var string
+ */
+ protected string $wopiProofKeyOld = self::PROOF_KEY;
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+ protected function setUp(): void {
+ parent::setUp();
+ // Set a mock discovery with custom proof keys.
+ $mock_discovery = $this->createMock(CollaboraDiscoveryInterface::class);
+ $this->container->set(CollaboraDiscoveryInterface::class, $mock_discovery);
+ $mock_discovery->method('getProofKey')->willReturnReference($this->wopiProofKey);
+ $mock_discovery->method('getProofKeyOld')->willReturnReference($this->wopiProofKeyOld);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests access check based on WOPI proof and timestamp.
+ */
+ public function testWopiProofAccess(): void {
+ $requests = $this->createRequests();
+ // The values below have been recorded from real WOPI requests coming from
+ // a Collabora client.
+ $wopi_tick_times = [
+ 'info' => '638701624451393010',
+ 'file' => '638701624452984064',
+ 'save' => '638701624725606559',
+ ];
+ $wopi_proofs = [
+ 'info' => 'MQSnbW+hu4z18psc+EfHkNBP1oTMTkcTYSOy5bAouB24XKaiaPb/BRF05ds1oq8GIvSjxL0nczIYMOxZyiNzGg3BvkKOm2eGPIMNCJvk7QZyIF/FI6E7uTg4zp7K/x6S+Dph/nVrNT37xjvHsf0MuKjfGdJKDMz8WzhXsKs/yAJVxErrFcabJRuva48fLNmMYkO/c9lLqxpdNvlASBOajeoECuKYwMJitBgMMDwrFuPA7a+RjWIjtYkkHu4oyZXTdWskU6P6LFSE4jWe9rPAxYJsOAXDZpefDYDXUSryazSeK+AgaA3p69ZrFTD5M/FH1hEDKhLqWOll49n7oTnL8w==',
+ 'file' => 'Ka9G+FAyjzf04Sk2Z1DSX0f0Xk4a9qtUGhKIfF/DPTuJOHykw38XGZy+v045EIsOpVZ6CFnlToI/h6hbstYhBG78O0xMV0L/o65HO8jCkuFPvU4yTXSAfgnKSVuQB3bbti2KnzG57dp6UwwnIUb2kNnCV8W4LTGuCaCBR2Z9Ydwk09UHHaIBo57g6oHGKpLoiMLhOMq4PDW3RBis98Vmc+p6qDipj4f1c7HarBlxew4BLMC0ubRFwXsBxMWMn9E3xJdMdUZOIAyidtghoOSuLbSKyCixsxQ0ONMHRFKq4K//ozoWac+8V8h7IzTbD6LIQwNITJqUW5PwPuzt/dNdTg==',
+ 'save' => 'Pj5Ak7sBsI4Pa0RVkn+0jJNLhIuGJRKjRi//cv1lHE4O1d3VlgT1WsFc5tRr1IW/OfiLVg6yJielgzSpjNRhushUATq/YdRx4lA61Cx9KQ6Y9hr2SZdg4sNgFjOZSFAfIBBx0P1Hfqgl1olv3EjIO/Fb+7/YNSsSG+rtpjPt8fGdaRxVUa4vCUjVCoJl+uaTY8CohGE4Aj5llXUmL2ZuctA8M/Ts+yOWEPfJ/nTwI0o6oG/2BtrQMQxChM7Lk59W+iGHh/AbxwRU+K0t7bdktzwtYbRmWarJwSIE/7pZ0zVbVj92hFNqtqKzR52+ACTqLB/qQnpSMl3Yu3Z5FkcS9g==',
+ ];
+ foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
+ $wopi_tick_time = $wopi_tick_times[$name];
+ $wopi_proof = $wopi_proofs[$name];
+ $this->doTestWopiProofAccess($request, $wopi_tick_time, $wopi_proof, $name);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests a single WOPI route with different proof combinations.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * A basic request for the route.
+ * @param string $wopi_tick_time
+ * Proof time in DotNet ticks, as for the X-WOPI-Timestamp header.
+ * @param string $wopi_proof
+ * WOPI proof value, as for the X-WOPI-Proof header.
+ * @param string $message
+ * Message to use in assertions.
+ */
+ protected function doTestWopiProofAccess(Request $request, string $wopi_tick_time, string $wopi_proof, string $message): void {
+ $token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJmaWQiOiIxMDAwIiwidWlkIjoiMSIsIndyaSI6dHJ1ZSwiZXhwIjoxNzM0NjUyMDQ1LjA0NjY3NX0.tM4aHamo7sQA3pkqiNbABlMM5mi-Z9vODaSm847hxIA';
+ $request->query->set('access_token', $token);
+ $request->query->set('access_token_ttl', '0');
+ $request->server->set('QUERY_STRING', http_build_query($request->query->all()));
+ // The test proof values were generated in an environment with
+ // 'web.test:8080' as the host name.
+ $request->headers->set('HOST', 'web.test:8080');
+ $request->headers->set('X-WOPI-Timestamp', $wopi_tick_time);
+ $set_state = function (
+ ?int $offset_seconds = NULL,
+ ?string $proof_recent = NULL,
+ ?string $proof_old = NULL,
+ ?string $key_recent = NULL,
+ ?string $key_old = NULL,
+ ) use ($request, $wopi_tick_time, $wopi_proof) {
+ // By default, set a fake request time 18 minutes after the WOPI time.
+ $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] = DotNetTime::ticksToTimestamp((float) $wopi_tick_time)
+ + ($offset_seconds ?? 18 * 20);
+ $request->headers->set('X-WOPI-Proof', $proof_recent ?? $wopi_proof);
+ $request->headers->set('X-WOPI-ProofOld', $proof_old ?? $wopi_proof);
+ $this->wopiProofKey = $key_recent ?? self::PROOF_KEY;
+ $this->wopiProofKeyOld = $key_old ?? self::PROOF_KEY;
+ // Set a timestamp that is earlier than the timeout.
+ // For now there is no parameter to manipulate this, but it is still part
+ // of the "state", so it makes sense to setup in this function.
+ JWT::$timestamp = 1734605245;
+ };
+ // With all values at their default, access is granted.
+ $set_state();
+ // Clone the request to avoid side effects.
+ $this->assertRequestSuccess(clone $request, $message);
+ // A single bad proof is ok, if the old proof is valid.
+ $set_state(proof_recent: self::BAD_PROOF);
+ $this->assertRequestSuccess(clone $request, $message);
+ // A single bad old proof is ok, if the recent proof is valid.
+ $set_state(proof_old: self::BAD_PROOF);
+ $this->assertRequestSuccess(clone $request, $message);
+ // Two bad proofs lead to failure.
+ $set_state(proof_recent: self::BAD_PROOF, proof_old: self::BAD_PROOF);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse('WOPI proof mismatch.', clone $request, $message);
+ // A non-matching recent proof key is ok, if the old key still matches the
+ // recent proof from the request.
+ $set_state(key_recent: self::BAD_PROOF_KEY);
+ $this->assertRequestSuccess(clone $request, $message);
+ // Two non-matching proof keys lead to failure.
+ $set_state(key_recent: self::BAD_PROOF_KEY, key_old: self::BAD_PROOF_KEY);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse('WOPI proof mismatch.', clone $request, $message);
+ // The old proof matching the old key does not work.
+ $set_state(proof_recent: self::BAD_PROOF, key_recent: self::BAD_PROOF_KEY);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse('WOPI proof mismatch.', clone $request, $message);
+ // Set a fake request time 22 minutes after the WOPI time.
+ $set_state(offset_seconds: 22 * 60);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse('The X-WOPI-Timestamp header is 1320 seconds old, which is more than the 1200 seconds TTL.', clone $request, $message);
+ // Reset everything to clean up.
+ $set_state();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a request results in a successful response.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request.
+ * @param string $message
+ * A message to distinguish from other assertions.
+ */
+ protected function assertRequestSuccess(Request $request, string $message): void {
+ $response = $this->handleRequest($request);
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ Response::HTTP_OK,
+ $response->getStatusCode(),
+ // Print the failure message if this is not 200.
+ $message . "\n" . substr((string) $response->getContent(), 0, 3000),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTest.php b/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTest.php
index 5af45422..33e49988 100644
--- a/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTest.php
+++ b/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTest.php
@@ -14,84 +14,24 @@
namespace Drupal\Tests\collabora_online\Kernel\Controller;
-use ColinODell\PsrTestLogger\TestLogger;
-use Drupal\collabora_online\Jwt\JwtTranscoderInterface;
-use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
-use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
-use Drupal\file\FileInterface;
-use Drupal\media\MediaInterface;
-use Drupal\Tests\collabora_online\Kernel\CollaboraKernelTestBase;
-use Drupal\user\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\collabora_online\Controller\WopiController
-class WopiControllerTest extends CollaboraKernelTestBase {
- /**
- * {@inheritdoc}
- */
- protected static $modules = [
- 'collabora_online_test',
- ];
- /**
- * The user with access to perform operations.
- *
- * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
- */
- protected UserInterface $user;
- /**
- * The media where to perform operations.
- *
- * @var \Drupal\media\MediaInterface
- */
- protected MediaInterface $media;
- /**
- * The source file.
- *
- * @var \Drupal\file\FileInterface
- */
- protected FileInterface $file;
- /**
- * The test logger channel.
- *
- * @var \ColinODell\PsrTestLogger\TestLogger
- */
- protected TestLogger $logger;
+class WopiControllerTest extends WopiControllerTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp(): void {
- $this->logger = new TestLogger();
- \Drupal::service('logger.factory')->addLogger($this->logger);
- $collabora_settings = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('collabora_online.settings');
- $cool = $collabora_settings->get('cool');
- $cool['key_id'] = 'collabora';
- $collabora_settings->set('cool', $cool)->save();
- // Make sure that ids for different entity types are distinguishable.
- // This will reveal bugs where one id gets mixed up for another.
- \Drupal::database()->query("ALTER TABLE {media} AUTO_INCREMENT = 1000");
- \Drupal::database()->query("ALTER TABLE {file_managed} AUTO_INCREMENT = 2000");
- $this->media = $this->createMediaEntity('document');
- $this->user = $this->createUser([
- 'access content',
- 'edit any document in collabora',
- ]);
- $fid = $this->media->getSource()->getSourceFieldValue($this->media);
- $this->file = File::load($fid);
- $this->setCurrentUser($this->user);
+ // Disable the WOPI proof for this test.
+ $this->config('collabora_online.settings')
+ ->set('cool.wopi_proof', FALSE)
+ ->save();
@@ -211,7 +151,11 @@ public function testBadToken(): void {
foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
// Replace the token with a value that is not in the JWT format.
$request->query->set('access_token', 'bad_token');
- $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse($request, $name);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse(
+ 'Empty token values',
+ $request,
+ $name,
+ );
@@ -226,7 +170,11 @@ public function testWrongTokenPayload(): void {
// Inject a bad value into the token payload.
$requests = $this->createRequests(token_payload: ['fid' => 4321]);
foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
- $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse($request, $name);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse(
+ sprintf('Found fid %s in request path, but fid 4321 in token payload', $this->media->id()),
+ $request,
+ $name,
+ );
@@ -240,7 +188,11 @@ public function testWrongTokenPayload(): void {
public function testMediaNotFound(): void {
$requests = $this->createRequests(media_id: 555);
foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
- $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse($request, $name);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse(
+ 'Media not found.',
+ $request,
+ $name,
+ );
@@ -255,199 +207,12 @@ public function testUserNotFound(): void {
$requests = $this->createRequests(user_id: 555);
foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
- $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse($request, $name);
+ $this->assertAccessDeniedResponse(
+ 'User not found.',
+ $request,
+ $name,
+ );
- /**
- * Creates WOPI requests for different routes, with some shared parameters.
- *
- * This can be used for tests where each route is expected to have the same
- * response.
- *
- * @param int|null $media_id
- * Media entity id, if different from the default.
- * @param int|null $user_id
- * User id, if different from the default.
- * @param array $token_payload
- * Explicit token payload values.
- * This can be used to cause a bad token.
- *
- * @return array
- * Requests keyed by a distinguishable name.
- */
- protected function createRequests(?int $media_id = NULL, ?int $user_id = NULL, array $token_payload = []): array {
- $create_request = fn (string $uri_suffix, string $method = 'GET', bool $write = FALSE) => $this->createRequest(
- $uri_suffix,
- $method,
- $media_id,
- $user_id,
- $write,
- $token_payload,
- );
- return [
- 'info' => $create_request(''),
- 'file' => $create_request('/contents'),
- 'save' => $create_request('/contents', 'POST', TRUE),
- ];
- }
- /**
- * Creates a WOPI request.
- *
- * @param string $uri_suffix
- * Suffix to append to the WOPI media url.
- * @param string $method
- * E.g. 'GET' or 'POST'.
- * @param int|null $media_id
- * Media entity id, if different from the default.
- * @param int|null $user_id
- * User id, if different from the default.
- * @param bool $write
- * TRUE if write access is requested.
- * @param array $token_payload
- * Explicit token payload values.
- * This can be used to cause a bad token.
- *
- * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
- * The request.
- */
- protected function createRequest(
- string $uri_suffix = '',
- string $method = 'GET',
- ?int $media_id = NULL,
- ?int $user_id = NULL,
- bool $write = FALSE,
- array $token_payload = [],
- ): Request {
- $media_id ??= (int) $this->media->id();
- $user_id ??= (int) $this->user->id();
- $uri = '/cool/wopi/files/' . $media_id . $uri_suffix;
- $token = $this->createAccessToken($media_id, $user_id, $write, $token_payload);
- $parameters = [
- 'id' => $media_id,
- 'access_token' => $token,
- ];
- return Request::create($uri, $method, $parameters);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an encoded access token.
- *
- * @param int|null $fid
- * The file id.
- * @param int|null $uid
- * The user id.
- * @param bool $write
- * The write permission.
- * @param array $payload
- * Explicit payload values.
- * This can be used to cause a bad token.
- *
- * @return string
- * The enconded token.
- */
- protected function createAccessToken(?int $fid = NULL, ?int $uid = NULL, bool $write = FALSE, array $payload = []): string {
- /** @var \Drupal\collabora_online\Jwt\JwtTranscoderInterface $transcoder */
- $transcoder = \Drupal::service(JwtTranscoderInterface::class);
- $expire_timestamp = gettimeofday(TRUE) + 1000;
- $payload += [
- 'fid' => (string) ($fid ?? $this->media->id()),
- 'uid' => (string) ($uid ?? $this->user->id()),
- 'wri' => $write,
- 'exp' => $expire_timestamp,
- ];
- return $transcoder->encode($payload, $expire_timestamp);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts status code and content in a response given a request.
- *
- * @param array $expected_data
- * The expected response JSON data.
- * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
- * The request to perform.
- * @param string $message
- * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
- */
- protected function assertJsonResponseOk(array $expected_data, Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
- $this->assertJsonResponse(Response::HTTP_OK, $expected_data, $request, $message);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts a json response given a request.
- *
- * @param int $expected_code
- * The expected response status code.
- * @param array $expected_data
- * The expected response JSON data.
- * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
- * The request to perform.
- * @param string $message
- * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
- */
- protected function assertJsonResponse(int $expected_code, array $expected_data, Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
- $response = $this->handleRequest($request);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_code, $response->getStatusCode(), $message);
- $this->assertEquals('application/json', $response->headers->get('Content-Type'), $message);
- $content = $response->getContent();
- $data = Json::decode($content);
- $this->assertSame($expected_data, $data, $message);
- }
- /**
- * Asserts an access denied response given a request.
- *
- * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
- * The request to perform.
- * @param string $message
- * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
- */
- protected function assertAccessDeniedResponse(Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
- $this->assertResponse(
- 'Authentication failed.',
- 'text/plain',
- $request,
- $message,
- );
- }
- /**
- * Asserts status code and content in a response given a request.
- *
- * @param int $expected_code
- * The expected response status code.
- * @param string $expected_content
- * The expected response content.
- * @param string $expected_content_type
- * The type of content of the response.
- * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
- * The request to perform.
- * @param string $message
- * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
- */
- protected function assertResponse(int $expected_code, string $expected_content, string $expected_content_type, Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
- $response = $this->handleRequest($request);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_code, $response->getStatusCode(), $message);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_content, $response->getContent(), $message);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_content_type, $response->headers->get('Content-Type'), $message);
- }
- /**
- * Handles a request and gets the response.
- *
- * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
- * Incoming request.
- *
- * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
- * The response.
- */
- protected function handleRequest(Request $request): Response {
- /** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface $kernel */
- $kernel = \Drupal::service('http_kernel');
- return $kernel->handle($request);
- }
diff --git a/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTestBase.php b/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTestBase.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba5c2e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/Kernel/Controller/WopiControllerTestBase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+logger = new TestLogger();
+ \Drupal::service('logger.factory')->addLogger($this->logger);
+ $collabora_settings = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('collabora_online.settings');
+ $cool = $collabora_settings->get('cool');
+ $cool['key_id'] = 'collabora';
+ $collabora_settings->set('cool', $cool)->save();
+ // Make sure that ids for different entity types are distinguishable.
+ // This will reveal bugs where one id gets mixed up for another.
+ \Drupal::database()->query("ALTER TABLE {media} AUTO_INCREMENT = 1000");
+ \Drupal::database()->query("ALTER TABLE {file_managed} AUTO_INCREMENT = 2000");
+ $this->media = $this->createMediaEntity('document');
+ $this->user = $this->createUser([
+ 'access content',
+ 'edit any document in collabora',
+ ]);
+ $fid = $this->media->getSource()->getSourceFieldValue($this->media);
+ $this->file = File::load($fid);
+ $this->setCurrentUser($this->user);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates WOPI requests for different routes, with some shared parameters.
+ *
+ * This can be used for tests where each route is expected to have the same
+ * response.
+ *
+ * @param int|null $media_id
+ * Media entity id, if different from the default.
+ * @param int|null $user_id
+ * User id, if different from the default.
+ * @param array $token_payload
+ * Explicit token payload values.
+ * This can be used to cause a bad token.
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * Requests keyed by a distinguishable name.
+ */
+ protected function createRequests(?int $media_id = NULL, ?int $user_id = NULL, array $token_payload = []): array {
+ $create_request = fn (string $uri_suffix, string $method = 'GET', bool $write = FALSE) => $this->createRequest(
+ $uri_suffix,
+ $method,
+ $media_id,
+ $user_id,
+ $write,
+ $token_payload,
+ );
+ return [
+ 'info' => $create_request(''),
+ 'file' => $create_request('/contents'),
+ 'save' => $create_request('/contents', 'POST', TRUE),
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a WOPI request.
+ *
+ * @param string $uri_suffix
+ * Suffix to append to the WOPI media url.
+ * @param string $method
+ * E.g. 'GET' or 'POST'.
+ * @param int|null $media_id
+ * Media entity id, if different from the default.
+ * @param int|null $user_id
+ * User id, if different from the default.
+ * @param bool $write
+ * TRUE if write access is requested.
+ * @param array $token_payload
+ * Explicit token payload values.
+ * This can be used to cause a bad token.
+ *
+ * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
+ * The request.
+ */
+ protected function createRequest(
+ string $uri_suffix = '',
+ string $method = 'GET',
+ ?int $media_id = NULL,
+ ?int $user_id = NULL,
+ bool $write = FALSE,
+ array $token_payload = [],
+ ): Request {
+ $media_id ??= (int) $this->media->id();
+ $user_id ??= (int) $this->user->id();
+ $uri = '/cool/wopi/files/' . $media_id . $uri_suffix;
+ $token = $this->createAccessToken($media_id, $user_id, $write, $token_payload);
+ $parameters = [
+ 'access_token' => $token,
+ 'access_token_ttl' => '0',
+ ];
+ return Request::create($uri, $method, $parameters);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves an encoded access token.
+ *
+ * @param int|null $fid
+ * The file id.
+ * @param int|null $uid
+ * The user id.
+ * @param bool $write
+ * The write permission.
+ * @param array $payload
+ * Explicit payload values.
+ * This can be used to cause a bad token.
+ *
+ * @return string
+ * The enconded token.
+ */
+ protected function createAccessToken(?int $fid = NULL, ?int $uid = NULL, bool $write = FALSE, array $payload = []): string {
+ /** @var \Drupal\collabora_online\Jwt\JwtTranscoderInterface $transcoder */
+ $transcoder = \Drupal::service(JwtTranscoderInterface::class);
+ $expire_timestamp = gettimeofday(TRUE) + 1000;
+ $payload += [
+ 'fid' => (string) ($fid ?? $this->media->id()),
+ 'uid' => (string) ($uid ?? $this->user->id()),
+ 'wri' => $write,
+ 'exp' => $expire_timestamp,
+ ];
+ return $transcoder->encode($payload, $expire_timestamp);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts a successful json response given a request.
+ *
+ * @param array $expected_data
+ * The expected response JSON data.
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request to perform.
+ * @param string $message
+ * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
+ */
+ protected function assertJsonResponseOk(array $expected_data, Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
+ $this->assertJsonResponse(Response::HTTP_OK, $expected_data, $request, $message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts a json response given a request.
+ *
+ * @param int $expected_code
+ * The expected response status code.
+ * @param array $expected_data
+ * The expected response JSON data.
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request to perform.
+ * @param string $message
+ * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
+ */
+ protected function assertJsonResponse(int $expected_code, array $expected_data, Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
+ $response = $this->handleRequest($request);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_code, $response->getStatusCode(), $message);
+ $this->assertEquals('application/json', $response->headers->get('Content-Type'), $message);
+ $content = $response->getContent();
+ $data = Json::decode($content);
+ $this->assertSame($expected_data, $data, $message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts an access denied response given a request.
+ *
+ * @param string $expected_response_message
+ * Message expected to be in the response.
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request to perform.
+ * @param string $assertion_message
+ * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
+ */
+ protected function assertAccessDeniedResponse(string $expected_response_message, Request $request, string $assertion_message = ''): void {
+ $this->assertResponse(
+ $expected_response_message,
+ 'text/plain',
+ $request,
+ $assertion_message,
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts status code and content in a response given a request.
+ *
+ * @param int $expected_code
+ * The expected response status code.
+ * @param string $expected_content
+ * The expected response content.
+ * @param string $expected_content_type
+ * The type of content of the response.
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * The request to perform.
+ * @param string $message
+ * Message to distinguish this from other assertions.
+ */
+ protected function assertResponse(int $expected_code, string $expected_content, string $expected_content_type, Request $request, string $message = ''): void {
+ $response = $this->handleRequest($request);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_code, $response->getStatusCode(), $message);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_content, $response->getContent(), $message);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected_content_type, $response->headers->get('Content-Type'), $message);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles a request and gets the response.
+ *
+ * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
+ * Incoming request.
+ *
+ * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
+ * The response.
+ */
+ protected function handleRequest(Request $request): Response {
+ /** @var \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface $kernel */
+ $kernel = \Drupal::service('http_kernel');
+ return $kernel->handle($request);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/Unit/CollaboraDiscoveryTest.php b/tests/src/Unit/CollaboraDiscoveryTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6959953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/Unit/CollaboraDiscoveryTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'http://collabora.test:9980/browser/61cf2b4/cool.html?',
+ $discovery->getWopiClientURL(),
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'http://spreadsheet.collabora.test:9980/browser/61cf2b4/cool.html?',
+ $discovery->getWopiClientURL('text/spreadsheet'),
+ );
+ // Test unknown mime type.
+ $this->expectException(CollaboraNotAvailableException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('The requested mime type is not handled.');
+ $discovery->getWopiClientURL('text/unknown');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests reading proof keys from the discovery.xml.
+ *
+ * @covers ::getProofKey
+ * @covers ::getProofKeyOld
+ */
+ public function testProofKey(): void {
+ $file = dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/fixtures/discovery.proof-key.xml';
+ $discovery = $this->getDiscoveryFromFile($file);
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'BgIAAACkAABSU0ExAAgAAAEAAQCxJYuefceQ4XI3/iUQvL9+ebLFZSRdM1n6fkB+OtILJexHUsD/aItTWgzB/G6brdxLlyHXoPjbJl4QoWZVrr1XY+ZHQ/a9Yzf/VN2mPLKFB9hmnUPI580VpFfkC3gCgpqwFwMpAkQSzYSDFQ/7W4ryPP6irvVzhg16IqQ9oEhZWmwy6caKcqh4BK31oI8SrI6bsZLBMTli70197UWHmgIGk4JJbeC8cBFb6uZDaidAcRn1HSAF2JnaEscUNMIsiNMM/71BT6U6hVSv5Qk0oISMLfVOeCPQZ6OmYo4M42wDKBpaJGMOpgoeQX6Feq+agf7uBvd8S/ITGZ8WinQfHZaQ',
+ $discovery->getProofKey(),
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'BgIAAACkAABSU0ExAAgAAAEAAQDj9QjZQ9bOOw5LfAMxMLMDTLgHsNvBcdRpYQ8S9qK9ylJevgp+j66k9/uyKXSwI9WTVHW+XLTCPq6aId+XqB5e8+H5rov7e4Itkpnr6eXZ1jAu9TW2jEnqCYdGqG6Pv0kbRv1gUFEsjciy8i9UAQ12Ons7J58nQLd3tJ4WATANoCyVJLfA7BQ6IRSq8/K3jqmSE8xu3HDLX+lnMrsK2KL4lYcjerGZpmOKI5tPZbC5xSMkB9alE5NhTYeYw25CyG4FHoss2AwNgvSQDaf6d/icNg5ZoGQwtISGKL6IFc4oogFHFdvR4FQCQ61wdz7RmHjJUpsPFio8htuSeMjbC7fS',
+ $discovery->getProofKeyOld(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests behavior if discovery.xml does not have proof keys.
+ *
+ * @covers ::getProofKey
+ * @covers ::getProofKeyOld
+ */
+ public function testNoProofKey(): void {
+ $xml = '';
+ $discovery = $this->getDiscoveryFromXml($xml);
+ $this->assertNull($discovery->getProofKey());
+ $this->assertNull($discovery->getProofKeyOld());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests error behavior for blank xml content.
+ *
+ * @covers ::getWopiClientURL
+ * @covers ::getProofKey
+ * @covers ::getProofKeyOld
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideAllMethodNames
+ */
+ public function testBlankXml(string $method): void {
+ $discovery = $this->getDiscoveryFromXml('');
+ $this->expectException(CollaboraNotAvailableException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage('The discovery.xml file is empty.');
+ $discovery->$method();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests error behavior for malformed xml content.
+ *
+ * @covers ::getWopiClientURL
+ * @covers ::getProofKey
+ * @covers ::getProofKeyOld
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideAllMethodNames
+ */
+ public function testBrokenXml(string $method): void {
+ $xml = 'This file does not contain valid xml.';
+ $discovery = $this->getDiscoveryFromXml($xml);
+ $this->expectException(CollaboraNotAvailableException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('#^Error in the retrieved discovery.xml file: #');
+ $discovery->$method();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides all methods as callbacks.
+ *
+ * This is used for tests where each method will throw the same exception.
+ *
+ * @return list
+ * Argument tuples with method names.
+ */
+ public static function provideAllMethodNames(): array {
+ return [
+ 'getWopiClientURL' => ['getWopiClientURL'],
+ 'getProofKey' => ['getProofKey'],
+ 'getProofKeyOld' => ['getProofKeyOld'],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a discovery instance based on a test xml file.
+ *
+ * @param string $file
+ * A test xml file.
+ *
+ * @return \Drupal\collabora_online\Cool\CollaboraDiscoveryInterface
+ * Discovery instance.
+ */
+ protected function getDiscoveryFromFile(string $file): CollaboraDiscoveryInterface {
+ $xml = file_get_contents($file);
+ return $this->getDiscoveryFromXml($xml);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets a discovery instance based on test xml.
+ *
+ * @param string $xml
+ * Explicit XML content.
+ *
+ * @return \Drupal\collabora_online\Cool\CollaboraDiscoveryInterface
+ * Discovery instance.
+ */
+ protected function getDiscoveryFromXml(string $xml): CollaboraDiscoveryInterface {
+ $fetcher = $this->createMock(CollaboraDiscoveryFetcherInterface::class);
+ $fetcher->method('getDiscoveryXml')->willReturn($xml);
+ return new CollaboraDiscovery($fetcher);
+ }