1.33.0 (2025-01-18)
- query merge (ff9fc9f)
1.32.0 (2024-12-14)
- init caused filter ti not initialized commented code causing issue (87fc647)
- filter-key now used to handle projections. filter-query-key for appplying filters (d8851f1)
- init accepts an element to intialize else it will document query filter elements (f7c7915)
1.31.0 (2024-11-04)
- observer taget has been renamed to selector (a2bcb40)
- pretier.config.js and file formating (90e94ed)
- removed intersectunobserve (d720b21)
- add prettier.config.js and format files (0be1aa5)
1.30.1 (2024-06-19)
- if filteredElement not found continue (6307248)
- set filter.overwrite true (41ef5e7)
- to set filter limit as infinite apply empty filter-limit attribute (4652521)
1.30.0 (2024-06-12)
- bump cocreate dependencies (f872796)
- filter-limit defualts to 20 if undefined (38e6c67)
- svg icon class (35dde17)
- handle regex flag (5fccc3b)
1.29.0 (2024-05-08)
- support operators local storage operators (bb79f3b)
1.28.7 (2024-04-29)
- bump cocreate dependencies (2d1107f)
1.28.6 (2024-02-13)
- initElements (c9dda7b)
1.28.5 (2024-02-05)
1.28.4 (2024-02-03)
- handle if $user_id returns null (14f320e)
1.28.3 (2024-01-30)
- if $in query value needs to be an array (08e28df)
1.28.2 (2024-01-17)
- improved filter creation (4de1f44)
- removed test logs (9f4f16c)
- update to support new query system (f6b354b)
1.28.1 (2023-12-18)
- delete filter.overwrite (1e2d4b0)
1.28.0 (2023-11-25)
- update licensing details (fe01900)
- upgrade dependencies for latest features and fixes (8eeee8f)
1.27.0 (2023-11-25)
- update nav, edit button and css path (8339de1)
- upgrade dependencies for latest features and fixes (edd6fa3)
1.26.0 (2023-11-19)
- update dependecies for th latest features and bug fixes (51afe71)
1.25.0 (2023-11-16)
- compare mutation attribute observer if same return (1b8e11b)
- filter-name renamed to filter-key (5e4579d)
- fiter-index attribute and filter.overwite boolean (e1775b8)
1.24.0 (2023-11-12)
- observe removedNodes (62b714e)
1.23.8 (2023-11-09)
1.23.7 (2023-11-03)
1.23.6 (2023-10-25)
- bump dependencies (69b81dd)
1.23.5 (2023-10-17)
- await getValue() (ac14de2)
1.23.4 (2023-10-14)
1.23.3 (2023-10-09)
- bump dependencies (1d23be0)
1.23.2 (2023-10-09)
- bump dependencies (233c748)
1.23.1 (2023-10-09)
1.23.0 (2023-09-19)
- Update CoCreate dependencies to their latest versions (9b78889)
1.22.2 (2023-09-18)
1.22.1 (2023-08-21)
- bump dependencies (783f76f)
1.22.0 (2023-08-21)
- Update cocreate dependencies for the latest features and bug fixes (e3532c5)
1.21.1 (2023-08-21)
- /dist/CoCreate.js updated to https://CoCreate.app/dist/CoCreate.js (e39e736)
- replace cdn with /dist (661b24c)
- update file uploader (3af36d6)
1.21.0 (2023-08-17)
- bump cocreate dependencies for the latest updates and features (c885ae2)
1.20.0 (2023-08-16)
- crud attributes renamed (7b8bd79)
- Refactor filtering functionality - change "items" to "filters" and update related variable names throughout the code. Improve code readability. (9bc14f4)
- Refactor queryElements function to accept an object for element parameter (4fdfdd9)
- Remove commented out code in updateFilter function (4ff5791)
- removed functions for exporting and importing data, it has been replaced with @cocreate/files. (1346487)
- replace -target -selector (c0f94bb)
- Update render attribute in index.html (ab04430)
- updated actions callback data object (b04c2b3)
- updated fetch-limit to filter-limit (2d6ecfd)
- updated fetch-type to filter-on (17343cb)
- webpack.config and package.json make use of mode=production instead of process.env (2b586b6)
- Add support for [filter-limit] (531a9c6)
- filter refactored to return a filter object rather than a data object. Performance and maintainability improvements (621c9c0)
- name attribute and variable renamed to key (3e6355e)
- Refactor filter initialization crud.getObject is now used to return a crud object from a specified element and filter is responsible for generating the filter object and item configuration (a842180)
- Refactor filter selector and element initialization process (7003e70)
- Refactor to support selector, closest, parent, next, previous (6c31437)
- update template_id to render-selector attribute. update filter attributes to filter selector-attributes (82068b3)
1.19.30 (2023-06-14)
1.19.29 (2023-06-11)
1.19.28 (2023-06-11)
1.19.27 (2023-06-11)
- testing workflow (6c28065)
1.19.26 (2023-06-11)
- testing workflow (f11ae07)
1.19.25 (2023-06-11)
1.19.24 (2023-06-11)
- testing workflow (fd2a920)
1.19.23 (2023-06-11)
1.19.22 (2023-06-11)
- postintall error (f7094a3)
1.19.21 (2023-06-11)
- @cocreate/cli moved to dependencies (733cb51)
1.19.20 (2023-06-11)
1.19.19 (2023-06-11)
- renamed db to storage (b9f7113)
- renamed hosts to host. the value can be a string or an array of strings (84b50bc)
1.19.18 (2023-06-10)
1.19.17 (2023-06-10)
1.19.16 (2023-06-04)
- Refactor CoCreate.config.js to remove hard-coded credentials (0f135e5)
1.19.15 (2023-06-04)
- replaced secert GITHUB_TOKEN with GITHUB (264948b)
- Update dependencies versions for @cocreate libraries (0d482a3)
1.19.14 (2023-06-04)
- semantic-release: worklow error solved by running node version 14 (5ae6a2b)
1.19.13 (2023-06-02)
1.19.12 (2023-05-21)
1.19.11 (2023-05-19)
- update packages to latest version. This commit updates various packages in the dependencies section of the package.json file to their latest published versions, thereby fixing multiple bugs and improving overall performance. (0f364fc)
1.19.10 (2023-05-10)
- apikey renamed to key (c5758e5)
1.19.9 (2023-05-06)
1.19.8 (2023-05-01)
- replaced icon toggles with new svg (15d8d81)
1.19.7 (2023-05-01)
- update manifest.json to manifest.webmanifest (805046e)
1.19.6 (2023-05-01)
- replace fontawesome with svg (718d2ad)
1.19.5 (2023-04-30)
- fullscreen target updated to fullscreen fullscreen-target (ea5a034)
- package-lock.json and pnpm-lock.yaml added to .gitignore (6adced0)
- removed toogle fullscreen icons. now using css content (59b5b6b)
1.19.4 (2023-04-24)
- updated worrkflows to v3 and node version 16 (851a755)
1.19.3 (2023-04-24)
- workflow node version updated 16 (ab9bfbb)
1.19.2 (2023-04-24)
1.19.1 (2023-04-24)
- removed uglifyjs-webpack-plugin (dea4cc5)
1.19.0 (2023-04-24)
- added pwa manifest (b4d5f56)
1.18.7 (2023-04-11)
- bump dependencies (7ba4ecb)
1.18.6 (2023-04-11)
1.18.5 (2023-04-11)
- renamed domains to hosts (c251137)
1.18.4 (2023-03-30)
1.18.3 (2023-03-16)
- bump dependencies' (2a7b5c6)
1.18.2 (2023-03-16)
1.18.1 (2023-03-16)
- bump dependencies' (3f35f6c)
1.18.0 (2023-03-16)
- replaced get-value and set-value with a super charged version of CoCreate-events (a1c0000)
1.17.3 (2023-02-01)
- bump dependencies (5370f4d)
1.17.2 (2023-02-01)
1.17.1 (2023-01-31)
- bump dependencies (9e748f6)
1.17.0 (2023-01-31)
- bump crud depedency (c0b48a7)
- filter.query caseSensitive support (ab81769)
1.16.3 (2023-01-30)
- bump dependencies (33e2c0b)
1.16.2 (2023-01-29)
- bump dependencies (98ef2e0)
1.16.1 (2023-01-29)
- bump dependencies (5b21a01)
1.16.0 (2023-01-29)
- filter.type data (44ad996)
1.15.2 (2023-01-28)
1.15.1 (2023-01-27)
- CoCreate && CoCreate.crud (9043a57)
1.15.0 (2023-01-27)
- bump dependencies (e99ddcc)
- crud is optional and accessed using CoCreate.crud (1fdb8f0)
1.14.9 (2023-01-13)
- bump dependencies (451cac9)
1.14.8 (2023-01-13)
- bump dependencies (21593c2)
1.14.7 (2023-01-10)
- bump dependencies (30d6be1)
1.14.6 (2023-01-10)
- bump @cocreate/element-prototype (8c33ece)
- test sortName and sortDirection for template braces if found return (28303a4)
1.14.5 (2023-01-09)
- bump dependnecies (3a7db54)
1.14.4 (2023-01-09)
- bump dependnecies (b8ead4b)
- filter.getValue if el.value not undefined (8d56407)
- if getQuery index is null and value is empty string return (b4c798c)
1.14.3 (2023-01-06)
1.14.2 (2023-01-05)
- bump dependencies (5046d84)
1.14.1 (2023-01-05)
1.14.0 (2023-01-02)
- class="template" template_id="id" replaced with template="id" (c3f84e3)
1.13.24 (2023-01-01)
- docs sanbox overflow (be52742)
1.13.23 (2022-12-31)
- bump dependencies (8f9e094)
1.13.22 (2022-12-31)
1.13.21 (2022-12-30)
- update config sources to use template braces with entry on src (bbeeff3)
1.13.20 (2022-12-29)
- bump dependencies (42e68c1)
1.13.19 (2022-12-29)
- bump dependencies (8913d0e)
1.13.18 (2022-12-27)
- bump dependecies (3315ea3)
1.13.17 (2022-12-27)
- bump dependencies (fb18e09)
1.13.16 (2022-12-27)
- bump dependencies (d24d63b)
- init resets all filter, performance improvement for filter events (5ce3d62)
1.13.15 (2022-12-25)
- bump dependencies (32d0ab7)
1.13.14 (2022-12-25)
- bump dependencies (c14b727)
- bumpcdn to 1.34.4 (4d14cbb)
- formating (8126a24)
- type="modal" and pass_to updated to action="pass, openModal" (009f8b4)
1.13.13 (2022-12-23)
- bump dependnecies (bac30b1)
1.13.12 (2022-12-23)
- observer callback require self instanc (6cea505)
1.13.11 (2022-12-22)
1.13.10 (2022-12-22)
- update demos and bump dependencies (9f4fb0b)
1.13.9 (2022-12-22)
- filter-search getAttribute update to hasAttribute to support empty attribute va;ue (e10477b)
1.13.8 (2022-12-21)
- bump dependencies (def06d5)
1.13.7 (2022-12-21)
- bump dependencies (85faebf)
1.13.6 (2022-12-20)
- bump dependencies (edb41d2)
1.13.5 (2022-12-15)
- add missing dev dependency style-loader (3f8482b)
1.13.4 (2022-12-15)
- isFlter typo item.isfilter (6a23c20)
1.13.3 (2022-12-14)
- filter-sort-toggle (b314223)
1.13.2 (2022-12-13)
- removed un used devDependencies (ebb2601)
1.13.1 (2022-12-13)
- bump dependencies (d1c5ea0)
1.13.0 (2022-12-13)
- filter items accepts an option called compare. if true will check if filter has changed (c758115)
1.12.13 (2022-12-12)
- bump dependencies (3874d75)
1.12.12 (2022-12-12)
- bump @cocreate/crud-client (3ec6d36)
1.12.11 (2022-12-12)
- bump @cocreate/crud-client (486dfc1)
1.12.10 (2022-12-11)
- bump dependencies (e90b719)
1.12.9 (2022-12-11)
1.12.8 (2022-12-09)
- bump dependencies (09c65de)
1.12.7 (2022-12-08)
- bump dependencies (a6b4314)
1.12.6 (2022-12-08)
- bump @cocreate/crud-client (7f00020)
1.12.5 (2022-12-07)
- bump dependencies (df3af88)
1.12.4 (2022-12-07)
- bump @cocreate/crud=client (3597c76)
1.12.3 (2022-12-04)
- bump dependencies (21612c1)
1.12.2 (2022-12-04)
1.12.1 (2022-12-02)
1.12.0 (2022-12-02)
- bump dependencies (6c0dd13)
- filter-logical-operator to define and | or for various filter elements (585d1ed)
- filter.search is an array of searches. renames sort.type to sort direction, return fetch false if fetch- value is a template {{}} (cfef7d0)
1.11.7 (2022-11-28)
- bump dependencies (db58106)
1.11.6 (2022-11-28)
- search if condition (7090742)
1.11.5 (2022-11-28)
- bump dependencies (c825108)
1.11.4 (2022-11-28)
- bump @cocreate/crud-client (ff96936)
1.11.3 (2022-11-27)
- bump dependencies (a464a3c)
1.11.2 (2022-11-27)
- bump dependencies (bfb896a)
1.11.1 (2022-11-26)
- bump dependencies (a603f7f)
1.11.0 (2022-11-26)
- export as JSON, loadmore on scroll or btn (18fb87f)
1.10.5 (2022-11-25)
- bump @cocreate/crud-client (f46c11f)
1.10.4 (2022-11-25)
1.10.3 (2022-11-24)
- bump depenedencies (a1b5269)
1.10.2 (2022-11-24)
- bump depenedencies (c1a3d07)
1.10.1 (2022-11-23)
1.10.0 (2022-11-23)
- deleteDocumentsAction now sends one message containg an array of documents (2e2776d)
- improved querying (8adda10)
1.9.6 (2022-11-22)
- sort bug (ac9cc61)
1.9.5 (2022-11-22)
1.9.4 (2022-11-21)
- @cocreate/docs bug fix (365ce21)
1.9.3 (2022-11-21)
- replaced document_id with document._id (4cb86c2)
1.9.2 (2022-11-21)
1.9.1 (2022-11-21)
- bump d@cocreate ependencies (70bd913)
1.9.0 (2022-11-21)
- filter-order attributes renamed to filter-sort (82243bc)
- if condition for filter.search (635bbd4)
- if type document or index and no collection is defined return (441333a)
- if type document set item.document (4bdf812)
- removed created_ids (2f3111b)
- renamed crud.checkAttrValue to crud.checkValue (527fa9c)
- renamed data.data to data.document (3d822b6)
- update crud functions to receive an array of objects as the response (3541ed3)
- checkValue for {{template}} if exist return boolean fetch false to prevent components from fetching (1805ee2)
- renamed changeFilterInput to filterData, support for fetching and rendering multiple database, collection, index and document (5398f57)
- type = document if collection is not empty (9bc6fb7)
1.8.11 (2022-10-02)
- minor bug fixes (72d4866)
1.8.10 (2022-10-02)
- bump @cocreate/hosting and @cocreate/socket-client (a6615d9)
- set default operator to $contain (d39676d)
1.8.9 (2022-10-01)
- bump dependencies (90c69c7)
1.8.8 (2022-10-01)
1.8.7 (2022-09-30)
- export default (3b2061e)
1.8.6 (2022-09-30)
1.8.5 (2022-09-30)
1.8.4 (2022-09-30)
- bump dependencies (6598033)
1.8.3 (2022-09-30)
- bump dependencies (3824d9a)
1.8.2 (2022-09-29)
- config renameed to CoCreateConfig (9687ed7)
1.8.1 (2022-09-22)
- contain applied as default case (0772ebc)
1.8.0 (2022-09-22)
- apply filter-value-type to filter-order, improvements to sortData function (afe7142)
- items array converted to map (cc2ad3b)
- moved item.filter.el to item.el inorder to remove el from shallow copy . (a704bf2)
- removed metadata.isRefresh (b0fe4ae)
- rename variable results to data. supports filter value array and object (6369e11)
- renamed filterData to searchData (549bff2)
- support for server or browser (0e0d91e)
- update to item.filter (d992647)
- filters.js accessible by server-side. operator param renamed to filter. all filter related params are nested in filter (b4a4d3d)
- utility functions for quering and sorting data (16354ad)
1.7.10 (2022-09-01)
1.7.9 (2022-08-19)
- renamed order-by and order-type to filter-order-name and filter-order-type (a8474a6)
1.7.8 (2022-07-25)
1.7.7 (2022-06-19)
- update templates to use placeholder (37c0113)
1.7.6 (2022-06-18)
- bump dependencies (de694fe)
1.7.5 (2022-06-12)
- update dependencies (e3bf0bd)
- update docs css document_id (de0b7d6)
- update modal btn to actions (2132d73)
1.7.4 (2022-06-02)
- update padding of datables td element (4587dc6)
1.7.3 (2022-05-26)
- reset search.value array onchange to resolve bug of items in list not filtering (a720f3e)
1.7.2 (2022-05-23)
- bump all dependencies (ef4e08f)
1.7.1 (2022-05-19)
- update document_id on link index.css (408252f)
1.7.0 (2022-05-14)
- function readDocumentList has been renamed to readDocuments (7b5bef0)
1.6.11 (2022-05-06)
- update config organization_Id to organization_id (4ce5c67)
1.6.10 (2022-04-15)
- removed [] from placeholder {{...}} (58f3152)
1.6.9 (2022-02-24)
- CoCreate.config replace CoCreate.app with * (2d7f54a)
1.6.8 (2022-02-16)
- update dependencies (31e98a0)
1.6.7 (2022-02-16)
- update action param to name (88821b5)
1.6.6 (2022-02-10)
- fix bug cannot read event (7b15b23)
1.6.5 (2022-02-10)
- if filter value empty check if event.target matches element. if true apply filter (113c814)
1.6.4 (2022-02-07)
- bump dependency versions (0ca29ec)
1.6.3 (2022-02-07)
- when fiter is updated rest filters, orders and searches (f77c5ab)
1.6.2 (2022-02-06)
- removed if(fieldValue === undefined) return from function filterItem (f176e29)
- test actions (fd3564d)
1.6.1 (2022-02-03)
- replaced show and hide class hidden with attribute hidden (d9a6e33)
1.6.0 (2022-02-02)
- Now uses one querySelector, adds events to elements if element does not already have event, observe new filter nodes and changes to filter attributes (d4ad78b)
1.5.3 (2022-02-01)
- update dependency versions (c549c7d)
1.5.2 (2022-01-30)
- observe atributes for changes (e360f2b)
1.5.1 (2022-01-29)
- comment observer for filter-name and fiter-value, CoCreate-filter requires a refactor (04b0377)
1.5.0 (2022-01-28)
- checkFilter function to return true or fase if filter should be applied. Added @cocreate/observer (4ee811e)
1.4.0 (2022-01-23)
- fetch-collections attribute to return a list of collections (ce502da)
1.3.2 (2022-01-16)
- update class overflow:overlay to overflow:auto (ad4462a)
1.3.1 (2022-01-01)
- get-value attribute value now supports a selector added # to all values currently in get-value attributes (9d2da4c)
1.3.0 (2021-12-27)
- changeFilter function (7dee08b)
1.2.1 (2021-12-23)
- renamed filter-value_type to filter-value-type (5c93288)
1.2.0 (2021-12-23)
- deleteDocumentsAction (3f6312c)
1.1.59 (2021-12-15)
- update dependencies (ac12247)
1.1.58 (2021-12-14)
- update dependencies (ff61bc0)
1.1.57 (2021-11-27)
1.1.56 (2021-11-27)
- update dependencies (9121b3f)
1.1.55 (2021-11-27)
- update docs api and cocreateJS script (ec71f25)
1.1.54 (2021-11-26)
- doc missing main tag (e2fc82f)
1.1.53 (2021-11-26)
1.1.52 (2021-11-26)
- update dependencies (3ebb386)
1.1.51 (2021-11-23)
- update dependencies (9b39989)
1.1.50 (2021-11-20)
- updated script tags and link tags (744fb05)
1.1.49 (2021-11-20)
- update dependencies (3ac9908)
1.1.48 (2021-11-19)
- update dependencies (4193323)
1.1.47 (2021-11-18)
- update dependencies (a33c8b9)
1.1.46 (2021-11-16)
- update dependencies (3cbad46)
1.1.45 (2021-11-15)
- update dependencies (ea786e6)
1.1.44 (2021-11-11)
- update readme (3247277)
1.1.43 (2021-11-06)
- update dependencies (fd92a6b)
1.1.42 (2021-11-04)
- update dependencies (63869b9)
1.1.41 (2021-11-04)
- update packages (5240bdd)
1.1.40 (2021-11-01)
- update package dependencies (586dd8b)
1.1.39 (2021-10-29)
- update dependencies (d7acacd)
1.1.38 (2021-10-16)
- update crud (623e4cf)
1.1.37 (2021-10-16)
- updated dependency (e404c67)
1.1.36 (2021-10-16)
- update socket package to fix bug in docs (2f52d6f)
1.1.35 (2021-10-16)
- update dependencies (4123c99)
1.1.34 (2021-10-15)
- update dependencies (03b2b1f)
1.1.33 (2021-10-15)
1.1.32 (2021-10-15)
- update packages (1b508ad)
1.1.31 (2021-10-15)
1.1.30 (2021-10-13)
- update descriptions (9a895f1)
1.1.29 (2021-10-13)
- update dependencies (d21c0e4)
1.1.28 (2021-10-13)
- update packages (8ca6e0d)
1.1.27 (2021-10-06)
- update dependencies (90748c8)
1.1.26 (2021-10-05)
1.1.25 (2021-10-04)
- update dependencies (506255a)
1.1.24 (2021-10-04)
- update dependencies (52d47e1)
1.1.23 (2021-10-01)
- update packages (37c8178)
1.1.22 (2021-10-01)
- update dependencies (3da2ffc)
1.1.21 (2021-09-28)
- update dependencies (ffc21af)
1.1.20 (2021-09-16)
- update dependencies (f0a9fb0)
1.1.19 (2021-09-14)
- add cocreate.app to domains (e7178f6)
1.1.18 (2021-09-13)
- upgrade dependencies (68b7be0)
1.1.17 (2021-09-12)
- update sidenav to use resize and toggle (66b2c47)
1.1.16 (2021-09-09)
- update dependency @cocreate/docs (b118142)
1.1.15 (2021-09-09)
- ci docs (4fe50b9)
1.1.14 (2021-09-09)
- update dependencies (934f722)
1.1.13 (2021-09-09)
- CoCreate.config directory, path, name and public (26a2ee4)
1.1.12 (2021-09-08)
- update dependencies (40b5936)
1.1.11 (2021-09-06)
- selector bug (d8b6096)
1.1.10 (2021-09-04)
- update dependencies (afc4829)
1.1.9 (2021-08-31)
- update dependencies (6906963)
1.1.8 (2021-08-27)
- updaed dependencies (7e36f13)
1.1.7 (2021-08-22)
- removed data- from main-content, clone, filter-value_type (bc0a276)
1.1.6 (2021-08-22)
- bump package versions (830093c)
1.1.5 (2021-08-22)
- bump package versions (95a4332)
1.1.4 (2021-08-14)
- rename data-element_id to element_id (95658d3)
1.1.3 (2021-08-13)
1.1.2 (2021-08-12)
- update data-module_id to document_id (7e4b3e3)
1.1.1 (2021-08-02)
- remove data- from attributes (78a1ae8)
- remove data- from fetch, pass and filter (16e1bb8)
- update data-fullscreen to fullscreen (ec1efdc)
1.1.0 (2021-07-28)
- add new is{attribute} system and remove data- from attributtes (cfc93a7)
1.0.21 (2021-07-17)
1.0.20 (2021-07-14)
- upgrade all packages (de002bd)
1.0.19 (2021-07-13)
1.0.18 (2021-07-10)
- gitignore all logs (18e6840)
1.0.17 (2021-07-07)
- update package versions (587f40b)
1.0.16 (2021-06-30)
- Update readme.md (9468269)
1.0.15 (2021-06-30)
- automated and manual workflows (545caa0)
1.0.14 (2021-06-25)
- latest version numbers applied to all cocreate packages (1b37ccc)
1.0.13 (2021-06-24)
- package versioningto 1.0.0 (d360580)
1.0.12 (2021-06-24)
1.0.11 (2021-06-20)
- new mutaionObserver init function (1bd2cb4)
1.0.10 (2021-06-16)
- added header for seo (99bd625)
1.0.9 (2021-05-08)
- add css auto parse and save to docs. (8f4a1b0)
1.0.8 (2021-04-27)
- Update to readme, demo, added cdn scripts (c95c928)
1.0.7 (2021-04-23)
- readme and documentation. Removed securitykeys (2e00dea)
1.0.6 (2021-04-23)
1.0.5 (2021-04-04)
- Remove crud from package.json (028e897)
1.0.4 (2021-04-04)
- update socket to socket-lient and crud to crud client" (b4e92cb)
1.0.3 (2021-03-30)
- import paths using npm (e048364)
1.0.2 (2021-03-30)
- cocreatejs from npm (57fba77)
1.0.1 (2021-03-29)
- Package Paths (d2cb3cc)
- Initial Release (693da2c)