JARCraftinator (soon to be christened Verdigris) is a Minecraft server software written from scratch (no more NMS wrappers!)
- Install IntelliJ IDEA
- Install Lombok extension
- Profit!
These are roughly in the order in which we will work on the code base, although we may make some changes.
✔️ = Completed | ⏳ = In Development
Server favicon, color MOTD✔️Keepalive✔️- Packet API ⏳
- Plugin API ⏳
- World generation
- World saves
- Packet encryption
- Packet compression
- The entire Play protocol
- Players
- Mojang Authentication
- Mobs, AI and API
- Entities
- Pathfinding & Pathfinding API
- Multiple Worlds
- Protocol API that will not break on updates
- Protocol API that can be used without reflection
- Revolutionary plugin development options
- Custom, more efficient, world save format
- Potentially: a web panel to manage your server
- A parser for wiki.vg to automatically update the protocol to the latest version.
We will write this when we have something playable.
The plugin API has not yet been implemented.