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202 lines (118 loc) · 7.12 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (118 loc) · 7.12 KB


Thank you for your interest in contributing to CiviWiki. There are many ways to contribute, such as by sharing ideas, design, testing, community building, and development.

The following sections outline common ways to contribute ideas, feature requests, and code.

Creating issues

Make sure to search beforehand to see if the issue has been reported.

The issue tracker should not be used for personal support requests. Please direct those to our live chat

Bug Reports

Please try to have as much detail as possible when creating a bug report.

A good example should contain:

  1. A short description of the issue.

  2. Detailed description of the bug, including the environment/OS/Browser info if possible.

  3. Steps to reproduce the bug.

  4. Any identified lines of code involved in the issue or other insight that may help resolve the issue. This can also include any relevant error logs.

  5. (Optional)Potential solutions to the problem.

A good bug report will help developers solve the problem without wasting time trying to figure out the situation in the first place.

Feature requests/enhancements

If you have a budding idea or a feature that requires a more community-involved discussion, consider having the development discussion on the live chat or create a thread on loomio. This will allow for a well-thought-out issue that will more likely align with the project's goal.


The following sections describe how to set up a development environment. Note we have tried to simplify our development setup to reduce barriers to entry.

First, claim an issue

⚠️ When contributing code, please make sure you claim any related issue before opening a pull request. You can claim an issue by adding a comment like "I'd like to work on this issue." Then, we will be able to assign you to the issue so other developers know which tasks have been claimed.

Install Poetry with .env support

We now use Poetry for Python package management. Please follow the Poetry installation instructions before trying the following steps.

Once Poetry is installed, enable Poetry .env support by running the following command. This will set all variables defined in the .env file when activating the virtual environment.

poetry self add poetry-dotenv-plugin

Install requirements

Once Poetry is installed, complete the following steps to install all required modules.

  1. Make sure you are in the repository root directory
  2. Initialize the virtual environment with Poetry: poetry install

Activate virtual environment

To develop the project, activate the virtual environment with the following command.

poetry shell

Install pre-commit

We use pre-commit to run code-quality checks before every commit. Install pre-commit in your local project by running the following command (from within the virtual environment.)

pre-commit install

Change into the project directory

Once you have installed the project dependencies and activated the virtual environment, change into the project directory.

cd project/

Once you are in the project directory, you can continue the following sections of this guide.

Run migrations

To create the (initial) database structure, run migrations as follows:

python migrate

Collect static files

Resources, such as CSS and JavaScript files, need to be served from a static directory. Run the following command to collect static files for Django to serve:

python collectstatic

Create a super user

You will need a super user to log in and manage CiviWiki:

python createsuperuser

Populate initial data

During the first setup, it's helpful to import hardcoded initial entries. In this case, there are two fixtures:

  • Sample threads, located in project/data/sample_threads.json
  • Sample categories, located in project/data/categories.json

Run the following commands to load fixtures:

python loaddata ./data/categories.json
python loaddata ./data/sample_threads.json

You can also import all of them in one batch:

python loaddata ./data/*.json

Run the server

Once you have installed the dependencies, run the server as follows:

python runserver

Run unit tests

Execute unit tests by running the following command within the project directory.

python test

Register initial user (optional)

Once CiviWiki runs, visit the front page (probably something like http://localhost:8000). Once there, click "login/register" and then "register new user."


Solve Conflicts with poetry.lock

Conflicts are happening quite often in the poetry.lock file. Conflicts generally arise when two people have changed the same lines in a file.

Here are steps for fixing conflicts in poetry.lock.

  1. Check out the develop branch with git checkout develop
  2. Update the develop branch with git pull
  3. Check out your branch with git checkout my-branch
  4. Attempt to merge develop into your branch with git merge develop
  5. Delete the poetry.lock file
  6. Resolve any remaining conflicts
  7. Re-generate the poetry.lock with the command poetry lock


The deployment instructions for Heroku can be found in the wiki.

Coding Conventions

We strive to follow Django Coding Conventions.

Compatible Versioning

We use Compatible Versioning in this project.

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR, increment the:

MAJOR version when you make backward-incompatible updates of any kind MINOR version when you make 100% backward-compatible updates Additional pre-release and build metadata labels are available as MAJOR extensions.MINOR format.

How is this different from SemVer?

Compatible Versioning ("ComVer") is SemVer, where every PATCH number is 0 (zero). This way, ComVer is backward compatible with SemVer.

A ComVer release from 3.6 to 3.7 is just a SemVer release from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0. In other words, ComVer is safe to adopt since it is basically SemVer without ever issuing PATCH releases.


This project provides an .editorconfig file, with some style options such as indent.

VS Code

To use the .editorconfig file in VS Code, install the EditorConfig for VS Code extension. See the EditorConfig documentation for more information.


To use the .editorconfig file in Pycharm, enable the EditorConfig plugin. See the IntelliJ IDEA EditorConfig documentation for more information.