- Server Side:
- Created skeleton server.js file. Decided on two completely necessary routes, with comments outlining plans for some more / changes to be made if we decide on a more server-oriented model.
- Identified early version data model to be used: Constructed early version of the MongoDB document we probably want to store.
- Initial setup for CORS, MongoDB connections, parameter parsing, etc.
- package.json contains all currently known dependencies, though stuff that Heroku wants is currently missing (e.g. name, repository, etc.).
- Procfile ready for Heroku deployment.
- Client Side:
- Seperations of concerned was created, seperating the map creation data from the index html page and the css page was made to fit the creation of the google map.
- Creation of a google marker in which it would force the google map to the location of the the client, and provide a waypoint pointing to the client on creation.
- No significant hurdles encountered yet. The next steps will likely be more problematic.
- Begin to integrate Google's Directions API (client side)
- Generate two random points a reasonable distance apart in a city
- Allow the user to drag or draw a path between them
- Add validation to server
- Make sure the user didn't cheat!
- Make sure the user isn't trying to hack MongoDB!
- Data visualization (client side)
- Make a simple leaderboard that shows the top scores (either on a separate page or in a "pop-up")
- Start creating manners of which to represent data to client such as scoreboards etc.
#Comments by Ming
- Focus on the client side stuff first. Security of server side is a never-ending battle. Remember, you are not aiming for perfection in the semester group project.