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erinspace edited this page Sep 10, 2014 · 14 revisions

Here is a place for a glossary of terms used throughout the SHARE project

term definition
scrAPI The core for the SHARE Notification Service. ScrAPI processes documents from the various consumers and outputs the metadata in a normalized format.
scrAPI-tools A set of tools developed to facilitate the development of new consumers for SHARE content providers. Git repo can be found at
core the SHARE core, also known as scrAPI.
schema defined representations of document types, such as what information might be required for a submission to be considered an article, citation, or dataset, or what types of information should be searchable.
content provider A new service to be added to scrAPI that (1) is on the SHARE priority list and has been vetted and met required SHARE criteria or (2) may be a priority for other reasons and has an API
consumer in scrAPI an application which accesses a service via API, consumes the content, and normalizes it for inclusion in the search engine in scrAPI. Note that this is distinct from "consumer"
consumer in SHARE in the context of the SHARE Notification Service Architectural Overview - the subscriber to notifications.
resource record The metadata gathered by a consumer about any given resource - also a NormalizedDocument returned by scrAPI


Technical Overview

Creating a Harvester

Running Harvesters with ScrAPI

Consuming Notifications - Feed Options

Issues & Using the Issue Tracker

Metadata Schema


Provider Names

Statistics Snapshot

Experimental Push API

Use Cases

SHARE is a project of the ARL, AAU, and APLU. Development of the SHARE Notification Service is being carried out in partnership with the Center for Open Science and is supported by generous funding from The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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