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203 lines (152 loc) · 8.15 KB

Summary 📌

Solidity's low-level function call() usage might lead to incorrect event emissions.

Vulnerability Details 🔍

In the process of delegating calls for prize distribution, the _delegate() function eventually gets called, triggering

The data in the call may not always pertain to the Distributor.sol contract's distribute() function. For instance, it might eventually call the getConstants() function and still result in a successful call.

This inconsistency would lead the Proxy.sol contract to emit the Distributed(proxy, data) event, even if no actual distribution took place.

Proof of Concept (PoC) 🕵️

🚧 Note ⚠️: The test is a variant of the team's original test: testSucceedsIfAllConditionsMet (ProxyFactoryTest.t.sol). Adding event checks and adjusted data value. New additions are highlighted in 🟢.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

import {MockERC20} from "../mock/MockERC20.sol";
import {ECDSA} from "openzeppelin/utils/cryptography/ECDSA.sol";
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {StdCheats} from "forge-std/StdCheats.sol";
import {ProxyFactory} from "../../src/ProxyFactory.sol";
import {Proxy} from "../../src/Proxy.sol";
import {Distributor} from "../../src/Distributor.sol";
import {HelperContract} from "../integration/HelperContract.t.sol";

contract FakeEventTest is StdCheats, HelperContract {
    // 🟡 This is set-up, new test is marked with 🟢
    event Distributed(address indexed proxy, bytes data);

    bytes32 constant _SOMEID = keccak256(abi.encode("Jason", "001"));

    function setUp() public {
        // set up balances of each token belongs to each user
        if (block.chainid == 31337) {
            // deal ether
            // mint erc20 token
            MockERC20(jpycv1Address).mint(sponsor, 100_000 ether); // 100k JPYCv1
            MockERC20(jpycv2Address).mint(sponsor, 300_000 ether); // 300k JPYCv2
            MockERC20(usdcAddress).mint(sponsor, 10_000 ether); // 10k USDC
            MockERC20(jpycv1Address).mint(organizer, 100_000 ether); // 100k JPYCv1
            MockERC20(jpycv2Address).mint(organizer, 300_000 ether); // 300k JPYCv2
            MockERC20(usdcAddress).mint(organizer, 10_000 ether); // 10k USDC
            MockERC20(jpycv1Address).mint(TEST_SIGNER, 100_000 ether); // 100k JPYCv1
            MockERC20(jpycv2Address).mint(TEST_SIGNER, 300_000 ether); // 300k JPYCv2
            MockERC20(usdcAddress).mint(TEST_SIGNER, 10_000 ether); // 10k USDC

        // labels
        vm.label(organizer, "organizer");
        vm.label(sponsor, "sponsor");
        vm.label(supporter, "supporter");
        vm.label(user1, "user1");
        vm.label(user2, "user2");
        vm.label(user3, "user3");

    // Modifier for test //
    modifier setUpContestForJasonAndSentJpycv2Token(address _organizer) {
        bytes32 randomId = keccak256(abi.encode("Jason", "001"));
        proxyFactory.setContest(_organizer, randomId, block.timestamp + 8 days, address(distributor));
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encode(_organizer, randomId, address(distributor)));
        address proxyAddress = proxyFactory.getProxyAddress(salt, address(distributor));
        MockERC20(jpycv2Address).transfer(proxyAddress, 10000 ether);
        // console.log(MockERC20(jpycv2Address).balanceOf(proxyAddress));
        assertEq(MockERC20(jpycv2Address).balanceOf(proxyAddress), 10000 ether);

    function createDataGetter() public pure returns (bytes memory data) {
        data = abi.encodeWithSelector(Distributor.getConstants.selector);

    // 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢
    function testFailWrongEventEmitted() public setUpContestForJasonAndSentJpycv2Token(organizer) {
        // before
        assertEq(MockERC20(jpycv2Address).balanceOf(user1), 0 ether);
        assertEq(MockERC20(jpycv2Address).balanceOf(stadiumAddress), 0 ether);

        bytes32 randomId_ = keccak256(abi.encode("Jason", "001"));
        bytes memory data = createDataGetter(); // 🟢

        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encode(organizer, randomId_, address(distributor)));
        address prxyAdd = proxyFactory.getProxyAddress(salt, address(distributor));
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true, address(proxyFactory)); // 🟢
        emit Distributed(prxyAdd, data);

        vm.warp(9 days);
        proxyFactory.deployProxyAndDistribute(randomId_, address(distributor), data);

        // after
        assertEq(MockERC20(jpycv2Address).balanceOf(user1), 9500 ether);
        assertEq(MockERC20(jpycv2Address).balanceOf(stadiumAddress), 500 ether);

Impact 📈

The impact is relatively minimal. However, users can emit misleading events. Ensuring accurate logging of system actions and intentions is important, especially considering SPARKN's targeted adoption by government and public institutions, emphasizing the need for transparency.

Tools Used 🛠️

  • Manual audit.

Recommendations 🎯

Two possible fixes are proposed:

  • 1️⃣ Introduce a filter to inspect the data parameter's function call. If it deviates from distribute(), the function should revert.

    Implementation Example 💻

    🚧 Note ⚠️: This code is illustrative and has not been tested.

            // 🟢 Getting selector of distribute function
          bytes4 private constant APPROVED_SELECTOR_1 = Distributor.distribute.selector;
        // 🟢 filterCall() will analyze the data received
          function filterCall(bytes calldata data) external {
            // 🟢 extractSelector() is defined below
              bytes4 selector = extractSelector(data);
                  selector == APPROVED_SELECTOR_1,
                  "Function not approved"
              // 🟢 If the selector is approved, perform the call
              // rest of code...
          function extractSelector(bytes memory data) public pure returns (bytes4) {
              require(data.length >= 4, "Data too short");
              bytes4 selector;
              // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
              assembly {
                  selector := mload(add(data, 0x20))
              return selector;
  • 2️⃣ Examine the return data. If distribute() gets invoked, the output will be 0; otherwise, the function should revert.

    Implementation Example 💻

    🚧 Note ⚠️: This code is illustrative and has not been tested.

      function _distribute(address proxy, bytes calldata data) internal {
            // 🟢 Notice we are checking the returned output just in case
            (bool success, bytes memory result) =;
            require(result.length == 0, "Data was returned, distribute was not called, reverting.");
            if (!success) revert ProxyFactory__DelegateCallFailed();
            emit Distributed(proxy, data);

Given its straightforwardness and the absence of any other function in Distributor.sol returning nothing, solution 2️⃣ stands out as the preferable choice.

If in the future the Distributor.sol gets more complex and has more functions returning something, implementation 1️⃣ should be considered.