This is the output of the --help
usage: convey [-h] [--file] [-i] [-o [blank/FILENAME]] [-S] [--single-detect]
[-C] [--debug [blank/false]] [--crash-post-mortem [blank/false]]
[-v] [-q] [-y] [-H] [--compute-preview [blank/false]]
[--config [FILE [MODE ...]]] [--show-uml [SHOW_UML]]
[--get-autocompletion] [--version]
[--threads [blank/false/auto/INT]] [-F] [-R] [--server]
[--daemon [start/restart/stop/status/server]]
[--delimiter DELIMITER] [--quote-char QUOTE_CHAR] [--header]
[--no-header] [--delimiter-output DELIMITER]
[--quote-char-output QUOTE_CHAR] [--header-output [blank/false]]
[-t [TYPE],...] [--split COLUMN] [-s COLUMN,...]
[-a [COLUMN, FUNCTION], ..., [group-by-COLUMN]]
[--whois [blank/false]] [--nmap [blank/false]]
[--dig [blank/false]] [--web [blank/false]] [--disable-external]
[--json] [--user-agent USER_AGENT]
[--multiple-hostname-ip [blank/false]]
[--multiple-cidr-ip [blank/false]] [--web-timeout SECONDS]
[--whois-ttl SECONDS] [--whois-delete] [--whois-delete-unknown]
[--whois-reprocessable-unknown] [--whois-cache [blank/false]]
[--send [blank/smtp/otrs]] [--send-test E-MAIL TEMPLATE_FILE]
[--jinja [blank/false]] [--attach-files [blank/false]]
[--attach-paths-from-path-column [blank/false]]
[--testing [blank/false]] [--subject SUBJECT] [--body TEXT]
[--references MESSAGE_ID] [--otrs_id OTRS_ID]
[--otrs_num OTRS_NUM] [--otrs_cookie OTRS_COOKIE]
[--otrs_token OTRS_TOKEN]
Swiss knife for mutual conversion of the web related data types, like `base64`
or outputs of the programs `whois`, `dig`, `curl`. Convenable way to quickly
gather all meaningful information or to process large files that might freeze
your spreadsheet processor.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--server Launches simple web server
--daemon [start/restart/stop/status/server]
Run a UNIX socket daemon to speed up single query requests.
* 1/true/on – allow using the daemon
* 0/false/off – do not use the daemon
* start – start the daemon and exit
* stop – stop the daemon and exit
* status – print out the status of the daemon
* restart – restart the daemon and continue
* server – run the server in current process (I.E. for debugging)
file_or_input File name to be parsed or input text. In nothing is
given, user will input data through stdin.
--file Treat <file_or_input> parameter as a file, never as an
-i, --input Treat <file_or_input> parameter as an input text, not
a file name
-o [blank/FILENAME], --output [blank/FILENAME]
Save output to this file. If left blank, pass output
to STDOUT. If omitted, a filename will be produced
automatically. May be combined with --headless.
-S, --single-query Consider the input as a single value, not a CSV.
--single-detect Consider the input as a single value, not a CSV, and
just print out possible types of the input.
-C, --csv-processing Consider the input as a CSV, not a single.
CLI experience:
--debug [blank/false]
Development only: increases verbosity and gets the
prompt in the case of an exception.
--crash-post-mortem [blank/false]
Get prompt if program crashes
-v, --verbose Sets the verbosity to see DEBUG messages.
-q, --quiet Sets the verbosity to see WARNINGs and ERRORs only. Prints out the least information possible.
(Ex: if checking single value outputs a single word, prints out just that.)
-y, --yes Assume non-interactive mode and the default answer to
questions. Will not send e-mails unless --send is on
-H, --headless Launch program in a headless mode which imposes --yes
and --quiet. No menu is shown.
--compute-preview [blank/false]
When adding new columns, show few first computed
--config [FILE [MODE ...]]
Open a config file and exit.
File: config (default)/uwsgi/template/template_abroad
Mode: 1 terminal / 2 GUI / 3 try both (default)
--show-uml [SHOW_UML]
Show UML of fields and methods and exit. Methods that are currently disabled via flags or config file are grayed out.
* FLAGs:
* +1 to gray out disabled fields/methods
* +2 to include usual field names
--get-autocompletion Get bash autocompletion.
--version Show the version number (which is currently 1.4.5).
--threads [blank/false/auto/INT]
Set the thread processing number.
-F, --fresh Do not attempt to load any previous settings /
results. Do not load convey's global WHOIS cache. (But
merge WHOIS results in there afterwards.)
-R, --reprocess Do not attempt to load any previous settings /
results. But load convey's global WHOIS cache.
CSV dialect:
--delimiter DELIMITER
Treat file as having this delimiter. For tab use
either \t or tab.
--quote-char QUOTE_CHAR
Treat file as having this quoting character
--header Treat file as having header
--no-header Treat file as not having header
--delimiter-output DELIMITER
Output delimiter. For tab use either \t or tab.
--quote-char-output QUOTE_CHAR
Output quoting char
--header-output [blank/false]
If false, header is omitted when processing..
Delete a column. You may comma separate multiple
columns. COLUMN is ID of the column (1, 2, 3...),
position from the right (-1, ...), the exact column
name, field type name or its usual name.
Compute field.
* FIELD is a field type (see below) that may be appended with a [CUSTOM] in square brackets.
* COLUMN is ID of the column (1, 2, 3...), position from the right (-1, ...), the exact column name, field type name or its usual name.
* SOURCE_TYPE is either field type or usual field type. That way, you may specify processing method.
* CUSTOM is any string dependent on the new FIELD type (if not provided, will be asked it for).
Ex: --field tld[gTLD] # would add TLD from probably a hostname, filtered by CUSTOM=gTLD
Ex: --field netname,ip # would add netname column from any IP column
(Note the comma without space behind 'netname'.)
Computable fields:
* HostnameTldExternal (hostname example text)
* base64 (Text encoded with Base64) usual names: base64
* charset
* cidr (CIDR usual names: cidr
* country_name
* date
* email (E-mail address) usual names: mail
* first_method ( hoho )
* formatted_time
* hostname (2nd or 3rd domain name) usual names: fqdn, hostname, domain
* ip (valid IP address) usual names: ip, ipaddress
* isotimestamp
* plaintext (Plain text) usual names: plaintext, text
* port (port) usual names: port, prt
* quoted_printable (Text encoded as quotedprintable)
* return_list ( no jo )
* second_method (Hello boys!)
* time
* tld
* unit (any physical quantity)
* url (URL starting with http/https) usual names: url, uri, location
* urlencode (Text encoded with urlencode) usual names: urlencode
* code
* external
* reg
* reg_m
* reg_s
* abusemail (Abuse e-mail contact from whois)
* asn (Autonomous system number) usual names: as, asn, asnumber
* cc_contact (E-mail address corresponding with the abusemail, taken from your personal contacts_cc CSV in the format `domain,cc;cc` (mails delimited by a semicolon). See config.ini/contacts_cc. Note: when sending an e-mail to a csirt_contact, the e-mail template fills Cc header from the csirt_contact through contacts_cc.csv too. So you may end up with another Cc field than in cc_contact.)
* country
* csirt_contact (E-mail address corresponding with country code, taken from your personal contacts_abroad CSV in the format `country,abusemail`. See config.ini/contacts_abroad)
* incident_contact
* netname
* prefix
* a
* aaaa
* dmarc
* mx
* ns
* spf
* txt
* ports (Open ports given by nmap)
* csp
* form_names
* html
* http_status (HTTP response status. If 0 or negative, request failed.)
* redirects
* text
* x_frame_options
This flag May be used multiple times.
The same as field but its column will not be added to
the output.
-t [TYPE],..., --type [TYPE],...
Determine column type(s).
Ex: --type country,,phone # 1st column is country, 2nd unspecified, 3rd is phone
--split COLUMN Split by this COLUMN.
-s COLUMN,..., --sort COLUMN,...
List of columns.
Cast unique filter on this COLUMN.
-ef COLUMN,VALUE, --exclude-filter COLUMN,VALUE
Filter include this COLUMN by a VALUE.
-if COLUMN,VALUE, --include-filter COLUMN,VALUE
Filter include this COLUMN by a VALUE.
-a [COLUMN, FUNCTION], ..., [group-by-COLUMN], --aggregate [COLUMN, FUNCTION], ..., [group-by-COLUMN]
Ex: --aggregate 2,sum # will sum the second column
Ex: --aggregate 2,sum,3,avg # will sum the second column and average the third
Ex: --aggregate 2,sum,1 # will sum the second column grouped by the first
Ex: --aggregate 1,count # will count the grouped items in the 1st column (count will automatically set grouping column to the same)
Available functions:
* avg
* sum
* count
* min
* max
* list
* set
Merge another file here.
COLUMN is ID of the column (1, 2, 3...), position from the right (-1, ...), the exact column name, field type name or its usual name.
Enabling modules:
--whois [blank/false]
Allowing Whois module: Leave blank for True or put true/on/1 or false/off/0.
--nmap [blank/false] Allowing NMAP module: Leave blank for True or put true/on/1 or false/off/0.
--dig [blank/false] Allowing DNS DIG module: Leave blank for True or put true/on/1 or false/off/0.
--web [blank/false] Allowing Web module: Leave blank for True or put true/on/1 or false/off/0.
When single value input contains a web page, we could fetch it and add status (HTTP code) and text fields. Text is just mere text, no tags, style, script, or head.
Field computing options:
--disable-external Disable external function registered in config.ini to be imported.
--json When checking single value, prefer JSON output rather
than text.
--user-agent USER_AGENT
Change user agent to be used when scraping a URL
--multiple-hostname-ip [blank/false]
Hostname can be resolved into multiple IP addresses.
Duplicate row for each.
--multiple-cidr-ip [blank/false]
CIDR can be resolved into multiple IP addresses.
Duplicate row for each.
--web-timeout SECONDS
Timeout used when scraping a URL
WHOIS module options:
--whois-ttl SECONDS How many seconds will a WHOIS answer cache will be
considered fresh.
--whois-delete Delete convey's global WHOIS cache.
Delete unknown prefixes from convey's global WHOIS
Make unknown lines reprocessable while single file
processing, do not leave unknown cells empty.
--whois-cache [blank/false]
Use whois cache.
Sending options:
--send [blank/smtp/otrs]
Automatically send e-mails when split.
Display e-mail message that would be generated for
given e-mail.
--jinja [blank/false]
Process e-mail messages with jinja2 templating system
--attach-files [blank/false]
Split files are added as e-mail attachments
--attach-paths-from-path-column [blank/false]
Files from a column of the Path type are added as
e-mail attachments. Note for security reasons, files
must not be symlinks, be readable for others `chmod
o+r`, and be in the same directory. So that a crafted
CSV would not pull up ~/.ssh or /etc/ files.
--testing [blank/false]
Do not be afraid, e-mail messages will not be sent.
They will get forwarded to the testing e-mail (and
e-mails in Cc will not be sent at all)
--subject SUBJECT E-mail subject. May be in BASE64 if started with
--body TEXT E-mail body text (or HTML). May be in BASE64 if
started with "data:text/plain;base64,"
--references MESSAGE_ID
E-mail references header (to send message within a
thread). If used, Bcc header with the
`email_from_name` is added to the e-mail template.
--otrs_id OTRS_ID Ticket id
--otrs_num OTRS_NUM Ticket num
--otrs_cookie OTRS_COOKIE
OTRSAgentInterface cookie
--otrs_token OTRS_TOKEN
OTRS challenge token
To launch a web service see