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taerwin edited this page Oct 26, 2014 · 14 revisions

Users of the NCI cloud computing environment (CWSLab Desktop) can start using the CWSL Vistrails plugin by using a pre-installed version (see: for the impatient). However it is recommended that you create your own copy of this repository (see: from source).

###For the impatient

  1. Connect to the CWSLab Desktop and open a terminal window (shell command prompt). Setup a vistrails user package directory

     mkdir ${HOME}/.vistrails/userpackages
  2. Add a environment variable to tell vistrails where to find user packages. Note this will require you to logout and log back in to take effect.

     echo VISTRAILS_USER_PACKAGES=${HOME}/.vistrails/userpackages >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
  3. Add the cwsl-mas plugin to your user packages directory.

     ln -s /g/data/r87/public/apps/cwsl-mas/master/cwsl {HOME}/.vistrails/userpackages`
  4. Launch Vistrails from the Applications menu or run the command 'vistrails' from the shell.

  5. Enable the cwsl package. Select Edit->Preferences from the Vistrails menu. Select the Module Packages and enable the cwsl package.

From source (recommended)

Why from source? Tracability and reproducability are an important part of scientific data analysis. Vistrails automatically maintains a detailed history information about the steps followed in the course of an exploratory task. An important part of tracability/reproducability requires that your code and data are accessable which may included what version of software. By creating your own copy of this repository we hope to encourage better software development practices in the Climate Community as well as the sharing are re-use of analysis scripts, software and workflows.

  1. First go to and create an account if you do not already have one.
  2. Create a 'Fork' of each repository by selecting each repository (cwsl-mas, cwsl-ctools, and cwsl-workflows) and then the 'Fork' button on the top right hand side, or simply follow the links below:
  1. Connect to the CWSLab Desktop and create a directory where you will keep a copy of the repositories

     mkdir -p ${HOME}/src/cwsl-mas
     mkdir -p ${HOME}/src/cwsl-ctools
     mkdir -p ${HOME}/src/cwsl-workflows
  2. Checkout the repository to this directory with git clone, (replace with your registered git username):

     git clone https://<username><username>/cwsl-mas.git ${HOME}/src/cwsl-mas
     git clone https://<username><username>/cwsl-ctools.git ${HOME}/src/wsl-ctools
     git clone https://<username><username>/cwsl-workflows.git ${HOME}/src/cwsl-workflows
  3. Setup a vistrails user package directory

     mkdir ${HOME}/.vistrails/userpackages
  4. Add the cwsl-mas plugin to your user packages directory.

     ln -s ${HOME}/src/cwsl-mas/cwsl {HOME}/.vistrails/userpackages`
  5. Add a environment variable to tell vistrails where to find user packages. Note this will require you to logout and log back in to take effect.

     echo VISTRAILS_USER_PACKAGES=${HOME}/.vistrails/userpackages >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
  6. Launch Vistrails from the Applications menu or run the command 'vistrails' from the shell.

  7. Enable the cwsl package. Select Edit->Preferences from the Vistrails menu. Select the Module Packages and enable the cwsl package.

  8. Configure the cwsl package.

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