All notable changes to Apium will be documented in this file.
Starting from Apium v1.0.1, The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Please respect the 80-character text margin and follow the GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec.
"api_version" added to all response "res" objects
support for elasticsearch 8.5
user/password basic authentication with ES 8.5, when querying the index or posting from Datura
better support for nested fields
support for nested bucket aggregations, matching a nested value on another nested value.[person.role#judge]
will return all names of persons where role="judge". -
"api_version" added to all response "res" objects
Added support for aggregating buckets by normalized keyword and returning the "top_hits" first document result for a non-normalized display
Changes response format of
"facets": { "WILLA CATHER": 10, "Willa Cather": 50 }
"facets": { "willa cather": { "num" : 60, source: "Willa Cather" } }
Not only is the response format itself different, but there may be fewer facets returned since normalized values which match are combined
- upgraded to Rails 6.1.7 and Ruby 3
- changes reflect new api schemas in Datura, which make heavy use of nested fields
- in Datura repos config
api to"api_version": "2.0"
to take advantage of new bucket aggregation functionality (or"api_version": "1.0"
for legacy repos that have not been updated for the new schema). Please note that a running API index can only use one ES index at a time, and each ES index is restricted to one version of the schema. - Use Elasticsearch 8.5 or later
- If you are using ES with security enabled, you must configure credentials with Rails in the API repo. See Configure the VSCode editor. Run
EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit
and add
user: username
password: *****
to the secrets file and then close the window to save. Do not commit config/master.key
(it should be in gitignore
- Orchid apps that connect to the API should use
instead offacet_num
in options. - Add nested facets as described above, if desired
- Orchid apps should update the local version of
to match latest version of Orchid (seelib/generators/templates/config.rb
and in particular theget_facets
method). This is required if using nested bucket aggregation functionality.
v1.0.4 - Updates & license
- Updated Ruby version, gems (which addresses mimemagic dependency problem), and license added
- Documentation on facets and highlighting
v1.0.3 - gem updates
- updates to rails and other gems
v1.0.2 - escapes and sorting
- question mark and asterisk behavior in queries
- order of expected, actual in tests
- sort behavior for relevancy
- support for multivalued and nested field sorting
- documentation moved back into apium from henbit location in order to version it with software
- ruby, rails, and other gem versions
v1.0.1 - version 1.0.1
- ruby, rails, and other gem versions
- version moved to initializer
v1.0.0 - Initial Launch
- Jessica Dussault (jduss4)