- bin: includes scripts, part of PATH
- condor: deprecated
- data: directory for JSON and ROOT files that are allowed to be public
- external: directory for external projects
- interface: directory for header files (
) - notes: directory to place notes of all kinds
- plugins: directory for header (
) and source files (*.cc
) that need to be exported as plugins, i.e. used in the Python config files. - python: directory for all python files, part of PYTHONPATH
- src: directory for source files (
) - vagrant: directory for additional files for vagrant
- BuildFile.xml: build configuration for CMSSW
- Create a fork of https://github.com/BristolTopGroup/NTupleProduction/
- clone your fork
- create a branch with a name that describes the work you want to do
- develop your code
- push the changes into your for
- create a new pull request: https://github.com/BristolTopGroup/NTupleProduction/pulls
The NTP uses the version number (string) stored in python/ntp/__init__.py
(__version__ = X
This number is stored in the ntuple as well as represented in the output paths for the ntuple production.
The recommended way to print messages is to use the CMSSW Message Logger (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideMessageLogger)
and the output level needs to be controlled in the run configuration (process.MessageLogger
, e.g. https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideMessageLoggerDebug). couts
are discouraged as they cannot be turned on/off without re-compilation.
# before any changes are done:
ntp run sync_ex output_file=sync_exercise_current.root
ntp create cutflow workspace/results/sync_exercise_current.root
mv workspace/results/e_cutflow.json workspace/results/e_cutflow_current.json
mv workspace/results/mu_cutflow.json workspace/results/mu_cutflow_current.json
# make changes
ntp run sync_ex output_file=sync_exercise_new.root
ntp create cutflow workspace/results/sync_exercise_new.root
# the resulting file should show no changes
ntp diff cutflow workspace/results/e_cutflow.json workspace/results/e_cutflow_current.json
ntp diff cutflow workspace/results/mu_cutflow.json workspace/results/mu_cutflow_current.json